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Did this guy just use me?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6586 days ago

15 July 2006 (F - So theres this guy who has treated me like shit for about two years yet i have been mad for him., he has always said he only wants sex whereas i have been trying to get him to like me. Anyway, on thursday, he asked if he could come over etc, giving it all " I wanna get to k... (265 words

I said No to a girl because she's only 14, but I still feel jealous of other guys!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6566 days ago

15 July 2006 (M - I am 18 years old and through friends I've got to know this girl. We get on good and all and she asked me out but I said no because she is only 14. I know I ain't going to try anything with her becuase that ain't the way I am. Yet I'm still feeling regret for saying no and I... (129 words

Am I a virgin still?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5983 days ago

15 July 2006 (F - this may sound stupid, but i'm a girl who masterbates and never had sex yet. I was wondering if I'm still a virgin? (please don't laugh)... (26 words

Now that I'm free, the girl I like isn't! Can I do anything? Should I?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6585 days ago

15 July 2006 (M - Hi, I'm recently 15. There's this girl I've known for 3 years now, and for most of that time I've fancied her. I never did anything about it because I was in a long-term relationship which lasted 2 1/2 years. 3 months ago we broke up for various reasons, but now this girl I l... (139 words

My girlfriend's family talk about everything!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6584 days ago

15 July 2006 (M - Subject: A difference between a couple... Over the course of my relationship I have heard many strange things from my girlfriend which have left me feeling a bit uncomftable...Such as: She knows about her brothers sex life.. Her mum talks to her openly about sex.. Her... (117 words

Love, lust - what is it?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6584 days ago

15 July 2006 (M - I was just wandering how you know if your in love or not...I have been with my girlfriend for 7 months and over 2 weeks now...Does love vary from different people? I respect and care for my girlfriend a lot...I always have too know if she is home safely...I love spending time ... (74 words

How much time should I spend with my girlfriend

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6586 days ago

15 July 2006 (M - What is a healthy balance for seeing my girlfriend... I have been with her for over 7 months... I see my girlfriend on average 4 times a week between 6-10 hours. Most days my girlfriend doesn't want too go out or do anything because she complains she has lady pains or is too ... (137 words

Shocked that my boyfriend has been texting his ex!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6586 days ago

15 July 2006 (F - I found some messages on my boyfriend (of 3 years) phone from his wife. He moved out 3 years ago but sees his daughter. The messages show they have been discussing how she wants a husband who doesn't just visit but has physical relationship with her. I am very upset that he ... (82 words

I am having unprotected sex at 13!

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 6539 days ago

15 July 2006 (F - i am 13 years old and last nite i had sex wid my bf for only about 20 seconds widout protection i finished my period 21 days ago is there a chance i mite be pregnant? is there any pills i can take now to stop it?? plz plz plz help me!!! ... (52 words

I am having doubts about my relationship

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6585 days ago

15 July 2006 (M - Okay I was just wondering about my relationship...From time to time I seem to get a weird feeling that im losing faith in my relationship. I have been going out with my girlfriend now for over 7 months.....For a couple of weeks I seem to feel really happy with my relationship ... (131 words

Can a Hindu man get divorced?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6039 days ago

15 July 2006 (F - Hi, I'm a 35 year old single woman. I've been having an on/off relationship with a married man for 2 years. He's a hindu. One minute he says it's just sex he wants, then he says that he cares for me greatly. His actions and his words are often contradictory. He says he can't ev... (68 words

Really confused about this girl!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6585 days ago

15 July 2006 (F - ok, first of all, i'm gay, just so that you don't get confused. moving along, here's the of my friends and i met back about six months ago. and when we first started talking, i found out from her that she used to have a huge crush on me back before we knew each ... (464 words

Gossiping about another's marriage to learn about marriage

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6586 days ago

15 July 2006 (M - Some friends and I were discussing this today, and we all had different viewpoints (all valid, in their own right), but I figured I'd pose the question to a broader audience and see what you all have to say... So I have this friend (and no, I'm not talking about myself...i... (605 words

My partner wants me to have multiple orgasms

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6585 days ago

15 July 2006 (F - hello, my name is mamadrama, and i'm having problems having mutiple orgasms i can only have one and after that it's very sensitive to the touch and my mate loves to give oral sex alot and it's frustrating to him when i don't want him to do it after one so what can i do to have ... (67 words

I love him this amazing guy... And he says he'll break up with his girlfriend at the end of the year!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6585 days ago

15 July 2006 (F - I'm in love with an amazing guy who completes me but something is in the way of us being together and that person is his girlfriend. I have been inlove wit him 4 bout 5 months but had a crush on him 4 a year and a half but he ays he wants us to be together but he is only gonna ... (184 words

How do you know if a guy is in love with you?

This question has 14 answers - newest was posted 5930 days ago

15 July 2006 (F - how do you know if a guy is in love with you?... (12 words

It's ok at first, then it gets soree... Why?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6585 days ago

15 July 2006 (F - everytime i have sex i get sore after 10 minites into it. its happened with 2 people now, and its unconfortable to do it. then in the middle of it i dont fell like i want it and its not pleasurable anymore. also i get swollen which is awful. . . ... (51 words

I think he's still in love with his ex!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6585 days ago

15 July 2006 (F - I have a question about jealousy... I am worried that my boyfriend is still in love with one of his ex-girlfriends. She was married with kids, (she had an affair with him) and I saw in his phone that he called her a few weeks ago while I was on vacation. I also read one... (156 words

What's the right way to masturbate?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6444 days ago

15 July 2006 (M - I'm 13 years old and want to know the right way to masturbate.... (13 words

Who to believe my girlfriend or my best friend who happens to be her ex??

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6587 days ago

15 July 2006 (M - Ok so quik background here. i met this girl over the phone she dated one of my friends and after they broke up he called her phone one night and left a drunk phone call claiming to be me and left my number. Well she called my phone yelling at me and after we got to the part ... (468 words

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