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Archived questions from: 21 July, 2006 (see latest questions)

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Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice


My boyfriend has trust issues and I validated his concerns

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6580 days ago

21 July 2006 (F - I got drunk at a friends birthday party and ended up cheating-kissing one of my friends, the guy didnt tell anyone, the next day i couldnt really remember, but i told my boyfriend what happened. He has not really ever trusted me that much and this is the only thing i have ever ... (101 words

This guy is scared sh*tless of me - how do I get a date with him?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6578 days ago

21 July 2006 (F - Ok so I knwo this guy who works at a store in the town where I live in, and he has known that I like him, adn he even told me that he got a job there in a lengthy convo online months before.The thing is...( Ive been attempting to talk to this guy for quite a long time) He used ... (245 words

Scared to ask her out incase that isnt the vibe shes giving!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6580 days ago

21 July 2006 (M - Hi, I am attracted to a woman at work who says that she is in an unhappy relationship. I am 10 years older than her and she describes me as friend and mentor. However, I sometimes feel that she wants more but am not sure I would like our relationship to be more and woul... (89 words

Im totally devoted to him, but he keeps accusing me of cheating and its driving a wedge!!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6580 days ago

21 July 2006 (F - Hello, I guess I need some help for my situation. First of all, I'd like to talk about myself, so you can understand who I am. I'm twenty years old, and I'm a woman with simple dreams. What I mean by this is, I love being devoted, and I would love nothing more than to be ... (585 words

Whose child is this? My husband's on the 'one night stand' guy?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6580 days ago

21 July 2006 (F - I have never been one to do something so terrible as cheat on the one I love, until a few months ago. I play it back what should have happened, why it didn't, what to do now. My husband and I have been together for X amount of years and have an X amount of year old. We had ... (216 words

Is my boyfriend cheating? Tell me what you think..

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6580 days ago

21 July 2006 (F - is my boyfriend cheating? i have been with my boyf for 2months have known each other for 7 months and i realli like him but lately im getting very suspicious of him he as always got his mobile on silent and reads messages so i cant see what there about and is always texting a... (326 words

Does he only want me around when it suits him?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6580 days ago

21 July 2006 (F - After a long distance relationship we are now engaged, still long distance though. I still feel like he puts his friends, and own life before me. He makes the effort to spend weekends with friends but rarely can get weekends for us. When I mention it he gets very angry and says ... (113 words

He doesn't like me and he moved why can't I just get over him?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6580 days ago

21 July 2006 (F - hi, i fancy this boy and simply cant get over him, he doesnt like me thats y im trying to get over him. now he has left school i am upset cos i will never see him again! will this help me get over him by not seeing him? if it will help then how long do u think it will... (140 words

How can I get him to realise I would like more sex!?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6580 days ago

21 July 2006 (F - Hi, Ive been with my partner about 2 years. The problem is that we dont have alot of sex anymore and that bothers me. I would like to have sex all the time but appreciate this isnt going to happen, so would at least meet half way and say once a week. When in fact im lucky... (393 words

Still hung on the ex bf-what should I do about this?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6579 days ago

21 July 2006 (F - ok so me and my bf have been together for a few months and things have been really rocky, this is due to me though. I split with my ex bf about 3 and half months ago we were together for about 8 months and i was so happy with him, and now i am so miserable everything has just... (185 words

How can we stop it falling out!!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6529 days ago

21 July 2006 (F - speaking of penis size...what is going on when you man's penis keeps falling out. My boyfriend can't pull back very much or it falls out. I know I am not the tightest in the world due to child bearing but I did have the doc stitch me up some. He is about 5- 6 inches ... (168 words

His parents go out of their way to make me feel uncomfortable, what should I do ?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6579 days ago

21 July 2006 (F - I've been married for 5monthss now and my husbands parents dont respect me or my feelings. or my children. they keep photos of my husband and his x gf from over 5 years ago around there house, they show my children who are very young pictures of there daddy kissing other women ... (114 words

He leaves me at home with our son when hes out partying, why doesnt he realise how important we are ?

No replies yet: Be the first to answer!

21 July 2006 (F - Dear Cupid, I have been with my boyfriend now for two and a half years, we have a son together and he also has a son from a previous relationship. We both left our partners to be with each other. The thing is that i find it really hard to trust him, we used to be out p... (213 words

Why cant I forget that he slept with his ex behind my back ?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6580 days ago

21 July 2006 (F - I have been with my boyfriend for 2 years and he has now moved in with me. Although i love him very much, and he is mostly with me.I stress all the time when he goes round to see his kids. They have 2 children 16 and 19,so he sees his ex wife a fair ammount of time. I do have a ... (166 words

We stopped having sex, then I found him with another woman, I dont care he cheated just want to feel wanted!

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 6579 days ago

21 July 2006 (F - Dear Cupid I have been with my fiance for almost 4 years. He is 30 and I am 27. In the beginning our relationship was great but then we hit a couple of ruff pathes financially and it took a lot out of us. He stopped having sex with me but I thought it was because we were bot... (227 words

What are my chances of getting her back ?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6580 days ago

21 July 2006 (M - i really messed up with this girl i fell in love with i was going out with her for five months we have been seperated for 1 week what happend was one saturday i got really drunk went to bed on the night and fell asleep when i fell asleep i was sick on her child (from another ... (169 words

Im becoming over suspicious of my boyfriend what do I do ?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6580 days ago

21 July 2006 (F - I am a suspicious type of person. My boyfriend has his own apartment but usually stays at his mother's house--just wanted to give u that info. Last week--i look at the condom drawer and we havent used any in a while--we have two sets..there were only one left of one--and i th... (235 words

I felt I wanted to be single again, then the ex popped up, now I cant stop thinking about him....

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6580 days ago

21 July 2006 (F - my boyfriend Joey and I have been together for about 2 and half years now. Everything was perfect until up about 6 months ago, before then there was no question who i wanted to spend my life with. About 6 months ago, I began feeling like i wanted to be single again, a little ... (171 words

My girlfriend is 15, im 23, when we got together I told her I was 19! Can this work ?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6580 days ago

21 July 2006 (M - i am 23 and my girfriend is 15! can this work out? we have been going out for 2months now and she says she loves me,i love her but the problem is that when i first met her i told her i was 19,what should i do? i dont want to hurt her. please help thank u. x... (58 words

I hate being alone! Am I codependent?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6397 days ago

21 July 2006 (F - I am so lonely all the time. Am I codependent? I am a 31 Y.O. Female and an only child. I have had the same partner for 8yrs. When he leaves for work, (only works 2 days a week) or takes a very long shower, or is working on a project in another room, I get lonely. I spen... (159 words

I'm my ex will fall in love with his gf and I'll lose him for good!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5836 days ago

21 July 2006 (F - I want him back I have been with my ex for 6 years and I have recently found out that he was seeing another girl for a couple of weeks. I was devastated, I really thought we would have a great life together. He said that he was not sure how things would go with her, but he b... (216 words

Is there hope, or are we broken up forever?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6579 days ago

21 July 2006 (M - I was with a my ex for about a year. We had our up's and downs together of course. I knew her for years and our families know each other as well. She was dating my friend for a while and we became very good friends. We ended up confessing our feelings for each other one day ... (417 words

Don't seem to attract the guys I want. The ones i do attract are beneath me.

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6580 days ago

21 July 2006 (F - I have confidence in my appearance but I don't get any attention. I'm not like other girls and all. I guess you can say I'm unique thats how I put it. I don't get any attention from the guys I do like and all but from guys that are well lets just say not my type. Should I just ... (73 words

Is my husband wondering eye away of him telling me done with me!!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4926 days ago

21 July 2006 (F - My spouse of 16 years is staring at women other than me Yet he says he loves me shows it and stands by me except the wandering eye problem which he has had for three or four years. I asked him to stop as it is lack of respect he said he will i am hoping that someone might kn... (108 words

I'm a 14 year old in a secret relationship with a 20 year old. What are your throughs?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6566 days ago

21 July 2006 (F - Ok well I've met this wonderful guy! And we've gotten really close like so close he is willing to do almost anything for me. The only problem is our ages. I'm 14 about to turn 15 in a couple months and he's just turned 20 two days ago. Now we have been keeping our realationship ... (143 words

In love with my bestfriends boyfriend and I'm married.

This question has 13 answers - newest was posted 6561 days ago

21 July 2006 (F - I am in love with my best friend's boyfriend. I am 24 years old and married and I am deeply in love with my best friend's boyfriend. They have been together for a little over a year, and we have had a sexual relationship, for just about as long. Before he and I got into our... (175 words

She said she had self control, what bull****!!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6580 days ago

21 July 2006 (M - I just recently got back with my girlfriend who I had been with for three and a half years. I had broken up with her the last time becuase I was unsure that I was ready for marraige. We are back together now and are moving in together soon. I just found out that she slept wi... (176 words

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