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Archived questions from: 25 July, 2006 (see latest questions)

(More questions from July, 2006)

Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice


He's 34 and prefers teen porn sites instead of me...what should I do?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 6096 days ago

25 July 2006 (F - My partner and I have been together for nearly 2 years and have lived together for the past 6 months. Every time I am out or at work he is on the internet porn sites, he's 34 and many of the sites he visits are teen sex. I have asked him about this and he doesn't think there is ... (92 words

Can a girl get a guy by always being there for him unconditionally?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6576 days ago

25 July 2006 (F - Can you win him over by alway being there for him unconditionally? A girl friend married her ex-boyfriend recently because he was always there for her no matter what happens in her life, if she wants to be single, he leaves her alone, if she would like to go out with some... (139 words

My friend has the perfect girl and cheats on her...Should I tell her?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6575 days ago

25 July 2006 (M - i'm close too my friends girlfriend and shes really nice pretty much the perfect girl. she thinks the world of her boyfriend and believes he would never cheat on her, the only problem is that he does all the time. shes often asked me if i would tell her if he cheated on her or ... (66 words

He loves me more than I love him..

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6570 days ago

25 July 2006 (F - i think my boyfriend loves me alot more than i love him ... i want to love him , but just dont feel that i do . however i feel as though i have no other choice ... i always think it may get better but can never be sure. he is so nice to me and always shows his love and affecti... (79 words

The spark in gone...Is there a future for us?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6575 days ago

25 July 2006 (F - Hi, Been with my boyfriend a little over 2 years but the spark has gone...does that mean theres no future for us or just that we need to work to get the spark back? Thanks x... (38 words

How do I make him understand--that I can't wait around for him forever.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6576 days ago

25 July 2006 (F - I posted a question recently about my boyfriend going travelling overseas and breaking up with me when I had planned to join him later on, saying he wants to be single. I was very shocked and upset, but I thought, why should this stop me from travelling to the UK, when it was ... (410 words

Is dating your second cousin legal in New York?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6576 days ago

25 July 2006 (F - I live in N.Y. state and am wondering if it is legal to date your 2nd cousin? Also is it ok to have an attraction to him? Does this make me a redneck or sick in the head? Please help!!!!!!!... (42 words

Once a cheater, always a cheater, and I'm a bloody fool

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6576 days ago

25 July 2006 (F - I met my partner 5 years ago. He had recently ended his marriage and was very honest about the fact that he had an affair with a woman for 4 years during his marriage. He ended it and said that she took it badly, but he didnt love her. 3 months ago I discovered a text message ... (152 words

My partner does not want my adult son, in our house, because he pulled a knife on his gf!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6575 days ago

25 July 2006 (F - My partner will not allow my son to our new home because he pulled a knife on his girlfriend in a moment of madness he did not harm her they are soon to become parents i want to be apart of this would like my son to be able to visit me his life has now changed he has become ... (123 words

My lies are catching up to me, but I'm not brave enough to be honest

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6542 days ago

25 July 2006 (F - I would like your help and advise, or just even your opinion would be gratfull. I am 28, married for 10yrs, and a have a 8yr old son. 2 yrs ago i went into a chat site, all the info i added was false, name, age, looks, everything..After a few days, i got chatting to this g... (457 words

Cheated on in my past, and it's hard to trust my new boyfriend because of it!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6576 days ago

25 July 2006 (F - I was cheated on by my ex. I've got a new partner and have been with him 4 and half years but still find it hard to trust. He says we won't last if I can't trust him but how do I learn to trust when I've given trust in the past, only for it to be taken away? ... (61 words

So hurt by my husband's philandering, that I can't show my love for him... so he cheated again!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6575 days ago

25 July 2006 (F - I'm married. My husband cheated three times that I know of. The first time left me with so much of wounds. Because of this I am not doing what I should like making love and showing love. That's why he cheated again. Now we are at a point that we are more like friends. I love h... (84 words

It's frustrating me that he can have an orgasm and I can't!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6333 days ago

25 July 2006 (F - About orgasms........I don't have any! :( About three months ago I lost my virginity to my gorgeous boyfriend who I love 2 bitz...but the thing is since then I have had sex with him over 40 times but I still haven't had an orgasm. I knew that it wouldn't happen straight... (144 words

Would my BF really rather drink every night with his dad than see me?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6576 days ago

25 July 2006 (F - My boyfriend lived with me for a year, now he works out of town. He goes to have a drink every night after work and sits at the bar with his dad and drinks. He says he will call me when he gets in but I cannot call him or if I do he will not answer. Plus it really bothers me t... (139 words

I don't really fancy the guy I was snogging, but I hate to hurt his feelings!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6576 days ago

25 July 2006 (F - I'm one of the uncool girls in my school and recently we went on an end of school trip to an activity place, where we stayed for the week. There, one of the popular lads in my year asked me out, and because I've never had a boyfriend before, I got excited and blurted out yes ... (408 words

Now that her fling is over she comes crawling back to me

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6576 days ago

25 July 2006 (M - My ex girlfirend/fiancee of 8 years left me 5 months ago for another man. She lied about the other guy and I only found the truth out recently. I am almost over her, it has been very hard. She has now broken up with the man she left me for, he is married with children, and she ... (234 words

I want more than just sex with this girl but I don't know if she does

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6576 days ago

25 July 2006 (M - Have being seeing a girl for almost three months now and I'm crazy about her but its hard to interpret her feelings towards me. When we go out it always seems to be night time going to a club, pub, party etc and we usually end up having sex which is great but sometimes I feel ... (156 words

He is currently going through a divorce but I hate him talking about the ex, how can I stop being so jealous!?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6381 days ago

25 July 2006 (F - I had a huge argument yesterday with my boyfriend because I got all jealous regarding his wife and I need to know how to control these feelings and think before I speak before I push him away. He isnt divorced yet, they have been separated 2 years due to her cheating on him and ... (257 words

Does my ex regret breaking up with me?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6576 days ago

25 July 2006 (M - Hi, My g/f broke up with me after 5 months and claimed that she wanted to be best friends with me, i bought her a ring a while ago and she said that i prefer chucky rings but because the ring design was different she said that she loves it because it came from me. but when she ... (134 words

Life is very stressful right now and my boyfriend is contributing to that stress

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6576 days ago

25 July 2006 (F - im 17 and I have been going out with my boyfriend for 3 years we were very very close. Over the past year He has been getting very angry and has a quick temper on him, I know these outbursts are not aimed at me but they are still upsetting. I've talked to him about these on ... (261 words

Shes says she not feeling happy of late but doesnt know why, I am reading too much into it ?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6576 days ago

25 July 2006 (M - I've been seeing a lovely girl for 4 months now. Shes 26 with a 1yr old from past relationship and im 36. We agree on everything and love each other. I always send her a text message every day to tell her how I feel about her and she always used to reply but lately (last week ... (143 words

I feel left out, everyone else has boyfriends except me!!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6545 days ago

25 July 2006 (F - Im 14 and ive never had a boyfriend. All my friends have and i feel really embarrassed. When i see them hugging or kissing their boyfriends i feel sad and lonely. How can i get a boyfriend? Im not a slut, it just i feel left out. Plese help!... (49 words

How can I get rid of my ex boyfriend for good without him destroying himself ?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6576 days ago

25 July 2006 (F - Okay world, I need Help... I am 19 and have been with my boyfriend for three years. However, in the past six months he has been distant and cold. We haven't had sex since april. I was really ready to dump him because he was always off with his friends where I was not invited. ... (164 words

Something for the men to answer: Is this sensation in my lower torso normal ?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6575 days ago

25 July 2006 (M - This is something only a male can answer. When I reach orgasm, apart from a sensation in the penis, I also sometims get one around the lower torso area afterwards. Is this normal?... (33 words

His friends think I am too controlling

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6576 days ago

25 July 2006 (F - My boyfriend's best friend told him I was too controlling when I told him he shouldn't be going anywhere two days after having surgery. He says he defended me, but I can't help but think that his friends will convince him that I'm too controlling, when its really the friend ... (99 words

My guy has commitment issues - he doesn't want to call me "girlfriend"

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6576 days ago

25 July 2006 (F - I went out with a guy for about a year, things got rocky after the first six months -- he was really mad at me and hurt by something I did, and though I apologized, I couldn't make things better. So I understand that. After several months of rockiness -- when we'd been dating ... (623 words

Could my tiny mouth be too small for oral?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6576 days ago

25 July 2006 (F - is it possible that my mouth is too small?the thing is i just can't open it wide enough for oral sex. i can only take about 4 cm of the guy's penis in it. believe it or not I measured how wide i can open it-and it's 2.5cm with my greatest efforts (that's narrower than a beer b... (72 words

Am I naiive for giving this guy another chance?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6576 days ago

25 July 2006 (F - hiya, i have a dilemma. I am 25 years old and i was seeing this guy for almost a year but he is only 22. He was attending university but basically never went cos towards the end of our relationship, all he wanted to do was party. We ended up splitting up as he decided he would... (423 words

Was I too rude in telling him I didn't want to have sex?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6576 days ago

25 July 2006 (F - Where would you say this was leading? You're at a house party, start kissing this guy, he starts feeling you up, it's getting heavy, he keeps trying to put his hand down your skirt. You're not comfortable with that and tell him to stop it. I'm a pretty straight to the point pe... (79 words

Were my guy's massage websites *really* just old ones, from before we met?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6575 days ago

25 July 2006 (F - Hey, guys, I am 52 and I am having a problem with my man, aged 55. I have been seeing him for 10 months now, he phones and texts me daily. I have considered myself extremely fortunate to have met a lovely man who has done everything in his power to make me happier than I'v... (271 words

Can you get rid of periods?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 6576 days ago

25 July 2006 (F - Is there anyway to stop/get rid of your period? I hate my period I'm 25 and want to know is there anything I can do about it.... (27 words

When can i start materbating regularly?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6516 days ago

25 July 2006 (F - I'm in the 7th grade and I've mastorbated a few times in the shower. Is this bad. I already have my period and i havent really done it for pleasure but I guess just to experiment so I know what its like. I probably wont be doing it again any time soon but what age do you think ... (73 words

What age should you lose your virginity??

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6576 days ago

25 July 2006 (F - Whats a good age to loose your virginity?... (8 words

Hooking up with an ex, good or bad idea?!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6577 days ago

25 July 2006 (F - I'm in 7th grade. My ex boyfriend had wanted to hook up with me while we were going out.I still have feelings for him. And he seems to feel the same way. Do you think it would be bad if we hooked up but werent going out. He doesnt live in my town so it wouldnt go around the ... (84 words

I'm too flirty and i don't want to be labelled a slut at school!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6577 days ago

25 July 2006 (F - I recently went to camp and the guys at my camp are very touchy. I'm only in the 7th grade and I've kissed one of them on the lips and lots of them on the cheek. I hug them all the time and put my arm around the, hold hands, ect. I've grinded pleanty of times and so far my ass ... (171 words

Do i love him? Should i wait for him?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6576 days ago

25 July 2006 (F - okay well in the begining of this year, theres this guy sean that i went out with a few times on and off. i broke up with him and said it was because i was going to camp but i ended up going out with another guy that i broke up with for the same reason. anyway apparently my ... (226 words

I want to be physical withmy husband everyday but he can't keep up.

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6576 days ago

25 July 2006 (F - my husband of 27 yrs. only can have relations with me a few times a week,and i desire almost every day...we are both very nice looking and are attracted to one another....should i go to the doctor to slow down my sex drive????... (43 words

Awkward silences! How do you go tho a conversation without them?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6577 days ago

25 July 2006 (F - what if u run out of things to talk about... (10 words

I'm male, inexperienced and looking to learn some moves.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6576 days ago

25 July 2006 (M - I am an inexperienced male who is wondering what kind of moves i can make to show someone i am interested. I am not looking for anything big, i am still only 16, but i wish i knew more about this subject.... (42 words

I want to more then just put my arm around her while at the cinema. What can i do?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6577 days ago

25 July 2006 (M - i am going to a movie this weekend with a girl. what can i do to make the most of this. i have gone on dates with this girl before, just this time i want to see if it is something i want to continue. all i have really done is put my arm around her and kiss her goodnight. what ... (81 words

I want a little more phyiscal contact but my gf can't do anything but i''ve found somebody else that can!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6576 days ago

25 July 2006 (M - Ok, check this out. I love my girlfriend but i like this other girl. Now the situation is this, since me and my grilfriend can't do anything at all i feel that our relationship is at a stand still and i kinda want to date soemone else so that we can kiss and so on. Should i ... (92 words

We can't hold hands, hug or kiss......we seem like were bestfriend but were not.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6563 days ago

25 July 2006 (M - Ok me and my girlfriend have been dating for about 7 months and 2 weeks, But but but....We have a odd relationship, we are not allowed to Hold hands, hug, etc. that rule came into effect about 3 months ago and we have remained loyal to her parents wishes. But now im starting to ... (235 words

I slept with a friend, who's with my friend!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6577 days ago

25 July 2006 (F - I've just done one of the stupidest things ever. I made one of my best friends through a guy who cheated on us. I know he's bad; I really do, but I get on with him quite well. I always have done, but the other night I was in his house and he kept trying to be with me. I stood ... (185 words

How can I use my Pills to supress my period?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6577 days ago

25 July 2006 (F - How long before a period should you start taking birth control pills if you want to repress your period?? 4 or 5 days??... (23 words

He says nothing's happening, but his actions say otherwise!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6576 days ago

25 July 2006 (F - My husband works in a pub. He came home and told me a girl that goes in there is always chatting him up. When I asked him if he was seeing her he told me it was nothing to do with me. Now I'm getting phone calls at set times twice a week, on nights I used to go out. If I sta... (174 words

Is there a difference between cheating with sex and cheating without it?

This question has 15 answers - newest was posted 5955 days ago

25 July 2006 (M - I see on this forum that an affair is defined as a relationship in which the following two things occur: 1) The relationship exists unbeknownst to a partner; 2) There is sex involved. In addition I see this term "emotional affair", which implies #1 but not #2. I don't ... (136 words

My girlfriend is bored with "just" me!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6576 days ago

25 July 2006 (M - Hi need some help guys! I've been seeing my girlfriend for 2 and a half years now, and we have an amazing relationship and are so in love, well at least I still am. About two weeks ago she went on a sports activity week and things were fine. But when she got back, she says tha... (165 words

Am I dating a racist?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6577 days ago

25 July 2006 (F - Am I dating a racist? I am not racist at all, but was wondering if the guy I'm dating is. When he was driving in my town he said that he hated the town because it had so many Mexicans. I asked if he was racist, and he said he wasn't, and something like how he was only kidding. ... (78 words

Does the guy I'm dating only care about one thing-he was tooo physical on our first date!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6577 days ago

25 July 2006 (F - Does the guy I'm dating only care about one thing? I went on a first date with a guy and he put his arm around me as soon as we sat in the movie theater. He even kissed me, and then put my legs over his, and before I knew it he was trying to reach down to touch my ass (which I ... (100 words

Found Latino porn on his computer-does it mean he doesn't fancy me?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6576 days ago

25 July 2006 (F - i found latino girl porn sites on my boyfriends computer and im not a latino does it mean he doesnt fancy me anymore ... (23 words

What if this is just another excuse not to get married? Should I wait or not?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6577 days ago

25 July 2006 (F - Dear Cupid, I've been with my boyfriend for almost 2 years and we've lived together for a year. We got a new house, a new dog, etc...I feel that our relationship should be taken to the next level (marriage). I love him and I believe he is "the one!" However, I have brou... (156 words

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