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To browse questions by day in September, 2006, use the links below (in brackets, number of questions on that day)

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Archived questions from: 4 September, 2006 (see latest questions)

(More questions from September, 2006)

Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice


Who knew that the reality of living together would not match the fantasy in my head?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6534 days ago

4 September 2006 (F - I moved out of my parents house 6 months ago and got a flat with my boyfried of 3 years. For the first 4 months everything was great, but recently sex seems to have taken a back seat i.e only having sex once a week for12 minutes. We make plans to have a romantic night together ... (106 words

We Kissed - Does my brother's friend like me - or not?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6535 days ago

4 September 2006 (F - There is a man 3yrs younger than me that has told me that I am a fetish to him and that he could never think of anyone better to be with. We've been through the same old thing him telling me he really likes me etc, etc. He's my brothers mate and he's been coming onto me for the ... (100 words

We had love in the past - Is there hope for the future?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6535 days ago

4 September 2006 (M - Ill try to keep this short but want to give the full story in hopes of the best answer. I met my X almost 3 years ago and feel madly in love, we dated for 2 and a half years and had some problems (fights about me wanting to go out and her sayin no or one of us being to drunk ... (437 words

Did you ever have to finally decide?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6535 days ago

4 September 2006 (M - Ill try to keep htis short but want to give the full story in hopes of the best answer. I met my X alomst 3 years ago and feel madly in love, we dated for 2 and a half years and had some problems (fights about me wanting to go out and her sayin no or one of us being to drunk ... (437 words

I love my married bf so much but he doesn't have the guts to end his marriage. What should I do?

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4 September 2006 (F - I had been in a relationship with a married man for the past 2 years, he is 46 and I'm 38, divorce, mother of two. he is wonderful, a dream come true. he's very misserable in his marriage but he doesn't have the guts to ended it, he said he love me, I try to end this a couple ... (156 words

How do I reach a full orgasm?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6535 days ago

4 September 2006 (F - well......i cant seem to give my self an orgasm! and i dont know how close i am to getting one! ive gotten to a point....where it gets slightly wet down there, and it gets really tingaly down there too, also after a while my legs start to shake (alot!) and my arms shak... (80 words

He wants to take it further-I want it to stop! - Can we still be friends?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6535 days ago

4 September 2006 (F - at the end of last term while in a very drunken state i kissed someone who was a bit older than me. he wanted to go further but i put my foot down and although respected that i know he still thinks theres a chance to go further. the problem is that i dont wanna lose him as a ... (110 words

I've just lost our baby, now he dumps me by e-mail!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6528 days ago

4 September 2006 (F - I have been in my current relationship since January this year. I've known my boyfriend for almost 8 years as we were best friends at college. I just miscarried his baby. He sends me an email telling me he doesn't want to continue anymore, that he wishes me all the best in ... (142 words

Why does my sister try start an argument all the time?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6534 days ago

4 September 2006 (F - I hope someone can help with this. I have a younger sister...she is seven years younger and an older brother...he is three years older. I get along with my sister when I am just with her and I get along with my brother when I am just with him. When we are together...all three ... (140 words

Can I be pregnant if I forget my birth control pills?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6535 days ago

4 September 2006 (F - i just started taking birth control pills sometimes i forget to take them at the same time everyday but one day i forgot to take it and i had unprotected its been five days since then and i havent takin my pills, can i be pregnant? if so how so how soon can i tell?... (55 words

Brown periods. Normal???

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6370 days ago

4 September 2006 (F - ino this isn't really the sight to ask but i don't know who else to ask and i'm geting quite worried... i started my period around the christmas just gone and i've just come on this week and it is quite brown is this normal????... (45 words

Could writing a letter help this guy (that i'm sleeping with)?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6535 days ago

4 September 2006 (F - Hi Please help im 22years old and have been sleeping with a guy for about 3years. We have been though alot together but have never actually dated. He has had a very hard life and things have happened that he cant get over. A few days ago he said something that has made me... (119 words

How do I stop being so jealous?

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4 September 2006 (F - How can I stop myself from appearing too jealous around my boyfriend, my ex had a wondering eye and I'm terrified my new boyfriend will dump me for someone else. I know that appearing jealous is exactly the sort of thing that boys hate, but I just cannot help it. Can you give ... (63 words

Does he still have feelings for his ex gf?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5869 days ago

4 September 2006 (F - Dear Cupid, I am writing because my Husband has a child from a previous relationship. He didn't know his daughter existed until about 2003. She is four years old. My problem lies in the fact that her mother will not let him see her unless she is around. She says, "I'm ... (307 words

What's going on - Is he interested, or not!?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6525 days ago

4 September 2006 (F - Hi, I'm 25 and iv met this guy from my work who has now left. We were working together for 2 months and did not speak the whole time until his final week, and that was because I contacted first. Basicaly his friend said he liked me and i thought he was cute so i emailed him... (189 words

I fancy this girl - shes already got a boyfriend!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6535 days ago

4 September 2006 (M - im sigle and i fancey this girl but she goes out with some 1 shell i tell her who i fell or keep it to my self untill shes sigle ... (30 words

In a relationship with a 1yr old child!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6535 days ago

4 September 2006 (F - Im in a relashonship with a 1year old child, I do love my partner and were not married yet. He is a wonderful man and were just buying a house togeather. there is amn at work who is younger than me and well we have alot in commen and im worried about the feelings i am getting ... (75 words

What is love? Do I love him?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6500 days ago

4 September 2006 (F - I apologize for the lenght in advacnce. Hi. I've been dating my boyfriend for about 6 months and about 3 weeks ago he told me he loved me. He told me that I shouldn't feel obligated to say it back and that he didn't want to pressure me into saying just because he felt this ... (445 words

I had sex, but condom came loose, could I become pregnant?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6535 days ago

4 September 2006 (F - I had sex with a guy a week ago. He had condom on, but then it got loose. When he came out of me, his cock was soft. I am really worried that I am pregnant. I don't even know whether he cum or he just turned soft in the middle. My question is that if a guy cum, would it ... (70 words

Mty boyfriend is aggresive and im worried about breaking up...

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6535 days ago

4 September 2006 (F - I find my boyfriend very aggresive and I'm worried about breaking it to him that we're over. He would never hurt me but he shouts a lot and punches walls and stuff. I'm not used to this (my parents are very passive in arguments) and I sometimes laugh with nervousness, which ... (90 words

I have decided to give up drinking and people think I'm a freak!

This question has 17 answers - newest was posted 5939 days ago

4 September 2006 (M - Hi I recently made a decision to give up drinking. I have drank for 10 years and to be honest never massively enjoyed it...... I loved the social aspect but it always gave me headaches and terrible next day hangovers, as well as occasional memory-loss. I would drink no m... (202 words

My guy doesn't seem to want to get over the past. What do I do?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6535 days ago

4 September 2006 (F - I am seeing a guy for the last 12 months. Recently we have started argueing alot. He is a very jealous person, He keeps bringing up my past, of people who I have been with. He said I'm not the person he thought I was. He keeps going on and on about it and it's starting to take ... (155 words

Ive recently come out that Im gay, but I've never had a proper BF can anyone offer advice ?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6525 days ago

4 September 2006 (M - I am gay and have just come out I have never had a proper boyfriend could anyone help me out please ?... (26 words

Married 6 months, I think we need to seperate, but im worried others will see me as a failure!!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5762 days ago

4 September 2006 (M - Hi, I hope you would be help me on this one , Well I am coming to very hard decision of my life and that is separation from my wife. I have married for only 6 months with this girl that I know for almost 2 years, (at least I thought I know her) and from where it is goin... (593 words

I want to make a big impression on him when we go back to school.. any ideas?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6532 days ago

4 September 2006 (F - Hi there :-) I'm going back to school in a few days, and I feel like I've changed how I feel about myself. I ended the last term realising how I felt about this boy in my class. I really like him! Only problem is he likes someone else, but she doesn't like him. I want to m... (102 words

Ive only had one GF, think im not good at, any tips for dating ?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6534 days ago

4 September 2006 (M - Hi I'm a guy and I need some advice on dating. I think I'm ok looks wise but I ask because I've only had one gf and I think she only went out with me as a rebound from her boyfriend. So, I don't know if what I did was good for askking girls out. Anyone help?... (58 words

Really concerned that My friends husband only married her to stay in the UK!!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6534 days ago

4 September 2006 (F - Hi there, I am very concerned about a friend of mine. She is english and is living and working in a resort in Turkey. Last year she got married to her turkish boyfriend, so they have been married not even a year yet. However I went there for a month this summer to visit... (270 words

He asked me for months to date him, I finally gave in, then found out he wasnt single!! I've fallen, what do I do ?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6535 days ago

4 September 2006 (F - It started last year.A certain person was asking me out for several months until I finally agreed.Then three months later i recieve a text off his g/f of 12yrs. He lied about being single to me and yet 7 months down the line he is still turning up at mine.Apologising for way he ... (103 words

Is he just leaving his options open ?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6535 days ago

4 September 2006 (F - Q: I am dating a guy for over 2 months. We have already spoken of marriage which will happen in 1-1 1/2 years time. He is very jealous of me because I am a very friendly person and I do make alot of male friends. So he tends to leave trademarks on me so let everyone know that ... (104 words

She told me it wasnt working so we continued to meet as friends, I am falling for her but scared to tell her!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6528 days ago

4 September 2006 (M - I have been meeting with my mates sister regulary for couple of months now, my mate is fine with it the probelm is my feelings. The first night we met i kissed her, and she was happy with it and so we continued to meet. Then after just a week she became distant and told... (257 words

Was cheated on in the past, Now I'm scared this will ruin my great relationship, due to my insecurities

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6535 days ago

4 September 2006 (F - I was cheated on relentlessly by my boyfriend who I went out with between the age of 17 and 21. He lied constantly and i caught him with other girls on a few occasions - stupidly i kept taking him back because it was a bad time of my life and i adored him. Anyway - I'm now ... (356 words

Its all about my wife, no matter what I do, she never gives a thought, just wants it her way, what should I do ?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6535 days ago

4 September 2006 (M - Hi, I need some help and please advice me what I should do, because I am lost. Well it is a long story and I don’t want to take too much of your time, but our story with my current wife began about 2 years ago, she was new in this country and I helped her settled and did ... (727 words

At Primary School I fell in love, have since tried to move on, but wish I could have kept him, everything now seems a very big mess... (v Long)

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6535 days ago

4 September 2006 (F - .HOW COULD I HAVE HELD ONTO THE PERSON I LOVED/LOVE?? My problem is this: When I was in primary school I fell in love with someone called Skye But then when it came too high school, he got sent to a private all boy's school far away from me and I got sent to the local comp... (1312 words

Will the doctor have to tell my mum if I go for a pregnancy test ?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6507 days ago

4 September 2006 (F - i am scared incase im pregnant. is there any really signs that i could be i mean i do child care and it says that u can ave a strange tatse in ur mouth but is that all the time or just in the morning? and i ave also been feeling sick aswell but i felt really sick wen my bf se... (125 words

He dumped me after 6 1/2 years as he was depressed, a week later he has someone new!!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6535 days ago

4 September 2006 (F - i'm 24 and was dumped by my partner of 6 1/2years, 7 weeks ago, who said it was coz he was depressed at the time, he also said that he doesn't want a g/f or to go straight into another relationship. he didn't even want to try and work through any problems or try to sort our ... (232 words

Do other couples really have lots of sex ? or do most not really bother anymore ?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6535 days ago

4 September 2006 (F - Are other couples really having lots of sex ? I ask this as its severely died down in my relationship, was all the time obviously, but after a couple of years dwindled down, and I get concerned about it. I just feel that we should be having sex more, but think that alot ... (223 words

How do I turn off my feelings for my ex?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6535 days ago

4 September 2006 (F - I broke up with my boyfriend a while ago , and i thought it would be easy to let go of him and start again with some other person . but i still love him and have begun to miss him , is there a way i can stop the feelings i have for him ? ... (59 words

Will I dither until I have neither?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6535 days ago

4 September 2006 (M - Thanks for taking the time...... I have a girlfriend right now of 2 1/2 years, who is still a family friend. ( that is how we met). We are on a break to find out if we are right for each other because we had been having lots of fights. But for the past 4 years i have alw... (151 words

Hanging out with my ex makes me doubt the strength of my current fling

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4 September 2006 (F - ok, i am 21 and have been living with my boyfriend for the last almost 3 years..i love him very much, but latley i have been chatting with my ex boyfriend, i just want to hang out with him like a friend, but scared all those old feelings will come back. I have no intention if ... (94 words

He's moved on but I have not

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6535 days ago

4 September 2006 (F - me and my ex have been very very good friends since sixth grade. he liked me then and we "went out" in seventh but that lasted like a month since we were both so young and dumb. we have always like each other from then on. we ended up together again jr. year, fell in love, lost ... (134 words

My overheated sex drive has driven me to whack off while watching porn

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6534 days ago

4 September 2006 (M - I am in a few year relationship and have discovered that I have a much higher sex drive than my partner (we're a gay couple). I get so horny and just want to have sex but he isn't interested as often as I am and fobs me off with either no reason or an unjustifiable reason. ... (324 words

I think my ex messed my head up something awful

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6535 days ago

4 September 2006 (F - I am 17 and i know this might be normal but i feel like a bad person and feel like i don't deserve anything. Ever since my last ex boyfriend, who was VERY controlling, made me tell him EVERYTHING about my past and it's like I also had to tell him about my thoughts. So, ever ... (330 words

I feel so sorry for myself (long-winded post)

This question has 25 answers - newest was posted 6528 days ago

4 September 2006 (F - Hi, More than a year ago something happened to me. It's a long story so here goes.. Me and my boyfriend have a great realationship but one night things went wrong. I did something for him but it didn't go to well and then it got worse when he got his foot twisted in some wir... (563 words

Any tips on becoming a great muff diver?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6535 days ago

4 September 2006 (M - hey there, just a quick question: how do i give my girlfriend an orgasm when i am eating her out..i've looked all over the internet but the things on there dont really help me out..she tells me that it feels really good and she gets really arroused, almost to the point of an or... (65 words

Somebody please tell me if he's the one

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6536 days ago

4 September 2006 (F - I know i am only 17 so i shouldn't be thinking about this but i don't know if i could ever love my boyfriend enough. I have got mixed feelings for him but i think they are just about gone. I think i'm in love actually i'm more towards know i'm in love but i don't know if i ... (359 words

Too much air in my vagina!

This question has 17 answers - newest was posted 6532 days ago

4 September 2006 (F - when my husband and have sex he complains about me having too much air in my vagina, i can feel it as well. how do i fix this dilemma? ... (29 words

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