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Archived questions from: 23 September, 2006 (see latest questions)

(More questions from September, 2006)

Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice


Finally! We've split why do I feel so guilty? Any thoughts on this?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6516 days ago

23 September 2006 (F - My house has sold almost a year after I started sleeping seperate from my husband. I felt since the moment we married years ago that it was a mistake. I do have feelings for him, but not 'that' way, never could say 'I love you', never wanted or liked touching him. He is usually ... (276 words

Are there any questions, I could ask her to find out if she's falling for me?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6516 days ago

23 September 2006 (? - There is this woman at work that is married, however I believe she is very much into me. I am female as well. She sometimes flirts very heavy with me and then the next day or so she tones it down and acts like were just good friends. She and her husband are live in managers at ... (318 words

All my mates are going out with people from our school! Why isn't there someone for me?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6515 days ago

23 September 2006 (F - Hi Im 15 and this is my last yr in school :D 1st question: there just doesnt seem to be ANY boys in my school that i have any interest in! i dont wanna go out wiv any of them! but all my mates are going out wiv people from our school. y isnt there someone for me? 2nd question... (183 words

I'm 21 and am attracted to a 16 year old! Would it be wrong to pursue her?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6424 days ago

23 September 2006 (M - I am a 21 year old guy in college with a job, live a real stable life, have no problems getting dates etc. with girls around my age(19-23, whatever). Recently, however, i've been experiencing a mutual attraction to a 16 year old and we've hung out a few times by chance, nothing ... (77 words

We broke up after 4 years together...any advice on what to do to get him back?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6515 days ago

23 September 2006 (F - My boyfriend broke up with me back in January of this year. It is really a very long complicated story so I will try to sum it up as best I can. We had been together for 4 years. We were deeply in love and it was a first seriuos relationship for the both of us. We were long ... (484 words

I'm a 15 year old male and I'm attracted to my 25 year old aunt! How do I go about flirting with let her know?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6156 days ago

23 September 2006 (M - hi im a 15 year old boy from canada over the years ive been attracted to my aunt who is 35 she is so sexyy i want to start a relationship with her she is single and not married but i cant find a way to flirt without making it to obvious at first cuz i dont want flirt with her ... (92 words

I found sexy text messages on my husbands phone....from another man!!! What do I do?

This question has 16 answers - newest was posted 5182 days ago

23 September 2006 (F - I have been married for 10 years now. We have been together for 14 total. Just last week I found text messages on his phone, being the nosey person that I am I read them. Now I wish that I had not, the messages were sex related. I do not know this person but from the name ... (112 words

I am an Indian living in the UK. Where do I draw the line between being friendly and flirtatious?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 6513 days ago

23 September 2006 (F - I come from India and i live in UK ...what I want to know is where to draw a line between being friendly with a man and being flirtatious. I am not sure how i am suppose to react if an English man hugs me ? Is it a normal custom to hug someone and kiss their hand ?Is it ... (75 words

He says he misses me when we are apart. Does this mean that he is in love with me?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6511 days ago

23 September 2006 (F - If a man says that he has missed me when we are apart,does that mean that he is in love with me? I have been seeing a fella for 2 years but he doesn't say the love word unless i say it 1st.... (43 words

I am 40 and a decent kinda guy, so why do I always end up desolate? What can I do to improve things?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6515 days ago

23 September 2006 (M - I am 40 and think I'm a pretty decent kinda guy, but, I have hardly any friends! I feel a real saddo even though I know I'm not - but, I only ever seem to be able to make relationships with women and when they end, I'm always left completely desolate and alone again. For some ... (126 words

I caught my 12 year old son masturbating. How should I handle this?

This question has 87 answers - newest was posted 5973 days ago

23 September 2006 (M - i am a father of a twelve year old boy, and i saw him masturbating,and i blew up, what should i do?... (22 words

I think a married woman at work might be falling for me. How can I let her know that I am into her?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6516 days ago

23 September 2006 (? - There is this woman at work that is married, however I believe she is very much into me. She sometimes flirts very heavy with me and then the next day or so she tones it down and acts like were nothing more than friends. She and her husband are live in managers at a retirement ... (243 words

How can I get the bad feelings regarding my girlfriends past to go away?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6515 days ago

23 September 2006 (M - I recently broke up with a girl I was with from 22 to 26, we're both the same age, and she was the my first serious girlfriend really. I got an urge to break up as I kept getting a feeling that I missed out in my teen years as I didn't get a girlfriend although did kiss and ... (559 words

My boyfriend punches walls, doors and throws things. Is this normal?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6516 days ago

23 September 2006 (F - Me and my boyfriend sometimes argue when we've been out or whatever, but his behaviour is worrying me. My family are very passive and non-confrontational, so my boyfriend seems mad to me! He shouts and I laugh because I'm nervous, then he punches walls and doors and throws ... (52 words

I gave my fiancee an ultimatum, fags or me. Am I being unfair?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6516 days ago

23 September 2006 (M - I gave my fiancee an ultimatum, fags or me. Am I being unfair? She is not really a heavy smoker, but is always craving for one. I feel guilty for making her do this, but she will be happier when she has finally quit for good.... (47 words

Why spend so long trying to get back with someone when you dont really want them?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6516 days ago

23 September 2006 (F - I just dont understand men, well one particular one anyway. Can anyone enlighten me? Why would someone spend weeks trying to get you to go back to them, being kind and doing nice things for you. Then say they want to be with you and want you to move in and talk about m... (171 words

My friend made out with the girl I really fancy. Now I dont know what to do.

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6516 days ago

23 September 2006 (M - Some friends and I went swimmng like we usually do on a friday but we took a bit of alcohol. All of a sudden the girl i fancy (doesn't know) starts crying and walks away, i try to see whats the matter but she tells me to go away, then a minute or so later her and my friend (who ... (104 words

I really really like him but I dont know if I should ask him out or not?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6516 days ago

23 September 2006 (F - hello, last night i went to the movies with my two friends, and one of my friends sisters and all her friends were there too. They were also with heaps of guys. Then one of the guys came up to me and asked me if i knew him, and i said no because i didnt think i did. During the ... (218 words

My boyfriend finds it easy to lie to me about things like smoking, could he be cheating?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6516 days ago

23 September 2006 (F - Hi, I think my boyfriend is cheating on me. He leaves an hour and a half away from me and he doesn't live in his college but goes there to see his friends everynight. He lied to me before about smoking. I'm straight edge and he swore to me for nine months that he didn't smoke ... (235 words

I saw my friend's boyfriend with another woman. Should I tell my friend? It was obvious they were very intimate.

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6419 days ago

23 September 2006 (F - I travel a lot for business. I was out of town recently and saw a friend's boyfriend with another woman. They didn't see me (it was a dark, hotel bar). I doubt the other woman was a business associate or casual friend. It was very obvious that they were intimate; very int... (95 words

I apparently kissed someone when I was extremely drunk.Does anyone have a time machine so I can go back and not get wasted?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6507 days ago

23 September 2006 (F - My bf is away and i went out with some people from work and i got extremly drunk, i barely remember the night. I was very friendly with one of the guys and we went for a walk and he ended up staying at my place, seperate bed no sex! The next morning he said that while we were ... (240 words

Should I wait 9 months to tell the guy how I feel, or should I be saying, "hit the road Jack" and dating other guys?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6120 days ago

23 September 2006 (F - Hello, Just looking for advice., I'm seventeen years old and a senior in high school. And I've developed some serious feelings for one of my very good guy friends, Jack. Problem is, he lives a bit far away at the moment, and the next time I can see him is in Ju... (329 words

How do I get a fair chance with a guy who just wants to keep things cool for a while?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6516 days ago

23 September 2006 (F - I just met a guy and we are getting along amazingly well. We jumped into the physical side of things pretty quickly which is unusual for both of us, but we are both very excited about getting to know each other better. I'm looking for a serious relationship, but he says he just ... (144 words

Why is my new guy so hesitant to start a relationship?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6516 days ago

23 September 2006 (F - I just met a new guy and we get along great, but he is hesitant to start a relationship - what do I do?... (24 words

Want to stop talking to him and get him out of my life! But I love!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6516 days ago

23 September 2006 (F - Okay well ... I've been talking to this guy for over a year and a half, he always wanted to meet up bu i hesitated .. anyway a few months ago we bumped into eachother at a club and since then we've met up practically every Friday/Saturday since.. He's always maintained that he ... (255 words

Why does my boyfriend keep avoiding the subject of marriage? Should I find somebody else because I am not getting any younger?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6516 days ago

23 September 2006 (F - i been with my bf for nearly 2 years now, he know exactly what i want. and that is to get married. i ask him one time and funny that he said he need a time. its sound hurt for me because he is supposed to be the one who ask me to marry him but its not, its me the one who ask to ... (186 words

I am getting tested for herpes, should I tell my boyfriend?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6041 days ago

23 September 2006 (F - should i mention getting tested for herpes again to my boyfriend? we went through a tough time a few months ago when he told me he had a rash on his genitals--he tried getting tested after that but then the rash went away and the doc. couldn't see anything and told him to come ... (349 words

How can I get over things I did in my pre-teens? I feel so ashamed and don't think I deserve to be happy.

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6098 days ago

23 September 2006 (F - Ok, will someone please tell me ways to get over this or tell me about your embarassing things? When i was a kid. I know under 10, my mom babysat these 2 kids and there was a baby and i think he was sleeping. Well, i got on top and don't know if i humped. Then when i was still ... (585 words

After making love with my boyfriend, I usually cry and start thinking about my ex of 7 years. Why is this happening to me?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6516 days ago

23 September 2006 (F - My boyfriend of seven years broke up with me about a year ago. I have a new boyfriend but there is a problem. After we make love I start thinking about the loss of my other relationship and get quite upset...I usually cry. I just do not understand this and do not know where the ... (77 words

I like this guy, friends say he likes me. So why won't he tell me?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6516 days ago

23 September 2006 (F - well i really like this guy, and im almost positive he likes me back, and all of his friends says he likes me too! also soo many ppl ask us if were going out! i really want him to just confront me and tell me that he likes me, but no matter wut i say i cant seem to get him ... (82 words

I used a condom on a one night stand, but it was a bit of a shambles. I had a negative pregnancy test, but could I still be pregnant?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6516 days ago

23 September 2006 (F - i had a drunken one night stand about 2 weeks b4 my period was due...we used condoms, but it was a bit of a shambles because the guy was pretty impotant. so therefore he kept slipping out and the condom slipped around a bit but as far as i know it never fully came off. he never ... (193 words

My bf says its a joke that he is messing with other girls. Are people laughing at me for going out with him?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6516 days ago

23 September 2006 (F - hiya peeps keeep sayin my bf is messin rnd wid oder girls but wen i ask him he says he loves me n dat its jst a jk do u fink peeps r laughing at me 4 goin out wid him xx reply quick xx... (45 words

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