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To browse questions by day in September, 2006, use the links below (in brackets, number of questions on that day)

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Archived questions from: 24 September, 2006 (see latest questions)

(More questions from September, 2006)

Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice


I like one of my ex's friends...should I go for it?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6514 days ago

24 September 2006 (M - Hi, well me and a girl i was seeing stopped seeing each other a few weeks ago because of something that happened, im getting interested in one of her friends but dont wanna harm my ex's and her relationship, my ex is back together with her ex boyfriend now, and ive invited her ... (171 words

We swappws pics and he didn't e-mail me anymore! I feel so upset and dirty... all I wanted was someone in my life

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6515 days ago

24 September 2006 (F - met some one on a on line dating ,we swapped numbers he txt me all the time, then we swap pictures and he wanted to meet. the pics he sent to me was a little rud, so I sent back some of me. he stop texting and emailing me I text him ..did not return, it might not seem anything ... (109 words

I'm in love with a teen girl and I feel lost. Need some advice!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6499 days ago

24 September 2006 (M - Hey this is gonna sound really pathetic but im lost. I'm 21 am totally in love with a 16 yr old... have too many feelings for her... i would do anything for her...friends say shes a slag and a bit of a maneater etc and they call themselves her friend... should i tell her what ... (312 words

Bf suffers from depression and he hardly calls. He wants a future but is he just saying that?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6514 days ago

24 September 2006 (F - hi my name is called rose and ive been dating this guy for 3 months at 1st he was very receptive but now he has become distant. he suffers from acute depression as he has recently got divorced and 3 small kids. when we do get together he is loving but now he hardly phones me he ... (93 words

My gf isunhappy because she's stuck at home raising our son! What can I do?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6514 days ago

24 September 2006 (M - im a 27yr old male and my girlfriend is 25yr and we have a 1.5yr old son. In the last couple of months we both have had a bit of stress. She seemed to think that me going off to work was a party everyday and that she was stuck. I said to find a job 0.5 a day to a full time 5 ... (212 words

Does a small spot on your face indicate cancer?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6511 days ago

24 September 2006 (M - i have just had sex education in school and we were talking about how the first sign of testicular cancer was a small lump on the testicles, does a small spot like a spot on your face etc. also indicate this? and also how can you get testicular cancer?... (49 words

I want to warn my friend that her bf is cheating on her...but how do I do it without hurting her?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6514 days ago

24 September 2006 (F - I have seen my girlfriend's BF out with another woman, getting very intimate in a bar. I did not approach my friend's boyfriend. I feel like I should let her know that he may be cheating on her, yet I don't want her to be hurt. They've been together a couple of years and are ... (113 words

we broke up---so if I give him his space, will he ever come back to me?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6511 days ago

24 September 2006 (F - I am currently going through a hard break-up. I cheated on him but he still is willing to be friends. He says he still cares for me. If I give him his space, will he ever come back to me?... (43 words

Does he think we couldn't be together because I dated one of his friends?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6514 days ago

24 September 2006 (F - I was seeing a guy for a month and a guy I had been texting for 6 months finally wanted to meet me - I had seen one of his friends casually for a time, so that complicated things and he wanted to be cautious. When he found out I had a boyfriend he still wanted to be friends, ... (293 words

I can't remember the name of this website..can you remember?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6514 days ago

24 September 2006 (F - just a general question this afternoon when I logged on you had other related sites but now there is only one listed can you help I need to contact one of the other sights I cant remember the name but it was similar to this where it was like a forum and people just aired their ... (77 words

I'm 24 and very insecure. How can I stop being this way as I don't date as a result??

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6514 days ago

24 September 2006 (M - First time at 24. should i just try and wing it? Hey everyone. I have a bit of a strange situation, and was hoping to get a few opinions on what i should do! Im 24 years old, and ive never slept with a girl. I think the reason is because i was always a bit insecure, and the ... (401 words

My Mum dies and this guy says I use it to get attention, all the time. How do I tell him how I feel?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6514 days ago

24 September 2006 (F - when i was 11 my mum died and i still relly miss her alot! i hav liked this lad called mark for a year and a half and i thought maybe he cud still like me be cos he used to so i decided to ask his friend if he liked me and he sed he didnt no but that mark had called me befor ... (278 words

How can I help her trust me and get over her controlling ways??

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6514 days ago

24 September 2006 (F - I am a formerly gay male who was married to a woman 4 years ago. I was tired of living in a rathole apartment and tired of living alone so I thought marriage would be the best thing. Also, I lived in a very homophobic part of the bible-belt, being gay I knew I could never be ... (214 words

We fight all the time and when I leave home I may not bother at all!!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6514 days ago

24 September 2006 (M - I sent a question in ages ago about me having problems with my sister (12th may) she's 18, im 20 and I've tried to respond and communicate to her with advice i was given on this site and things haven't improved. In fact, they've gotten worse. We hardly ever talk now and when we ... (106 words

I miss my boyfriend so much, I dont think I can cope. It hurts.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6515 days ago

24 September 2006 (F - Hey guys Any advice on how to cope with the fact that i miss my bf so much when he is away with work I know it sounds silly but i miss him ssssssssoooooooooo much it actually hurts I have never felt like this before Please help guys He is away for a month and at ... (93 words

How can I make my insecure boyfriend trust me? I am so sick of his bull!!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6432 days ago

24 September 2006 (F - Okay. I'm 21 years old and I've been with my boyfriend for 9 months. My past relationships I've been cheated on. Finally I found someone who doesn't cheat and I trust completely. One problem. He is very insecure. He makes stupid comments and asks if I ever cheated like once ... (153 words

I am in a sexless, loveless marriage and would never cheat, but my married neighbour drives me wild. How can I control myself?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6515 days ago

24 September 2006 (F - Staying in a sexless, almost loveless marriage but peaceful coexistence. Staying together mainly for our child and both of us are great parents. I'm really attracted to a neighbour (he too is married) and watch him whenever he's out. I have never cheated and wd not like to now ... (63 words

Worried I will never find somebody else if I leave my husband. How can I stay with heim when the relationship is long over?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6515 days ago

24 September 2006 (F - I married a gentle caring sort of person but being an inter community marriage and his mother's overdrive at nastiness and control has come between us for a long time now. He is such a good person with the world but has taken all his resentment out on me esp after our child's ... (226 words

How can I stop a relationship developing between my ex and my best friend?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6515 days ago

24 September 2006 (F - I just broke up with my boyfriend of 7 or 8 months becuse we ddin't think things were wotking out. Josh is a "typical" boy in that i could see him only leaving me for another girl. Howether, this other girl might just be my best friend. We vowed to stay friends and stuff but ... (142 words

My best friend is flirting like HELL with my boyfriend. What can I do to stop this?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5907 days ago

24 September 2006 (F - My best friend just broke up with a steady boyfriend of nearly a year when the chemistry vanished and he told her he "just couldn't see things working out". This is very well and they are still close friends but my Best friend is now flirtingl like HELL with my boyfriend and ... (109 words

I get stomach pains after sex. Should I be concerned?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6515 days ago

24 September 2006 (F - i am getting stomach pains and a bit of a dodgy tummy about an hour or two after sex. Is this something I should be concerned about? I'm in my early 20s.... (32 words

I have been seeing my boss for the last 3 months. Does he genuinely like me or is he just after sex?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6513 days ago

24 September 2006 (F - What does he want from me? I've been at my job about 8 months and for the last 3 have been seeing my boss. We started out on the hot and heavy side, but have not had sex. I've made it very clear that I don't settle and that he needs to earn it. We didn't talk for a full 3 days ... (168 words

My boyfriend wants sex. I am only 13 and I don't know what to do. Help please!!

This question has 27 answers - newest was posted 4951 days ago

24 September 2006 (F - me and my boyfriend have been dating for around 3 weeks and we have done all the basic oral. i am only 13 but he keeps talking about having sex with me and i dont know what do do help please!... (41 words

I am 13 and still a virgin, is there something wrong with me?

This question has 18 answers - newest was posted 6109 days ago

24 September 2006 (F - Im a 13 years old. Most of my friends have lost their virginity. I have to listen to everything they say about how great it was. I for one haven't.Is there something wrong with me? ... (44 words

My dad spoils his kids from another relationship. How can I tell if he loves me?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6515 days ago

24 September 2006 (F - My dad does not act like he loves me.he broke up with my me and my brother visit him.he got a new girlfriend.he had 4 kids by his new dad takes family pictures with his new kids.buys his new kids shoes clothes hats.he does not care for me and my brother.who been ... (86 words

How do I know when I am ready to kiss my boyfriend?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5934 days ago

24 September 2006 (F - How Do I Know Im Ready For Kissing My Boyfriend??????????... (10 words

Why can't my ex tell me why he is snubbing me in this way?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6515 days ago

24 September 2006 (F - my ex boyfriend lives in australia, but when he left he said he'll only be gone 4 a year and he'll neva fall in love with anyone else or sleep with anyone else (i didnt believe this as he is a guy) But 4 the first couple of monthes he was calling me and textin me. It really got ... (133 words

How can I become more self confident? I feel nobody will ever want me for me.

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6515 days ago

24 September 2006 (F - I think i am lacking in a bit of confidence and self esteem when it comes to relationships, with boyfriends and mates. I generally feel quite insecure and worry that people dont really want to spend time with me and they are just friends with me because they feel sorry for me ... (192 words

I am in love with 2 women in 2 different ways, how do I choose?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6438 days ago

24 September 2006 (F - I am in love with two women. one (A)whome I was in a relationship with for 15 months and another woman (B)whome I met through my ex. I started a relationship with B as i was unhappy in my relationship with A. After 4 months (although she did nothing wrong) I ended it with B as ... (128 words

I caught my partners mate eyeing me up and down, what's with that?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6515 days ago

24 September 2006 (F - I was taking my son to cubs the other night and a mate of my partner was stood opposite me when I was chatting to another bloke. After I had stopped I turned to talk to him and I caught him looking me up and down like a once over and then he moved nearer to talk to me (which is ... (163 words

Boyfriend always looks at porn, yet never wants sex with me. What's this all about?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6514 days ago

24 September 2006 (F - My boyfriend and I have been seeing each other for nearly a year and a half now, we, however have not had sex for about 10 months, he says he is not in the mood, yet i find when i access our pc he has been regualry looking at porn, what is this all about? what would you think ... (73 words

I am really starting to fall for my boyfriend, but why are his parents being so nasty towards me?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6515 days ago

24 September 2006 (F - hi im 16 years old and in desperate need of help. Ive finaly found a great boyfriend. Hes funny, lovely and really loves me back weve only been going out for a few weeks but im really starting to fall for him. But we had a littel misunderstanding in the weekend and he htough i ... (271 words

Can I still get pregnant even though my man has had the snip?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5964 days ago

24 September 2006 (F - I have recently started a sexual relationship with an older man and yesturday we had sex, we didn't use protection because he has told me that he has had a vasectomy but I have heard that sometimes people can still become pregnant even though the man has had the operation, Is ... (53 words

How can I get my lying, cheating slapper of a girlfriend out of my head?

This question has 14 answers - newest was posted 6449 days ago

24 September 2006 (M - Ever since getting together with my girlfriend, there have been problems. All she basically has ever done is lied, flirted, broke promises, totally disrespected me and slept around. Me being me, I took her back over 60 times, yet she still continues to hurt me. We had been ok... (306 words

How can I get over my lying ex when we work in the same place?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6515 days ago

24 September 2006 (F - My boyfriend of 4yrs and I broke up in Dec 05, he cheated on me once and I couldn't forgive him, he changed, now, he has started working where I am, (he new I would be here). He now tells me he is married, has been since March and they lost a baby at 26 weeks, I know he has ... (91 words

How do I make my boyfriend see that we are having a baby and it's time to grow up?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6515 days ago

24 September 2006 (F - I am 3 months pregnant and living with my boyfriend of over a year. He is such a great guy, but there is one thing bothering me. He constantly goes out to the bar. He breaks plans and ditches me to hang out with his friends, usually at a bar. He sees nothing wrong with it, ... (157 words

Torn between two guys and I am so confused, what should I do?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6515 days ago

24 September 2006 (F - This is a long story so bear with me. Basically, I was dating a guy for almost three years and we broke up because he wasn't sure he saw a future with me, we were different, stuff like that. So I picked up and moved out to San Diego and was having a great time, dating other ... (356 words

Am I correct in thinking that my manager likes me? I know it's bad, but I just don't trust guys.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6515 days ago

24 September 2006 (F - This problem has been bothering me for a year already, I noticed that my superior whom is single and younger than me is fond of me, though he don't dare approach me directly about his feeling however, his body languages and behaviours already showing and its obvious that he ... (228 words

Why is my daughter acting in this way? We dont approve of her boyfriend, but that is no excuse.

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6512 days ago

24 September 2006 (F - My daughter is 25 years old, she is a medical doctor recently graduated. She has been involved with this man for some time now, and did not say anything to her 2 sisters or her father nor me until early July this year she told her father and I about him and within 1 hour he ... (222 words

Is my online boyfriend creating fake identities to talk to me?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6515 days ago

24 September 2006 (F - i have bf here on net.we talk here 3to 4 hours evryday.then he disappeared.after few weeks he is back then we talk again.he say he loves me.and i love him.then he disapear talking to a man who say he is my bf,s friend,lover.then we talk evryday like we did to my bf ... (168 words

Four month relationship and he wants us to move in together! Is this too soon?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6516 days ago

24 September 2006 (F - My boyfriend lives in Sanford, NC. I Live in Elizabeth City NC. It's been a relationship of 4 months. One time when I visited him, two months ago, he asked me to live with him. Is this too fast of a move? ... (45 words

I've been having causal meaningless sex but this guy is developing feelings

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6516 days ago

24 September 2006 (F - So I've slept with this guy a couple of times now... I'm not really into him but I sleep with him anyway. Weird I know. Part of this is because my first time meant nothing to me and wasn't special at all and as a result I've been having causal meaningless sex since. I think ... (113 words

I love and want to marry this woman.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6516 days ago

24 September 2006 (M - My ex-girlfriend and I are talking again fairly frequently. For the past week we have been talking fairly regularly online and having great conversations. Me, a few of my best friends (her friends too), and her hung out last night, drinking and watching movies and stuff and ... (280 words

The fact that she called makes me insecure

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6516 days ago

24 September 2006 (F - My boyfriend's ex called here wanting to talk to him. Her current boyfriend is being sent overseas on a peacekeeping mission and she just wanted someone to talk to. The speaker phone was on and in no way did I get the impression that she is still interested in my ... (96 words

His departure has taken a big toll on me

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6515 days ago

24 September 2006 (F - I've been seeing this guy for about a year and a half now and he's always been more into me than I was into him. He treats me with so much respect and love and I don't know why but I sometimes find it hard to tell him I love him. I do love him to death but I question whether or ... (188 words

What is it like to live with an alcoholic?

This question has 139 answers - newest was posted 4074 days ago

24 September 2006 (F - i would like to know from anyone who knows how is it like to live with someone who is an alcoholic but can carry himself well when drunk. The reason i ask cos i think i have fallen for someone who drinks a lot (but make perfect sense while chatting) and is a perfectly normal ... (67 words

He is too dependant on his Mother and I am resentful.Am I asking to much for him to have less contact with her?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6512 days ago

24 September 2006 (F - I apoligise in adavnce for this un-organised mess, I just can't get my thought out in the right order. I'm have a really tought question on my boyfriend's mother. His mother is 60 years old. He is the Youngest of 5 children, but is still a 22 year old adult yet she mot... (276 words

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