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Archived questions from: 1 September, 2006 (see latest questions)

(More questions from September, 2006)

Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice


I love my boyfriend but my dad doesn't, what do I do?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6532 days ago

1 September 2006 (F - ME and MY boyfriend are having enormous amounts of trouble i love him but i cant take the fact that my dad doesnt My dad is more important to me what do i do?X... (35 words

I look so young for my age...any way I can make myself look older?

This question has 190 answers - newest was posted 4216 days ago

1 September 2006 (F - I need help, asap. The thing is, I look really young for my age. I'm 19, 20 in November and I still get asked for ID. Most of the time I even get asked ID for a 15 rated movie. When I got to clubs it's really embarrassing to be stopped infront of people. Is there any way I make ... (69 words

My married guy and I are so in love...and I want him all to myself. But how can we do that without hurting others?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5118 days ago

1 September 2006 (F - I have been seeing a married guy for 10mths now I am 24 and he is 40 and its really intense we spend 2 or so hours talking on the phone every night and see one another at work everyday, we spend a few hours after work with one another and every lunch time. We spend about 2 or 3 ... (227 words

I'm bf is caucasian and my parent's have finally accepted him but how do we tell them, my bf's also divorced with a 6 year old child! Help needed.

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6535 days ago

1 September 2006 (F - I was raised in a very traditional chinese family. My parents are not like my friends. I always had to respect their advice and input with anything I do. By respect, I really mean forced to do they want. I want to remain in good terms with my parents, but I know telling my ... (364 words

She asked how I felt about her now that she broke off her other relationship. I told her but what do I do next?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6538 days ago

1 September 2006 (M - I've fallen in love with one of my girl-friends but she's just broken up with someone and still kind of likes him, she broke up with him but asked me how I felt about her, I've told her but I don't know what to do next...can anyone help me?... (49 words

My roomate is bugged by my messy desk..but I think i should be able to have it any way I want it! any thoughts?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6538 days ago

1 September 2006 (F - ok, i have just a basic roommate question, and need some opinions on this matter. i live in a house with a couple of people, and one of them is bothered by the fact that my desk is cluttered. we have one room where we keep all three of our desks and computers, kind of like an ... (166 words

How do I break-up with my boyfriend and should I try the new guy???

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6538 days ago

1 September 2006 (F - I've been with my boyfriend for just over a year now. When we first started going out, there was a bit of chemistry but now there is none. I don't think he feels the same - I think he still loves me and I feel guilty because I tell him I love him when I don't. I want to break ... (136 words

He has a girlfriend and texts me for quickies...

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6537 days ago

1 September 2006 (F - This guy is confusing me. He has a girlfriend but he is texin me tellin me he misses. The thing is we hav history he used to call me everyday, nothing happened we didnt even go out,he tells me that hes with this new girl and its the type he wants to marry and he texts me asking ... (124 words

Can you get pregnant by giving a blow job???

This question has 17 answers - newest was posted 6525 days ago

1 September 2006 (F - Is it possible to get pregnant by giving a guy a blow job?... (13 words

My girlfriend had a baby with another now she doesn't want to see me?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6538 days ago

1 September 2006 (M - My girlfriend has just had a little girl to her best friend who she says she can't stand, I love her to death and i don't want to loose her but she doesn't want me near her just now. I keep thinking that she will leave me for the babies daddy what should i do... (55 words

My cousins torment me...What should I do???

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 6535 days ago

1 September 2006 (F - ive always been close to my two male cousins but ever since i can remember, theyve always abused me. it wasnt as bad when we were little but since we've got older its got worse and im scared of what theyll do next. the weird thing is theyre not always like this, most of the ... (159 words

I am deeply in love with him, but feel that our relationship is eroding oh so quickly...

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 6148 days ago

1 September 2006 (? - I live with a man that I am deeply in love with. We have known one another for coming on a year. We became attracted to one another when we began to exchange emails. In the emails we shared intimate memories of childhood and our marraiges with it shared life lessons we have ... (473 words

How can I feel more secure with this wonderful guy I am with ?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6538 days ago

1 September 2006 (F - I have been in a relationship with a guy for nearly 5 months now. Everything is fantastic and we love eachother very dearly. The problem is, I can't stop worrying all the time! I constantly think he is going to break up with me, something is going to go wrong etc and i can't ... (215 words

Why can't I get past my teenage years???

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6537 days ago

1 September 2006 (M - I can't forget about my awful teenage years. Recently I split up with a girl I've been with since I was 22, over 4 years ago. I lost my virginity to her. But I found increasingly that I felt sad about the past especially the teenage years. During those years I could barely ... (303 words

I was only messing on the net to see if I had the eye appeal.. my girl thinks I cheated..

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6538 days ago

1 September 2006 (M - Two weeks ago my ex-girlfriend broke up with me for talking with females on the internet and for trying to hook up with them. But I was not trying to hook up with them, i was just seeing if i still had the eye appeal, because she does not have orgasims and it bugs me. But she ... (139 words

Seeing him with his ex will really hurt me. Am I being stupid??

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6538 days ago

1 September 2006 (F - Right heres the thing, i have been chatting to a guy online now for the past year on and off and have really grown to like him, he lives locally and is the friend of a friend of mine, so its not as though he is a complete stranger.. As we started to chat even more and go to kn... (277 words

17 years together and I feel lonely and like he wants something else...

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6538 days ago

1 September 2006 (F - I have been with my partner for nearly 17 years. He has allways been flirty, but in the last few years he has been going down to our local and talks to the bar staff. If I asked to go with him I am usually sat there on a bar stool watching him. Last week he was invited to go ... (293 words

Badbrit, message to all those that may be fed up with my problem...

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6538 days ago

1 September 2006 (M - Badbrit here, man who has peed everyone off with my problem and ignoring advice. I am now taking it, accepting it is over and she not want it anymore and has no interest. I accept it but will always feel she has done it wrong and it is purely because she cannot let go... (217 words

I asked for permission to see somebody else and got a firm NO. What about the kids??

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6538 days ago

1 September 2006 (F - I have been in a committed relationship with a man who won't totally commit for 13 years, we have 2 children and I still love him dearly. About 4 months ago I asked him to move out so we could have time to really think about our future, he readily agreed, got an apartment and ... (177 words

Are my girlfriends on to something or just talking?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6538 days ago

1 September 2006 (F - Will this Long Distance relationship work? I have been dating my boyfriend who lives 2 hrs drive away for a year now. We talk on the phone every night and spend every weekends together. We are getting along really well, and already are thinking about future plans with me. I... (251 words

Its been 33 days since my last cycle...Am I pregnant???

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6528 days ago

1 September 2006 (F - I think I might be pregnant. It's been 33 days since the start of my last one. My boyfriend and I have been cautious all the way- he's never entered me without a condom, the condoms have always been tested for leaks afterwards, and he's always had it on properly. Some of the c... (105 words

How can I get to know him better?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6528 days ago

1 September 2006 (M - hi,i'm 17 and male and bi sexual i have recently been introduced to a friend of a friend over the internet. none of my friends know i am bisexual. this perosn iw as intoruduced to is my age and sex. and as soon as we began talking we hit it off! he made me laugha nd i made him ... (326 words

He fingered me after he masturbated...Can I get pregnant???

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6538 days ago

1 September 2006 (F - some one fingered me after they had just masturbated, could i get pregnant? the next day i came on my period but i heard about some one who had still got pregnant this way so i just wanted to check. ... (40 words

Why cant I ever Orgasm... ?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5804 days ago

1 September 2006 (F - Hi why cant i have an orgasm? Im 27 and have been with my husband for 10 years married for 2, i just cant seem to have an orgasm, he is a very considerate lover spends a lot of time on foreplay (a lot of time) but no matter how much i try to relax nothing really happens f... (100 words

One way trust...What should I do???

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6279 days ago

1 September 2006 (F - hiya, i asked for a male friends number so i could thank that person for looking after my friends at a party while i was busy and my boyfriend has blown it out of portion saying its weird that i should ask for this guys number to thank him for being nice!? this is the most ... (230 words

We ended our physical relationship, we live together, still love each other, how can we date others when there is this connection ?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 6517 days ago

1 September 2006 (M - Living together after a 9 year relationship breakup - HELP!! This is a followup question to a previous discussion because my partner and I did decide to officially break up after a 9 year relationship. We still love each other dearly, but as best friends not lovers. We just ... (294 words

Its my best friends birthday, I have no money, any ideas on what I can make him ?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6538 days ago

1 September 2006 (F - its my best male friends birthday today and Im totally broke! I dont think even if i did have any money i couldnt decide what to get him. Any ideas guys? I want to make something (im reasonably arty) or something thats personal to him or us. I kinda also have feelings for him ... (62 words

4 years together, we split... I cant deal with it, all the whys and ifs ? what shall I do ?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6538 days ago

1 September 2006 (M - I have split with my gf and mother of my baby after 4 years together. Her feelings have changed/gone, she wanted something else, doesnt want me even though life together was stable, financially viable, easier, loving, affectionate etc she just cant help how she feels. She tried ... (458 words

Its been 9 months, im finding it hard to move forward from my ex...

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6538 days ago

1 September 2006 (F - I was with my ex for 9 years,he left me 9 months ago,with no explanation,changed his mobile number,so i couldnt contact him. i have been waiting for things to start getting better,but its just not happening,every day,i miss him more and more,a friend of mine saw him recently... (109 words

Hes not so good in the workplace, does this mean hes bad relationship material ?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 6537 days ago

1 September 2006 (F - No one is perfect? I met a guy from my working place, his working attitude is not so good, kind of messy and sluggish at times. He likes me, I hestiate cos Im worried that he can't be a good lover, since he is irresponsible in work, shall I give him a chance?... (55 words

Does this guy like me ? what do you reckon ?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6538 days ago

1 September 2006 (F - Hi can u help me can sum one tell me if this lad i like likes me becasue i cant tell well. i was out last night clubbin with my mate her lad n my crush and all of thier fireiends and then my crush comes and sits next to me and we start chatting and then he asks to borrow my ... (188 words

I want him back but not sure the reason why ?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6538 days ago

1 September 2006 (F - i have recently split up with a guy who i was with for over a year, i want him back but i'm not sure if it's because i love him or because i feel secure with him, what should i do? ... (43 words

Im 21 and a virgin, can you give me some tips with the ladies please

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6535 days ago

1 September 2006 (M - Hi, im a 21 almost 22 yr old guy who is a virgin, i have only ever kissed two girls. i dont know that many girls. i have recently started using an online dating service to try and get to know more girls. i was wondering if you could give me some pointers on approaching women ... (122 words

Hes spending more time with his Ex than me... I dont want to give him a hard time, but I dont like it...

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6538 days ago

1 September 2006 (F - Hi, Well Me and my boyfriend have been together nearly a year now his ex gilfreind who also happens to be my best friend are still friend yet at colledge he is spending more time with her than me he's an honest guy and everytime a speak to him about it he says why are you ... (102 words

Why cant he accept that we are over, is it because he loves me or simply cant face rejection!?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5925 days ago

1 September 2006 (F - Iv broken up with my lover because i felt our relationship wasn't going anywhere.We were together for over 3 years but he lacked intimacy,even though i showed him what i wanted he appeared uncomfortable and he only got really affectionate when sex was going to follow,which i ... (155 words

He said he doesnt know if he wants to break up with me or not.. what should I do ?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6039 days ago

1 September 2006 (F - Hi I am 17 and I have been dating a guy for 2 months a like a week and everything was going okay till a couple days ago when we hardly talked well yesterday i fnally talked to him for lik 31 minutes where he said he don't know if he loves me and his brain is just like that and ... (280 words

Should I tell his dad that I still like his son ?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6538 days ago

1 September 2006 (F - hello, i am 16 and went out wiv this boy for 5 months then we broke up cos we wanted to consentrate on our exams, i havent seen him since and that once about 3 months ago. i still like him and i am good friends with his dad cos i see him at my house cos he's doing some build... (182 words

Do the relationship know how, self help, guide links really work ?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6538 days ago

1 September 2006 (M - I never normally fall for these things, but am obviously susceptable at the moment and i guess they prey on these people like me feeling this way. BUT you see advertised Ebooks that say shit like "Get the information that has kept thousands of couples together - and h... (158 words

Why is my husband doing this to us??

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 6537 days ago

1 September 2006 (F - Dear cupid, My husband left me and the children last week for another woman who is 20 years younger than me his excuse was he did not love me anymore. I had no warning this was to happen he took all his things this week he came to see the children who are 14 15 17 he told th... (148 words

How will breaking up affect my son??

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 6289 days ago

1 September 2006 (M - Have been with my wife of 10 years for 11 years and have a 9 year old son. Have come to realise recently that I no longer love my wife i've just got the feeling that i am going along with the pretense because it's easier. I have met a girl at work who I am deeply attracte... (83 words

Sex was fine but now it hurts too much!!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6534 days ago

1 September 2006 (M - I am gay and in my early 20s. I had been having receptive anal sex for about a year without any problems at all, however then all of a sudden I have hemroid/s. I am quite sure that the sex wasn't the cause as they came about in a time when I wasn't having any sex. The problem ... (105 words

I proposed but he said no, I feel so shut down!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6538 days ago

1 September 2006 (F - hi there, my partner has been married before for ten years and he had 2 kids with his ex wife. i proposed to him on our anniversary and he said yes but a couple of weeks after that i asked him if he really wanted to be engaged to me because i wasnt allowed to tell anyone for at ... (143 words

A death in the family and he is not being supportive?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6538 days ago

1 September 2006 (F - I have just had a death in the family my 6 year old cousin died of an epileptic fit and i am finding it hard to cope with it and when i ask for support from my partner he just says that i am being stupid whats done is done but this death is really affecting me big time and i ... (88 words

What nicknames do guys like to be called?

This question has 186 answers - newest was posted 1618 days ago

1 September 2006 (F - What nicknames do guys like to be called? Girls get called names like babe and sexy etc. But what do guys like to be called? Thanks... (31 words

She talks about marriage, but Im worried it could lead me going astray!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6539 days ago

1 September 2006 (M - My girlfriend and I have been dating for a little over 3 years. She's already starting to think seriously about marriage, but I'm not sure. I know I love her, but she's the first girl I've ever dated, and I can't help being physically attracted to other women, and wanting to be ... (201 words

Strippers, porn...what's wrong with women saying that we will not accept this rubbish in our relationships?

This question has 36 answers - newest was posted 4868 days ago

1 September 2006 (F - I just read a post about a woman who was upset her partner is going to a strip show...I was appalled to see the advice that'''oh you should trust him' 'all men do it etc' To me this womens feelings are completely justified and she is demonstrating that she has self resepct ... (222 words

I'm a week late, could I be pregnant?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6538 days ago

1 September 2006 (F - well i had unprotected sex when i was ovulating, about 5 days after i started spotting i took 3 pregnancy test but all are negative, and i'm almost a week late for my period. pregnant? ... (35 words

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