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To browse questions by day in September, 2006, use the links below (in brackets, number of questions on that day)

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Archived questions from: 28 September, 2006 (see latest questions)

(More questions from September, 2006)

Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice


My cousin doesn't like my boyfriend!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6511 days ago

28 September 2006 (F - hi, i need some advice about my cousin. her and i have been quite close expecially the last 10 years (shes 25 and im 22), problem is that i began dating one of her work colleagues whom she doesnt get on well with...even though she introduced us in the first place...anyway this ... (281 words

He wants to have his fun--but wants me to wait for him. I need him to make a decison now! How do I tell him this?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6510 days ago

28 September 2006 (F - My boyfriend and i broke up a week ago.We dated for a year and a half. He now talks to me..we are still friends...and tels me about all the parties hes going to and all of the girls he plans on sleeping with. on the other hand he tells me that maybe after i graduate college ... (171 words

He agreed to wait to have sex and now he's grabbing at my pants and behaving very impatient!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6507 days ago

28 September 2006 (F - I've been going out with my bf for about 8 months, were in our 20's, and we haven't had sex. I'm a virgin, he's not though. Early in the relationship we talked about how i needed to be in love in order to have sex and to have the relationship headed somewhere. he's been very ... (207 words

His playful tickling annoys this normal or is he just childish?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6507 days ago

28 September 2006 (F - Hi. I've been going out with my bf for 7 months, were in love and everything is going well. However, there is one thing that bothers me about him. Since day one, he's been a very touchy feely kind of person, meaning he's always trying to tickle me, pull at my nose or poke me ... (268 words

How do I prevent those awful vaginal wet farts after oral sex?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 6015 days ago

28 September 2006 (F - Ok, this is pretty gross, but my bf gave me head this morning and a few minutes after he'd finished i got really really wet and it made a really horrible sound like a fart that i was in no control over. I know it's disgusting and i'm sorry, but is this common, and can i prevent ... (64 words

He orgasms too quickly--I have trouble getting can we solve this problem?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6511 days ago

28 September 2006 (F - My bf used to do coke and other class A drugs, and although he's now clean it's taken it's toll on his body and he often has trouble during sex. Sometimes he just comes so quickly I haven't even realised that we'd started. I tend to let him do all the work during sex because I ... (103 words

How do I give good head?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6507 days ago

28 September 2006 (F - i have given head b4 (blow job) but how do i know im doing it right? any sugestions on how 2 give a BJ....?... (24 words

We pulled-now he wants to date me but I prefer being single. If I pull with him I leading him on?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6511 days ago

28 September 2006 (F - i like this boy, and we are really good friends. last weekend we were at a party and we pulled quite a few times, and because i was his first pull [and him mine] people are saying that he wants to go out with me, but hes too shy to admit it. the problem is, i dont really want ... (108 words

We are having marriage problems over my husband's drinking binges...what can I do?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6511 days ago

28 September 2006 (F - Hi, I have a question I need a lot of help on. I'm in a 3 year marriage thats been somewhat rocky.theres been lots of fighting,but we love eachother very much and we have a son but theres always been this problem my husband once in a while wont come home and will... (117 words

What should i do to make this guy like me? Any tips?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5929 days ago

28 September 2006 (F - Hi. I like this boy in my year but i don't know if he likes me. What should i do to make him like me?... (25 words

Why is it so hard to move on after broken relationship?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6389 days ago

28 September 2006 (M - Why is it so hard to move on from a broken marriage / relationship? Thought of ex with new partner is soul destroying. Why is it so tough to let go?... (33 words

Should i meet my work mates nephew?? I have concerns about the age gap!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6511 days ago

28 September 2006 (F - Should i meet my work mates nephew???? Hey Guys hope some one can help! im a 19 yr old female (single) recently in a conversation in work i mentioned that id like to meet mr right and settle into a relationship as most of my friends have boyfriends now and when we go out i... (320 words

How can you move forward after someone has cheated on you?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5979 days ago

28 September 2006 (F - how do or can you move forward in a relationship when one has cheated is it healthly to move forward ... (24 words

I can't seem to enjoy myself with friends..especially whenever I think of this girl I like!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6511 days ago

28 September 2006 (M - I asked this girl out,she said no but we're ok friends (not friends that hang around with each other all the time). Though my heart still jumps whenever I see her. Every now and then I see her at clubs having a good time with her friends yet I always seem to be miserable and ... (103 words

How do you tell how serious a guy is about you or even if he is?? This guy has me baffled!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6511 days ago

28 September 2006 (F - How do you tell how serious a guy is about you or even if he is? How can you tell if he just wants to use you for sex or that his feelings go deeper? Been going out with this guy (nearly 23) for 2 weeks. Although he doesn’t know this yet, I have been in love with him for a ... (1027 words

I get depressed if I don't have a bf! Is this normal and why am I like this?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6511 days ago

28 September 2006 (F - hi im 15 and i am wondering if this is normal or why I think like this. Basically if i dont have a boy in my life i get depressed. i have to have a boy that is interested in me and that we both flirt with each other. I have to have a boy to fancy basically! and i have to have ... (100 words

I want my ex bf to stop liking me so I can move on with my new bf. What can I do?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6511 days ago

28 September 2006 (F - dear cupid okay i have been dating this guy for two months and we really care deeply about each other. but my ex boyfriend is really not liking it and he has never acted like that before he told me we are only friends and nothing more but my family keeps telling me its ... (79 words

I like her, she has a boyfriend...what do I do?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6511 days ago

28 September 2006 (M - i have a girl at my school that i like but she has got a boyfriend, i cant get over her can you help me with my love problem... (29 words

My boyfriends been cheating on me, yet I still love him!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6436 days ago

28 September 2006 (F - what do i do after my boyfried of nearly 8 yrs ,has cheated on me with his ex?we have 3 kids under 6.had no problems and a fantastic sex life..and he goes off and has sex with her.the affair was going on for two months when i accidently found very explicit messages to her on ... (76 words

We keep breaking up, but still have sex and act like we are still together!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6507 days ago

28 September 2006 (F - Hi, um where shud i begin really well i was with this guy for 3 years on and off i met him over the internet when i was 16 and went to meet him, it felt like love at first sight then he left me 4 times through these 3 years and always came back to me becos i let him and still ... (191 words

I have a girlfriend that I love and I'm infatuated with another girl...what are my options?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6510 days ago

28 September 2006 (M - i've been going out with a girl for nearly 6 months and i really do love her, she seems to be perfect and could picture myself spending the rest of my life with her. However i have always had a wandering eye but i would never act upon, recently i've been speaking to another ... (117 words

We broke up but something I said changed his mind...where do I really stand?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6511 days ago

28 September 2006 (F - My bf has been pretty depressed recently, mainly because he has no job but there are other issues too. Last night when we were together he started crying and said he didn't want to drag me down with him and that he couldn't put into the relationship what it deserves, and tried ... (259 words

We are having a problem when it comes to sex!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6432 days ago

28 September 2006 (F - I have just started a new relationship and me and my partner are having a problem when it comes to having sex,we cant seem to get my partners penis inside me to me it seems to be something stopping it or if we do it slips out straightaway.Is there anything we can do to stop ... (57 words

My husband is no longer understanding towards my issues with sex!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6511 days ago

28 September 2006 (F - My husband and I have been married for 4 years and have experienced a lot in that amount of time. When I was 16 years old, i was sexually assaulted and my views regarding sex changed dramitically. My husband is the first person I had sex with without being under the influence ... (306 words

We broke up because she cheated and now..she ignores me! I still care for her..what can I do?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6511 days ago

28 September 2006 (M - What should I do me and my girlfreind broke up about 3 weeks ago. Well to start out she has cheated on me twice before when she was really drunk. She kissed two guys. She broke up with me first saying she felt like there was not a spark anymore. Well she also told me the ... (265 words

My ex gf's bf is being possessive because he won't allow her to hang out with me! Is this right?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6198 days ago

28 September 2006 (M - Is my ex-girlfriend new guy being possessive? He won't let her hang out with me when it's just me and her. I wanted to take her out to a baseball game for her birthday and she said sure, but she'd have to ask him first. Well, it's a no go, he wouldn't let her go. We still ... (88 words

My seperated guy hasn't contacted me and I wanna know-what the hell is going on?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6504 days ago

28 September 2006 (F - Hi I have been going with this fella and i have a question before about him! He is separted from his wife and he has a child and two step children we have been getting on ok or so i think! i haven't heard from him since monday and i don't know what to do! I just want to k... (78 words

Is she sending me mixed messages or am I useless at picking up the signs? Help me out here!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6511 days ago

28 September 2006 (M - Hi Everyone A few months back a friend of mine's girlfriend moved near to where I live....and one of her friends moved in with her. I bumped into them in town and my friend found out that this new girl thought I was "cute". Obviously I was flattered by this remark as I don'... (233 words

He knows I exist so why won't he talk to me?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 6511 days ago

28 September 2006 (F - I am a Single mother. i have a liking for this man who is 5 yrs younger than me. We are working in the same company but different dept. We do not talk to each other but he knows that i am existing. Just wonder why he does not want to talk to me? Can anyone advise. Thank U ... (60 words

Convinced my Dad is cheating on my Mum, what should I do?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6511 days ago

28 September 2006 (F - I am a teenager living at home with my Mum and Dad who have been married for 20 years. I recently found some texts on my Dads mobile and I am now convinced he is having an affair. Please help me because I can't stand the thought of my family been torn apart. What should I do? ... (58 words

Sex was painful for me and he wouldn't stop! Was this rape?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6507 days ago

28 September 2006 (F - my boyfriend in i were having sex and towards the end i asked him to stop because it was uncomfitable and painfull. i have always found penitration uncomfitable and some time painfull he said that he was at the piont of no return when we talked about it afterwards but i think ... (83 words

Dirty text messages found on mobile

This question has 18 answers - newest was posted 5853 days ago

28 September 2006 (M - 6 monthes ago my wife had a mobile phone which i didnt know of, when i found it ,it was full of dirty texts she had sent to 2 guys. one of the guys was her friends hubby, her friend was also in on the dirty texts. now i have found she has another mobile, but it is security ... (130 words

In what ways can I infect someone else with herpes?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6041 days ago

28 September 2006 (F - I had a herpes test done recently and I called my doc. to get the results and I found out that I am positive for herpes I but negative for herpes II. Basically I have cold sores inside my mouth, they don't appear outside my mouth though and I was wondering if I should tell my ... (264 words

Sex on holiday, am I now pregnant?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6511 days ago

28 September 2006 (F - I had sex on holiday and since then i havent been on my period.I took 2 pregnancy tests but they were really cheap 1 said negitive then the other said positive im really scared im only 15 XXXXPLZ HELP XXX... (40 words

Gay venues on holiday have left me insecure, I feel so lost

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6511 days ago

28 September 2006 (M - My BF and I have been in a wonderful relationship for the past 11 years. No bad arguments, no ugly spats, just a fundamental agreement to never let it become ugly, we have agreed to express our difference of opinion and except it regardless. We recently travelled abroad... (376 words

Think my best friend likes my boyfriend... what can I do?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6511 days ago

28 September 2006 (F - i think my bestfriend wants my boifriend i have asked her but she denies it what should i do?... (19 words

We slept together and I haven't hard from him this week... Am I worrying too much?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6511 days ago

28 September 2006 (F - Hi, I have been dating a guy and it was going very well. I met his friends recently and we ended up sleeping together for the first time. We have been seeing each other for about a month. I have been away a lot of weekends visiting friends, sometimes in other cou... (204 words

Is this mess normal?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 6511 days ago

28 September 2006 (F - is it normal when me and my parnter have sex for is semum to dribbel out of me wen he pulls out of me... (24 words

Been married a few months and run out of thinsg to say!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6511 days ago

28 September 2006 (M - I have nothing to say to my wife. We have only been married for a few months, and I am scared. We just moved because of her job, and we have no one to speak to other than each other. I am not working so I can't even tell her about my day. What can I do to have a more ... (70 words

I don't want ex, but don't want anyone else to have him either

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6511 days ago

28 September 2006 (F - I have been broken up with my ex for a few years now and we have remained friends. The problem is, I dont want him but I dont want anyone else to have him either. Help. Is this normal? Any advice?... (43 words

Where can I find... men?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6511 days ago

28 September 2006 (F - Bit of a bizzare question but where is the best place to find men? Im 31 years of age and havent had a proper relationship in over 4 years and im starting to get lonely and worry if I will ever settle down. Dont get me wrong I do meet men but for some reason all they want to ... (150 words

He has moved schools, how can I get over him?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6511 days ago

28 September 2006 (F - Im 13 (nearly 14) and i like a 16 year old guy. He and his friends always stare at me and i heard that he likes me. Now he has moved schools and i am crushed. I have liked him for 7 months.Any suggestions how i can get ova him?... (50 words

Im have difficulty trusting people after what the ex appeared to turn into..

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6512 days ago

28 September 2006 (F - I started to go out with a guy and everything seemed perfect but he then disappeared and did not even answer my text messages I though something could have happened to him, A couple of months later I went to visit my granfather to hospital as he was to die but I did not know ... (138 words

Worried I have mental problems regarding sex!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6512 days ago

28 September 2006 (F - Is it normal not to get the horn when you get off with a really good looking guy whose personality you don't like even if you feel just to have a go with him just for trying? This happen to me witb my ex when trying to initiate intercourse I couldn't get away the idea that I ... (131 words

My bf is fed up with work, how can I make him feel better ?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6511 days ago

28 September 2006 (F - Hi everypne Need a bit of advice My bf is quite pissed off about work at the moment I know its not about me but somethimes he can come accross a bit harsh because of this What should i do Should i try to talk to him about it or leave it and carry on as if nothing h... (89 words

Is masturbating healthy or is it best to have a sexual partner ?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6432 days ago

28 September 2006 (F - Do you think masturbating is a healthy thing or is it better to have a sexual partner? I would like to find someone who cares but it's difficult for me at the moment. Which are the best ways for a lady to do it if she has never made love before? I have not many ideas about it ... (72 words

She told me she didnt fancy me, we havent had sex for ages, but said she wants to stay and work it out!!!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6511 days ago

28 September 2006 (M - hi, i have been with my girlfriend now for 1 .5 years, we do have to odd argument here and there.. but other than that wer fine. now i was getting quite worried recently, cuz we aint done the dirty for ages.. months in fact and wer both under 20! and to drop- the big one ... (153 words

Is he acting this way because he does indeed fancy me and he is flirting ?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6511 days ago

28 September 2006 (F - Dear Cupid, I need some advice. There's this man that I think is flirting with me. He always makes sex jokes in my presence and asked me 1 day to sit next to him and he showed me a sms telling me I'll apppreciate it. Then sometimes he'll stare at my front part of my lower half ... (163 words

Should I pursue her or stop wasting time ?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6512 days ago

28 September 2006 (M - Well, I'm a senior in high school and I like this girl who is a freshman in college. Thing is, she is home for the fall term and possibly then some. We got pretty close this summer but I never asked her to go out with me; I took her to my high school homecoming though. I ... (258 words

My BF will go in the army for 6 months, Im worried for him and myself!!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6150 days ago

28 September 2006 (F - Hey everyone Im really in need of dome help here My bf is in the army and due to do 6 months in iraq Im terrified. Not only for him but (and i know this sounds selfish but myself) How do i cope without him Its not like i wanna see him every day but 6 months is such a... (147 words

Any idea how to find out if your boyfriend is cheating on you?

This question has 27 answers - newest was posted 5011 days ago

28 September 2006 (F - Any idea how to find out if your boyfriend is cheating on you??? If he is there's no way on earth he'll admit it, so I want to find a way to know the truth.... (35 words

She's a totally different person since she's left for school

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6512 days ago

28 September 2006 (M - My girlfriend is away at school, and we don't get to see each other that much, only a couple times a month. It seems to me she's distant at times, never returning my calls or AIMs, but she always has time to go out with her roommates to shop, party, etc. With the effort that ... (307 words

He told me that it smelled fishy

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 6506 days ago

28 September 2006 (F - please, i am 15 and my boyfriend has recently just preformed oral sex on me. i feel very embarrassed to say this, but he told me that it smelled a little like some sort of fish or something. he said he could not go on, and that he would give me a bath instead. i felt so ... (69 words

I want him to take my virginity..but all attempts have failed! What can we do?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6512 days ago

28 September 2006 (F - me n my boyfriend have been together for 5 months but we were friends for a while b4 so we really knew each other and are very comfortable with each other...we have tried to have sex a 4 different days but numerous times each day...i'm a virgin but he is nowhere close to being ... (179 words

He tried to date me but I rejected him 2 times! He has a new gf now and I want him..what should I do?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6512 days ago

28 September 2006 (F - I have liked this guy for years but there were circumstances that kept me from admitting this. He attempted to get closer to me. He even went as far as saying he liked the sound of my 1st name and his last name together. I rejected him but tried to stay friends. He said he had ... (113 words

Ex husband wants me back but I fear we may run into the same old problems! What should I do?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6512 days ago

28 September 2006 (F - Dear Cupid, I am a 33 year old single mum of 4. I have had 2 failed marriages. My first split up due to physical and mental abuse. My second split up because of constant arguments and trust issues. I have been divorced now for 3 years. I have tried the dating scene both per... (166 words

My bf says he'll hurt himself if I ever left him. I like guy and now..I'm scared of what my bf will do to himself!!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6512 days ago

28 September 2006 (F - Help!!! I have been with my boyfriend for 4 months and he always aus that he loves me. he says that without me he would die. he says tha if he'd loose me he'd kill himself. I met this other guy at school and i like him and i know he likes me too and he asked me out and i didnt ... (84 words

We have loads in common..I like her..she likes me. One problem..the age gap. What should I do?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 6489 days ago

28 September 2006 (M - ok where do i start i think i really like this girl, we have loads in common we get along like strawberrys and cream and i also think she likes me a lot aswell. 2 problems 1 - shes my good friends sister and 2 -there is a age differance she is 16 and im 19. im confused can ... (62 words

I'm confused-this guy I like just doesn't respond to me anymore!..and it's really stressing me!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6411 days ago

28 September 2006 (F - Dear Cupid, I'm confused about this look that my crush has been giving me lately. It seems like whenever he sees me, he just looks at me with this...emotionless...expression on his face. I don't know what he means by it. Do you think he's mad at me? Is it because he knows... (94 words

Should I begin to ignore my crush in the hopes he'll want to flirt with me? What do you think?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5990 days ago

28 September 2006 (F - Dear Cupid, Last night when we were talking online, my friend (we'll just call her K-K), told me (for about the millionth time) that I need to get over my crush, whom I've been liking for about two years now. She told me that he's just a jerk and that he's not worth it and... (192 words

When she says she loves me...does she really mean it?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6512 days ago

28 September 2006 (M - I have been in a relationship with my partner for 6 years. We recently slip up for 5 weeks and we have been back together for about 2 months now. It was my fault we split up because i felt trapped! Now we are back together i feel lonley and as if she doesnt love me like she ... (108 words

She's went off me! I cant give up, as I know we are meant to be together-I wantto get her back!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6512 days ago

28 September 2006 (M - i've just broke up with my girlfriend,we've only been together for 4 months,but ive known her for much longer, in that time we got engaged and even talked about having kids in the next year and a half,but things went bad about 3weeks ago,her best friend left to a job abroad and ... (213 words

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