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To browse questions by day in September, 2006, use the links below (in brackets, number of questions on that day)

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Archived questions from: 13 September, 2006 (see latest questions)

(More questions from September, 2006)

Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice


When other people are cool towards me...I think they don't like me! Do I need more confidence?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6526 days ago

13 September 2006 (F - ive had some issues with confidence relationship wise and friendship wise! i find eveytime any1s cold towards me or a bit off i immeditly think they dont like me anymore! its like im always waiting 4 them to dump me or stop being my friend ... (47 words

How do I mend a broken heart??

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6521 days ago

13 September 2006 (F - Can anyone please give me some tips on mending a broken heart? Has anyone had a relationship where there was mutual love, only for one party to break it off, due to cultural and family pressures? I know my boyfriend (or ex-boyfriend) loves me to bits. But he has decided to e... (263 words

Will i meet somebody who is better for me??

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6524 days ago

13 September 2006 (M - hi, I have left school, and i'm going to university next week. i liked this girl at school, but we hardly talked yet i still liked her (she's really hot, and was nice to me), she was fairly cool though i'm a bit of a loser. Will I probably meet a girl at uni who is better fo... (80 words

Will his break-up affect his view on marriage forever???

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6525 days ago

13 September 2006 (F - Quick question - at what point do you discuss your attitude to marriage in a relationship? I know it seems a ‘how long is a piece of string’ question but if before you get in a relationship one of you casually mentions they would like to get married one day and the other wants ... (133 words

My parents can't accept him because he's 25 and I'm 18...

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6522 days ago

13 September 2006 (F - Hi, I've got a problem. I'm 18, have been single for about a year now. Got out of a bad relationship, thank god. Anyway, my friend decided she wanted to set me up with someone. She told me he was 19. Tom and I went out and had an absolute blast. Here comes the nausea... (250 words

What is he thinking???

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6374 days ago

13 September 2006 (F - What is he really thinking? I've been with my boyfriend for the past 7 years. We're both in our late 20s and I thought we were very happy together and he was the one. However, he dropped a bombshell on me a couple of weeks ago and told me that he couldn't do us anymore. No r... (446 words

My boyfriend was sending naked pictures to another on the internet now its a big joke to everyone...

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6525 days ago

13 September 2006 (F - About 9 months ago i was diagnosed with depression and really needed my boyfriends support. he was still living at home and to my horror i discovered he had been sending naked pictures of himself to another girl via the internet. despite it, i forgave him. i know it was a long ... (87 words

Is he cheating on me???

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6526 days ago

13 September 2006 (F - He is 51 i am 46,i feel he is cheating,i have no proof,just by his actions, of course he says he is faithful but his behavior shows different. If you love someone with all your heart and soul would you tell them you will not be in their will because your a jealous person a... (61 words

My boyfriend works in the same company as a guy I dated and now its bothering me...

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6525 days ago

13 September 2006 (F - hi everyone. i've been with my bf a while now . i've just come to realise that he works for the same agency as another man i met up with for a few dates a few years ago. This other man wasn't serious so the relationship fizzled out quickly. i love my bf and we want to get ... (129 words

I'm 12 and I want to be closer to my boyfriend...What should I do???

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4967 days ago

13 September 2006 (F - Hey guys! I'm new to this site if u havent noticed and i've stumbled on a certain problem on which i need help with..... You see my age is 12(almost 13!!!!)and i'm in 7th grade.I've been goin out with this certain person(we'll name him muffin 4 now) for almost a year ,well ... (174 words

My fiance checks in on his ex...Should I be worried???

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6525 days ago

13 September 2006 (F - Should I be worried about my fiance checking in on his ex-girlfriend? We have been together just over a year and been engaged for 4 months. He moved in with me 3 months ago; right before that I was using his computer and noticed that he'd been on his ex-girlfriend's website. ... (296 words

He has a girlfriend but says he likes me and I'm nice...What should I do???

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6526 days ago

13 September 2006 (F - i am 24 with 3 young children and divorced. i go out with freinds on saturday nights. there i met this guy i think he is so sweet. he told me he had a girl friend the first time i seen him which i think is true. the second time i met him he told me that he likes me and that he ... (142 words

He watches porn and I am disgusted!!!!!!

This question has 16 answers - newest was posted 5728 days ago

13 September 2006 (F - i have been living with my partner for 2yrs and planned marriage, i loved him so much but now he has broke my heart,he said he watched porn once in a blue moon but i discovered otherwise-and what he watches is making me sick,all the girls look undeveloped and look around 14 ... (145 words

Is it normal that my bf has never brought me to orgasm? Help-I want to make things better.

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6525 days ago

13 September 2006 (F - Is it normal that my bf has never brought me to orgasm? He can get me horny really easily, and he knows what i like and we're both perfectly comfortable with eachother but he just can't get me off whatever method he tries, even though i often pretend for his benefit. I ... (178 words

Should I get over him or see it things will work out???

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6526 days ago

13 September 2006 (F - So in the begining of our relationship he cheated but i didnt find this out until he moved 6 months into our relationship and he hasnt cheated since then. He moved back for me and eventually had to move away again for money issues.weve now been together over a year. We had ... (106 words

I'm not good at relationships...I need some advice and help here.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6526 days ago

13 September 2006 (F - I need some advice on relationships as I am not very good at them, even though I am 30 years young. My boyfriend is 22. My longest relationship has only been for a year, whereas he came out of a 4 1/2 yr relationship early this year. I always seem to bolt at the first sign ... (863 words

He has a picture on a dating site but says its a set-up???

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6526 days ago

13 September 2006 (F - Hi there, I'm 28 and my boyfriend is 29. Today I heard that he'd posted a photograph of himself in his briefs/boxer shorts on a dating website from a friend in work. I've seen the profile on the site - but my husband insists it was a set-up, and that the people at his work ... (100 words

I'm sad because he is always away...How can I deal with the lonliness???

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6525 days ago

13 September 2006 (F - Im in my first relationship and My boyfriend works away a lot For periods of time that can range from 7 days to 6 weeks I have very strong feelings for him but as this is all new to me I want him around all the time I am worried of pushing him away with my neediest for him He ... (91 words

He is inconsiderate and snaps at me when I'm only trying to help...

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6521 days ago

13 September 2006 (F - hiya right im wondering if you can help me... me and my boyfriend are going through a rough patch at the moment he is very inconsiderate towards me and feels that i am telling him what to do (which in ways i am but only to keep him out of trouble) i have tried talking to him ... (82 words

Should I confront him about flirting with "her" in my face or leave it alone?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6526 days ago

13 September 2006 (F - My bf and I have been together for 3 months. We're incredibly happy together at the moment, and We've both come to terms with eachother's faults and learned to accept them as part of eachother's personality. For example, he has always been a major flirt with everybody, but has ... (291 words

I found on my Dad's mobile phone some texts from another woman

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6526 days ago

13 September 2006 (F - Hello. I'm a teenage girl (don't want to reveal my age) and live at home with both my parents. We have always been a really close family and they have been married for nearly 20years. However, I recently found on my Dad's mobile phone some texts from another woman. And to be ... (108 words

She is in Paris being smug while I decided to finish up at school

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 6521 days ago

13 September 2006 (M - Hi everyone, So my girlfriend and I have been together for four and a half years now. We met at the end of high school and maintained the relationship throughout college (we did the long distance thing for a year as we went to different colleges and then she transferred to m... (513 words

He can't make me as horny as he used to

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6525 days ago

13 September 2006 (F - dear cupid, me and my bf of 2 months like to have cyber sex becuz he works away alot but he cnt make me as horny as he used to any more has any one gt any thoughts on new ideas for us to try??? plz help xxxx... (48 words

It shocks me that he is no longer in love with his ex-wife

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6526 days ago

13 September 2006 (F - How long does one need to recover from a heart-break relationship? Will it be different between guys and girls? My situations is this. My boyfriend was divorced 1 yr and 3 months before we met. We've been together for 1 year as of now. He was married with his ex-wife for 3 ye... (133 words

My bf joined the army, I Cheated, but how do I get my friend back ???

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6526 days ago

13 September 2006 (F - ive been with my bf for 2 1/2 years and i do love him dearly. the problem is he decided to join the army last year. im only 18 and found this hard to deal with. i resented him for joining the army but at the same time i still loved him. we split up because we thought it was ... (335 words

Could this part of Oral Sex cause me any harm ?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6526 days ago

13 September 2006 (M - When I give my gf oral and she is sitting on my face she cums what seems like pints which I happily drink. Is this urine or femail Cum? And can it cause me any harm?... (37 words

What is this bump in the middle of my breasts ??

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6526 days ago

13 September 2006 (F - hi, im 15 and found a kind of raised lump in between my boobs. its right in the middle of each breast. what is this, it doesnt hurt when i push it, it just feels like a normal bump. could it be breast cancer or what do u think it is? ... (55 words

7 yrs younger - is he just after sex??

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6512 days ago

13 September 2006 (F - This guy I'm seeing is 7 years younger them me How do i know he really wants to be with me for me and not for sex? help... (28 words

He's Insatiable!!! Help!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6526 days ago

13 September 2006 (F - i'm losing my sex drive and i have no idea why. It's also getting to the point where my boyfriend is asking me questions as to what is going on and i have no real answer for him, we have discussed it and he told me that he would ideally like to have sex twice a day which, i... (257 words

He told me he'd been to a lap-dancing club - after 11 months together!!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6526 days ago

13 September 2006 (F - My bf went to a lap dancing club a month and half before he met me and he had a private dance from a lapdancer and she was completly stark naked and he had an erection. He told me this yesterday, we have been dating for 11 months. I was really disgusted by this, i never th... (119 words

Question on virginity....

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6526 days ago

13 September 2006 (F - i have a question as i am not sure about something. When a woman lose virginity does she always bleed?? Also what about men do they bleed??? Sorry about my ignorance... (31 words

Im falling for my best mate, trouble is im so horrid to him and he puts up with it, but dont think he feels the same, what do I do ?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6526 days ago

13 September 2006 (F - Where can I start apart from im in love with my best (only) male friend. He knows that im falling in love with him but because he was badly hurt last year does not want a relationship. We have not had sex or kissed properly so that is not a problem. Problem is my feelings for ... (213 words

He seems to now be rushing, is it okay to carry on dating see where it leads or do I need to set some ground rules ?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6526 days ago

13 September 2006 (F - Hi, My ex boyfriend and I are trying to be together again. We went out for 3 months, he broke up with me for 2 months because of issues with his ex, and we have now been back in contact and dating for 2.5 months. So ive really not known him that long. Anyway, last week... (347 words

I love the fantasy idea of my girl with another bloke, but dont think in reality I can stomach, what is all this ??

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 6523 days ago

13 September 2006 (M - Please someone sort me out!! I'm with a beautiful woman whom I love very much. We've been together for almost 4 years now and we are soon to wed. We have a great sex life and I am never left feeling unfulfilled. But for some crazy, insane reason, I can't stop feeling tur... (257 words

Is there anything I can do to help get my girlfriends sex drive back ?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5859 days ago

13 September 2006 (M - dear cupid , wondering if you could help me , me and my girlfriend have been together about a year and a half now she is 18 and i am 22, lately well for a fair while we ahve not had sex as much as both wanted too mainly to her not being able to get horny or getting to tired... (154 words

He cheated and said it was because he was young and I didnt pay him enough attention!!!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6526 days ago

13 September 2006 (F - Me and boyfriend are young i'm 19 and he is 18. We have been together for just over 2 years. We also have an 8 month baby. And i found out since february that he was cheating on me. Reasoning is being young and also the lack of attention i payed to him. He says he realises now, ... (106 words

My boyfriend is pressuring me into getting his name tattooed on me!

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 6525 days ago

13 September 2006 (F - my boyfriend of 4 years is pressurising me a lot to get his name tattooed on my breasts or butts. he insists that this is a definite way of expressing my love for him. i am not sure of social and/or clinical affects of this. i love him deeply and donot want to lose him. ... (69 words

My husbands family doesnt like me, what do I do ?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6520 days ago

13 September 2006 (F - help, new husbands grown children and family do not like me. kids are 30, 28.29. and 35 years old husband was single for over 10 years. i'm 50 and he is 62 we are happy. one of his sons is going to be a new dad and we went to the baby shower and his xwife was there It was... (137 words

My mum says shes will call the cops if I go to Arizona with him!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6526 days ago

13 September 2006 (F - hi im a 16 year old girl that want to go back to arizona with my boyfriend of almost 2years but he is 19 years i will be 17 in october but my mom told that she will call the cops on him if i go back to arizona what can i do?... (53 words

I cant get him out of my head after our night of sex!!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6526 days ago

13 September 2006 (F - I had sex with a guy i met that night and now i cant get him out of my head!! help Well heres the story..i met this guy and we knew each other through another person.. anyways so i saw him at a party at i went up tp him to see if he was actully guy my friend was talkin about... (221 words

I wasnt interested, now I am hes found someone else, what can I do ?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6526 days ago

13 September 2006 (F - i met this wonderful boy about 2 weeks back.. at first i didnt know what to do, but he was quick wit, fun and charming. i really liked him and coz i was mending a brokenheart i didnt want to go out with him despite him asking me out almost everyday... then suddenly out of ... (144 words

Stay with true love or gain experience ??

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6526 days ago

13 September 2006 (F - Was just wondering what you all thought about being with your first true love forever. I know it's rare, but say you were faced with this situation. You've been with them a long time. You love them, the relationship is incredible, and they're your first/only love. If they as... (103 words

Why does this guy get up and leave ?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6526 days ago

13 September 2006 (F - This is not a big problem compared to some of the other things that I read on this site but here is my problem. There is a guy in my circle of friends who seems nice, I do not know him really well but everytime I come into the room or sit down with him and friends...he gets up ... (123 words

If he was dating someone else...why would this guy even bother with me in the first place?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6527 days ago

13 September 2006 (F - i'm a widow of 4yrs. met a man both of us were instantly attracted to each other. We never went on a date or anything just shared alot of conversations. Had alot of fun chatting. we saw each other a few times at my home.he was telling me alot that he wasn't interest... (217 words

I have tired of putting my life on hold for I being impatient and should I wait?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6527 days ago

13 September 2006 (F - I live with man whom I love dearly. He has 2 children who don't want to associate with me. We both left our ex's for each other.I have asked him what are his intentions for the future as I want us to be a couple and to start to set goals. However, all he says is that he loves ... (123 words

I still love her and I'm devastated over it. Is it really that unlikely that she'll come back, like others tell me?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6526 days ago

13 September 2006 (M - Just over a month ago, my girlfriend of two years broke up with me before entering college (I am a sophomore, she was entering my college as a freshman). This breakup was sudden and devastating, as we were EXTREMELY close. She broke up with me over many factors including ... (193 words

My gf has negative issues about her body and I'm trying to understand-anyone else ever experience this?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6527 days ago

13 September 2006 (M - The girl who I was with for three years was a blonde, size 8,blue eyes, she was a 32b but went to a 32d with her boob job. Since being around 2 imparticular people at uni shae has questioned her weight no end, she used to go swiming 4 mornings a week and the gym 5 nights, no ... (279 words

How do I tell my bf...that he has real bad body odor?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 6519 days ago

13 September 2006 (F - I'm in love with a guy who has bad b.o. and I don't know how to tell him. He smokes alot of pot so I think he doesn't remember to put deorderant on. Do you think I should bring it up to him? If so how? ... (46 words

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