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Archived questions from: 22 March, 2006 (see latest questions)

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Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice


I want to only start a friendship with her... how would I go about doing that?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6701 days ago

22 March 2006 (M - I went to a party with some friends, and through my one friend i was introduced to another of their friend with who i found alot in common, and that we are practally neighbours and our parents come from the same place. We exchanged numbers and emails. And the next day my friend ... (139 words

I'm too young for sex. What other options do I have?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6692 days ago

22 March 2006 (F - Dear Agony Aunt, I'm 12 and i really want to have sex but I'm too young. Is it okay to masturbate or is there any other options?... (28 words

Shouldn't my friend go for it with her younger guy? Why does she care about the age difference?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6701 days ago

22 March 2006 (F - Hi, My friend is 29 and she has got this guy after her but he's 17. They really get on and I think they are falling in love with each other but she says it's the age gap that's stopping them. But I think if you love each other that much, age should not be a problem. Hope y... (87 words

How do I stand up to my father, and the plans he's made for my life?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6701 days ago

22 March 2006 (M - I need some help and encouragement. I met up with some friends today for dinner, and while we were chatting, I had the most amazingly sad feeling come over me. It only hit me now, and seeing my friends talking about their plans and what they've been doing, I realized that I ... (276 words

I really would like to get over him, but I don't know how....

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6701 days ago

22 March 2006 (F - well my ex i think is still in love with me. he's showing all the obvious signs and i love him to peices and have been to hell and back when he dumped me because he fancied my best friend and now i really want to be more than that, but he said he would never go back out with ... (71 words

How am I supposed to give him oral sex?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6700 days ago

22 March 2006 (F - My boyfriend's penis is too big to really fit in my mouth to give him oral sex. what could i do to give him oral sex?... (26 words

I'm really shy, but I also really like him. What can I do?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6700 days ago

22 March 2006 (F - Theres a boy i like at my school. He asked me out a couple of weeks ago but i felt too shy around him to go out with him. Now i really like him but i'm not sure if he still does. How can i tell if he still likes me? And what shall i do if he does? Help me please!... (62 words

Should I be patient, or just cut my losses and run?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6700 days ago

22 March 2006 (F - My boyfriend is 27 and is having some problems at the moment with money and stuff. He never wants sex with me and it's really getting me down. I'm 19 and have a very high sex drive, my confidence has really been knocked by this. The other night, we started to make love and... (171 words

I think I let things get too far with my boyfriend. Can I slow things down?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6700 days ago

22 March 2006 (F - I am 15 and I have had my boyfriend for 6 weeks and I love him. Soon after we met I let him feel my breasts and a couple of nights ago I let him put his hand inside my panties. But now I think I let him go too far and that he will want me to go all the way. How do I tell him I ... (100 words

I'm pregnant and my boyfriend is making me feel lonely. Please help!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6064 days ago

22 March 2006 (F - I need some advice, i am nearly six months pregnant and my boyfried hardly talks to me or about the baby. but when we are out or with his family he is happy to talk about it he has a daughter of 13 from his marriage and she has always been treated like a queen and he never lets ... (146 words

We split up and she showed no emotion. I dont feel she is over her grief but is it any of my business now??

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6701 days ago

22 March 2006 (M - My girlfriend and I recently broke up, and she showed very little emotion over it. She really isn't much of an emotional person, and I think it's something to do with her past. Her and her ex boyfriend suffered a miscarriage about 4 years ago, and she told me that she doesn't ... (284 words

I had an affair but I have found out my husband has been sleeping with a mutual friend and met a girl off the net!!!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6699 days ago

22 March 2006 (F - I have been married for 10 years and together for 5 years before that. About 6 years ago i had an affair due to unhappiness in our marriage, unacceptable I know. We seperated for six months then got back together and made a go of it. My husband had an accident and i nursed him ... (308 words

How can I get over my anxiety to want to be with her all the time?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6701 days ago

22 March 2006 (M - Help! I'm trying to understand and get control of my anxiety! Here's the -rather complicated- situation: My girlfriend is going through a divorce although has not yet moved out of her ex's place as she is waiting for her new apartment to become available. I have suff... (399 words

Should I date or wait for her? HELP???

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6701 days ago

22 March 2006 (M - Sorry if this is long... Last July I met the Girl of my dreams... It was really love at first site for both of us. I rememeber it like it was yesterday when my buddy and I dropped her off at her house I was thinking about how wonderful that Girl was and started to i... (374 words

What can I do, I still miss her and can't forget about her!

This question has 15 answers - newest was posted 6387 days ago

22 March 2006 (M - Hi there I posted this about a week, and i followed advice from this website sort of...anyway here is an update, and previous folks... Previous Post Hey there guys and girls, i have an issue, about one month ago I had a split with my girlfriend, of 2yrs (on ... (649 words

How do I stop my boyfriend "tapping" me?!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6701 days ago

22 March 2006 (F - My boyfrined of two months has a habit of "tapping" me which is beginning to drive me nuts! He taps me when he puts his arm around me, when I wake in the morning for a cuddle, he taps me. I've tried to make a joke of it and ask him if he's sending morse code messages but now ... (81 words

Should I worry about my little boy getting too attached to the man I'm seeing?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6701 days ago

22 March 2006 (F - As a single parent, I'm not sure when/if to introduce my son to the man I'm dating. He recently showed interest in taking my son and I on an outing. My son is still little, and I think I could introduce my boyfriend as a friend, because he meets all of my friends, female and ... (81 words

My guy friend seems to be moving our friendship in a new direction. At least, it seems that way...

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6702 days ago

22 March 2006 (F - A guy friend of mine just told me last night that if soulmates were real and that people could complete another person, I would be that person to him. He went on to say how much he values me, and that I'm a great person. We've always said "I love you" but not in that way, but... (185 words

First he wasn't interested in me, so he was seeing someone else. Then he came back, hinted he wants a relationship... and disappeared!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6701 days ago

22 March 2006 (F - I met a guy who I really clicked with, had a couple of nice dates, then he told me he was getting into a relationship with someone else. I was so disappointed, because I thought we really had a good connection, but we'd just met, and he said he'd been seeing her for a while and ... (129 words

Am I a feak for having a "fat" vagina?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5953 days ago

22 March 2006 (F - im kind of worried about something, and i could use some honest answers from guys (or girls if they know!) well its weird, but i think my vagina is too fat. im not overweight, but for some reason it seems like the outer lips are too "puffy". im sorry its vulgar but i dont know ... (100 words

He took his female friend out for dinner and then to his place for wine. What's going on here?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6701 days ago

22 March 2006 (? - Hey, I need an opinion. I am a 47 year old woman. My bf (46) called me last night and told me he took a female friend (25) out for dinner. I have met this female friend-one time-don't know her that well. Then they both went back to his place and they were drinking wine when I ... (141 words

When we first met he was an exciting, bubbly person and told me what every girl wants to hear... Then he dumped me!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6702 days ago

22 March 2006 (F - Hi there, I'm 19 and I've just been dumped by my first serious boyfriend and I am so confused because I just don't know how to deal with it. He said he wanted to be single because he couldn't handle the emotions. He has had past relationships and has been dumped. When we first ... (211 words

What happens if the boy I cheated with tells my boyfriend what happened?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6702 days ago

22 March 2006 (F - Me and my boyfriend have been dating for 5 months. He told me he cheated on me for almost 2 months, so I forgave him and we go back out. I'm happy with him but when we argue it's horrible and I can't stand him and it's a lot that we argue. Well I slept with this guy twice a... (160 words

The man I love is already attached. But he says he's just there for his kids...

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6697 days ago

22 March 2006 (F - I am deeply in love with this man. I've been so for like 10 years. We've been very close this whole time. He tells me that he loves me just as much. The only problem is that he lives with his kids' mom. He says he doesn't love her at all; he's just there for the kids. H... (141 words

It hurt when my BF said my "problems" would have finished our relationship. I don't know how to react to that!

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 6358 days ago

22 March 2006 (F - Hi, I've been very depressed for a long time, about 3 to 4 years. I told my bf of 2 years about it and sometimes talk to him about it, yet I find it diffcult because he makes me feel bad because I am depressed. Anyway he told me that if I was not so understanding an... (136 words

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