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Archived questions from: 29 March, 2006 (see latest questions)

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Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice


Any advice for a depressed?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6693 days ago

29 March 2006 (F - Hey there I hate to ask questions on here but I just wanted some peoples advice... I think Im suffereing from depression.. I have been feeling very very down lately and I havent been able to focus on things that concern Work, Family or even my Boyfriend. I dont mean Ive... (173 words

We planned our lives together and now he's acting so cold, what's going on!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6690 days ago

29 March 2006 (F - I have been with my boyfriend for 2 years, and have lived with him for a year. We had been talking about getting married, and following each other wherever we need to go for grad school. Recently he broke up with me, saying that he still loves me, but he doesn't know if he is ... (219 words

Do I stay with the guy who treats me well, or go back to my first love?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6694 days ago

29 March 2006 (F - Help I'm 15 and I'm sooo confused. I was going out with this guy (a) for ages and I can truly say I loved him to bits, but things didn't work out between us. Anyway now I'm going out with (b) and things are great between us. He treats me fantastically and we get on great sex... (206 words

Not sure if the girl I'm interested has a boyfriend already. How can I find out?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6064 days ago

29 March 2006 (M - I want to ask this girl out. The only problem is that she has a child and while I'm not saying I wouldn't go near a girl who has a child, I don't know whether she already has a boyfriend or is a single mother. Being shy, I can't bring myself to ask her this. I think we get o... (109 words

I stayed after school and ended up having sex with my ICT teacher!

This question has 31 answers - newest was posted 6372 days ago

29 March 2006 (F - I really fancy my ICT teacher. Then last night I stayed at school late to finish my dida (ICT ) coursework, and during that time, me and my teacher were talking and he leaned over and kissed me. We ended up having sex and now I don't know what to do because it has finally ... (137 words

My boyfriend is a distant relative...

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6326 days ago

29 March 2006 (F - Hi I am 13 and have a lovely boyfriend but he's related distantly. Is that OK? And also I think I'm fat around my tummy. What can I do to stop this? I think I'm pretty and stuff but I think my tummy is fat. ... (45 words

Online dating hooked me up with a cute chick, aged 18... who then turned out to be 16!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6693 days ago

29 March 2006 (M - Hello. I'm 28. I've met this great girl through an online dating service which of course you are required to be 18 for and it even asks for credit card info. She said she was 18. Three weeks into the relationship, she confesses to me that she is actually only 16. Now, i'm stuck ... (110 words

Mum doesn't want me to have a boyfriend, and she can't tell that my boy-mates are just my friends!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6692 days ago

29 March 2006 (F - My mum is really old fashioned and doesn't want me to have a boyfriend or even have anything to do with boys. But my two best friends at school are boys. I don't fancy them or have any physical attraction to them. They are just friends, although we do hug but it's only in the ... (114 words

I don't know how to help him if he's saying such harsh words towards me!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6694 days ago

29 March 2006 (F - My fiancee's mother recently passed away. I realize the impact that losing someone has on a person. I haven't lost my parents, but I lost two brothers to suicide. I expect the process of greiving and that he needs to go through all these emotions in order to heal and accept the ... (223 words

I want to believe badly that her new man is only a rebound!

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 6694 days ago

29 March 2006 (M - Hey guys, I've asked a few questions before, so a lot of you probably know what my situation is. My ex means so much to me and I'd like to maintain hope. Here's the thing, I think that she might think that she is in love with her rebound guy (she got with him after we broke ... (237 words

I met a man, but he's married!

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 6433 days ago

29 March 2006 (F - I met a man a little over a week ago when I was at a club last weekend. I noticed him from across the room and one of my friends went over to him and he came over to our table. We ended up really hitting it off it was amazing and I think at that moment I really thought he ... (494 words

A week into dating my ex's best friend and already having SERIOUS doubts

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6694 days ago

29 March 2006 (? - about a month ago i split from my boyfriend of 8 months. It was a tough time becuase he was the one that ended it and never really gave me a reason for the split. Anyway I vowed to stay single and concentrate on my studies-1 month down the line and i've been seeing his best ... (242 words

I'm almost ready to come out as bi, but I'm still married, any advice!?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5912 days ago

29 March 2006 (F - hi there, I am 32 married with 2 kids, but I have a VERY big problem..I'm fairly new to the area we live and have struck up several friendships with new woman but with one this is very different, I have fallen in love with her in a BIG way..This is not just a crush, i am a 32... (297 words

My son strips down to his underwear in school. Is there anything I can do?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 6693 days ago

29 March 2006 (M - I am a father of two, married 18 years. My son is 15 years old, and sitting his GCSE's. Recently we got a phone call off his school, informing us that he'd been stripping to his underwear in lessons, and even in the outdoors. The school want to find out why he does this, so... (146 words

His night time habits are hurting me and I feel used, please help!

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 6693 days ago

29 March 2006 (F - hi My partner and I are going through a really bad patch and arguing frequently about sexual problems. The main problem is my partner has nocturnal emissions every night and i feel hurt the next day, we argue and then it starts again. He also comes really quick when we... (92 words

I'm 30, he's 16, I love him but he won't meet me!

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 6458 days ago

29 March 2006 (F - hi, well I'm confused he's 16 I'm 30 we like each other and get along too. We met on the internet but he's saying he wants to wait 1 to 2 years for we meet. How can i cope with the distance and without seeing each other we are falling in love too. We tell each other everything ... (83 words

He shouted at me, didn't apologize, we ended it and now I think he fell out of love with me!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6692 days ago

29 March 2006 (F - Heartbroken I have just broken up with my boyfriend of one year. We have had our ups and downs this last while and we seem to spend less and less time together, but the end was for me when I went to lift him and his friend at the local bar where they had been all day and... (287 words

I think he has lied about his ex and him being together when we were. What should I do?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6640 days ago

29 March 2006 (F - Hi, feeling a bit down and confused at the mo. I've been seeing my boyfriend now for 6 months and i guess we've actually formally been together for about 3, we were sort of just seeing eachother before then. around christmas time i found out, from him, that he was still... (419 words

He had adult material and now I feel really insecure about us. HELP!!!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6694 days ago

29 March 2006 (F - This is really embarrassing but it is causing me a lot of grief and affecting my relationship with my boyfriend. I am in a serious relationship with a really decent guy and we have spoken about moving in together once we have enough savings. Our relationship would be almost ... (277 words

His family is abusive towards me and he don't do anything about it. What should I do?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6694 days ago

29 March 2006 (F - I have been living with my fiance (of 1 yr only) for the past 4 years. Same age but I was married with 2 children. His family does not accept me, verbally and physically abused me already. He has done nothing. I am not allowed to any functions etc. He still goes. He wont stand ... (90 words

I don't know how he is, I would like to help, but not sure if I should....

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6693 days ago

29 March 2006 (? - I want to know how he is doing, but afraid that it would send mixed signals or open healing wounds. I ended us and it wasn't very pleasant, it was very verbally brutal. SInce then he went ahead and sold his house without a plan, when he put it up for sale, I think he had expe... (201 words

I feel torn between moving on or staying put, please help!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6694 days ago

29 March 2006 (F - hey. Have been goin out with my boyfriend the past 2 and a half years. Lately i have been having feelings for another male. I sometimes think i need to be single for a while but I am afraid my boyfriend will move on and meet someone and I will regret breaking up with him. My ... (76 words

Shall I contact my celebrity crush?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6679 days ago

29 March 2006 (F - Hi Again! I have something thats troubling me. Just recently I have become depressed. I have been watching "24" since it began and my feelings for Kiefer Sutherland have suddennly grew. It started off as admiration for him as he is a wonderful actor. When i did some... (295 words

How do I end this friendship!?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6694 days ago

29 March 2006 (F - Hey people, When you truely know a friendship is over how would you address it..been having problems with my best mate and i know that we are too different and this mate always accuse me off always talking about her..i know i don't make time for her but just its har... (76 words

Is getting tanned the way to get attention from the guys?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 6692 days ago

29 March 2006 (F - A question for the men: do you prefer women who are pale or women who are tanned? I ask becuase I find that women with tans always seem to get the attention from men and I have pale skin and I often go unnoticed.... (45 words

Keen to hear others' experiences with the Yasmin pill...

This question has 17 answers - newest was posted 5700 days ago

29 March 2006 (F - I'm thinking of going back onto the pill, a number of my friends have been taking the Yasmin pill and they have all said that they have maintained their weight or even lost weight and their skin is a lot clearer and they have less period pains. But in the past I have been on ... (92 words

I am sexually do I make a play for my brother's best friend?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6695 days ago

29 March 2006 (F - Hi I have a question well its two questions really. I like my older brothers friend and I think he likes me, I'm unsure what to do about it because number one he's my brothers friend and I'm not so sure that it would be good as it could jeopardise their friendship if it didnt ... (116 words

We split briefly-he slept with his ex and now she's pregnant and he's the father! Do I stick around and support him or just leave?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6690 days ago

29 March 2006 (F - Should I stay or go? I need someone outside my relationship to help me. My fiance and I have been together for 2 1/2 years, however, we split briefly at the beginning of last year. During this time he slept with his ex, I'm not mad about that - we weren't together. In Februa... (104 words

He doesn't talk about the future of "us" any more, the way he used to. Is he over me?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6694 days ago

29 March 2006 (F - My b/f and I have been together for several months now and although things are going very well, I have noticed a change. During the first couple of months of our relationship he was constantly telling me how much he loved me and could see himself spending the rest of his life ... (145 words

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