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Archived questions from: 14 March, 2006 (see latest questions)

(More questions from March, 2006)

Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice


I'm leaving my husband soon and I want a relationship with my married friend from the ice cream shop.

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6709 days ago

14 March 2006 (F - Dear Cupid, I am an unhappily married woman with 2 children. My plan is to leave when my husband finishes school in June. There is a married man who is a friend of mine. His daughter and my daughter are classmates. He also owns an ice cream store which I normally visit a... (148 words

My partner visits his wife, but also says they have no relationship at all!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6710 days ago

14 March 2006 (F - my partner visits his wife frequently. he is working with his son who lives in the same town as his mother but does not live with her. my partner stays with his estranged wife on the nights that he works with his son. we are very very happy but the only time we argue is about ... (161 words

Why won't he discuss our future with me?!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6710 days ago

14 March 2006 (F - My boyfriend and I have been living together for almost a year, we're renting at the moment and are now looking into buying a place of our own. I dream of us having a long and happy future together, but he doesnt really let me in on whats his thoughts for our future are. I have ... (225 words

I don't get to out with my mates, but they don't ask me either!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6710 days ago

14 March 2006 (F - I don't really know where to start with this but, basically i never go out with my mates!I'm 17. I feel like a am drifting apart from the mates i hang round with in college at lunchtime and break, me and them just don't seem to have an awful lot in common and i have been ... (555 words

He cheated on me so I told his whole family!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6710 days ago

14 March 2006 (F - boyfriend cheated on me when i went to university. i found out from the girl (i didnt know her). i got my own back via humiliation by notifying his parents of what he had been up to, but since then any argument of fall out we have his mother tells him i am manipulative and she ... (128 words

I don't know how to have sex...any tips?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6702 days ago

14 March 2006 (F - I don't know how to have is really embarassing. Do you have any tips? ... (18 words

What's the difference about love?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6710 days ago

14 March 2006 (F - what does it mean when a guy you've been dating says he loves you but is not in love with you?... (21 words

How do I show I DON'T like him?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6710 days ago

14 March 2006 (F - Theres this guy i really like and have liked for ages, everyone knows i fancy him. I don't know if its because he hasn't done anything about it but i've recently gone off him. How can i get out of it and find a way so people won't still think i fancy him, i think he still ... (61 words

I think my boss is interested in me, but I just can't really tell

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6710 days ago

14 March 2006 (F - i really like my boss...he has shown signs of someone who is interested. i've caught him giving me longing looks. Apparently, when I wasn't there and he was cashing up, my friend/colleague was on the phone to me and when my boss heard my name his face lit up. he was in a bad ... (193 words

My boyfriend is looking at child porn!!

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5792 days ago

14 March 2006 (F - Once about 2 years ago, I found that my boyfriend had looked at child porn on the cpu. I confronted him, and he said he was looking at porn in general, and was curious. I was still upset, but accepted this, as he does occasionally look at porn, he's young, and I had never... (167 words

Met a new, male friend that I'm VERY attracted to and not sure if I should admit my feeling to my boyfriend...

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6710 days ago

14 March 2006 (F - Hi. I'm a 36 year old woman and have been dating my boyfriend for nearly 11 years and, for the most part, we are very happy together. Marriage has been discussed, but neither of us are very anxious to make that happen (we are comfortable and confident in our relationship; ... (279 words

I cheated on my boyfriend.... I think!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6698 days ago

14 March 2006 (F - i really need some help. i was very drunk and i think i cheated on my boyfriend who i love more than anything. i dont know why i did it, as the one thing i hate more than anything is people who cheat. sadly, i am not totally sure that i did it as i dont remember fully. i know ... (163 words

It's been 7 months, but I'm still not over him

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6710 days ago

14 March 2006 (F - I know that many people have a difficult time letting go of an ex. I was with my boyfriend for seven years and relocated across the country just to be with him. I left family and friends behind and it was a shock when he decided to return to the east coast where he was from. I ... (178 words

I need more ideas for my gay male sex

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6710 days ago

14 March 2006 (M - what alternatives are there for pleasurable gay male sex? toys? any ideas thankyou... (14 words

I think I have outgrown my family, PLEASE HELP!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6710 days ago

14 March 2006 (M - Dear Cupid, Hi, I'm a 22yr old male, and I'm a metrosexual,always well groomed, well dressed, look after myself, work hard, and am capable of many things. I'm also secretly struggling with my sexuality, and I'm trying to hide it, but I really am not into women, I'm trying t... (299 words

Found pictures of his ex.... why is he keeping them?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6710 days ago

14 March 2006 (F - I've been married for a year and a half. Today I was looking for some bank info and stumbled across naked photos of my husband's ex-girlfriend. I know they are old, but why is he keeping them? The worst part is, she's a lot more attractive than I am, you know the type, t... (145 words

She's everything I look for in a girl, but she's so secretive!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6687 days ago

14 March 2006 (M - I just met a girl who has everything I look for in a girl, but she doesn't like me picking her up, or taking her to the train station, doesn't want me to go to her area, keeps me and her friends separate (ie, me on weekends, her friends after work), told me she hasn't got a ... (120 words

He was cheating on me with the girl next door!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6699 days ago

14 March 2006 (F - Hi there i've been involved with this guy for 7 years now, we were so in love and we were both committed to each other. last year i found out hew as cheating on me with a girl from next door, he says it was just plan sex , he doesn't love her,i couldn't handle this so i started ... (81 words

He's cheated on me with SEVEN other women!!! Is he worth it?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 6709 days ago

14 March 2006 (F - i have been with my man 5 years hes cheated on me with seven other women and his only defense is that i flirted with his friend when we'd only been together a week ,i am trying to forgive him but is he really worth the upset as we have two children together ... (55 words

Sometimes he can be SO nice, and then others he's just so mean!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6698 days ago

14 March 2006 (F - Hello. I am 16 and I have been going out with my boyfriend for almost 2 years. Although when we get on, we really, really get on and I love him so much and we have loads of fun, he gets annoyed at me for no reason, starts an argument, and I get very depressed and upset. We do ... (317 words

He can't say either way if we should break uo-what does this mean?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6710 days ago

14 March 2006 (F - Dear Cupid, If My Boyfriend says he loves me, but he can't say either way that he wants to split up with me and he has asked to give him three weeks to decide what he wants, does this mean its the end or have I got hope? ... (53 words

He says he loves me, but wants time?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6710 days ago

14 March 2006 (F - Dear Cupid, If My Boyfriend say's he loves me, but he can't say either way that he wants to split up with me and he has asked to give him three weeks to decide what he wants, does this mean? it's the end? or have I got hope?... (49 words

In need of a hug and some good advice... We're taking "time off".

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6698 days ago

14 March 2006 (F - Hello all, I'm in need of a hug and some good advice. I have been in a year and a half relationship and recently we broke up. Well, time off for a month. Does time off really happen? Or does it translate into 'let's break up'? We broke up rather abruptly (but after fight... (468 words

Why does it seem impossible for me to find someone?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6710 days ago

14 March 2006 (M - I am fast approaching my 40th birthday and at this age will i be still taken seriously as a potential partner. I have not had a relationship either short or long term for over 8 years after a break up of a long term relationship. I did put on a lot of weight which i have now ... (249 words

Does his "have kids when you're young" really mean "I want to have kids with you"?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6680 days ago

14 March 2006 (F - This older man that I am friends with ( and suspect that he likes me as something more) was asking me if I wanted to have children. I told him yes I did. He told me to have them when I was young; and then he winked at me. He said I should have them young because I wouldnt ... (123 words

After our breakup, she said she still loves me, but how do I tell if she's playing games?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6711 days ago

14 March 2006 (M - My girlfriend and I had been together for about a year before we broke up and I came back to Ohio. We only had two major fights during that whole year, and they were both caused by me telling her that I didn't trust her, when I really meant that I didnt trust her friend (come ... (171 words

The woman of my dreams is married... but her husband is away for months at a time!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6698 days ago

14 March 2006 (M - I recently met the woman of my dreams through a mutual friend. Only problem is, she's married!!! We've sorta struck up a friendship, we've chatted, sms'd, had coffee, etc, but I can't stop thinking about her. She drives me crazy, I've never felt this way about a woman before. ... (136 words

Now I regret going out with my best friend. We barely speak!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6711 days ago

14 March 2006 (F - Right.. thanks for reading this by the way.... me and my best friend of 6 years have been seeing each other and then we went out for 7 months and he broke it off. Three days later he came back to me wanting to do shit, but we are still doing stuff. It's so hard for me because ... (186 words

Cesarean or natural pregnancy experiences wanted!

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 6629 days ago

14 March 2006 (F - Hi, I am 6 months pregnant and may need to have a c-section to deliver my baby. I am wanting other womans opinions on their experiences with both c-section and natural births. Thanks for any help you can give me.... (40 words

An old ex-girlfriend keeps contacting my partner. He says he doesn't want to talk to her, but his emails show different!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6711 days ago

14 March 2006 (F - I have been with my partner for 2 years and we have 2 succesful businesses. He is australian and I'm UK. We live in greece. I have just returned to UK to visit family; he is currently in Greece. A few weeks ago we were shopping and his mobile rang. It was an ex he was wit... (457 words

I don't know why my fiancee left. She won't say, and she won't return my calls. What can I do?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6707 days ago

14 March 2006 (M - I am confused. My Fiance of five years left a note on Wednesday saying "be home at 6." At 7 the phone rang and dear fes..tho it's breaking my heart I need to end our relationship. She was reluctant to disclose her whereabouts (no domestic violence or abuse of any kind)and... (277 words

Can I get my fiance back into my and our son's lives?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6710 days ago

14 March 2006 (F - My ex-fiance and I broke up about 2 months ago. He blames me for our relationship ending, but he's the one who broke it off. I'm still in love with him but he wants nothing to do with me besides discussing our son, and it's probably because he's already moved on with someone ... (71 words

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