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Archived questions from: 23 March, 2006 (see latest questions)

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Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice


The sex is great, we get on... So why has he backed away?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6701 days ago

23 March 2006 (F - I met a guy 2 months ago and we get on brilliantly and very soon we shared the most amazing sex. I only see him once week as we live 50 miles apart and both have jobs, kids etc. We have recently had words as I felt that he was the kind of man I could really fall for. I told him ... (166 words

He's hit me, slept with my best friend and is bullying me into working harder. Am I being treated unfairly or is it all in my head?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6701 days ago

23 March 2006 (F - i have been with my partner now for 3 and a half years, we have a daughter together and she is 2, just lately he addmitted to me that he had slept with my best friend, in the past he has hit me, threatend me and i am scared of him when he has had a drink, i have just started a ... (119 words

I'm having a crisis of confidence!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6686 days ago

23 March 2006 (F - I'm having a confidence crisis. I had a bf for 6months and it all went wrong, 2 years later i'm having issues with my confidence around guys, i'm perfectly fine flirty and outgoing until it gets to that stage where you get asked out somewhere and all of a suden i have not... (146 words

Golden Showers don't sound very appealing to me...should I take a chance?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 6700 days ago

23 March 2006 (F - i was sitting with my boyfriend the other night when he asked if i'd be interested in giving him a golden shower. i was taken aback considering that i had never heard of it until he explained. i dont know if i'd enjoy doing THAT on a mans chest! could someone explain what it ... (65 words

I can't handle work anymore, it's affecting my health!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6701 days ago

23 March 2006 (M - Hi I wrote in a few days ago, but my problem has somehow changed, last night I had some severe pains in my chest and heart, I'm 23yrs, how pathetic is that. My folks tell me to calm down, not to take things so seriously. I stress about work, i work with my dad, but im the ... (162 words

She's given me odd hugs and I can't tell if she likes me or what!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6699 days ago

23 March 2006 (F - Dear Cupid I'm confused about a girl at my school. We made friends through someone else, and she's pretty nice. She walks home with me sometimes and hangs around with our friendship group, but whenever she gives me a hug, she stays hugging for a little too long and 'rubs' ... (89 words

I turned him down, he's my friend, but now he's being horribly mean!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6700 days ago

23 March 2006 (F - My guy mate is really frustrating me. The other day he told me he fancies me and that he wanted to go out with me, but i told him that i didnt want to go out with him. He asked me again but this time he started going on about how depressed he is and how he wants to die. Aga... (144 words

How can I find out if he likes me too, but still be subtle about it?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6700 days ago

23 March 2006 (F - I've liked this guy for a long time now. We've only been texting each other for a few months and I don't know if he feels the same way about me as I do about him. I don't want to tell him how I feel unless I know how he does. Are there any subtle hints I can drop that I like ... (72 words

I slept with him without knowing he was a virgin!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6700 days ago

23 March 2006 (F - last week i slept wiv my brother mate then i found out that before we slept together he was a virgin i really like him but he ignoring me... (29 words

He lied about looking at porn for 3 1/2 years!!!

This question has 13 answers - newest was posted 5741 days ago

23 March 2006 (F - Sorry this is a little long, but I am desperate for advice!!! I didn’t find out my husband looked at porn until after we got married and lived together (he lied to me about it for the 3 1/2 years before we married). I am 21 (still get hit on by guys (and girls) all the time, ... (702 words

How do I get rid of an attitude problem? Any Advice???

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6701 days ago

23 March 2006 (F - I have a huge attitude problem and it's getting in the way of me and my boyfriends relationship. He keeps telling me that if this keeps happening, we're going to be over. I have a couple examples for you: Ex.#1: Last night, we just got done making love and we were getting rea... (442 words

I feel he's being selfish and not giving me enought time with him...

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6701 days ago

23 March 2006 (F - My boyfriend and I have be going out for just over a year. Recently he has been going out alot with the boys on a Sunday to watch footie and we never go out on Saturday because he is saving himself for the Sunday. We spend about 2 nights a week together and I just feel this ... (84 words

I need some advice on how to leave my boyfriend!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6700 days ago

23 March 2006 (F - how do i leave my boyfriend of five years? he tells me to call the cops when i ask him to leave. what do i do? he does not hit me.... (31 words

I would like to beable to find a partner that doesn't only want sex...

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6700 days ago

23 March 2006 (M - I am a gay English male living in Mallorca. I find it almost impossible to meet likewise guys as everyone seems to only want sex. I enjoy sex but find it difficult and often painful with a new partner until i feel i trust them 100%. Any advise?... (48 words

We can never have ongoing conversations. We need help!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6701 days ago

23 March 2006 (M - Silence that is causing boredom in our relationship! When me and my girlfriend are just sitting down in front of the tv or sitting in the car, there are times when we would have nothing to say to each other and get totally bored of one another as the silence sets in. The c... (114 words

My fiancee keeps running hot and cold, what should I do?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6700 days ago

23 March 2006 (M - I have been dating this woman for 9 months and got engaged 3 months ago. We are in the process of buying a house together at present. Up to 3 months ago, we were all about each other, doing things together and loved each others company. The problem is that recently she now has ... (348 words

He says he loves me and we dated but he keeps dissapearing. I cant get him out of my head. Please help!!!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6701 days ago

23 March 2006 (F - ....firstly i went on a date with him, which he was late for, i liked him so much, but he didnt call the next day like he said he would. When i text him, he said hed been shopping! He then rang me and asked to meet him again and we briefly met severel times following and kissed ... (246 words

I have no friends at all. Do I have social anxiety??

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6100 days ago

23 March 2006 (F - hiya ppl, I realy dont know what to do!!im at college and have absolutily no mates at all. I feel like i should be going out and having fun because im young but find it so hard to make friends. I think i have social anxiety? I am always really worried about what people will... (182 words

I love him but I can't resist the temptation to cheat on him. Any advice??

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5111 days ago

23 March 2006 (F - hi, I am in a turmoil.I have been with my current boyfriend for about 3 years on and off.I'm 17 and going to university in september, about 2 hours from where i live now. I know that you will all probably start having a go at me, but i have cheated on him with other guys y... (197 words

Are all the compliments I get just a ploy to get me in bed??

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6698 days ago

23 March 2006 (F - hi there. i really dont want this to sound self-obsessed, im just genuinley curious. Whenever i meet a guy, they always say im the fittest person theyve ever seen and how nice i am. i was just wondering is it just a ploy to get me in bed that they say to every girl they meet or ... (84 words

My gf cheated, we got back together but she still doesnt want me as a public part of her life. Am i a fool???

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6701 days ago

23 March 2006 (F - I have been seeing my girlfriend for almost 2 years but she says we weren't "going out" until about 7 months after we had sex, even though she asked me to move in and we lived like a couple. She asked me out several times then dumped me out of blue several times. Then I discov... (305 words

Have I fallen into the friendship trap?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6701 days ago

23 March 2006 (M - I am wondering what it means when someone your intrested in suddenly begins to call you buddy all the time. I have never revealed my feelings towards this woman, but i think that intuitivly she knows Im intrested and that she bagan calling me buddy so I wont overstep my bound... (67 words

Am I shallow because I couldn't just "be friends" after our breakup?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6701 days ago

23 March 2006 (M - Please help. I was on and off with a girl for 5 years and she told me many times she was madly in love with me, but I didn't return for mistaken reasons. Now she's in love with someone else after 2 months. I told her I love her but she said she's over me and values me as her... (115 words

I believe our problems can be fixed, but my GF runs hot and cold and keeps changing her mind...

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6701 days ago

23 March 2006 (M - For the past 3 and 1/2 years I have been with my girlfriend. We have been happy, and we have had our problems. In the past 6 months or so she has been getting irritated in the fact that we both still live at home with my mum. They clash a little and she finds herself saying yes ... (885 words

He's strong willed, and that attracted me. But should I just let him be right 100% of the time, because he feels it's his role?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6701 days ago

23 March 2006 (F - I started seeing someone, we've been talking for a month now, and we are intimate. He is a very strong willed and strong minded black man. He has a lot of beliefs about certain things and of course I am a writer and I have my own opinions and I should have. But it seems th... (302 words

It was love at first sight, but now we're apart and I can't deal with the pain of not having her...

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6701 days ago

23 March 2006 (F - I fell in love with someone, Becky, and it was an immediate love, love at first sight, as some may call it. I became obsessed and started asking around about them. I told the person how I felt... they thought it was strange, becuase I didn't really know them, but I just ... (882 words

All I want to do is talk but my girlfriend has totally snubbed me!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6702 days ago

23 March 2006 (M - My girlfriend of a few months has completely snubbed me and I don't know what to do. We were in a difficult situation and got close very fast (She is 20, I'm 30 and she is my friends ex girlfriend so nobody knew about it). Then suddenly things went strange for a number of ... (355 words

Had a one night stand last night and now I feel bad... Why?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6701 days ago

23 March 2006 (F - I had sex with a guy i know last nite. I am not normally the kind of girl who has one nite stands. I feel so guilty and i can't understand why i feel that way or why i did it really. I got ditched by my ex quite some time ago but still i feel like i'm being disloyal even though ... (153 words

Ever since I discovered my bf uses porn-I am turned off all sex! What's happened to me?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6700 days ago

23 March 2006 (F - ever since i found out my boyfriend was looking at porn i have lost all self confidence and i hate my appearance and almost everything else about myself,im only 20 and i use to have a very high sex drive but now i never want to have sex again, i miss feeling sexy and i miss ... (119 words

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