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Archived questions from: 2 March, 2006 (see latest questions)

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Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice


Any advice for a porn addict trying to break free?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6720 days ago

2 March 2006 (M - I have a problem. Currently I'm single. Been that way for over a year now, despite various dates and the like I have not hooked up with anyone I really connected with. My problem is that I look at porn. Not too much, say once or twice a week, but if I go without for a week or ... (243 words

Any tips to become more confident?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6719 days ago

2 March 2006 (F - How can I be more confident? I am 19 years old, never had a boyfriend, etc.. I feel ugly compared to other girls, and I just dont see why a guy would want to be with me.I have been told im pretty but I just dont believe it. There is this one guy who keeps trying to go out with ... (100 words

He's still hung up on his ex..I love him but I feel like second best!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6720 days ago

2 March 2006 (F - I met a bloke in work 7 months ago, we started seeing each other but he had recently come out of a relationship. soon after we finished because he said he was scared about how quickly he had feelings for me and wasn't ready for all that. anyway we continued to occasionally meet ... (169 words

Cheated on him twice in a weekend. Should I go on this break (I *do* like his friends!)... Or break-up?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6720 days ago

2 March 2006 (F - i have been with my bf a year now and i have just recently cheated on him twice in one weekend, we have a holiday booked with his mates and i love them, i wanna go away with them, but i feel i should break things off. wot should i do?... (51 words

Any way to kick start a sex-life?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6720 days ago

2 March 2006 (F - My boyfriend and I don't have sex that much, I think it is because we don't have good sex. Is there any way to start having an amazing sex life, even though we never have.... (35 words

We took time out last year, now a text message I snooped at on his phone makes me doubt him!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6720 days ago

2 March 2006 (F - i don't know what to think or do?!? my boyfriend and i have just celebrated our 6th yearly aniversay and i know he loves me very much. we run two businesses together and are renovating a flat together. we had some problems last year and he took alot of time out and away fro... (295 words

Opened my heart to my ex because I thought he was single...

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6720 days ago

2 March 2006 (F - Hi, I am very embarrassed about a rendez vous I had with my ex. You see, we broke up a year ago, and since then I have realised that I was mad about this guy, but just wasn't ready at the time. We both are single now, so I arranged to meet him, and poured out my heart. He was... (579 words

Should I break up with him for being inconsiderate?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6720 days ago

2 March 2006 (F - My boyfriend and I have been dating for two months. He says he loves me and buys me flowers all the time, but he keeps saying he is coming over and doesn't show up until two hours later. Last night he did it again and I went to the bar to have a drink and my friends said he ... (93 words

I'm pretty and friend is ugly. So how did she get a bf and I didn't?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 6719 days ago

2 March 2006 (F - Not boasting, just being confident, but im dead pretty and nice, and my mate is dead ugly and can be really horrible, then how did she get a bf and i didnt? im lonely and i want a bf because now shes left me for her new guy. ... (48 words

Met this girl online but how will her parents and brother react?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6721 days ago

2 March 2006 (M - Hi. i have recently met someone. I met this person online, and at first i was just talking to her to kill time. As i got to know her, i had this feeling she was the one for me and i started to get these feelings i have never had before, and before i knew it we were saying we ... (144 words

What do guys look for in a girl and what am I doing wrong?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6697 days ago

2 March 2006 (F - Hi, are there any guy readers who could tell me what they look for in a girl. See I'm sixteen and I've never actually been asked out, even though I'm quite pretty, I'm funny and I keep a smile on my face and act bubbly, but not too boisterous and annoying, so why don't guys ask ... (175 words

Only ever fallen in love with two guys. Why?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6720 days ago

2 March 2006 (F - I am 21 years old and i only ever love two guys. I date other guys but i can't seems to fall inlove with them, what could be my problem i need help pleased.... (34 words

Will the girl i fancy ever pick me over her bf???

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6721 days ago

2 March 2006 (M - dear cupid.. I am 15 and i really really like this girl.She has a boyfriend but has been fallin out with him alot, but she tells me she fancies me and we r really flirty with each other. Me and her met up at the weekend and had a very gd day.. n we kissed at the end of the d... (128 words

He's with me but still wears an engraved ring and necklaces from ex gf's. This hurts and why does he do this?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6721 days ago

2 March 2006 (F - Hi I have been dating my boyfriend for about a year now, we get on really well and have alot in common (im 22 he is 30) the problem is he still wears a ring that one of his ex girlfriends gave him with his and her names engraved in it, wears a necklace that another ex gave ... (115 words

We kissed but now that it's happened, he avoids me! What should I do?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6721 days ago

2 March 2006 (F - Hiya, I recently french kissed this boy that I've liked for ages, it was my first time. But now that I've done it he seems to be avoiding me. He signs on msn but doesn't engage in any conversation with me, and it feels already that he just wanted me to kiss, and not go that ste... (71 words

My bf of 2yrs is joining the army.. will he cheat on me?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6720 days ago

2 March 2006 (F - my bf of 2yrs is joining the army will he cheat?... (11 words

My sex life is sooo boring-even a vibrator doesn't help! what can I do?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6715 days ago

2 March 2006 (F - our sex life is drying up, we have always been quite experimental with positions but we always do the same 5 or 6, am i just being too demanding? ive got a vibratior and we use that as an aid during sex but im still bored. please help!!!!!!!!!! xXx... (51 words

I had sex with him but he was so ugly, I didn't want to be seen with him! It's over but I keep thinking about him??

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 6692 days ago

2 March 2006 (F - weve been going out with my bf for 2yrs with a 3mnth split in the middle. we split because i couldnt deal with him joining the army. when we were apart i ending up having regular sex with this bloke. he was very good in bed and i liked his personality but he was ugly. i know ... (95 words

He gave another girl his phone number-what should I do and should I be worried?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6711 days ago

2 March 2006 (F - Me and my boy friend have been together for 2 years with a 3 month split in the middle because he is joining the army. Whilst waiting to go in the army he has got a job at a sport shop. Previously i found out that a girl called "julie" fancied him. this didnt bother me because ... (249 words

My best friend has become distant and cold with me...I don't know what to do!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6721 days ago

2 March 2006 (F - My best friend has recently changed towards me, shes become distant and cold with me. We used to speak all the time and tell each other everything but now we argue everyday and it will end with her shouting at me and saying that she hates me and doesnt want to know me anymore, ... (165 words

He said he's sorry and won't flirt...should I carry on with this relationship or is it pointless?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6720 days ago

2 March 2006 (F - Ive been with my boyfriend two years now at the begining of the relationship i used to let him walk all over me because i didn't have the guts to say anything. He didnt realise i could see what hed' been saying online to girls and when i confronted him he denyed it all even whe... (274 words

Did he change his e-mail address and not tell me? What do you think?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6721 days ago

2 March 2006 (F - A guy that I had been close friends with and hoped that one day we'd be an item had to move a couple of months ago for a job. He gave me his old computer before he moved so we could stay in contact. Well that was 4 months ago. Everytime I tried to email him my emails were ... (202 words

Do I just let him go or should I try to win him back?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6721 days ago

2 March 2006 (F - Having real trouble getting over a guy... Ok I'll try and keep this short; just before Christmas last year this guy started at my work. I found out from a workmate that he liked me and at first didn't believe it as I'd barely spoken to him (he works during the day and I'm ... (500 words

"Spark" overrated?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6719 days ago

2 March 2006 (F - Is Spark everything? Is it better to be with someone who you really have that amazing spark with or someone who you really care about and respect and love but that spark is not there. I know the spark goes but if it is not there in the first place does it mean the relatio... (60 words

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