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Partner picked much older guy for our threesome

Tagged as: Age differences, Sex, Three is a crowd<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (11 June 2024) 9 Answers - (Newest, 20 June 2024)
A male United Kingdom age 30-35, anonymous writes:

Me and my partner of 10 years have been talking about threesome for while. I was under the impression she would pick someone if similar age but she I asked her mentioned a guy from the pub who is 51! She is 27 and in 32. I don’t mind but I’m just surprised she picked someone so old. No offense to anyone that age. Is this normal age difference?

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A female reader, AnonymousE6 United Kingdom +, writes (20 June 2024):

Honestly, maybe it’s just curiosity… I’m 35, my partners 45, but as you get older even a ten year age gap doesn’t feel like much. Im attracted to my partner but I do find men 20-30 years my senior very attractive, not just physically but maybe more emotionally. I’d say it’s either she’s curious about an older man, or perhaps age doesn’t matter at all? The main thing is you’re comfortable with it and it’s what you both want not just your partner.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (17 June 2024):

Why do you need to have a threesome? Aren't you enough for each other? Personally I think it complicates things to bring in a third party.

Do you both want this threesome, or just one of you?

Maybe you could have a talk about this and patch up any holes in the relationship.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (14 June 2024):

How would you have felt if the threesome had been you, your partner and a woman of 51? Sounds to me like she had always fancied this guy and only wants the threesome because of it - an excuse to cheat in plain site. IN my eyes if she - a young woman with estrogen levels that rocket - should be busy with you and not need any other man, there is something seriously wrong if she does, she is not being honest and open with you and it will get worse and worse till she walks off with this guy or someone else.

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A female reader, Youcannotbeserious United Kingdom + , writes (12 June 2024):

Youcannotbeserious agony auntMany a good tune can be played on an old fiddle, as the saying goes. He's had bags more experience than you and maybe she is hoping he can teach you something.

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (12 June 2024):

Since you want to spice up your bedroom activities and you think you are alright with it why don't you opt for a 4some with another couple of similar mindset ? I think it would be more balanced for all round.

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A male reader, kenny United Kingdom + , writes (11 June 2024):

kenny agony auntBringing a third party into a relationship can more often than not a deal breaker.

Maybe the next one will be someone who is 21 and will give her an amazing time in the bedroom that she will become romantically smitten with leaving you out in the cold.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (11 June 2024):

Don't bother with this threesome.

It isn't worth it. You don't need to bring any one else into your relationship.

And why do you want to be the subject of pub gossip?

Maybe this guy wants to punch your lights out for touting your girlfriend like the local prostitute.

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A female reader, Honeypie United States + , writes (11 June 2024):

Honeypie agony auntMaybe she thinks that a guy that "old" can't keep it up for long so it will be over faster...

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A male reader, Myau New Zealand +, writes (11 June 2024):

Myau agony auntShe had daddy issues.

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