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To browse questions by day in February, 2012, use the links below (in brackets, number of questions on that day)

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Archived questions from: 2 February, 2012 (see latest questions)

(More questions from February, 2012)

Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice


How do I get my boyfriend to meet my parents?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4558 days ago

2 February 2012 (F age 26-29 - I've been going out with my boyfriend for about a month now and he's my first proper boyfriend. I told my parents about him and they want to meet him, but i've never done this before and i'm scared its going to be awkward, i dont know how to do it or what to say to them.... (57 words

Does my boyfriend love me as much?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4557 days ago

2 February 2012 (F age 36-40 - Ive been going out with my boyfriend for about 6 months now but im worried that he dosnt love me as much, We are in a long distance relationship as i live in one part of the country and he lives in another so we dont see each other all the time, i always say i miss him but ... (121 words

I found my boyfriend's logged in on multiple sex sites but he swears it wasnt him, just a hacker using his details. Is that even possible?

This question has 30 answers - newest was posted 4251 days ago

2 February 2012 (F age 36-40 - ok so here it goes, last year i found something on my bf laptop by accident he was sitting next to me and i asked wat it was,i logged into it coz his face was strange and it brought me to a profile with all his details on a fuck buddie site, logged in the week before. He swore ... (564 words

Help me write a meaningful message to my Dad

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4557 days ago

2 February 2012 (F age 36-40 - It was my dad's birthday last week and bought him a birthday card. I'm having "writer's block" because I want to write a meaningful message to him to show how much I've appreciated his support since starting out at university. Also, because my parents are divorced, I rare... (118 words

She's my best friend's girl!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4555 days ago

2 February 2012 (M age 30-35 - I don't really know where to begin. In short, my best friend is infatuated with this girl. I never really paid much attention to her, but recently we started talking more on facebook and I realised that we have an unbelievable amount in common. It's almost unreal. She said ... (194 words

My girlfriend is constantly accusing me of cheating when I've never cheated!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4553 days ago

2 February 2012 (M age 30-35 - I need help I love my girlfriend but she is constantly thinking I'm cheating and she believes she has to cheat on my to stay with me I don't get it what can I do I love her so much I'll do anything for her I'm willing to get counsleing or whatever She says if I never cheat... (217 words

How do I convince my boyfriend that I didn't have relations with my ex while we were on a break?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4557 days ago

2 February 2012 (F age - My boyfriend and I broke up for 2 weeks and he had a one night stand with someone. When we got back together he was honest and told me about his one night stand and asked me if there had been anyone else for me during that time, I said no. Now after almost 3 weeks and ... (250 words

What can I do about my boyfriend's proud attitude towards money?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4557 days ago

2 February 2012 (F age 41-50 - I need some help to shift my bf's attitude towards me sharing my money with him....we both work, but I earn a lot more than him. We go halves for most things, but sometimes, because he earns less, he's not able to afford things, like going to the cinema or out for a meal once ... (275 words

This guy I was seeing dipped out of our date early and I haven't heard from him since!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4555 days ago

2 February 2012 (F age 36-40 - Hey there, I have been 'seeing' a guy for about 4 months now and it has been going quite well. We have taken it slow more so we have been friends but knowing we want to be more. Recently, (about a week ago) we met as usual grabbed a bite to eat however he seemed a little ... (238 words

Can I believe her? Did she cheat on me? Where to go from here?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4557 days ago

2 February 2012 (M age 36-40 - I am currently in a 4 year relationship with my first and only girlfriend. Up until recently our relationship has been great and there's been no scares of infidelity or anything of that nature. It was a true love story, to make a long story short. We live together and last mon... (1098 words

My part time lover/ex is married with children. How do I let go of him?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4557 days ago

2 February 2012 (F age 41-50 - Its been 7 years since I lost my true love. all because of relgious and cultural differances. you would think this would stop us from seeing each other not to mention other things that we still engage in. i wasnt raised to be this type of woman however i cant help feeling... (416 words

Ladies, how would you rather be approached by an interested man?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 4555 days ago

2 February 2012 (M age 36-40 - As a woman, which way would you rather be approached? A. At my university, I see an attractive woman, so I say to her, "Excuse me, do you know where building F is?" She then shows me where it is and I say, "Actually, I know where building F is, I just wanted an excuse... (166 words

My boyfriend wants to be more adventurous with sex, is he bored already?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4557 days ago

2 February 2012 (F age 30-35 - Dear Cupid, I come to you with a bit of a dilemma, that's been bothering me since last night. I been dating my boyfriend for almost two months. We've been starting to have sex for about three weeks now and it's awesome. But yesterday he send me a text saying he wanted to be mo... (205 words

Why do we want what we can't have? My hopeless infatuation

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4552 days ago

2 February 2012 (F age 41-50 - So how did it happen? How could I have fallen in love with this man who is a priest when I am already happily married with two beautiful children? He is the associate pastor at our parish, a young, charismatic and energetic man, yet we know he has faced a great deal of se... (1336 words

Take it slow, see what happens, but don't want to write it off yet

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4557 days ago

2 February 2012 (M age 41-50 - We have been going out for 10 months. I'm 32 and she is 28. We both were looking forward to a future together. We have been through a lot of things. Travels, family, going out together, sorting challenges out as a couple and things are great. Few days ago, I did and said som... (368 words

Would it be safe to have oral sex after my boyfriend's cold sore is gone?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 4556 days ago

2 February 2012 (F age 30-35 - My boyfriend has a cold sore on his lip and it just made me wonder if we have oral sex long after it's gone (we've not had it yet and aren't planning it yet either) and we have no STI's, would it still be safe to have oral sex without forms of protection such as a dental dam? ... (58 words

Twelve years of friendship, and now four months of being ignored

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4557 days ago

2 February 2012 (F age 26-29 - Let's start off here: Born blonde, beautiful, thriving, I was in Pennsylvania. And then we make a huge move. My grandfather was very ill with lupus and old age, and we needed to be with him as soon as possible. No one knew when he'd go. Our plan was to only stay as long as ... (1261 words

It's been 5 days.....should I text him or wait?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4556 days ago

2 February 2012 (F age 36-40 - i met a guy at a bar 5 days back.He came to talk to and gave me lots of compliments and we both had a good time talking, drinking etc.He said he was new in town and didn't have any friends and I offered to hangout.He took my number and then text me the same night ( we were not ... (132 words

Should my spy reply to this message?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 4551 days ago

2 February 2012 (? age 41-50 - I asked a male friend of mine on FB to do some snoop work for me about a potential future boyfriend. The chap who wanted to help me ended up receiving an actual message from the guy (bf) in question telling him that a little bird told him that he's researching him. Should the ... (148 words

I messed up in life and went down the wrong road, but now I'm a changed man and I want my girlfriend back!

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 4558 days ago

2 February 2012 (M age 30-35 - Hey so me and my girlfriend are broken up we were together for 8 years. I moved out so this is very serious.ive been given the old its not u its me excuse but i cant stop but thinking i know exactly what went wrong. i smoked pot all the time and i think this is the main cause. ... (378 words

My partner of two years has a constant bad attitude and no matter how much I do she's still finds reasons to get angry

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4558 days ago

2 February 2012 (M age 41-50 - My partner of two years has A constant bad attitude! Were to begin? So no matter how much I do she's still got reson to be angry! Firstly she complained that I don't do enuf around the house to help so I started doing more, that wasn't enuf so I did more and now while I w... (397 words

How can I make her open up her heart to me?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4558 days ago

2 February 2012 (M age 30-35 - There is this woman who I love so much more than any anyone I came across in my life, for the first time in over a year we begin to talk to each other over some social network site when she invited me. last time we had a real communication we ended in a bad way.. now we trying ... (142 words

I had an affair with a neighbour. Should I tell my husband?

This question has 16 answers - newest was posted 4556 days ago

2 February 2012 (F age 51-59 - Very Sad Hello, this is long so bear with me, I have been married for 12 years with my husband for 13 years, we have two small kids, I have been happy for most of my marriage and my husband is basicaly a good man, however in our marriage he gambled in secret and has had long... (433 words

He's generally great, but not so romantic any more

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4557 days ago

2 February 2012 (F age 30-35 - this might sound silly.but the fact that my boyfriend of two years who loves me and is great in many ways,does not call me sweet names anymore at all...whereas i call mother him so much :( its only the first 8 or 9 months he used to be more caring and sweet. even now he is,but ... (367 words

I'm in love with my mom's ex boyfriend from 23 years ago!

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 4557 days ago

2 February 2012 (F age 41-50 - I really need advice,I recently found my moms x from 23yrs ago when I was little he took such good care of me,then a few yrs ltr they went seperate ways,we tried to stay in contact,but failed,now after 20 yrs we are re-united,I have been really sexually attracted to him and I ... (97 words

He never texts me first!

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 4543 days ago

2 February 2012 (F age 26-29 - Okay I like this guy, I known him all my life but recently he's been standing out. He's an amazing guy very sweet,smart, and talented. But the problem is I'm always the one to text him first. He always replies and we can have a long conversations and when he falls asleep he ... (79 words

Do all guys want serious relationships?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 4543 days ago

2 February 2012 (F age 36-40 - Let me start off I am currently going through a divorce and dating for the first time in years. My husband and I met in college and were married for 3 years before the separation. When I first started dating my husband he was drawn to me right away. He knew he wanted to mar... (325 words

My girlfriend wants me to accept the fact that she's friends with the guy whom she cheated on me with!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4553 days ago

2 February 2012 (M age 30-35 - i've been together with this girl for over a year now. about 5 months ago, i found out she cheated on me with a classmate of hers. When nov and december came, everything was fine, but i guess from sep to dec, there had been alot of lies and i keep figuring them out. it... (231 words

Is it possible to get back love after 3 years?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4556 days ago

2 February 2012 (F age 41-50 - We were in love for nearly 3 years. We know each other quite well, he brought me to see his family and he also visited my house, see my parents everyweek. I am Capricorn and he is Aries. One day, I got angry because he leave me for getting out with friends (and its been ne... (766 words

B/f accused me of being with someone while I was lying at home and watching tv!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4555 days ago

2 February 2012 (F age 30-35 - Hi, Ive been with my boyfriend for 6 months and we're long distance at the moment but see each other every weekend. Last night he went out with his work colleagues but called me after an hour saying he was bored and going home... we spoke on the phone for about 3-4 minutes ... (166 words

Will I ever get over her?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 4558 days ago

2 February 2012 (M age 41-50 - As with many people on here before me, I find I am suffering from a period of emotional torment to do with the girl I loved briefly for nine months and who broke my heart repeatedly because she was not ready in her own mind for a new relationship for several very good ... (155 words

I need motivation, how to lose weight?

This question has 13 answers - newest was posted 4558 days ago

2 February 2012 (F age 36-40 - What are good weight loss exercises for over weight people? I physically can't do regular push ups so I'm trying to find new things I can do that will still work. I'm currently on weight watchers, but I feel I need more motivation... Any help would be great. :)... (49 words

Should I remain with my current boyfriend, or start a new relationship?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4558 days ago

2 February 2012 (F age 41-50 - Advice please? I've been with my current b/f for an extremely long time. He was my first back when I was in my teens. Well our relationship took a turn for the worst shortly after we started and I've been feeling bad about myself. Fights have been pretty bad ranging from hit... (458 words

Why did my B/f turn for the worse over the years? And why was he so suspicious and lying all the time this summer and freaking out when I asked what he did?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4558 days ago

2 February 2012 (F age 36-40 - Hi everyone... Well the story goes... I've been with my boyfriend since I was in my early teens... I've always loved him and we moved in together right away. Well here I am years later feeling extremely neglected and insecure. This relationship has been like a cra... (877 words

Please help, I'm insecure!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4558 days ago

2 February 2012 (F age 36-40 - I am crazy in love with my boyfriend and he really is a great person. But I am really feeling insecure at the moment... I'm over weight and live quite a ways away and haven't gotten to see him much. But thing is he used to be very popular back in his senior year (which was a ... (191 words

I've not heard from him for 3 days , am I over- reacting?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 4555 days ago

2 February 2012 (F age - Hello Everyone, I hope you can help me here, I am wondering what happened. Sorry, it's a longish one. A guy contacted me online on 29-Dec-2011. We seem to get along really well, and started to communicate daily via the dating website, we then started to text each other ... (1035 words

I want to be with my soul mate! But it's impossible!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4558 days ago

2 February 2012 (M age 41-50 - Reunited with my highschool sweetheart and she says she has always missed and loved me. I feel like she is my soulmate. I am getting a divorce currently seperated and she is in a loveless marriage but she has children we want so much to be together but it just seems impossible. ... (54 words

I don't love him, but he doesn't listen!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4558 days ago

2 February 2012 (F age 41-50 - I just realized that I don't love him ,and I'm pretty sure he knows it ,he see's the signs obviously .I just want him out of my life *period . How can I get rid of him ? He's changed in a good way ,to little to late ,I just want him out ,I told him , but it's like one word ... (227 words

How should I behave to my ex?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4558 days ago

2 February 2012 (F age 30-35 - Hello! i dated a guy for 3 years on and off. i loved him so much to the point where i was crazy over him and did everything he asked me to do. he broke up with me multiple times. and now we are not together anymore. he didnt contact me for 3 months. i started working 4 ... (344 words

What if I don't wanna be part time girl?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4558 days ago

2 February 2012 (F age 36-40 - I and my boyfriend are together over 2 years. Last year I broke up for 2 months then gave him a chance but this time I want him to text me as much as he can or want him to see me Fri-Sat-Sunday. He texted me whenever he went out or saw me three times in a week. He usually ... (292 words

I love him but don't trust him! help!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4558 days ago

2 February 2012 (F age 30-35 - Me and my man have been together for a year now but have been close friends for nine years. Once our relationship started he changed(slowly) now wont even open up to me like he used to. He has commitment issues, as well as i, from being hurt in the past. So this is his reason ... (117 words

My Mexican neighbors have made life hell for us. Do I just suck it up and ignore them as I have been doing, or do I stand up and nag them back?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4543 days ago

2 February 2012 (F age 30-35 - Hey, this isn't really much of a relationship question but I don't know where to ask this. I really dislike confrontation and it makes me nervous because I start getting so angry I start crying and it's unstoppable. I live in an apartment. I've been bullied by my Mexican ... (534 words

A crush gone wrong....should I stay friends with all of them? Or should I move on?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4552 days ago

2 February 2012 (F age 26-29 - Well, I like this guy (Let's call him Adam) that I've been friends with since Freshman year of high school. During Freshman year I was really shy. I didn't want him to know that I liked him, so I concealed my emotions by denying to like him and even going to the point where ... (1526 words

Why was I not able to reach climax?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4558 days ago

2 February 2012 (F age 26-29 - hey so the boy i like and i hung out today we were making out and then he started to finger me, it was his first time doing it and my first time being fingered he figered me for over an hour and i couldn't cum i have fingered myself many times, i do it almost once a... (110 words

What can I do to get my boyfriend back?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4559 days ago

2 February 2012 (F age 51-59 - My boyfriend just broke up with me because my soon to be ex-husband is doing some crazy stuff. He also is now saying that he needs to figure out if getting back together with his ex-wife if a viable option. Both of our ex's cheated on us and were very hurt by that but "I ... (78 words

Do I need to conform to the level that society is at? Having pointless one night stands to relieve my built up tension?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4558 days ago

2 February 2012 (M age 30-35 - So I think I'm a pretty good looking guy but because of the situation I am in, I am still a virgin... I think this is mostly because I'm stuck; I don't have a vehicle and I still live with my parents due to financial reasons...It's sad but true that if I were more independent ... (365 words

I'm confused about my sexuality

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4555 days ago

2 February 2012 (M age 30-35 - Hi I find myself attracted to girls all the time, and obsessed with lesbian porn. But I also enjoy gay porn, and have had gay experiences, but I never look at a guy and think, hmm he's hot. What does this make me?... (46 words

Do I have the right to ask to see my boyfriend's check stubs?

This question has 14 answers - newest was posted 4552 days ago

2 February 2012 (F age 51-59 - My boyfriend and I have been living together for 6 months and in the beginning he was not employed. The agreement was that he would pay me XX amount of dollars until he went back to work. After he got a new job, then we would revisit the money topic. I own my own busin... (415 words

Should I stop talking to my colleague?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4559 days ago

2 February 2012 (F age 30-35 - I'm having a bit of trouble with a colleague. I thought we got on well, we're the same age, enjoy similar things and spend time together out of work as well. However, he keeps on telling me things other people have said about me. He'll tell me bitchy comments other people hav... (283 words

Boyfriend's best friend getting married

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4559 days ago

2 February 2012 (F age 30-35 - [Mod-Note:Names changed for privacy] Hey everyone! My long-distance boyfriend's best friend got engaged last night. For now it is a secret and Jeffery, my boyfriend, doesn't have all the details but we are both pretty mindblown over the whole thing. His best friend (Tom) and ... (287 words

Soon to be girlfriend doesn't want majority of people to know we are dating!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4559 days ago

2 February 2012 (M age 30-35 - So i have a soon to be girlfriend but she says she doesn't want to put up our status on Facebook(and i agreed it's kind of stupid) but she also said she would wants no one to we are dating. Is this because she may be embarrassed of me. her close friend told me she does... (299 words

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