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To browse questions by day in October, 2006, use the links below (in brackets, number of questions on that day)

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Archived questions from: 9 October, 2006 (see latest questions)

(More questions from October, 2006)

Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice


The only time I get sex is after my bf has been looking at porn. Any advice?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6556 days ago

9 October 2006 (F - My bf of 3 years started downloading porn alot recently. I never was bothered by it until sex became less and less and the only time i get it is after he's looked at it. Any advice? I'm ready to walk!... (41 words

Does she fancy me?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6276 days ago

9 October 2006 (M - When I was in a restaurant the other day, this woman kept looking at me and smiling (repeatedly!) I have seen her there before and she has done the same then and it seems to be me she smiles the most! She keeps looking back at me? Does she fancy me? Thanks for you... (67 words

What do guys want in girls?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6343 days ago

9 October 2006 (F - Im 15 and you know like basically all girls want to go out with a guy thats kind, sweet and funny. Well what do guys want from girls??? Girls want 'sweet and funny'. What do guys want in girls?... (42 words

I made 'amateur' pics for my man, is this normal?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6556 days ago

9 October 2006 (F - i trust my man of many many years and we have made some amature home videos, watched them and immediatly deleted them. yesterday we took pictures that he could enjoy while hes on days off or alone at home. i trust that he would never remove them from the home or show his ... (88 words

I have fallen for my aunt, it hurts because I know nothing will ever come of it.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6555 days ago

9 October 2006 (M - hello. Since about 2 years ago. i have started noticing that my aunt (my dad's sister is very hot. and i am very close to her. .now, i start having thoughts about sex with her. i want this lust to stop, but i dont in a way. i mean, i LOVE her... but sometimes since i know ... (173 words

Is 14 too young to go to 3rd base?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6555 days ago

9 October 2006 (F - is 14 too young to go to 3rd base ...? i have bin with my bf who is 2 years older than me for 5 months now and love and adore him very much!..i have been to 3rd with him...feeling confident and ready. He has never presured me and he respects me completly! he would never dream ... (232 words

Am I right to be suspicious?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6555 days ago

9 October 2006 (F - hi--been with my b/f for a year and a half. He dropped me off last night around 10 or so..we spent the day at his house with his family for a relative's birthday--i said in the car--we will talk later and he just says maybe--and i guess he was joking around but i dont like jok... (210 words

How can I go about getting him back without scaring him off?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6556 days ago

9 October 2006 (F - So my bf and I have been on and off since december, we love eachother very much, but broke up yesterday because he's depressed and I don't know how to deal with it, and just started mothering him which he didn't like. I have missed being single for such a long time that it was ... (632 words

After a family wedding, my boyfriend suddenly decided he did not want to be in a relationship. What happened?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6556 days ago

9 October 2006 (F - I'm 26 I have been in a relationship for the last 5 months with a guy of 27 who who I really like. We got together while he was still with his previous partner of 5 years but he decided to leave her so we could get together properly. He has told me that he loves me on a few ... (197 words

I am 16 and my parents are trying to stop me from going back to my abusive ex. Do I have rights?

This question has 14 answers - newest was posted 6315 days ago

9 October 2006 (F - Me and my boyfriend split around .. 2 months ago he cheated on me alot and hit me and treated me bad. I was ok we didnt see each other or speak, i met osmeone and was happy. My ex rung me crying saying he missed me and never realised how much he loves me. After several wee... (238 words

What does not being "in touch" indicate?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6554 days ago

9 October 2006 (M - If a person that you have a relationship with, apologises for not being "in touch" and the reason is that they have been absolutely swamped at work. Does this mean that they are not interested in you anyomore or do not want to speak to you for some or other reason? What could ... (57 words

How can I move forward when there are so many unanswered questions?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6556 days ago

9 October 2006 (F - Hello, i have very recently split from my husband of 7 years and am having real difficulty coming to terms with it. The main problem is that although we discussed and agreed to start trying for a baby during 2006, he has now (10 weeks ago) decided he doesnt want a family after ... (204 words

I am 13 and in love with a 43 year old.

This question has 23 answers - newest was posted 6098 days ago

9 October 2006 (F - i am 13 i am in love with a 43 year old we are getting on well we have been in a relationship for ten months i have asked him too always be honest with me and he is. to day he told me that he is in love with a woman 50000 miles away but he says that he still loves me. what do ... (90 words

My man is like a different person when he is drunk. He does not understand how I feel.

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6555 days ago

9 October 2006 (F - my man drinks to much. well he doesnt drink everyday, but anytime he gets the chance he gets smashed. he said that he would try to cut down, but really he just hasnt tried. this is why i dont like to go to parties or go to the bar. he becomes a different person who forgets that ... (119 words

when people say that they "pulled someone" what does that mean?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6556 days ago

9 October 2006 (M - when people say that they "pulled someone" what does that mean?... (11 words

I am having a destination wedding, but my family may not be able to afford it.

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6556 days ago

9 October 2006 (F - im getting married in a year, its a destination wedding, im scared to tell my aunts and uncles because we are so close and may not be able to afford to go. i have mentioned about a year ago that i wanted a wedding in the carribean and they blew up at me. my soon to be husbands... (87 words

Technical question

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6556 days ago

9 October 2006 (F - This is a technical question. Is it possible to remove a question you asked a few weeks ago from the website? I don't want the person involved to see it since our situation has changed.... (37 words

Were they talking about me?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6556 days ago

9 October 2006 (F - hii im kinda worrying about what to do its just for over a year i really liked this boy and i was talkin to my m8s about him at this sleepover and i was sayin how kind and what a great personality and they were talking about how hot the people they liked were and i just talked ... (256 words

Im a shy 16 year old, but I want to ask her out, whats the best way ??

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6556 days ago

9 October 2006 (M - Help me please! i am a shy 16year old and want to know the best way to ask a girl out. i speak to the girl every day and i seem more confident around her. i also believe that she likes me. what should i say?... (46 words

I feel like im in limbo, will he leave his current gf to get back with me ??

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6556 days ago

9 October 2006 (F - i was seeing my first boyfriend for five years and i broke it off.i went out with someone else for five years and recently broke it off. in all this time we kept in touch with my ex and he never really went out with anyone. after i became single, about three months ago, we got ... (155 words

He looks at other girls, am I being to demanding of my own insecurities!?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6556 days ago

9 October 2006 (F - I have been dating my partner for two years now. It began as a friendship and after quite sometime developed into a love relationship. This was intentional on my part as I wanted to be sure before committing myself totally. I am deeply in love with him and he says that he loves ... (179 words

I feel like my relationship is totally one sided, what can I do?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6555 days ago

9 October 2006 (F - I have a bf from 8 months now but things between us r so unstable, I feel that we'r not improving, like ok what's next?! Whenever I try and talk about "what's next?" he turns things against me and say that I always wanna make a fuss 4 no reason and that he doesnt want any ... (666 words

Whats up with my GF is she dperessed ? and what can I do to help ??

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6556 days ago

9 October 2006 (M - myself and my girlfriend have been going through a differcult my eyes she has depression?we have 3 lovely kids together.2 girls one 11 and one 8 years old.1 son of nearly 2 years old. she used to spend alot time round her friend houses, which didnt please me. she has ... (122 words

He hung up on me, opinions please!!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6556 days ago

9 October 2006 (F - Hi there, Could I have someone else's opinion on this? I got a message from my boyfriend yesterday on the phone that his car was giving him trouble and then a second one telling me nevermind it worked-I called him back and heard him say hello and I said hi and was about to ask ... (391 words

Im I being overly sensitive or is he hiding something ??

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6177 days ago

9 October 2006 (F - Hello guys. I wanted to ask advice on whether I should be worried about some texts I found on my boyfriends phone. I know I shouldnt have looked, but it was sitting there and I just oculdnt resist. It was more nosiness than anything to be honest, I didnt think I had anything to ... (386 words

Ive lost trust in all women including my sis and my mum as all women do is break my heart!!!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6556 days ago

9 October 2006 (M - i ask this girl out back in january but she said no. She knows I fancy her and she was always really nice to me. However last week I found out that she got drunk and slept with another guy. As you would expect I was devastated. But now I've started to hate not only her but my ... (85 words

I slept with him and now cant get rid of him, it was a mistake and wish it didnt happen!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6556 days ago

9 October 2006 (F - Back in April I slept with this guy (he was my first and he wasn't my boyfriend it was just sex). I hate to sound b*tchy but I have to tell the truth... he was a bit of a minger. It grosses me out just thinking about him. No seriously. People would look at me and think "what's ... (294 words

My gf has gone off sex and its because she feels unattractive, how can I best handle this as its very frustrating!!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6556 days ago

9 October 2006 (M - My partner of 4yrs has gone off of sex. I am trying to support her as best I can as she says that she feels fat and has done for months now. This has been since she felt that some of her clothes getting too tight. She has a wonderful body and is not overweight at all. I tell ... (280 words

What does it mean when a girl tells you they feel very comfortable with you?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6556 days ago

9 October 2006 (M - Hi everyone, when you are dating a girl after 2 months she says shes very comfortable with you, in what sense does that mean... (24 words

This guy wants me to work off my debt with sex. Why am I allowing this?

This question has 14 answers - newest was posted 6359 days ago

9 October 2006 (F - **Hey Cupid's** Am I slut? I don't want to think I am. I can justify myself. There is this guy who has lust me for quiet a while, at least 2 years. He's been very close to me, friend wise. I have told him everything and I confide in him. At the moment I am having some money p... (297 words

I think the drink is messing with my girlfriends feelings. What can I do?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6556 days ago

9 October 2006 (M - Hi my girlfriend recentaly went up to hull university we have been together for two years. I visited her for the first time after two weeks since she went up. She said that she felt confused and she didnt want to be in a relationship anymore before she went up we were fine she ... (72 words

How do I get this guy off?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6199 days ago

9 October 2006 (F - Hi. I want to know how to get a guy off. I like to go out dancing and the like and i have met some guys i really like and i want to know how by dancing can i get the guy to have a hard on. My friends say it's easier you just need to rub up against them. i do this, i'm qu... (176 words

My perfect fiance is verbally abusive. How can I save my relationship?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 6556 days ago

9 October 2006 (F - my fiance is so perfect for me but for one thing. He is verbally abusive. He doesnt seem to realise the impact his words have on me. I dont want to feel an inch high anymore and it is effecting my health,job perfomance and emotional well being. How can I save my relationship?... (53 words

My girlfriend seems to deliberately make me jealous. Why is she like this?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6556 days ago

9 October 2006 (M - Me and my girlfriend have been together now over 10 and a half months and while we do trust each other I not sure whether sometimes she tends too make me jelous. She started a part-time job over a week ago and since then she has just talked endlessly about it, not even ask... (414 words

How do I regain the spark in our relationship?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5528 days ago

9 October 2006 (F - I have lost the spark in my relationship with my partner, How do get it back? how do i feel the passion and love for him i once had?... (29 words

Hes embarrased because I like him, what should I say to him ?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6556 days ago

9 October 2006 (F - i like this chap in college, he knows my sisters and half the people round my street,hes recently found out that i like him, but ive heard that he is embarrased,but i dont know why. what shall i say to him.... (41 words

He loses his erection... Should I mention it to him and what can we do about it ?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6556 days ago

9 October 2006 (F - Dear Cupids, I have just started sleeping with my new boyfriend and I think he is gorgeous and we get on so well. He is 28 and I am a few years younger - we have been seeing each other for about 2 months. He seems to have a problem with his erection. Its fine but then... (167 words

Is this a wake up call to make our relationship work, or should I move on ??

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6556 days ago

9 October 2006 (M - I am 25 and have been with my Girlfriend for about 5 years now, we have a house together and a couple of dogs. We have got on great but I get the feeling that she is staring to go off us being a couple! She has started to become close to a colleague at work who is seeing an... (336 words

He has trust issues from past bad relationships, but wants me in his life, I like him alot, is there anything I can do to make him feel at ease ?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6556 days ago

9 October 2006 (F - Hi everybody, hope you can help. I have a really good friend who I have known a few months and during this time I have developed strong feelings for him because he is an amazing, kind, funny guy. My problem is he was hurt in the worst way possible last year his long term ... (240 words

A couple of guys have said I am boring, and moan alot! How can I change this as I wasnt aware and now my confidence is totally knocked!!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6556 days ago

9 October 2006 (F - Hello, I need to know how to talk to men. Im 23 and single and this is because most men that know me think Im dull and boring. They only go out with me because they think Im physically attractive but have no personality. A few men have said this about me, that Im boring or I ... (116 words

When we first got together he was seeing his ex, I think he still is, but he says not!! What do I do ?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6557 days ago

9 October 2006 (F - Hi im 18 and with a 21 yr old man. its been 3 months now and when we had been together a month i found out he was still goin back to his ex. Even now people are telling me that he has been at his ex's flat. An enemy of my boyfriend had said that he seen my boyfriend Marc in his ... (499 words

Is my wife having a mid life crisis or has she met someone else!?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6539 days ago

9 October 2006 (F - About 6 months ago my wife moved out of our suburban home, stating that she was confused about her feelings for me after 12 years of marriage and said she wasn't sure she was atracted to me anymore. She comes home for brief visits, usually to collect clothes or other things. ... (193 words

My Bf comes from a military background, and often orders me around! How can we work around this ??

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6556 days ago

9 October 2006 (F - My b/f and I have been living together for almost a year. During this time, I've come to realize how many differences we have. For one, he came from a military family. His father was mean and abusive as a way to "toughen" him up and make him a man. As a result, he tends to ... (212 words

My fiancee refuses to go to any family fucntions, what can I do ?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6557 days ago

9 October 2006 (F - My fiance refuses to go to my family functions with me. He can't stand my little sister and her daughter, ( in which I am very close to). What should I do?... (32 words

Im a lesbian and ive been sleeping with my uncles ex wife!.. but now I dont know whats going on!?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6556 days ago

9 October 2006 (F - ok so im 28 and a lesbian and ive been sleeping with my uncles ex wife i had a thing for her when i was younger then we ended up sleeping together and have been for 5 months she has 4 kids and they kinda know and hate me there my cousins i she tells me shes inlove with me all ... (112 words

How can I best help my wife after her past rape's ?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5364 days ago

9 October 2006 (M - My wife feels like she was destroyed by two boys when she was younger. These boys caught her in a room by herself and took advatage of her. One was a brutal rape, but the others where when she was very drunk and she did not want it to happen but the guy pretty much just did it. ... (125 words

busted him looking at porn, do others have the same problem?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6555 days ago

9 October 2006 (F - my man of almost 5 years is so busted for looking at internet porn. its not hard core or anything. he knows about my insecurities about him checking it out. and he only did it a few times, so spyware says so. and so we took pics together, and im wondering if this will help him ... (70 words

He prefers to look at porn then spend time with me, what can I do?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6557 days ago

9 October 2006 (F - hi, my bf and i have been together for 2 years, i am 20 and he is 25, the problem is he keeps lying to me about his porn viewing. the other day i had a day off from work so we could spend the day together, anyway we spent the morning together then after that we were going to... (389 words

Is she still "test-driving" me? I'm worried ill get hurt!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6556 days ago

9 October 2006 (M - I am in a difficult situation with a lot of moving parts. I guess the best thing for me to do is lay out the situation and fight out what risks you might identify. I am dating a girl from work. We spend time together about once/twice a week, she tells me she loves me and... (527 words

She has been with 6 guys before me, I dont know what to feel!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6557 days ago

9 October 2006 (M - My girl just told me she had been with 6 guys before me. One of them was her first love. The second raped her two times while she was with her first love. The third was her first loves friend she began seeing after her first love. The fourth was a friend of the guy who raped ... (126 words

Attracted to my ex's friend, should I start a relationship with him?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6549 days ago

9 October 2006 (F - Hi, I'm a 26 year old woman and I broke up with my ex-boyfriend three years ago. At the moment we are good friends. I had a fling with his friend after we broke up three years ago. I never spoke about this even to his best friend. We all hang out together in a group. Now his ... (101 words

I love him but things dont seem the same, what should I do?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6555 days ago

9 October 2006 (F - im so confused....i have been with someone for over a year, but things dont seem the same, sometimes he goes out and doesnt come home, call, etc. there is another guy that likes me and thinks i should leave the guy im with. what do i do? i love the guy im with, but i feel like ... (62 words

Scared and embarrassed of oral sex!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6557 days ago

9 October 2006 (F - Hiya!! Well me and my bf are practicalli in love and i reeli think this is the guy for me!! But im reeli scared about oral sex : we're both really horny and have high sex drives etc. but i feel as if my vagina is reeli weird and looks odd so he could be put off by the look: ... (102 words

I have put on weight, now i think he may be cheating!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6557 days ago

9 October 2006 (F - i am in a relationship of 8 years and have 2 kids. we have hit a big wall. snice i have put on weight because of child birth we do have sex not because i don't want to it's him. he want talk to me and is alway cranky. i think he is cheating too. please help me what should i... (69 words

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