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Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice


I got drunk at a party recently. This sober boy hugged and kissed me. Does this mean he likes me?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 3707 days ago

2 June 2014 (F age 26-29 - Hi I'm 16 and I got drunk at a small party last week but this sober boy made me feel special he hugged me and held my hand all night he even kissed my head. He said I had to prove I was straight to him and I laughed it off (nothing happened). At school he hasn't talked to me ... (101 words

Confidence crisis about going back to working in a paid job. How to overcome this and go forward in this new job?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 3702 days ago

2 June 2014 (M age 41-50 - Hello, Im having a confidence crisis that I would like some advice on please. My GF asked me to ask on here, so I guess its sort of relationship related as I dont want to let my GF down. I used to work as an administrator and had a pretty good career, albeit not spectacu... (790 words

How can I calm my fears before I see the Doctor for my appointment with Dr in 2 weeks time?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 3707 days ago

2 June 2014 (F age 41-50 - Ok so I know everyone on here is going to tell me to see my Dr- I will do in 2 weeks time as that was the soonest appointment but in the mean time I just wanted some advice/ reassurance. I found 2 small pea size lumps on 1 side of my neck -at 1st I thought they were spots ... (314 words

What can I do to stop these feelings? Am I the only 13 year old who gets sexual urges? I know I cannot act on these urges.

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 3705 days ago

2 June 2014 (F age 22-25 - Help me! I keep feeling sexual urges. I know I can't have sex at this age, and not for a long time yet, but why do I keep feeling like this? I can't tell my friends, they'll think I'm a pervert. Can I stop this? Am I the only one?... (50 words

Just found out that I'm 5 weeks pregnant. That father is a man who lies and cheats. Can you help me with options advice please?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 3706 days ago

2 June 2014 (F age 30-35 - I have just found out that i am 5 weeks pregnant. It came as a bit of a shock as i had broken up with my ex due to the fact that he had turned up at my house with a love bite on his neck! He told me that he was play fighting with his friend and he bit his neck (like i was born... (610 words

Should I keep him as a friend? Why did he tell me he had sex with her? Should I have a relationship with him?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 3706 days ago

2 June 2014 (F age 30-35 - Dear Cupid, I have feelings for this guy. We've been friends for years and his gf and him are on a break because she had to go to uni for 9 mnths now. We have been spending time together as friends. I have visited his apartment. We kissed and did things but not the actua... (220 words

My "best friend" intervened behind my back. My Bf believed her lies. How can I get him back?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 3707 days ago

2 June 2014 (F age 26-29 - My best friend broke me and my boyfriend up because she was jealous of our relationship. We had dated for a while and we were happy and everyone knew it. I was his first real and his longest relationship. I was also the first girl he really loved. He told everyone that. ... (628 words

Telling my best friend that I have feelings for her?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 3707 days ago

2 June 2014 (M age 30-35 - Hello there, I have this best friend of 5 years whom i had a crush on at the start of our friendship but we had a talk about it and decided just to be friends. i was able to get over her and became best friends (i even dated someone else at that time). we hang out alot, w... (302 words

Is a tumor an STD?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 3707 days ago

2 June 2014 (M age 30-35 - Hi, my girlfriend of four years found out from a doctor over three weeks ago that she has a tumor in her ear. We were devastated by the news but we're doing the best we can to cope with it. She's already scheduled for a surgery. While sitting here, it dawned on me "Can a tum... (140 words

How do I keep my emotions at bay for my colleague?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 3706 days ago

2 June 2014 (M age 36-40 - There's this woman that I confessed my feeling to just over a year ago. We were great friends for another year before that. After I confessed, she told me that she didn't feel the same. I accepted that but the friendship didn't survive. We're colleagues in the same office ... (240 words

He said if I don't go to his wedding I won't be welcome to visit his auntie and uncle anymore!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 3707 days ago

2 June 2014 (F age 41-50 - My Muslim boyfriend who i was with for 4 years his family have got him married off to a cousin of a cousin. I knew it was on the cards as the auntie and uncle went to meet the family last Feb 2013, however i was still heartbroken as the auntie said in November 2013 to her ... (392 words

Surely he will feel disappointed that my nipples are not the way he prefers?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 3707 days ago

2 June 2014 (F age 41-50 - I have a question that may seem so trivial but it's worrying me . The man I am involved with has a thing for and a preference for large nipples. He really prefers them and they turn him on a lot but the problem is I have reasonably sized breasts but my nipples are small. I... (86 words

Help me, I'm not studying for my exams because I'm avoiding the professor I have fallen in love with!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 3684 days ago

2 June 2014 (F age 41-50 - I am 32 year old unmarried female, I am working in company and pursuing B E in the evening college, I approached a professor for clarify some doubt about subject. He is married and have 2 doughters 18 year old. I is to got his chamber frequently and we became very close, he ... (139 words

I got two girl's phone numbers, but I'm not sure what to do on a date! Advice?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 3699 days ago

2 June 2014 (M age 36-40 - Just the thought of asking anyone of them out gives me butterfly nerve feeling in my stomach. I met this Indian lady while back so I manage to get the courage to ask for her number about couple weeks before school semester ended. The other lady I met her not long ago and after ... (200 words

I miss my girlfriend so much, its making me a miserable mess :(

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 3707 days ago

2 June 2014 (M age 41-50 - hi dear aunts, im so sad, i miss my girlfriend too much, I love her to bits and i can not be happy anymore if im not around her. we are long distance, continents apart. we have been that way for two years now and we will finally close the distance next year whem i move to her ... (313 words

How / Where do I begin asking questions about his past?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 3704 days ago

2 June 2014 (? age 30-35 - I am a school teacher that recently moved to China for employment, and have a boyfriend living in the USA that is ten years older than I am. We have been dating for one year, and he has a lot of baggage. He has two children from his marriage and one from before his marriage. ... (188 words

I'm happy to be a girl, I just don't want breasts

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 3707 days ago

2 June 2014 (? age 22-25 - I have always hated my breasts and I wish I didn't have them. My mom says I will change but I don't think I will because I just look in the mirror and cry and just hate everything I see I want a flat chest so badly and I just don't know what to do I feel like just. Ughhh. But ... (129 words

He is my first love!! Please give me some advice

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 3707 days ago

2 June 2014 (F age 26-29 - My boyfriend and I have been close friends and we started dating recently. He is 8 years older than me but I love his personality. He is my ideal boyfriend. We play sports together every week and text each other everyday. He seems really seriously about our relationship(he ... (100 words

Boyfriend doesn't seem interested in the pregnancy and he's been talking to his ex

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 3707 days ago

2 June 2014 (F age 30-35 - My boyfriend and I have been together for over 6 months. We dated for nearly a year back when we were in highschool (9th grade) before he moved. We lost contact for about 5 years. Well I am now 19 weeks pregnant with his child. This will be my first child and his 2nd child. I... (359 words

How to elevate my very low self-esteem.

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 3707 days ago

2 June 2014 (F age 30-35 - Hi, I'm 21, and I have a problem with my self-esteem. I never had a boyfriend or kissed a guy, which slightly bothers me (not much though), but my issue is that I continue to be afraid of dressing up to look good because I hate when people leer at my body, yet when I don't get ... (193 words

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