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*aniel the love doctor

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Known as Loveguru23 on Twitter- or simply "the love doctor", I'm a Relationship Expert that has helped many people get the relationships of their dreams. Contact me today to find out how I could help you!

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How To Tell If You've Found Your Soul Mate

This question has 1 answer by a reader of DearCupid.ORG.
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2 June 2013: I believe that everyone has a soul mate out there... the person that's meant for them. It's all about finding that person and going through all of the good times and bad times together (because it won't be great all of the time). Now with that ...

Are You Ready For Marriage?

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25 May 2013: Marriage is a serious commitment that one must truly decide if it's the best thing for them. With over 50% of marriages ending in divorce, many people don't want to take that chance and risk being hurt, having their family torn apart (especially if ...

Guys- Great Gift Ideas For Your Girlfriend!

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12 September 2012: It's difficult to make suggestions on what would be good gift ideas for the guys that are reading this article because generally a gift for say a 16 year old girlfriend, would be different from that of a 30 or 40 year old. It also depends on how ...

Interested In Attending A Speed Dating Event? Here's What You Should Know.

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16 August 2012: I personally never attended a speed dating event as a participant. I have, however, as a matchmaker hosted a few. I can tell you there are quite a few benefits that comes with participating in speed dating events. And I know many people who have ...

Is It OK To Have Sex Everyday?

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11 July 2012: Is it OK to have sex everyday? I heard, and and have been asked that question quite a few times in my professional career. Having sex everyday, like most things, has it's advantages and disadvantages. Advantage #1: -- It's a form of physica...

Create A "Plan-List" For Your Relationship In 2012!

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30 December 2011: Are you looking forward to 2012? Have you already created goals and resolutions for the upcoming year? I know that I have. I plan to offer lots of help and advice to more couples looking to have a good relationship. But I also must make a plan...

Ladies- What It Means When A Guy Says: "I'll call you" And Then...He Doesn't

This question has 10 answers by readers of DearCupid.ORG.
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22 November 2011: Now, barring any reasons such as a family tragedy or any other personal situation that may prevent a guy from calling, a guy may not call because... #1. They just may not be that into you. I know this may hard to hear, and many women may not wa...

Need A Confidence Booster?

This question has 8 answers by readers of DearCupid.ORG.
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31 October 2011: There are times in our lives that we humans get into a depressing mode which resulted from us analyzing our downfalls and what we seem to lack. It seems to become apparent to us one way or another- and we start to questions ourselves, or abilities, ...

Sexual Fantasies: Just How Open Should You Be In A Relationship?

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24 October 2011: Some time ago I was watching T.V. and I couldn't find anything that interesting on. As I bypassed many channels, I contemplated whether or not I should just turn the darn thing off. Then I came across the Tyra Banks show. The episode was about ...

The Package-Deal Relationship pt.2: When To Introduce Children

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20 October 2011: Are you currently involved with someone but have yet to introduce them to your children? Are nervous and unsure what type of response you may get from your kids or the person that you're seeing if you do introduce them? Well here's what you ...

The Package-Deal Relationship: Not Embraced By The Family?

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15 October 2011: Ideally we all want to have a family that will be o.k. with the person that we chose to have as partner. But what if someone in our partner's family has a problem with us? Will you become stressed out, confused, or even annoyed by that person's beha...

3 Ways To Recession-Proof Your Relationship

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15 October 2011: Are you feeling the effects of the current economy? Is your relationship suffering because of it? Well don't despair....there are things that you can do. 1. Be creative. Think of some low cost (or no cost) ways to put a smile on your partner's f...

Being Able To Change: Breaking Old Habits In Relationships

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15 October 2011: Sometimes it’s hard to break old habits. If you’re used to acting a certain way in a relationship (or life in general), changing your ways may seem difficult. However, if you’ve noticed that things aren’t going so well in your relationship, you may ...

Are You Making Time For Your Partner?

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10 October 2011: Do you focus your energy on something or someone which may take time away from you and your partner? Well if you highly value your relationship, you may need to make some changes. Situation#1: Work. If you’re a big time workaholic, then...

If Your Partner Is A Porn Watcher....

This question has 6 answers by readers of DearCupid.ORG.
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9 October 2011: What do you do when you've discovered that your partner has been watching/hiding porn? This is a question that many women, in particular, want answers to. Here's my view on it... -First,you should have a talk with him. As hard as it may b...

The Role Of Respect In Relationships

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30 September 2011: How much do you respect your partner? Do you treat them less than what they're worth because of their gender? Do you not value their thoughts or opinions as much as you would say a family member, friend, or close counsel? Well if you disregard how ...

Does Size Make The Man?

This question has 17 answers by readers of DearCupid.ORG.
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29 September 2011: I’d like to first thank Tennisstar88 for giving me the idea to write this article. Even though this is a sensitive topic to most men, my hope is someone will benefit from reading it. Enjoy! ------...

Why It’s Important To Keep Your Relationship Exciting

This question has 1 answer by a reader of DearCupid.ORG.
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29 September 2011: Throughout my professional career I've come across many people that were lacking excitement in their relationship. Many of them have experienced some form of it in the beginning of their relationship- but they all seem to ask me the same ...

Two Ways To Make Your Relationship Better

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29 September 2011: There are many relationships that are slowly destructing because of lack of two simple things...communication and action. If your partner presents a problem to you, and you want to keep your relationship strong, then you should do the following: ...

Three Ways To Know That Your Ready For A Relationship

This question has 14 answers by readers of DearCupid.ORG.
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25 September 2011: Are you ready for a serious, committed relationship now…really? Well if you truly believe that you are, make sure that you have the below tips covered. 1. You’re maximizing your opportunities. If you want to find a mate, then you have to put your...

How To Approach A Girl...The Right Way!

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24 September 2011: Now I've written numerous articles relating to this topic. But in this article I'm going to focus more on the approaching aspect of meeting a woman. And I'll do it on the form of frequently asked questions. Question 1: How do I approach a girl?...

What Women Want Most From A Guy

This question has 6 answers by readers of DearCupid.ORG.
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5 September 2011: In a continuation to my series of articles on developing "Swagger", I feel it's necessary recap, include, and conclude with these 8 tips. If there's anything additional ladies that you feel is worth mentioning, don't hesitate to add your thoughts in ...

How To Create Great Conversations On A Date

This question has 4 answers by readers of DearCupid.ORG.
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3 September 2011: To have a successful date, you must have great conversation. Conversation creates chemistry. Leaving out just one of these tips, can end a conversation quickly or be the cause of “date destruction”. Here are the top five conversation tip...

Guys: How To Have The "Swagger " Walk

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31 August 2011: So we've covered how to talk and present yourself in from of women, so the last thing I'd like to share is how to have a swagger walk. Enjoy! --------------------------------------------------------------- When it comes to attracting a ...

Get a lady just by changing the way you talk!

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29 August 2011: The way you carry yourself, dress, talk, or even walk can either attract a potential mate, or repel her. In other words, you need to develop some “swagger”. So when you decide to approach a woman of your interest, you need to do the following: ...

Guys: How To Develop "Swagger" To Attract More Women Part 1

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27 August 2011: The way you carry yourself, dress, talk, or even walk, can either attract a potential mate or repel her. In other words you need to have some swagger. So to avoid being rejected before you even say a word, you need to do the following: 1. Carefu...

Create A Checklist For Your First Date

This question has 3 answers by readers of DearCupid.ORG.
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20 August 2011: So you landed the date that you wanted with the person that captured your interest. How should you plan it to make sure things go well? Make sure you set up a simple checklist. Here's what you can include: #1. Choice of Clothes and Accessorie...

Guys: Create A "Plan-List" For A Romantic Evening

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16 August 2011: In many situations, being spontaneous is encouraged. However if you want to have a great romantic evening, planning is essential. Creating a "plan-list" can actually spark intimacy if it's done correctly. Here are some things you can include on y...

Ladies: Do You Think ALL Men Are The Same?

This question has 6 answers by readers of DearCupid.ORG.
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14 August 2011: Are you ready for some shocking news? ALL MEN ARE DIFFERENT. I know it's possible that you've been cheated on, lied to a lot, or any other reason that caused you to curse out men. I know it's also possible that you've been in relationships with a ...

How to Meet The Man Or Woman Of Your Dreams

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14 August 2011: If you want to find the man or woman of your dreams, you have to put yourself in the environment where they work or hang out. For example, if you want to meet a lawyer, go down to your local courthouse during lunch hours- and hang out at the ...

Guys: What To Do If You're Suffering From Erectile Dysfunction

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13 August 2011: Erectile dysfunction (ED), also known as impotence, is a condition that affects an individual’s ability to achieve or sustain erection during intercourse. The most common reasons for this are: stress, poor nutrition, lack of rest/exercise, or it’s ...

The Top 3 Fears That Prevent Successful Relationships

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8 August 2011: Do you have a fear that prevents you from getting into- or maintaining a good relationship? Well it’s not as uncommon as you may think. There are actual terms for these conditions. Such as… 1. Pistanthrophobia. Also known as the fear of trusti...

The Art Of Communcation

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3 August 2011: Communication is the key to every successful relationship. Your ability to connect with your partner verbally or non-verbally (body language) can show whether your relationship has the potential of moving forward, or if it's headed for disaster. ...

Ideas to keep the romance alive..

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3 August 2011: Are you lacking romance in your relationship? Are there any work problems getting in the way? If you've talked about it with your man and you haven't noticed any significant changes, you may have to take some initiative. Here's what you can do:...

Ladies: What You Should Know BEFORE You Have SEx With The Guy That You're Dating

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31 July 2011: Have you recently started dating someone, got into a new relationship, or just plainly unsure when it's the right time for you and your partner to have sex? Well there are a few things for you to consider before you do: - Do you know what Oxytoc...

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Sex after marriage vs sex if in a long term relationship, what is right?

Q.   I'm in college, have never slept with anyone/had a boyfriend and I'm still undecided as to whether to do so before I get married (I'm also Christian though I wasn't raised religious). I would never sleep around but at the moment I feel it's unfair ...

A.   9 April 2013: From a Christian's perspective... there is no Hebrew or Greek word in the Bible that precisely refers to sex before marriage. However in the Bible Paul does state, (in First Corinthians 7:2) essentially, that because people cannot control themselves ... (read in full...)

I'm 22 and hopeless with girls!

Q.   I'm 22, I am hopeless with girls. I have never been with one and now I am too scared to even try. I am a male model (physique, underwear etc) so objectively I am pretty good looking at the very least, very hot at the most... which almost compounds ...

A.   5 April 2013: Thank you for your post. I'm sure things must be hard for you to deal with what you're going through on a daily basis...but understand you're not a loser...nor are you worthless. I think what might help with your situation is learning ho... (read in full...)

Why can't I have sex?

Q.   I have tried to have sex with my women two times this week and my penis has not worked well at all. Even with her giving me head ....I don’t know what to do. I only 32 and this has never happened before! What is wrong? ...

A.   29 March 2013: I agree with Sageoldguy1465 that it would be best for you to go see a Urologist first. But if this hasn't happened to you before, it may be more of a mental thing. What you may also want to consider is the frequency of your sexual activities. How ... (read in full...)

What should I get my 16 year old boyfriend for his birthday?

Q.   We have been going out for a year and a half, and his birthday is coming up (turning 16). I was thinking about getting him a football with different messages on it, like "I love you" or "MP + MF forever", stuff like that. I just wanted to know if ...

A.   18 March 2013: You've thought of a few interesting and meaningful ideas. But take another moment to think... "What do my boyfriend like and will most certainly appreciate?" Is it particular games, music (which you can either make him a CD or get one of his favo... (read in full...)

I just want to find a girl for myself. Is this not possible?

Q.   I have been trying to find someone to be with for the last six years and sadly it has never worked out. I have tried dating several females during this time but it never seems to go right,I caught the first girl cheating on me with four other ...

A.   11 March 2013: Well my suggestion to you is not to give up. I understand that your luck with women to this point hasn't been all that great... but you're still young- and may still have the chance to meet the type of woman that's right for you. I usually ... (read in full...)

Do I need a change of mind set? Or just some patience and confidence, before I connect with a girl I like in the future?

Q.   I have never had a girlfriend, never kissed a girl and never had sex and i have only hugged 3 girls my entire life. After talking with my friends and observing people i feel like a lost cause. One guy called himself a late bloomer because he l...

A.   22 February 2013: There are still many people in this world who remain a virgin past the age of 21. And there is nothing wrong with waiting for the right woman to come around. And if the timing is right... and you feel comfortable with her... for you to lose your ... (read in full...)

Is there anything wrong being naive?

Q.   Is there anything wrong being naive? I am 34y old, and I do believe in people. I said naive because things happened to me and my friends and people that i know told me how is this possible... Is not just about guys and dating with ev...

A.   16 February 2013: Being naive has its advantages and disadvatages. When you're naive you're likely to believe everything, believe in everyone, and/or trust most if not all situations. Which in general makes you a pretty positive, optimistic person. The problem with ... (read in full...)

How can I learn to be more comfortable around others and how do I win the trust of those around me?

Q.   I'm still at the age where dating does not matter. However I know that this time I can use for practice to win a girl. I have had a handful of girlfriends but my problem is I'm still at the point where I can't show my emotions properly. What I mea...

A.   12 February 2013: You've highlighted one very important point fact.... you're at an age where dating does not matter. School however is another thing. As long as you're focused on getting good grades and building friendships, you should be fine. I would like to know ... (read in full...)

How can I get him to last longer?

Q.   Im in new relationship and we have been having sex for about 4 months now. Everything is great apart from then fact that he only lasts for a couple of minutes. He said its because hes out of practice and after a while he'll be better but if anything ...

A.   28 January 2013: If you're four months into the relationship and have had sex often with him, he should've adjusted to your body and how you feel when you two are intimate- not the other way around. But since that's not the case, my advice to you would be to talk... (read in full...)

Why has my libido suddenly dropped?

Q.   I am 26 yrs old and my libido has suddenly dropped. I had a very good sex life before and now am worried what could be the problem. please help. ...

A.   28 January 2013: There are many factors to consider here. Without me knowing about your sex life, how often (if you do) masturbate, if you're stressed, nervous, or depressed... it's hard for me to make an assessment. But the first thing I would suggest to you is ... (read in full...)

Help! Any tips on making a presentation to my class on Thursday, and how to be confident and calm my nerves?

Q.   So i have to do a pitch in front of my class on thursday and i'm really shy and nervous. Any advice or tips on how to calm my nerves and build my confidence up for it. ...

A.   4 October 2012: Great job! I'm happy that you received a very good grade for your presentation. ... (read in full...)

Help! Any tips on making a presentation to my class on Thursday, and how to be confident and calm my nerves?

Q.   So i have to do a pitch in front of my class on thursday and i'm really shy and nervous. Any advice or tips on how to calm my nerves and build my confidence up for it. ...

A.   2 October 2012: Usually I stay in my lane and give relationship/dating advice. But occasionally I'll answer something that's not related. I would like to provide some tips. #1. Prepare physically. Practice and read what you have in front of a mirror, in front o... (read in full...)

I feel depressed and lonely because I don't have a girlfriend to cuddle with!

Q.   Every day i try to look for some good girls to date and that im interested in,but every body is taken. Some girls just not attracted to me at all. All my friends have GFs but me. Last week i went to my friend house and his GF came over and they was ...

A.   26 September 2012: You're still young- and your main keep focus should be on on school. Girls can come later. And when it's the right time, you will potentially have many chances of meeting girls- some of which you will ultimately get into a relationship with. But you ... (read in full...)

Sex isn't fun anymore because he only lasts 20 seconds!

Q.   Hey everyone. So my boyfriend and I have been together for 13 months and our sex life is like non existent compared to how it used to be. For the first 6 or so months, we had sex literally like 4 or 5 times everyday, it was great. But for the past...

A.   23 September 2012: I think he's a bit bored- and he's lacking a bit of excitement. In the beginning things were new. You entered into his life and he was happy and excited. And in the bedroom he may have showed you just how happy he was. But now things are slowing ... (read in full...)

Is it normal to feel like this? I keep thinking about having sex with other people, even though I'd never cheat!

Q.   hi, i have been with my bf for 5 years now and I'm 27. I do love him very much i think hes attractive and we get on really well and he treats me good what more could i want! But i feel like theres something missing, i don't feel that urge to hav...

A.   19 September 2012: It's perfectly understandable for you to feel the way that you do. And you shouldn't feel ashamed because MANY people feel that they want more in the bedroom (or even fantasize about other people). So it's normal. And it really has nothing to do ... (read in full...)

Guys- Great Gift Ideas For Your Girlfriend!

Q.   It's difficult to make suggestions on what would be good gift ideas for the guys that are reading this article because generally a gift for say a 16 year old girlfriend, would be different from that of a 30 or 40 year old. It also depends on how ...

A.   17 September 2012: Thank you for your comments lovesickguy. Flea markets are a great place to find unique, nice, or something at decent discounted price- if you're worried about your budget. And you said it right... just be sure to pick things that you know she would ... (read in full...)

A question for the men: why are images of other women always better to masturbate to?

Q.   Hi all, Just some questions out of curiosity and partly from experience, why are men so different from women when it comes to getting off on something? Porn is a deal breaker in a relationship for me and my boyfriend knows and respects this,...

A.   10 September 2012: Thank you for your post. First off let me answer your original question... The reason why most men (and I am generalizing here) like to view images of women while masturbating is because we are for the most part, very visual creatures. Visual a... (read in full...)

Interested In Attending A Speed Dating Event? Here's What You Should Know.

Q.   I personally never attended a speed dating event as a participant. I have, however, as a matchmaker hosted a few. I can tell you there are quite a few benefits that comes with participating in speed dating events. And I know many people who have ...

A.   25 August 2012: You're welcome Completely Confused. I wish you the very best! ... (read in full...)

How do I date when I go out expecting the worst? Girls have hurt me in the past and laughed behind my back about my penis size.

Q.   I am 23 years old so I know it wont grow anymore. I am so embarrassed to have sex or even to show myself to a girl when the time comes. I have 4 inch long and 4.5 inch girth penis when erect. I am afraid girls might laugh at me during or afterwards. ...

A.   18 August 2012: It's very true that most women care more about the "motion in the ocean" sort of speak (the way you perform) rather than the size of your penis. But to some size does play a factor. And if your confidence is lacking in the bedroom, then for your ... (read in full...)

I'm starting to feel uncomfortable at my job, what should I do?

Q.   Everyone at my job keeps talking about me and laughing at me. They say I'm slow and stuff because I make orders slow. I have only been working at this fast food restaurant for a month and a half. I just now getting the hang of things. Yea I make ...

A.   15 August 2012: I'm sorry you feel so uncomfortable working at your job. I know you're working hard and really want everyone to enjoy their food. Your co-workers/ managers should have noted the progress that you've made since you've worked there. And if they ... (read in full...)

Feeling very embarrassed by premature ejaculation

Q.   SO its been 3 years now that i discovered i had premature ejaculation..just the other day i was giving my gf some foreplay for about 10 min..and then she wanted me to put it in and when i did i took it out immediately because i was going to ...

A.   11 August 2012: O.k. Well both of the Agony Aunts that previously posted answers to your question offered great advice. Being a teenager, you're going to experience a lot of weird and awkward things sexually. But in time, hopefully with experience and acquired... (read in full...)

Struggling to maintain an erection....

Q.   Ill bring this to the board I guess... Im strugglin maintaining and sometimes even getting wood in the bedroom. It doesnt matter if its a woman who desires me or not I fave the issue. My thing is this I feel that if I do not look a certain way and ...

A.   3 August 2012: I agree with many things that Candid Cally has said and suggested. And it's possible that your erectile dysfunction problem may be occurring for various reasons. But I believe this entire problem is a mental one... especially with you noting your ... (read in full...)

I feel undateable!

Q.   I don't know what my problem is but I feel undateable. I have no serious relationships and I just feel like is hard to meet any guys that I have anything in common with. I been told that I'm a cool person to hang around, pretty, smart, but the only ...

A.   3 August 2012: Well aside from you needing to better communicate with a potential love interest, you have to learn how to open up. You mentioned in your post, that you have a bad habit of not letting people get to close... well therein lies the main problem. How ... (read in full...)

Is It OK To Have Sex Everyday?

Q.   Is it OK to have sex everyday? I heard, and and have been asked that question quite a few times in my professional career. Having sex everyday, like most things, has it's advantages and disadvantages. Advantage #1: -- It's a form of physica...

A.   16 July 2012: Agreed DoubleM. Due to the more recent amount of times I've been approached with that question, I figured I just write an article about it and give my perspective. I appreciate you sharing your input from your 40+ year experience in se... (read in full...)

Is It OK To Have Sex Everyday?

Q.   Is it OK to have sex everyday? I heard, and and have been asked that question quite a few times in my professional career. Having sex everyday, like most things, has it's advantages and disadvantages. Advantage #1: -- It's a form of physica...

A.   12 July 2012: Thanks for providing your thoughts on the subject DoubleM. Best.... (read in full...)

Is this the right mindset?

Q.   I'm not too into relationships. In fact, I don't even think I mind if I never have another relationship again. After my last relationship with a girl I dated for 3 years, I'm not too eager to jump back into one. I find myself not attracted to the ...

A.   18 June 2012: Well first off you're still young.. so you should never write off the possibility of you getting into another relationship. Just because things didn't work out with your ex, doesn't mean you don't have the potential to meet someone just as pretty, ... (read in full...)

Need A Confidence Booster?

Q.   There are times in our lives that we humans get into a depressing mode which resulted from us analyzing our downfalls and what we seem to lack. It seems to become apparent to us one way or another- and we start to questions ourselves, or abilities, ...

A.   18 June 2012: Hey Fumanic1! Thanks for sharing your positive experience after reading this article. I'm glad to know it was beneficial and inspirational for you. Best Wishes! ... (read in full...)

Past rejections killed my confidence

Q.   Based on the amount of rejections I suffered in the past, I have developed fear and anxiety when I feel like approaching a woman I'm interested in. How do I get rid of these negative thoughts? ...

A.   17 June 2012: It's o.k. if you've experienced negative thoughts when approaching women. Even the most confident men experience rejection and doubt at times. But you can't give into those negative feelings. You are a special person that's worthy of love. And if ... (read in full...)

My mother needs psychiatric help but I don't want to abandon her. Has anyone else went through this?

Q.   How do I deal with letting my mother go like this. Everyday she seems to be losing a bit of herself little by little. It's to the point where she's frequently screaming at the top of her lungs senseless gibberish. I love my mother and it tears me up ...

A.   13 June 2012: Wow. Well what you're going through is not at all uncommon. There are plenty of people who've been through a similar situation- and couldn't stand the thought of seeing their parent (or loved one) in a psychiatric facility. But you can't deny h... (read in full...)

We can't agree on who should be the one to call!

Q.   Good day! Me an my bf we always fight about calling each other. My problem I that if I don't have airtime he will complain about not calling and he always complain about that when he is at work whereby their using free airtime. I always buy airtime ...

A.   9 June 2012: Wow. Well this situation needs to be resolved quickly because I'm sure neither of you would want to breakup over the lack of calling. And from what I gather in your post, I think your boyfriend needs to consider the fact that you have to buy time... (read in full...)

How can you be friends with an ex after they've broken your heart?

Q.   im heartbroken :( my boyfriend broke up with me 2 days ago, on sunday night we had an argument because we werent going to see each other that night and we both have a lot of seperate plans over the next few weekends, on top of his work commitments ...

A.   27 May 2012: First off I'm sorry to hear that you're in so much pain over the breakup. Working random 16 hour work shifts, and long hours regularly obviously takes a lot out of a person- and you really wouldn't have time for a proper relationship... even if ... (read in full...)

I'm afraid he's going to hurt me and then leave me!

Q.   hey this may sound ridiculous but i need a second opinion or something.. i didn't have a bad childhood i guess, but it wasn't great either. for the majority of it my dad beat my little brother senseless, but hardly ever touched me. he scared me...

A.   14 May 2012: Because of the type of relationship (or lack thereof) you had with your father, it's natural for you to not fully trust men- completely out of fear that they'll leave or hurt you. But what you must realize is these men, are different from your ... (read in full...)

Ladies- What It Means When A Guy Says: "I'll call you" And Then...He Doesn't

Q.   Now, barring any reasons such as a family tragedy or any other personal situation that may prevent a guy from calling, a guy may not call because... #1. They just may not be that into you. I know this may hard to hear, and many women may not wa...

A.   14 May 2012: Hi Tsahpina. Thanks for providing your thoughts. I don't think what you wrote is a fair assessment of all men. Sure there are some men who are jerks... there are even some who are downright liars. But that's not ALL men. Your solution for the ... (read in full...)

Ladies- What It Means When A Guy Says: "I'll call you" And Then...He Doesn't

Q.   Now, barring any reasons such as a family tragedy or any other personal situation that may prevent a guy from calling, a guy may not call because... #1. They just may not be that into you. I know this may hard to hear, and many women may not wa...

A.   12 May 2012: Hi Cheers! I'm glad you enjoy reading my articles. :^) It's not uncommon for guys to try to play things cool and ultimately end up missing out on woman that could've been good for them. Many of them don't realize that they have to strike while th... (read in full...)

Is lack of confidence a sign of just being a failure, at my age?

Q.   This isn't a romantic relationship question, but I really could use some help because it's affecting me a lot! I've been blessed with the most wonderful friends and parents in the world and the fact that I achieved those bonds is a huge mark of s...

A.   4 May 2012: I always live by the motto that if you change one... just one person's life for the better, then you're not a failure. And who knows... that one student in your class may grow up to make a positive impression in this world- and you could be the ... (read in full...)

How do I move on, get over him, stop thinking about him?

Q.   I broke up with the love of my life about a year ago. He was all good at first, but at the end of our relationship he turned into this horrific monster. I have every right to hate him. But i just cant get over him. I still love him, and im still ...

A.   2 May 2012: I'm sorry to hear about your situation. I think the first thing you need to do is stop checking his email/Facebook account. You're setting yourself up for more disappointment, heartbreak, and potential anger if you continue to do so. Not to mention ... (read in full...)

Why can't I focus on sex?

Q.   I'm having an issue focusing during sex with my boyfriend. Whenever we're apart, I'm dying for sex but then we're together and I can't seem to clear my mind enough to actually enjoy it. He tries to hold out long enough for me to get off, but then ...

A.   1 May 2012: I don't think anything is wrong with you. But just out of curiosity.. when you're craving for sex with your boyfriend, do you vision/fantasize him being intimate with you a certain way? If you are, then I think it's best for you to share with him ... (read in full...)

No experience with women, and finding porn too easy an alternative

Q.   I'm currently a 23 year old virgin, and it's beginning to get me down in a big way. Basically, I was always a socially awkward kid at school, and even when I did get a girlfriend at the end of high school I couldn't make a move on her at all, even ...

A.   1 May 2012: I agree with a lot of what janniepeg mentioned. And I think it also might be helpful to read confidence builder books/articles, join social clubs where you can network and potentially meet new people, and ultimately learn how to change your mindset ... (read in full...)

I feel like a sex toy! My boyfriend is a sex addict

Q.   Well me and my boyfriend been dating for two years and he has like five different personalities he always upset we have sex hes happy but wen we dont he actually want to fight me physically .. I cant sleep in the bed with him cause hes a sex ...

A.   28 April 2012: I think it may be more than a sexual addiction. Under no circumstances should a guy want to engage in a physical fight with you. Do you know if your boyfriend is bipolar? He seems to be displaying some signs of the disorder. I think what's i... (read in full...)

I was declared the most beautiful in my class. Why don't I have a boyfriend?

Q.   hi am a 20yrs, female never had a boyfriend,though i have been asked out but its not by the guys i want the ones i want never even notice me.i actually got my first peck recently from a guy i thought liked me but he just wanted sex so when he didnot ...

A.   28 April 2012: If in fact you have been nominated in your class as the most beautiful, then it can be intimidating for most guys to approach you... as BassChick said. But even though you didn't have as many boyfriends as your friends, just tell yourself... (read in full...)

Ladies- What It Means When A Guy Says: "I'll call you" And Then...He Doesn't

Q.   Now, barring any reasons such as a family tragedy or any other personal situation that may prevent a guy from calling, a guy may not call because... #1. They just may not be that into you. I know this may hard to hear, and many women may not wa...

A.   7 December 2011: Hey Tennisstar88! No they're not arranged in any particular order. And in response to point #2, as I mentioned, if a man is interested, he will make time (or find a way) to talk. But there are a few people that I've come across that work crazy ho... (read in full...)

Ladies- What It Means When A Guy Says: "I'll call you" And Then...He Doesn't

Q.   Now, barring any reasons such as a family tragedy or any other personal situation that may prevent a guy from calling, a guy may not call because... #1. They just may not be that into you. I know this may hard to hear, and many women may not wa...

A.   3 December 2011: Thanks Anonymous reader for your comments. I'm sure many women can relate to and agree with what you have to say. And you're very welcome by the way for the article. I'm glad it was helpful to you. :^) Best!... (read in full...)

Ladies- What It Means When A Guy Says: "I'll call you" And Then...He Doesn't

Q.   Now, barring any reasons such as a family tragedy or any other personal situation that may prevent a guy from calling, a guy may not call because... #1. They just may not be that into you. I know this may hard to hear, and many women may not wa...

A.   25 November 2011: If he only calls in hopes of being intimate with you, then you've made the right decision to break up with him. And I know it hurts- but you deserve to have a better relationship with someone that's going to love, and want to be with you completely. ... (read in full...)

Need A Confidence Booster?

Q.   There are times in our lives that we humans get into a depressing mode which resulted from us analyzing our downfalls and what we seem to lack. It seems to become apparent to us one way or another- and we start to questions ourselves, or abilities, ...

A.   11 November 2011: You're welcome. :^) Best Wishes! ... (read in full...)

Need A Confidence Booster?

Q.   There are times in our lives that we humans get into a depressing mode which resulted from us analyzing our downfalls and what we seem to lack. It seems to become apparent to us one way or another- and we start to questions ourselves, or abilities, ...

A.   10 November 2011: Thank you for posting your comment anonymous reader. We all have down days, but I'm glad you found a way to be happy, content, and overall being able to love yourself. You are unique- and you bring a special set of talents, gifts, and purpose ... (read in full...)

Need A Confidence Booster?

Q.   There are times in our lives that we humans get into a depressing mode which resulted from us analyzing our downfalls and what we seem to lack. It seems to become apparent to us one way or another- and we start to questions ourselves, or abilities, ...

A.   4 November 2011: Thank you for sharing your story and providing your thoughts on the topic Ann123. And I'm glad you found a way to be happy. You, as well any other genuine person deserves to have someone special in your lives. And I believe it's always a possibility ... (read in full...)

*aniel the love doctor's friends

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aunt honesty agony auntaunt honesty
B123 agony auntB123
cheers agony auntcheers
cinc71 agony auntcinc71
DeadEyeDick agony auntDeadEyeDick
giordana agony auntgiordana
jadedpearl agony auntjadedpearl
Kyle007 agony auntKyle007
Lilyxoxo agony auntLilyxoxo
margaret z  agony auntmargaret z
matildasummer agony auntmatildasummer
NennaHB agony auntNennaHB
princessjasmine agony auntprincessjasmine
sweetiebabes agony auntsweetiebabes
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Trinklett agony auntTrinklett
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