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*iamine agony aunt


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* I'm brutally honest, sometimes to the point of offence, I never hide under the secrecy of anonymous. I'm pro-porn and many people don't like this. I'm also non judgemental of different relationships and lifestyles. I'm pro-men and pro-women, I believe strongly in equality and happiness for both sexes, that's my definition of Feminism. And I'm an atheist, there aint no God in my world.

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My husband has threatened...either the pet dog goes or he moves out!

Q.   I am a newlywed, married in August. When my husband and I were dating, I had a dog. My husband had never owned pets in his life, but seemed okay with it. Some months before the wedding, my dog was killed. I was grief stricken, but I always knew ...

A.   10 October 2013: "Try to convince him to wait it out till she outgrows her puppy stage, make more rules about how much time I spend with her.." I don't like or understand animals, but I know you animal people love them, so they become important to me. Your dog... (read in full...)

Why do guys want the lights on, or my shirt off, during sex?

Q.   Hi peoples! Not to prescribe to stereotypes or anything, but it seems like every guy I've been with always says "I want to see you" when I say I want to keep my shirt on during sex or want the lights turned off. Anyone else notice this or w...

A.   10 October 2013: Your young and still conscious about your body.. But in the bedroom, men are not like doctors. They are not looking for flaws or examining you, they do not think like that. They look with the eyes of a lover, not a doctor. They like the way ... (read in full...)

The idea of living with my boyfriend makes me feel panicky and trapped!

Q.   Hi I'm looking for some impartial advice because I'm really confused and not sure if there is something wrong with me or my relationship. Basically, I'm 28, have been with my boyfriend for over 3.5 years and I love him a lot. However I don't ...

A.   10 October 2013: Not enough information "Anne". There's no way to say why you feel trapped. Maybe you don't love him, maybe you hate change, maybe you have family issues in your past, maybe your a lesbian in denial. I sure as heck don't know, but you do. So, t... (read in full...)

I don't feel like I'm loved by my boyfriend and he always puts his mom first!

Q.   My boyfriend and I have more issues than I can count. We are in our late 20s, been together 3+ yrs, and live together. Issue #1, he is a mamas boy. Whatever mom wants, he does. He goes above and beyond son duties. He gives her just as much, if not ...

A.   10 October 2013: He has called me names, and even told me how pathetic I am when I cried (anon 30-35) She calls screaming and yelling if she doesn't get what she wants (anon 30-35) I try not to bitch, but it's hard not to when he can do whatever he wants, and... (read in full...)

My friend probably gave her one-night-stand guy chlamydia (he doesn't know it might be from her) and now I'm dating this guy. How do I ask him to get checked without exposing my friend?

Q.   Hi all, I'm in a sticky situation! Straight to the point, I started university 18 months ago and quickly became good friends with a girl on my course. Since then we have been like best friends, we clicked instantly. She happens to be a girl ...

A.   10 October 2013: You stand your ground as a strong, responsible modern woman. Don't matter the man's history... You have the RIGHT, to demand that he's clean so you can be safe If you have sex without a condom, you always risk your life. The prettiest, clean... (read in full...)

He makes jokes about religion, but I'm religious

Q.   The man I want to be with, always makes jokes about "aliens" being out there, and maybe they are the ones who created us. I am a God fearing woman, and when someone makes jokes about whom I worship, I take it to heart and it upsets me. He does not ...

A.   10 October 2013: Your not compatible... You are religious, you will be upset with some who has no respect for your views. He is not religious, he thinks your beliefs are silly. This cannot work, you can't pretend to hate god... he can't pretend that your be... (read in full...)

I am lost. I need advice on this proposed separation, help!

Q.   I am a 42 year old woman who was married for 14 years with 2 lovely boys. About 3 months after separating I met a man, and our relationship started off slowly, but within a year it was apparent that we both cared for each other deeply-and still do ...

A.   10 October 2013: Glad your still smiling :) But your not happy babes. There's a lot of confusion and resentment, and I think you feel your being short changed. Take a deep breath, and write it down... all the problems, the little hurts that make you mad. Then... (read in full...)

I am lost. I need advice on this proposed separation, help!

Q.   I am a 42 year old woman who was married for 14 years with 2 lovely boys. About 3 months after separating I met a man, and our relationship started off slowly, but within a year it was apparent that we both cared for each other deeply-and still do ...

A.   9 October 2013: Screeching halt... what does that mean? You spend a lot of time filling in the details, but when it gets to the heart of the matter, your lost for words. Screeching halt??? Do you have sex? Is there romance? Do you go out? Does he make you... (read in full...)

My parents are forcing me to chose either them or the girl!

Q.   I'm 23, male. I met this mentally challenged girl (21 y.o.) about six months ago. Before I met her I was a very lonely person. I never had many friends. Those whom I trusted always betrayed me in some way or the other. This girl changed my life. She ...

A.   5 July 2013: Opps, missed the "I hate sex bit" Does she feel the same?... (read in full...)

My parents are forcing me to chose either them or the girl!

Q.   I'm 23, male. I met this mentally challenged girl (21 y.o.) about six months ago. Before I met her I was a very lonely person. I never had many friends. Those whom I trusted always betrayed me in some way or the other. This girl changed my life. She ...

A.   5 July 2013: You present as aged 22-25 years old and currently living in the USA. You are above the age of consent, and at 21, so is your girlfriend. Your parents have no right to force you to do anything. Your a grown adult, and you live in a free society, ... (read in full...)

I like this older woman but she would not ever tell me her exact age.

Q.   I'm curious about this woman, I'm 24, she's 40 odd - she don't look it, I didn't realise before I'd started hitting on her. She didn't stop me, we've been out a few times, we talk constantly but then she wouldn't tell me how old she exactly was. She ...

A.   16 June 2013: She's going out with you, so she's not bothered. Your going out with her even if you don't know the number. Why is it important to you? Do you keep her if she's 30 and dump her if she's over 40? You know she's older, so why only ask now if a... (read in full...)

My boyfriend won't finish in the bedroom, has performance anxiety and I don't know how to fix this situation!

Q.   My bf of 3 years (he is 43 and I am 32) who I have a 1 and a half year old son with has performance anxiety in the bedroom and won't ever finish making love when we do get it on as he is scared to make me pregnant again - I reassured him that I have ...

A.   7 May 2013: Draw back on the emotional talk, many men don't like that. Sex and romance is always tough for new parents, both women and men. It's normal for men to have errection problems due to hurting their woman or making new babies, after pregnancy. What... (read in full...)

Husband calls me names and is sarcastic. Then calls it a joke. Is this OK? Will it hurt our relationship?

Q.   My husband of 27 years admits he is sarcastic and is a name caller. He says the opposite of what is meant and then say "I was joking" This happens is front of your children and he thinks is ok and I am overly sensitive. Is this ok in a marriage ...

A.   7 May 2013: 27 years and your only now wondering about damage to your marriage??? How do you feel about it? Does it make you angry or is it working for you? It's your marriage, you know if things are good or not. If it bothers you, then you need to find... (read in full...)

How do you KNOW whether to stick with a relationship or simply admit defeat?

Q.   How do you KNOW when the time is right to end a relationship? I've asked friends and the most common response I have received is that "you just know". I don't see how this is the case. I have been in a relationship for little over a year, but I fe...

A.   7 May 2013: Relationships usually finished when their is more tears than smiles and there is nothing you can do to fix it. If you find yourself on Dear Cupid, asking other people to tell you to stay, then that's the time to admit to yourself you don't lo... (read in full...)

My boyfriend is bipolar. Is there a chance that we will be ok if he takes his meds?

Q.   I would have been with my boyfriend a year as of the 23rd. Throughout the whole relationship he has had what appeared as trust issues. Looking through my facebook/phone, accusations, and bad thoughts that he said he "couldn't control", running ...

A.   7 May 2013: Sorry about the delay been busy... Glad that things worked out for you ok. As for me.. heck, bi-polar gets easier.. so there's hope for me and him. Hoping that me, you and him, get all the happiness the world has to offer. Your a strong se... (read in full...)

Our sex life is in the doldrums, are we doomed? He has the start of ED. His suggestion is a threesome, but I'm not so keen.

Q.   My husband and I were talking about our sex life just a moment ago. He mentioned how sore he is from all the sex (which has been almost everyday...and I know he masturbates as well, but I think he has done that more in the last week than we have had ...

A.   22 December 2012: Hmmm, there is so much in your post to work on. No, your not doomed, but there is a lot to work on. First, more information needed.. How old is your guy? Second, do you orgasm through penetrative sex? You and your husband have a lot going ... (read in full...)

Why doesn't my boyfriend let me touch him?

Q.   I don't understand, but my boyfriend will touch me anywhere,(lying on my bed with clothes on!) but when I try to touch him, he moves my hand. I've mentioned it a couple of times: why don't you let me touch you and he says that he will "but not yet " ...

A.   22 December 2012: Has anyone experienced this? Yes of course, but most women at your age aren't so hungry. They find kissing is enough, and it's usually the man that is begging, not the woman. It does make me wonder what else in your life is lacking. Do you have ... (read in full...)

Husband addicted to prostitutes!

Q.   Can I regain trust in my husband, married for 28 years found out 3 weeks ago he has been seeing prostitutes for 11 years but stopped 14 months ago because he found one 55 miles away that he has seen twice a week, bought lots of presents for etc. ...

A.   21 December 2012: Sorry, can't leave only, you touch my heart If your strong enough.. I would like you to ask him where you come in. Forget about the children, the church, other people... but ask him.... how does a woman lie down with a man who will sleep with any ... (read in full...)

My inability to orgasm is causing me to not enjoy sex with the man I love.

Q.   My boyfriend and I have been together just over a year. We love each other very much, he's my best friend, he's so caring and we are very affectionate. However, whenever we have sex.....I just don't enjoy it! I find him incredibly attractive, but ...

A.   21 December 2012: Can't you take the vibrator into the bedroom with you. If it helps, then why not. Also ask him to try oral upon you. It provides lubrication and is liked by most women The books, movies and stories you hear are mostly lies. Enjoying sex doe... (read in full...)

Husband addicted to prostitutes!

Q.   Can I regain trust in my husband, married for 28 years found out 3 weeks ago he has been seeing prostitutes for 11 years but stopped 14 months ago because he found one 55 miles away that he has seen twice a week, bought lots of presents for etc. ...

A.   21 December 2012: No, not rambling, but actually very mature and understanding. This type of addiction isn't the normal thing and it's devastating for anybody to try to cope with. How can you change you heart. You can't, that's what the church is for, they sho... (read in full...)

Just found out my wife lied to me about everything sexually .....her sexual past is extremely disturbing

Q.   Alright let me first start out by giving you the basics ok my wife and I have been togather 6 years 5years married ,we have 3 kids she had two when we met but the dad was a loser in and out of prison and gangster deadbeat so I became there dad and ...

A.   21 December 2012: Mr goodguy, thanks for your update... Eight months later and you still sound angry and bitter. Have you considered a divorce?... (read in full...)

What are your opinions on having an extemely self-centered, selfish, hypocritical friend?

Q.   Z and I started hanging out with each other (met her through my close friend Y) at college, and at first I thought she was a very fun, talkative, and easy-going person. She just has that charm when she first meets new friends. Z and I would spent ...

A.   4 December 2012: Yes it was a long post, so I didn't read it (apart from the last paragraph) You seemed to need the chance to vent, so you've been holding it inside and suffering for a long,long time... However, it was very important for you to write it all down, ... (read in full...)

Why is there such a double standard regarding men's and women's sexuality?

Q.   Hi, I am openly dating. And my brother seems to think that I am a potential hoe even though I do not have sex with these men. He's young and is influenced heavily by society and the media and the defintion of what a woman is "supposed" to normally ...

A.   4 December 2012: Feminism... who cares what other people think.. create your own honourable morality.. know in your heart what's right and true... Why are you watching other people... why did you care if they judge you. Feminism for me means freedom... the r... (read in full...)

I'm nervous about doing sexual things with a more experienced guy!

Q.   I've been talking to this guy for a few months and we've recently told each other we like each other. We were playing the question game and he asked me if i'd like to try being friends with benefits, however: - i've never had a boyfriend - i'v...

A.   4 December 2012: You like him.. he likes sex Guys that like you usually want to be your boyfriend Guys that want sex want a FWB and are only interested in your body. I've read the fairy tales, I've seen the movie.. never did prince charming say.. "hey your ... (read in full...)

I know I can't have my cake and eat it too but I'm confused and not sure what is the right thing to do

Q.   Where should I start, ok ill start here, 2 years ago I ended a 3 year relaxationship with a girl that i never had a connection with other than sex lol and we had nothing in common, I was miserable and she didn't love me, but we had awesome sex and ...

A.   4 December 2012: Yes I got advice. You are a religious man, and you are married. You should not be looking at naked pictures of your friend. Go talk to your wife about this lack of sex in your marriage. Suggest marriage counselling if you and her can't fix thin... (read in full...)

Is it possible to become this depressed in a matter of four days?

Q.   For the past two months, I've had my eye on this guy who goes to my school. Let's call him "C". C is two years younger than me. We've started dating a little over a week ago. I've convinced myself that I really like him, but now I'm not so sure. ...

A.   4 December 2012: PS: Them energy drinks are full of caffeine.. not good for the mind and may affect sleep. Caffeine, disturbance in sleep or poor nutrition in food WILL affect your moods. Your main priority is to change your diet. Throw away them energy d... (read in full...)

We sleep in separate beds, and I worry it’s killing our relationship

Q.   My boyfriend and I sleep in separate beds. We have different sleeping patterns – I’m an early riser and insomniac; he sleeps late and needs a lot of sleep. About a year ago, he started kicking me out of bed in the middle of the night, saying I was ...

A.   4 December 2012: Sleeping together is very important. You breathe, he breathes, your as close as you can get together without being naked. It helps to cement the bonds of relationships. Your heartbeats even mirror each other to become more the same. That'... (read in full...)

Who do I choose, my second cousin whom I love, or my family? They will never accept us if we get married....

Q.   I love my second cousin and we want to get married but i am a hindu girl and my society does not allow this, Im really very much confused what shall i do as after marrying him my family will leave me. or I can say that if they come to know about ...

A.   4 December 2012: We can't help... It's your choice, only you can make it. If you lose all your family, you will have only him. What if the love goes, what if the man changes? What happens if you never see your family again, will you miss them and stay unhappy ... (read in full...)

Is it possible to become this depressed in a matter of four days?

Q.   For the past two months, I've had my eye on this guy who goes to my school. Let's call him "C". C is two years younger than me. We've started dating a little over a week ago. I've convinced myself that I really like him, but now I'm not so sure. ...

A.   4 December 2012: "I've stopped eating and have gone on an all energy drink diet. I'm not happy in school anymore" 1. Forget about guys and stop worrying about them 2. Start eating normal foods, a low calorie diet full of sugar will make your head go funny. 3. W... (read in full...)

Is my boyfriend bisexual if he's had multiple homosexual relations in the past but claims he doesn't like men?

Q.   I'm a woman. My 33 year old boyfriend of 6 months recently admitted to me that when he was a preteen, him and 2 if his best friends would masturbate together, rub on each other and give each other oral. This happened for over a year. He also just ...

A.   4 December 2012: Who cares. Only matters if the guy is faithful. If he's having sex with other people then I don't think you should marry. You have good sex, he likes oral sex with you. So you know what you need to.. the guy likes having sex with women, e... (read in full...)

My 16 year old son is in love with a woman who is 24 years older than him!

Q.   My 16 year old son is in love with a woman 24 years older than hisself, he met her when he was in a Subway with friends, he's told me theyve been secretly dating for over a month now and that the relationships not based on sex but proper love. She's ...

A.   4 December 2012: Your son's 16 and in the UK, he can date and have sex with anyone he likes. There is nothing you can do. Even if you throw him out, I'm sure she will take him in. You need to be calm, supportive and understanding. I'm not too crazy about it... (read in full...)

My Ex took my daughter to meet his new "friend" and they stayed the night at hers!

Q.   Hello. I desperately need to get this off my chest and see what other people thought. my ex has our 4 yr old daughter every other weekend, and yesterday was one of them. Today i found out he took her to London to meet his new "friend" and they stay...

A.   4 December 2012: I didn't see the problem at first. Your daughter is 4years old and will not have a nervous breakdown by staying in a strangers house for a night. Human beings are a lot stronger than that, especially little children. I also thought that your rea... (read in full...)

Husband addicted to prostitutes!

Q.   Can I regain trust in my husband, married for 28 years found out 3 weeks ago he has been seeing prostitutes for 11 years but stopped 14 months ago because he found one 55 miles away that he has seen twice a week, bought lots of presents for etc. ...

A.   4 December 2012: Big hugs annon, I can imagine how raw and devastated you feel. Sigh. He's a sex addict and he is still in denial. Two and a half years already, he probably done as well as he can. It's an addiction, not normal, it's compulsive behaviour... (read in full...)

He's mean and controlling and my children don't like him. Will he revert to the same monster again if we purchase a home together?

Q.   I have posted on here so many times as I dont have anyone to talk to. What would you do in the following scenario? I am on the verge of buying a house with my second husband who I ended up having a seperate house from for the last 4 years as we had ...

A.   4 December 2012: You've done so well honeypie, you've done better than I thought you would. You sound stronger, you sound calm, you sound much happier. "I dont want to cause anyone hurt" Again, that's always the big problem.... again I'll translate... "I ... (read in full...)

Relationship is going down hill, after boyfriends comment about my weight!!

Q.   Good day! Well what I am asking is down to this situation here me and my boyfriend of 8 month have decided to take a break after a long argument that blew the holiday to pieces. About a month ago we had wonderful holidays together. whiles watchi...

A.   2 September 2012: I feel he's a a piece of sh*t and a bloody idiot.. I was wrong You deserve better The way you look and feel is your business This guy has problems in bed, and isn't very honest Sigh... cry.... then realize, you're the one who is lucky. This... (read in full...)

My boyfriend's wife passed away awhile ago but I feel I will always come second to her.

Q.   Hi, my boyfriend and I have been dating for over a year now and believe me when I say that I do love him with all of my heart there is no one else that I would rather be with but my problem is,I know that there is someone else that he would rather ...

A.   2 September 2012: It's not even been a year yet, your right, he's probably still grieving. But that doesn't mean he doesn't love you. He's sad his past life has gone, but he's also trying to move on. You want to rush this bereavement process because it's hurting ... (read in full...)

My lawyer told me my husband wants to give up his parental rights

Q.   See at one point I didn't give my husband space when he wanted it and we fought a lot so he would take off for days then come home and we would be fine for a little while then he'd take off again and I lost my kids to the state and I'm fighting to ...

A.   1 September 2012: Let him give up his "Rights" to his children... but that don't mean anything.. because he can never give up his "responsibilities"... kids cost money, get yourself a lawyer and ask them about your husband paying child support (and possible marital ... (read in full...)

Relationship is going down hill, after boyfriends comment about my weight!!

Q.   Good day! Well what I am asking is down to this situation here me and my boyfriend of 8 month have decided to take a break after a long argument that blew the holiday to pieces. About a month ago we had wonderful holidays together. whiles watchi...

A.   1 September 2012: Your big, and he's still with you and he wanted you when he met you... as I said, that's your issue to deal with.. he doesn't really have a problem with your weight, he thinks your beautiful enough to date. I'm aware the topic is sensitiv... (read in full...)

Porn and insecurities

Q.   I need help. I know that there are a TON of porn and strip club questions out there, I know. But I really need some advice. I have been with my boyfriend for almost a year, and it has been great. We get along so well, we have a lot in common, e...

A.   1 September 2012: "I want to be his everything; his fantasy, his dream girl or whatever, just like he is mine." This may be a big problem.... it's impossible to be the only thing in a person's world. It's slightly obsessive in a way. You and him are part of a co... (read in full...)

Porn and insecurities

Q.   I need help. I know that there are a TON of porn and strip club questions out there, I know. But I really need some advice. I have been with my boyfriend for almost a year, and it has been great. We get along so well, we have a lot in common, e...

A.   31 August 2012: "Men, if your wife or gf came to you with this type of question, how would you feel?" As you notice, few men bother to answer questions on porn anymore. If you don't like porn, leave him If you don't like porn, ask him to stop and if he doe... (read in full...)

Relationship is going down hill, after boyfriends comment about my weight!!

Q.   Good day! Well what I am asking is down to this situation here me and my boyfriend of 8 month have decided to take a break after a long argument that blew the holiday to pieces. About a month ago we had wonderful holidays together. whiles watchi...

A.   31 August 2012: "I don’t feel like playing games to be honest" Unfortunately, you do like games, you get upset by honest people, and you aren't being honest with yourself. Your happiest when people tell you that everything is perfect and you are wonderful. "D... (read in full...)

My boyfriend is bipolar. Is there a chance that we will be ok if he takes his meds?

Q.   I would have been with my boyfriend a year as of the 23rd. Throughout the whole relationship he has had what appeared as trust issues. Looking through my facebook/phone, accusations, and bad thoughts that he said he "couldn't control", running ...

A.   17 July 2012: Where was we From my experience... nope, don't get normal Tablet's help with the worse, but as he gets better, he won't want to take them, so you have to fight him on that, tablets are important Don't let him get tired or stressed.. I'm ... (read in full...)

My boyfriend is bipolar. Is there a chance that we will be ok if he takes his meds?

Q.   I would have been with my boyfriend a year as of the 23rd. Throughout the whole relationship he has had what appeared as trust issues. Looking through my facebook/phone, accusations, and bad thoughts that he said he "couldn't control", running ...

A.   17 July 2012: Sigh.. time to embarrasess meself, this is hard. I'm diagnosised with bipolar. The head goes screwy. I know what the doctors say, but I feel fine, I think they is wrong. So I stop the tablets sometimes, and things get funny and I know somethin... (read in full...)

Just found out my wife lied to me about everything sexually .....her sexual past is extremely disturbing

Q.   Alright let me first start out by giving you the basics ok my wife and I have been togather 6 years 5years married ,we have 3 kids she had two when we met but the dad was a loser in and out of prison and gangster deadbeat so I became there dad and ...

A.   8 April 2012: If you make someone feel bad, call them names, or stand in judgement like you are their God or something instead of a mere human being... they won't find you attractive, they won't like you and they will wonder why they stay with you. If you ar... (read in full...)

Just found out my wife lied to me about everything sexually .....her sexual past is extremely disturbing

Q.   Alright let me first start out by giving you the basics ok my wife and I have been togather 6 years 5years married ,we have 3 kids she had two when we met but the dad was a loser in and out of prison and gangster deadbeat so I became there dad and ...

A.   4 April 2012: I have a feeling, your main problem is that she not as loving as when you met. The woman who would give morning blow jobs now makes you 3 months. The kind and thoughtful woman has been replaced by someone who doesn't care if you are sick... So you ... (read in full...)

He's mean and controlling and my children don't like him. Will he revert to the same monster again if we purchase a home together?

Q.   I have posted on here so many times as I dont have anyone to talk to. What would you do in the following scenario? I am on the verge of buying a house with my second husband who I ended up having a seperate house from for the last 4 years as we had ...

A.   30 November 2011: I guess we aunts don't like him either, we feel the same as your kids. Counselling is a good idea, you sound like you've had bad experiences in life and don't expect to be treated nicely. I know it's hard to leave when the outside looks co... (read in full...)

He's mean and controlling and my children don't like him. Will he revert to the same monster again if we purchase a home together?

Q.   I have posted on here so many times as I dont have anyone to talk to. What would you do in the following scenario? I am on the verge of buying a house with my second husband who I ended up having a seperate house from for the last 4 years as we had ...

A.   30 November 2011: " As long as he's not physically, and emotionally abuse to you and the children, everything is possible." Chickpea please read carefully, he is emotionally abusive to the children, one of them is so frightened he has had to go counsell... (read in full...)

He's mean and controlling and my children don't like him. Will he revert to the same monster again if we purchase a home together?

Q.   I have posted on here so many times as I dont have anyone to talk to. What would you do in the following scenario? I am on the verge of buying a house with my second husband who I ended up having a seperate house from for the last 4 years as we had ...

A.   29 November 2011: OK, here's a question. Are you frightened of this man?... (read in full...)

He's mean and controlling and my children don't like him. Will he revert to the same monster again if we purchase a home together?

Q.   I have posted on here so many times as I dont have anyone to talk to. What would you do in the following scenario? I am on the verge of buying a house with my second husband who I ended up having a seperate house from for the last 4 years as we had ...

A.   29 November 2011: 15. Your older kids don't mind him now, but they don't love him, they don't like him much and they are still scared that he'll starting treating them bad again. 16. Your baby loves the dad.. but the baby has not lived with him very long. T... (read in full...)

He's mean and controlling and my children don't like him. Will he revert to the same monster again if we purchase a home together?

Q.   I have posted on here so many times as I dont have anyone to talk to. What would you do in the following scenario? I am on the verge of buying a house with my second husband who I ended up having a seperate house from for the last 4 years as we had ...

A.   21 November 2011: Yep, remember your last post. We are here, you need to talk and open 24/7 when you need someone. It's always better to try to keep to one post, that way aunts who are interested or who have the relevant experience can find you easily and not miss ... (read in full...)

Husband addicted to prostitutes!

Q.   Can I regain trust in my husband, married for 28 years found out 3 weeks ago he has been seeing prostitutes for 11 years but stopped 14 months ago because he found one 55 miles away that he has seen twice a week, bought lots of presents for etc. ...

A.   22 January 2010: Ok.. more replies needed... to tell the truth, everything has already been said. But thank you very much for your update, it looks like you've decided to stay and are willing to work this through with him. It won't be easy, the biggest thing is... (read in full...)

*iamine's friends

These are mutual friends, so *iamine has added them and they have added *iamine!

_Katy_Did_ agony aunt_Katy_Did_
Adaish agony auntAdaish
aman mehta agony auntaman mehta
arandomguywholikesagirl agony auntarandomguywholikesagirl
AuntyEm agony auntAuntyEm
Ayan Ganguly agony auntAyan Ganguly
babymonkey422 agony auntbabymonkey422
belize agony auntbelize
bharat mehta agony auntbharat mehta
bitterblue agony auntbitterblue
Boniface agony auntBoniface
ceejam agony auntceejam
celtic_tiger agony auntceltic_tiger
charliesdevil73 agony auntcharliesdevil73
chigirl agony auntchigirl
CindyCares agony auntCindyCares
coffeebeans agony auntcoffeebeans
coldstove agony auntcoldstove
Cowboy255 agony auntCowboy255
Cultuz agony auntCultuz
Damn_hot agony auntDamn_hot
DanceInTheDark agony auntDanceInTheDark
Danielepew agony auntDanielepew
Danii-N-Dale agony auntDanii-N-Dale
Danyman123 agony auntDanyman123
DearAlice agony auntDearAlice
dirtball agony auntdirtball
DoubleM agony auntDoubleM
dougbcoll agony auntdougbcoll agony
eyeswideopen agony aunteyeswideopen
Finicky One agony auntFinicky One
Gabrielle Stoker agony auntGabrielle Stoker
greengirl agony auntgreengirl
GSDfan agony auntGSDfan
Hanply agony auntHanply
hatelife agony aunthatelife
holliegeorgie.x agony auntholliegeorgie.x
Inallhonesty... agony auntInallhonesty...
janniepeg agony auntjanniepeg
jeffone agony auntjeffone
Jesc agony auntJesc
jumpupshoutout agony auntjumpupshoutout
Kama agony auntKama
kayla00 agony auntkayla00
kitty20 agony auntkitty20
kokeshi agony auntkokeshi
Laura1318 agony auntLaura1318
lebron agony auntlebron
Lilylove1 agony auntLilylove1
lixa agony auntlixa
ljhenhmla agony auntljhenhmla
lostchick agony auntlostchick
lovelylady1 agony auntlovelylady1
m.j agony auntm.j
Miamine agony auntMiamine
Miss King ! agony auntMiss King !
Missy123 agony auntMissy123
mizz.butterflies agony auntmizz.butterflies
mntrstina30 agony auntmntrstina30
monacons agony auntmonacons
Muscle and Sinew agony auntMuscle and Sinew
myfuture agony auntmyfuture
mystiquek agony auntmystiquek
Najma agony auntNajma
naley agony auntnaley
natmarie agony auntnatmarie
NatreeRose agony auntNatreeRose
needpeaceofmind agony auntneedpeaceofmind
Not My Name agony auntNot My Name
NotsoEasyCharles agony auntNotsoEasyCharles
olderthandirt agony auntolderthandirt
Orvus agony auntOrvus
pepper27 agony auntpepper27
person12345 agony auntperson12345
PinkRose agony auntPinkRose
Pyroshadow agony auntPyroshadow
r_a_w_r1645 agony auntr_a_w_r1645
rashine eaton agony auntrashine eaton
Relationship.Chef agony auntRelationship.Chef
Robert B Graham agony auntRobert B Graham
romany agony auntromany
Sageoldguy1465 agony auntSageoldguy1465
sammy621aa agony auntsammy621aa
Saranghaexxbby agony auntSaranghaexxbby
Selvi agony auntSelvi
sexcinlove agony auntsexcinlove
Shanah98 agony auntShanah98
Share Bear agony auntShare Bear
Sharly48625 agony auntSharly48625
SilentDave agony auntSilentDave
SirenaBlusera agony auntSirenaBlusera
slimfish agony auntslimfish
sltaylor agony auntsltaylor
smiliek agony auntsmiliek
Stonemason agony auntStonemason
stupidbabe agony auntstupidbabe
Telvina agony auntTelvina
themusicgoddess19 agony auntthemusicgoddess19
Tiger69 agony auntTiger69
Time wont let me go agony auntTime wont let me go
Tisha-1 agony auntTisha-1
Tkenny agony auntTkenny
toad in th edungeon agony aunttoad in th edungeon
truffle31 agony aunttruffle31
VocalsAndRhythmGuitarist agony auntVocalsAndRhythmGuitarist
watsername52 agony auntwatsername52
watsername53 agony auntwatsername53
YouWish agony auntYouWish
zebralove agony auntzebralove

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