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*eagan agony aunt


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I wonder what it was like before everyone had the internet- how did girls get advice without having to confide in her parents? How did husband get advice without having to receive biased opinions from mutual friends?

Back before the internet, here were your options:

-Friends and family

-Your women or men's magazine

-The weekly Ask Amy column in the newspaper

-A school counselor


-Talk shows

Here was the problem. You were receiving advice from single, subjective source.

The beauty here is you can receive advice from multiple people of different gender, ethnicity and experience.

I know the internet is something to fear, but it can also be beautiful.

It's Pandoras Box. Sure, bad things surface from the internet, i.e. stalking, cyberbullying, procrastination, etc, however think of the HOPE you receive from it. You can see that there are people out there genuinely trying to give good advice. You're able to learn new recipes for your spouse with just a click of the mouse. Seeing pictures of different countries can inspire you to actually go.

1234567Next > [7 pages, 241 answers]

Why has he not replied to my text?

Q.   SORRY IF THIS IS SO LONG!!!!! i would really appreciate some help though as im getting so down about this situation :( what does it mean when your ex (who you believe still likes you) doesn't text you back? long story short, he initiated our br...

A.   28 July 2012: The both of you are still sending mixed signals to each other. Just avoid playing games, figure out what you want, and you two should then discuss whether or not you try again or go your separate ways. It's not fair to be broken up but still ... (read in full...)

Should I try to move to her country to be with her?

Q.   She's a foreigner who's doing internship here, and will move back to her country next week. She's thinking about coming back here to work fulltime after finish her master, next year. We've known each other for maybe 2 months. We hanged out a lot...

A.   26 July 2012: No, it would be best to let this one go. It would be an entirely different situation if you two were in a serious relationship and dating for a while. She keeps telling you it's not going to work, but you don't seem to be taking the hints. Sorry, ... (read in full...)

Do I leave my boyfriend and just be a teenager?

Q.   Only being 17 I have lived with my boyfriend for 8 months, we have been arguing constantly for about 5 of the months so he's moving out on the weekend. I love him to bits and he loves me but after living together its made me question if I'm ...

A.   26 July 2012: Can you guys date without having to be so serious? Can you two discuss how to make it more casual? For instance, making a deal to not hang out everyday, making sure the both of you see your friends, etc. Can you two address why you were arguing for ... (read in full...)

My 17 year old brother wants to take responsibility for a child that isn't his

Q.   My little brother is 17. About 3 weeks ago, he started dating a 16 year old who is 7 months pregnant. The baby's father left her when she told him. My brother has known the girl for about a year now and has told me that he intends to put his name on ...

A.   26 July 2012: You alone can't handle this. Can you get your family involved? Can your family talk to her family? Can her family talk some sense into him? Can his girlfriend talk some sense into him?... (read in full...)

B/f and I don't have anything to talk about and bore each other

Q.   I am in love with my boyfriend and I care for him so much but the problem is that whenever we are together we don't have a topic and tend to bore one another easily...What can I do to improve this situation because I really love my boyfriend....

A.   26 July 2012: Talk about movies, news, hobbies. Go out and do things on your own and tell him about what you did. It's important to have a life apart from the relationship to keep it interesting. Perhaps you two are spending too much time together that leaves you ... (read in full...)

I'm confused by the way he's acting, please help!

Q.   Hey everyone, I'll give you a basic run down of my situation, I'm 18 and the guy im going out with is about 30 or so. I know some people would find an issue there, but that's not the problem. We've been seeing each other for about 6 months now but ...

A.   26 July 2012: Stop dating him... Hear me out, the age gap is too great for your age. Sure it's fine if a 35 year old is dating a 47 year old but right now.... you're too young for him. That's just my personal opinion. Also, you say he's "30 or so." Does thi... (read in full...)

How to entertain introverted and quiet guys if you're introverted and quiet as well?

Q.   I have a big crush on this boy.We're both members of a performing organization in our university. He plays the violin and I play the piano. Because of our common interest in the same music genre, we get along well. We're good friends and we're ...

A.   26 July 2012: Just my 2 cents: it's possible you're misinterpreting the situation. Perhaps he's particularly quiet with you because he likes you and he doesn't want to say something stupid. Maybe he's guarding himself to avoid making a mistake, turning you off ... (read in full...)

Is my sisters marriage in trouble?

Q.   My sister is 29 and just became an anesthesiologist She makes about 100k and her husband makes 150k as an accountant. They both make pretty good money and live pretty well. My sisters husband Chris has Always had a hard time fitting into our family ...

A.   26 July 2012: To answer your question, your sisters marriage is in trouble if she continues to act hurt that her husband switched to a career that he likes better and because he switched his Mercedes for a chevy. Big effing deal. It's a car. I highly doubt sh... (read in full...)

Should we get engaged when we are this young?

Q.   Hey Cupids, me and my bf have currently been discussing getting engaged to a point where i even heard him talking to his mom about rings. Im in my sophmore year of college and he is a freshman in college as well. We have been living together...

A.   26 July 2012: I agree with iamheretohelpyou, go with the flow and if he does propose, that's great, just make it a long engagement. Make an agreement that although engaged, wait to finish college and then get married. College can be a life altering experience, ... (read in full...)

How do you bring up mental illness in a delicate way?

Q.   I always thought something was off with my BF until recently when I found out for sure there's something very off. I found tiny, secret cameras hidden in small holes all over our apartment, my mail was opened by him, and I think he records my ...

A.   26 July 2012: What a huge invasion to your privacy. It doesn't matter if he is insecure or has a mental illness, that is not appropriate behavior. From the looks of it, he doesn't have a mental illness, he is fully aware of what he's doing and he thinks he's ... (read in full...)

Is she cheating on me?

Q.   I have been with my gf for almost 9 years. Like everyone else we have ups and down but I caught her in a lie several months ago and have been suspicious ever since.she signed up for a website and I just happened to find it. I confronted her and she ...

A.   26 July 2012: It's hard to say if she's cheating, but she doesn't seem interested in this relationship anymore. If the both of you are living very separate lives and doesn't want to do couple things anymore- then it's showing that she wants to be single. The two ... (read in full...)

Why has he not replied to my text?

Q.   SORRY IF THIS IS SO LONG!!!!! i would really appreciate some help though as im getting so down about this situation :( what does it mean when your ex (who you believe still likes you) doesn't text you back? long story short, he initiated our br...

A.   26 July 2012: Great advice coming from the aunts, so really I just wanted to give more perspective rather than advice- He's probably not talking to you because he feels like he embarrassed himself, he's confused, he's getting mixed signals, and he doesn't ... (read in full...)

I started sleeping with my best friend but think she is more interested in my house mate. I don't want to lose her.

Q.   Me and probably my closest friends of the last 6 months have just started sleeping with each other. It just sort of happened. We have slept with each other twice in the last week and I am really staring to have feelings for her. However, I really ...

A.   26 July 2012: You have to talk to her about it. Tell her what you want and then she will tell you what she wants. If you tell her you want to be in a relationship together, you have to be prepared to move on and distance yourself if she says she's not interest... (read in full...)

Do I tell friend what I seen?

Q.   i've just seen my mate flirting with her best friend's boyfriend what do i do?...

A.   25 July 2012: Flirting is harmless, no need to blow it out of proportion. ...Unless they were kissing and grabbing ass, that's another story. That's when you should tell your mate. ... (read in full...)

My boyfriend has a very close relationship with his ex, should I be worried or just accept it?

Q.   Ok here it goes and thanks... This guy I'm seeing for about 3 months seems to have a very close relationship with his ex who's the mother of his two boys. They play hockey together 2-3 times a week, he works for her, then he goes to her house 1-...

A.   25 July 2012: You see it as him spending too much time with her and him still loving her, but I see it as him spending time with his kids. I think he's trying to do his best staying close with his kids and keeping a positive relationship with the mother o... (read in full...)

We broke up. How long will it take him to relent and text me back? He thinks I don't trust him any more

Q.   A month ago, my boy friend and I broke up beacuse of a fight we had. Got back as friends and were coming back into our relationship and two weeks ago I went to his place for a movie. I was lying on his chest him cuddling me and everythi...

A.   25 July 2012: I agree with agonyauntanonymous. It appears as though this relationship is over. I think he's trying to end it as nicely as possible but he is unintentionally leading you on. It seems like he tried to limit contact with you, so you went through ... (read in full...)

How do I know he's genuine? And, also, how can I regain the trust of my mom?

Q.   I've been really close friends with this guy and we just started going out about a fortnight ago. I was kind of accidentally suggestive last week, meaning just to be playful, but things got slightly too physical and I regret them. My mom knew som...

A.   24 July 2012: Here's the thing. He's already had sex. You two JUST started dating and already have done sexual things with each other. Your male friend already has high expectations that you're going to give yourself to him soon since you've already done sex... (read in full...)

I have all these feelings for her and I don't know what to do with them. Please help!

Q.   So I've known this girl for around 10 years and we've always been really close friends but more recently I've developed feelings for her that I just can't seem to shake. Not long ago I decide to tell her how I feel and I asked her to be my GF. She ...

A.   24 July 2012: Well she told you she wasn't interested in being gf/bf. I know it sucks, but the best thing you can do yourself is put some distance between the both of you so you can work on letting go of those feelings. It wouldn't be fair to yourself to keep ... (read in full...)

I don't if I should start a long distance relationship, because I fear boredom with no physical contact is just gonna kill attraction or do I begin a relationship and hopefully keep it going?

Q.   So I started talking to this girl on and off after meeting her at a rave, but the conversations were just mutual and friendly, like to hang out soon. So after a while I haven't heard from her and we met again at a rave and everything changed. We ...

A.   24 July 2012: Quite honestly, she's leaving for another country soon, she isn't going to make time to have a long distance relationship with someone she just met! It would be an entirely different situation if you two were dating for a few years, your relation... (read in full...)

My boyfriend has a micro-penis condition and I don't know what to do.

Q.   I've just come across this site because I've been researching the 'micropenis' condition. I hadn't ever heard of this up until a few hours ago. I've been going out with this amazing guy for three months now and have never been happier. As ...

A.   24 July 2012: Hi Sweetie. As a medical professional- here is the first thought that comes to mind: Is he using steroids? Growth defects and shrinking of the male genitalia are common side effects. You say he is very fit and very muscular... so it's somethin... (read in full...)

Girlfriend's vagina is too small, and I am wondering if whether this is physical or psychological and if there are any other positions or techniques that may allow me to penetrate her more fully without hurting her.

Q.   I know this sounds like a wonderful problem to have, but it isn't. My girlfriend's vagina is a bit tight, but the bigger problem is that it is too shallow to accommodate me. I have a very average-sized penis in every way, so I know it is not me. ...

A.   24 July 2012: And having legs crossed* not legs drugged. Haha. ... (read in full...)

Girlfriend's vagina is too small, and I am wondering if whether this is physical or psychological and if there are any other positions or techniques that may allow me to penetrate her more fully without hurting her.

Q.   I know this sounds like a wonderful problem to have, but it isn't. My girlfriend's vagina is a bit tight, but the bigger problem is that it is too shallow to accommodate me. I have a very average-sized penis in every way, so I know it is not me. ...

A.   24 July 2012: Instead* not Inside in the 1st suggestion. Sorry about that!... (read in full...)

Girlfriend's vagina is too small, and I am wondering if whether this is physical or psychological and if there are any other positions or techniques that may allow me to penetrate her more fully without hurting her.

Q.   I know this sounds like a wonderful problem to have, but it isn't. My girlfriend's vagina is a bit tight, but the bigger problem is that it is too shallow to accommodate me. I have a very average-sized penis in every way, so I know it is not me. ...

A.   24 July 2012: Here's a few things that come to mind: 1. Try girl-on-top position. Inside of just sitting on top of you with her knees on the bed, she should prop herself up by her feet and have her knees bent- does that make sense? She will have full control ... (read in full...)

Should I contact an ex who's been in an accident?

Q.   My ex-girlfriend broke up with me almost a year ago. At first, I had a hard time dealing with it and even tried to get her back a couple of times to my own detriment. I finally gave up and haven't spoken to her in several months. Yesterday, a mutual...

A.   23 July 2012: Well, no offense, but she doesn't need an added stress in her life right now- the ex coming back around. You obviously care about her, and you are worried about her, so if you must- have your mutual friend give her a get well or sympathy card. ... (read in full...)

Why hasn't he introduced me to his friends? How long to date before moving into relationship?

Q.   I'm new to the world of dating and I'm really confused about how it works. I've been single for about six months now. I've been on some horrible dates; however, about a month ago, I met a guy I really, really like and we've been dating pretty ...

A.   23 July 2012: He's definitely interested, but obviously he's going to be a tad more cautious considering he was cheated on by his last girlfriend. I think two people normally date 2-3 months until they have the "I want to be exclusive" conversation. Consider... (read in full...)

When I touch myself I don't get any there something wrong with me?

Q.   I always hear about "amazing pleasure" when it comes to clitoral stimulation but when I touch myself I feel it but i don't get any pleasure. The stimulation is actually uncomfortable for me and I don't understand. My significant other said there ...

A.   23 July 2012: While I agree with person12345, I think you need to be mentally ready to be able to experience pleasure. It's possible you don't have that "need" or "drive" yet. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. There is no set age as to when you should ... (read in full...)

Should I go to a sexually charged movie with a male friend?

Q.   This might seem like a stupid problem, but i'd like some advice. A guy i know ( he's not really a friend, more like an aquaintance ) wants to go to the cinema with me tomorrow, to watch the new American Pie film. The thing is, there are lots of ...

A.   15 May 2012: Just own up to it by telling him, "On second thought, I don't feel right going with you to see this film, I have a boyfriend, I don't want to lead you on by thinking it's a date. Thanks for the invitation, however I must decline." Look what you... (read in full...)

Two girls, good friends, If I ask the one I like out, I think I'll upset and annoy the other one!

Q.   Hey, there are these two girls that like me (im not trying to be big-headed or anything) and the problem is that they are good friends and and don't think I could go out with one and not upset and annoy the other and I do like one of them. Any ...

A.   15 May 2012: You sound like a mature guy. You haven't just dived in head first. I'm glad you are thinking about the consequences now rather than later. Just keep in mind, it's going to be a huge confidence blow to the girl you don't like. It really hurts a ... (read in full...)

I have a crush on a local policeman

Q.   Hi. Thanks for Helping me. Anyways, I have a dilemma. There is a school police officer at school and he seems to like me. I have noticed him glancing at me. When we are outside and I'm with my friends, he goes and stands around the area where we...

A.   15 May 2012: You should listen to IAmHereToHelpYou, she is right. Look, it's very common for girls to develop crushes on teachers, or in your case, the police officer. I had a HUGE crush on my gym teacher at the time, but I knew better than to think it was m... (read in full...)

I'm twenty and I want to try a short-term relationship with a 56yr old man. Any advice?

Q.   Got a crush on a 56yr old man. I know theres no long term potential and I know its not smart to get involved. But I feel weak. i like him a lot and I know he likes me too. would it be ok to have a short-tetm relationship with him? I dont like the ...

A.   15 May 2012: A friend of mine who is in her mid 20s just broke it off with her 55 year old boyfriend of one year. Quite honestly, I don't know how it went on for a year. Sure, the idea of dating an older man sounds enticing, but here are the questions I had fo... (read in full...)

Does my best friend actually like me, or am I being played?

Q.   okay so, i took my best friend to a concert. and he is eightteen im sixteen, durring the concert he kept holding my hand. i liked it, i almost made a move but i got nervous. so i didnt. when my mom picked us up from the concert we sat in the back...

A.   11 May 2012: This happened in the back seat while your mother was driving? Did she say anything? Why did he think it was okay to do that with your mom there? I don't think that was a very appropriate thing to do. That was disrespectful to you and your mother. ... (read in full...)

Have I blown it or can I salvage it?

Q.   I met a guy a few months ago through some friends and he persued me but then I found out some things through the same friends. Ie he has a child and a lot of female friends, so I pushed him away without much explanation. I was in quite an abusive ...

A.   11 May 2012: First, can you blame him for just wanting to remain friends? Not to sound blunt, but he shouldn't have to feel like he's walking on eggshells around you. It hurts to know that the person you're with doesn't trust you. As you put it, he thinks he's ... (read in full...)

My boyfriend's dad is a perve! How do I deal with this?

Q.   So ever since I first met my boyfriends parents I noticed his dad was always staring at my boobs/bum/legs. I said nothing, just felt incredibly uncomfortable and just started wearing heaps of clothes when we see his parents. Somehow, he still ...

A.   11 May 2012: So you've been seeing your boyfriend for 2 years? He is going to think "something is up" if you're bringing this to his attention now. You're right, he might just blame it on you and tell you that you're being paranoid and ridiculous. Even ... (read in full...)

Am I expecting too much to be holding hands and kissing by now?

Q.   hello i am in a relationship with a man for almost 6 months, i haven't been in a relationship for a few years and previously had mostly one night stands. He has told me that he hasn't had a serious relationship because he has a lot of one night ...

A.   11 May 2012: 6 months and no kissing or holding hands? No, I don't think you are expecting too much- that's what couples do. When you really like someone, all you want to do is hug and kiss them! It sounds to me that he wants a companio... (read in full...)

Is it possible that someone like my ex can change?

Q.   Hey, everyone :) This may be a bit long so please bear with me. I'v just come out of a three year relationship. We lived together the majority of those three years. Resons why we broke up: -he was extremely paranoid and jealous- constan...

A.   11 May 2012: Please do not take him back. He took you for granted. People like that never change. It's a pendulum, he will go back and treat you the way he did before, so stay very far away. It's time to live the life you should- not having to beg to go places, ... (read in full...)

Do men bond more during sex?

Q.   So me and this guy have been seeing each other for over a month now and we've been having sex consistently.So far its all going very well and he tells me how much he likes me and cares about me. Each sex session has been really intense and I can't ...

A.   10 May 2012: Good sex and chemistry are very important. I'd really like to point out that you have basically severed your chance of becoming boyfriend/girlfriend status. Why should he buy the goods when he's been getting them for free? And the man only fee... (read in full...)

I'm crushed and confused! She's hung up on her ex but in love with me?

Q.   Me and my ex started our relationship both extremely crushed by our ex's before. We were a support group for each other where we could express ourselves freely and get support from each other and advice. That grew into a relationship and I fell ...

A.   8 May 2012: Best of luck to you!... (read in full...)

I'm concerned over boyfriend's behavior when he knew I was grieving

Q.   Dear all, Last week I returned home and dicovered my beloved cat had died in his sleep. I was heartbroken and still am but was also upset was my boyfriends reaction. I texted him to let him know and all he replied was I'm sorry hope you're ok. ...

A.   8 May 2012: This isn't a question of whether or not he cares about you. If you wanted him to act a certain way or do something for you to help you through this, you should have told him. He is not psychic, and you shouldn't hold such high expectations. You're ... (read in full...)

I'm a nice girl! So why do I wind up with jerks?

Q.   Why do Guys keep hurting me like this? I feel like I'm not good enough:(? I've never had a relationship where the guy didn't break my heart. I'm 23 and all the guys I've been with have taken advantage of my feelings used me and dumped me...

A.   8 May 2012: It's hard to say. You seem so sweet. Maybe you're going for the wrong guys. Guys like confident, tough girls. Guys like the chase involved in getting one of those girls. Be the tough independent girl that doesn't need a guy- that seems to make the ... (read in full...)

My problem is right now that there is no spark left in our relationship and I'm not sure if we should be together anymore.

Q.   My boyfriend and I have been together for 4 years next month. My problem is right now that there is no spark left in our relationship and I'm not sure if we should be together anymore. Even though I want things to keep working between us I don't ...

A.   8 May 2012: I agree with the first post, a break might be in order here. You should not have to feel like you are settling down at the age of 21. Besides, if you are already feeling like you're missing out on things and "will never know anything else," imagine ... (read in full...)

I'm crushed and confused! She's hung up on her ex but in love with me?

Q.   Me and my ex started our relationship both extremely crushed by our ex's before. We were a support group for each other where we could express ourselves freely and get support from each other and advice. That grew into a relationship and I fell ...

A.   8 May 2012: The two of you being together is not healthy. She is going to need a long time to heal from this, and she is obviously not ready to be with someone else. She needs to continue with group, family and friend support, but not any sort of romantic ... (read in full...)

*eagan's friends

These are mutual friends, so *eagan has added them and they have added *eagan!

AuntyEm agony auntAuntyEm
BondGirl72 agony auntBondGirl72
chigirl agony auntchigirl
cmarieky agony auntcmarieky
Danielepew agony auntDanielepew
Deagan agony auntDeagan
Dorothy Dix agony auntDorothy Dix
eddie85 agony aunteddie85
Honeypie agony auntHoneypie
k_c100 agony auntk_c100
Kyle007 agony auntKyle007
Missy123 agony auntMissy123
no nonsense Aidan agony auntno nonsense Aidan
person12345 agony auntperson12345
Sageoldguy1465 agony auntSageoldguy1465
Serpico agony auntSerpico
tennisstar88 agony aunttennisstar88
TrancedRhythmEar agony auntTrancedRhythmEar
vishal2487 agony auntvishal2487
xnickx agony auntxnickx
YouWish agony auntYouWish

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