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*rancedRhythmEar agony aunt


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Saudi face. American blood. Iron sharpens iron.

Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

1234567891011Next > [22 pages, 837 answers]

How do I convince my girlfriend to indulge my ballbusting fetish?

Q.   I've been dating a girl, that I love, for about six months. I also love ballbusting, and the problem is that she doesn't want to do it anymore. If you don't know what it is, just Google it. One session usually lasts about 30-60 minutes, dependi...

A.   30 November 2016: Funny. From the start she probably hated it and only did it to please you. Find a common thing with sex and if she says no dont beg. ... (read in full...)

Met a guy on Tinder. Was he just after a hook-up?

Q.   So I matched with a man on tinder Who was visiting my city for a week... I was surprised that I even went out with him bc I want a real relationship but he seemed really interesting. he actually asked me to coffee so wasn't really a hook up sitch...

A.   30 November 2016: This guy is only after one thing. His talk is a way to get you comfortable only. I think you are just lonely and are just needing some attention and this has prevented you from seeing this.... (read in full...)

I really like her but she blows hot and cold!

Q.   Hi everyone I need some advice. Last september i met a girl, we grew very close over a few weeks, she seemed very interested and i really started to like her. she then discovered she had to move away with her job and just changed overnight, becam...

A.   6 February 2016: Shes very interested. If you start something serious you must first have a plan to close distance. Or the crap will fall apart faster than a Ross Perot campaign. ... (read in full...)

I like this girl but haven't even talked to her and yet and don't know much about her

Q.   Hey ppl, So I met this girl at this place where we both volunteer together to teach underprivileged kids and she is really really really super pretty,what's more?...from what I've seen and heard about her she also seems to be a really good huma...

A.   5 February 2016: You sound like a girl. First, do not be nervous. Women hate it. Show her confidence.. smile make eye contact. Dont be shy.. at your age its creepy. Next approach her and say hi and if you talk to her avoid boring talk like weather or news. BE ... (read in full...)

I broke up with him a year ago. Is it okay to wish him a happy birthday this year?

Q.   I dated someone for three months a year ago. We had a wonderful relationship but realized we wanted different things in life. We ended up having a serious talk on his birthday and I ended up breaking up with him. It was on decent terms but he was ...

A.   5 February 2016: No. You will not return him to bliss youll return him to mysery thinking of that breakup day. You wont get a good reaction.... (read in full...)

Is it too late for me to get married and have a family?

Q.   Well i'm 50, In fact today i'm 50. Not a life threatening event but still an event. You see i have cared for my parents and sister for the last 25 years. I lost my sister 2 years ago and both my parents last year. They were my life, i gave up on ...

A.   4 February 2016: Hey dad :) As long as you still have the know how.. you can still have kids. My father had another son at 50.. you know what that makes me look like? lol.. Find a younger brod who digs older men. Women need security and support and older men have... (read in full...)

Text sent to me from an unknown number. If it's her, what should I do?

Q.   My best friend and I have been close for nearly three years now. We've always been comfortable around each other to divulge personal secrets. In the beginning, I did have a crush on her. I thought she was gorgeous, still do. Over time, I realized...

A.   3 February 2016: Your instinct is nearly always right in these situations. Go with it. As for her being vulnerable she may take you on an emotional roller coaster? You want that headache? My guess is shes scared to come forth directly with her feeling due to some ... (read in full...)

We had one date, thought it went great, but does it seem like she's blowing me off now?

Q.   So I met this girl at a friends party two weeks ago. We talked for about an hour and I got her number. I asked her out via text, and she said she'd like to but couldn't that week because of a trip, but said she'd be up for it the following week. ...

A.   3 February 2016: Shes being cautious. Avoid creating any sexual tension for now and heavy messaging and calling. Add fun n humor to your light messages to help build some trust. The other view is shes a woman with a lot of issues and these are your first signs to s... (read in full...)

I'm afraid I'm starting to get some kind of sex dysfunction but I'm not sure why this would happen

Q.   51 y.o. male here. I no my body very well and I take care of it. I workout every other day and I take vitamin and enzyme and amino acid by the handful. I use the Paleo diet, only drink mineral water, eat a lot of eggs everyday, I avoid gluten and ...

A.   1 February 2016: Stay up on the sobriety. Excellent. See a doc man she may just have that kind of talent haha... (read in full...)

By accident I discovered that my husband likes to video himself masterbating, when he is alone. Why does he keep this secret?

Q.   My husband and I are both in our fifties. We have been married for 13 years. He has always watched porn but now he stays up late to watch it, masterbate, and videotape himself ejaculate. He won't do this in front of me and he also denies that ...

A.   30 January 2016: Hes not satisfied with the sex life and wont communicate that for whatever. Unhealthy and im sure he has more secrets.... (read in full...)

Do women get scared of a man, when all he does is try to make her happy?

Q.   Do women get scared of a man, when all he does is try to make her happy? I mean, can he do something that makes, her feel like he is getting to like her too much, an then she runs, but down the road, she goes out with other men, an she compares, the ...

A.   30 January 2016: If she doesnt feel an attraction than youre more likely to scare her. OR if shes damaged as all hell she desires a man to treat her like $hit then she will definitely run because shes used to being treated badly.... (read in full...)

I'm worried about my boyfriend's gaming female friend

Q.   My bf follows a lot of cosplayers/models on social media. A lot of the time, he usually has a picture of one set as his phone or computer background, which he changes pretty regularly. This never really bothered me until now. One of the things he...

A.   29 January 2016: Im near certain shes a cam model. My instinct says hes cheating. The money is a huge clue to this. Im sorry. Do some investigating and dont ask him straight out chances are hell lie. I am sorry.... (read in full...)

How do I dump my online match?

Q.   I matched with a guy on Tinder and we started talking. He was really nice and our personalities clicked. But when we met in person there was no sexual attraction. Also, the fact that he's 31 and has never had a relationship longer than 1 month kinda ...

A.   29 January 2016: None of this passive bull$hit. Tell him you dont want a second date. Who cares about his feelings hes a man he can move on.... (read in full...)

I walked in on my wife while she was performing oral sex. Should I end the marriage?

Q.   Me and my wife have been married for 12 years now.I never expected this from her.One day when I got home from work I walked in on her giving head to another man.He immediately ran out of the apartment,didn't even have time to get dressed.In our ...

A.   29 January 2016: I think both of you ive noticed have problems communicating. Rebuilding trust is quite hard and often times professional help is required to do so and can take a long time. Right now I wouldnt trust a word she says and just avoid her. For the record ... (read in full...)

Will my Bf be disappointed when he discovers that I am only a B cup?

Q.   Hi all! I'm a 18 year old female Virgin. I have recently got a boyfriend (3months now) which is wonderful. I'm really self conscious about my b cup breasts as I feel they look too small so I wear a padded push up bra. I wear them whenever I'm in p...

A.   10 December 2015: Use them sexually on him without mentioning your insecurity and youll get a good reaction im certain lol it will help boost your confidence. I had a GF with your same issue and ill just say i helped greatly lol... (read in full...)

My husband and escourts..he claims he just looks at them, nothing else

Q.   I found out recently that my husband of 9 yrs (we have young kids) has been seeing escorts and of course he is denying sleeping with them. 11 months ago, he says he started "looking into" escorts because his close friend was coming into town and ...

A.   10 December 2015: Go with your instinct on this. Whatever it says listen to it and ignore everything he says in defense. My guess is he did have physical contact as it sounds like he may have hit an end with some issues in your sex life and was afraid or embarrassed ... (read in full...)

Ladies: If a man sprinkled rose petals at your feet would you have kept them?

Q.   Last night spent a night with the woman I've been seeing for about four months, watch the football game together, she really likes football, am a romantic kind of guy, well this morning, ihad her put on a CD, of George Strait, cross my heart, when ...

A.   7 December 2015: This isnt your wife dont expect her to continue contact after what you did. Its too much, scary, unoriginal, and it shows a kiss a** behavior women may find desperate or needy. My advice.. in the middle of a date when some attraction has been made ... (read in full...)

Why has she blocked me on facebook but is following me on instagram?

Q.   Why do people who don't want to speak to you, have blocked you on Facebook but decide to follow you on Instagram? This girl I was chatting to decided she wanted space so she blocked me on Facebook but she knew about my Insta but didn't follow me ...

A.   21 November 2015: Games. Leave her. She will mess with your head even worse if you stay.... (read in full...)

I don't want to play games, but should I back off? Am I being too intense?

Q.   Would like to ask the women a question. Met a woman a couple months ago, were in our late fifty's, been going out once a week, for a month or so. I really like her, like in falling for her, but should I stay the way I am? I treat her really good,...

A.   14 November 2015: Tone it down or youll scare her off i guarantee it. Shell see the behavior as needy or dependent or worse... very soft and unmasculine. Yes, unmasculine. Back off and let her initiate contact.... (read in full...)

My potential fiance has insecurities due to past experiences. Do I wait for her to heal? Or do I move on?

Q.   My potential fiance is scared of being hurt and her insecurity is a result of her past and currently refuses engagement. Her mother calls me a great guy and the 'right one' for her and her siblings i get along with. I did not get a chance to meet ...

A.   10 November 2015: Dear All really appreciate the advice you are fantastic!... (read in full...)

My potential fiance has insecurities due to past experiences. Do I wait for her to heal? Or do I move on?

Q.   My potential fiance is scared of being hurt and her insecurity is a result of her past and currently refuses engagement. Her mother calls me a great guy and the 'right one' for her and her siblings i get along with. I did not get a chance to meet ...

A.   7 November 2015: I tried to remove my emotion there and just be plain logical. I do love her without question and the right kind of love. My instinct says to continue to wait but her insecurity has also made her cruel in a way even when im at my most polite and ... (read in full...)

What's some ''feel good'' to take to my boyfriend who is into fitness and keeps to a strict diet?

Q.   Hi, My boyfriend is feeling weak and I want to take him something nice like food which would make him feel better keeping in mind he is working on his fitness and has a strict diet to follow..what would you recommendations do you have for "feel go...

A.   8 October 2015: Blueberries dark chocolate n low sugar granola. heat the chocolate add the granola in the bowl and shake it. Its great.... (read in full...)

I just found out my girlfriend of almost two years is MARRIED! Now what?

Q.   Hey Aunts! I have been dating this wonderful younger woman for almost two years now. She is smart, ambitious, and beautiful and she is 10 years my junior. Our sex life has been amazing, but it was troubling in one way. She always pushed for o...

A.   8 October 2015: What makes you think she wouldnt do the same to you if you got married?... (read in full...)

Liars and hypocrites? Why am I feeling short changed by the last six girls I've dated?

Q.   Why are all women the same? The past six girls I've dated have left me short changed metaphorically. It's constantly something that's wrong which leads them to just use me then leave. I do all the right things that I believe should be done as a man ...

A.   13 September 2015: I get the sense youre too emotional with women generally and thats unattractive to them. Regardless of the reason they say they dont want a guy anymore theres always something the man did that made them lose attraction. Re evaluate yourself... (read in full...)

My wife went to an adults-only topless pool in Vegas. I'm not so sure what to think about it

Q.   My wife recently went on a bachelorette party to Las Vegas. Some of the girls decided to go to the adults-only topless pool. My wife and a couple other girls (single) decided to take their tops off. The one's who were married did not. My wife ...

A.   10 September 2015: I see your concern. Sounds like you didnt attack so her motive to lie and defensiveness is reduced. Seems as tho you should be clear on things when one is not in the presence of the other.... (read in full...)

Men, what would you like your girlfriend to text you?

Q.   Guy I'm dating likes to text me hello, asks about my day or what I'm up to or follow up questions and to make plans for when we see each other next. However, it is usually always him who initiates the texting. He has questioned why I never text him...

A.   2 September 2015: I saw... and reminded me of you. Keep the texts interesting avoid weather how are you and politics. He needs to relax and be ok with initiating. You women like us to lead.... (read in full...)

She was my dream girl, only her. Why did she do this to me and break-up with me?

Q.   This happened few years back. I am a kind of person who believes in one love for life(regular Indian thought). I met her in office. At first, I didnt even noticed her. I was workaholic. But I see her everyday, my talk was till wishing her near ...

A.   1 September 2015: She liked the attention and ego boost. This woman was insecure as f***. She couldnt accept her mistake and blamed you which is a big sign of immaturity. Also I get the sense you placed her on a pedestal. Ive done this. Its a huge mistake because ... (read in full...)

My guy is addicted to his phone. Am I overreacting? Is phone addiction normal with guys?

Q.   My hubby is addicted to his phone. He is either on fb(mainly political stuff) or playing games or watching cricket. It annoys me to the core sometimes. Even when we sit down for coffee in the morning he can't keep his eyes off the phone. I have sn...

A.   1 September 2015: Has this been going on a month or more? My instinct says he could be cheating. Hes acting very distant. Sorry. Grab his phone when hes asleep and check his contacts. ... (read in full...)

No one will take me serious when I say I don't want sex or partying?

Q.   My siblings and I grew up in a house where my parents made it their goal to make sure that we a) graduate HS b) while not experimenting with drugs, alcohol, or sex. They let us listen to most the music we wanted to and read most the books we wanted ...

A.   1 September 2015: Great post. You have a genuine concern. The american culture generally is very pressureful. What to wear eat look like.. and be like. You have the right idea in surrounding yourself with people like you but in your eyes you have not found any. Do... (read in full...)

Boyfriend found out I cheated while messed up and ended things. Will I ever be able to make him forgive me?

Q.   My boyfriend and I have been together three years and we got engaged last year. We then went through a rocky patch, but then things were great again. Until two nights ago when I ruined everything. I was at a rave, and was off my face and took a ...

A.   1 September 2015: Place a higher value on yourself and steer away from these decisions. He may forgive but will need a lot of time.... (read in full...)

My husband is obese and has health issues. Should I leave him or continue to try and support him?

Q.   My marriage is suffering due to my husbands excessive weight gain, should I leave him or continue to try and support him and hope that things will get better? We've been together for 11 years and have two young children. I love him dearly but ...

A.   31 August 2015: You have lost attraction and with solid reasoning. Hes also starting to manipulate you emotionally to get you to stay. Bad situation. His attitude suggests he does not wish to change.... (read in full...)

Are there any good guys in the world? If so, where are they?

Q.   Am i going crazy? Ive recently deleted all my male list on my messenger app. I find it hard to make male friends. Every male i saw as a potential friend eventually ends up telling me that he is interested in me and wants a relationship. I just went ...

A.   30 August 2015: lol calm down :) Youll be ok. Youre gaining experience with men and how we can be. Not all are like him. In fact, he was rare and a very good seducer. Take some time to focus on yourself and healing. Stay busy and find new activities to keep your... (read in full...)

Boyfriend's phone rang, I went through his messages and now I feel sick

Q.   I did something really horrible, my boyfriend left his phone at home, it rang and I saw the call from a woman he had done work for.but recently I saw a text, not sure if it was to her or from her saying "I am on my way see you soon." I went through ...

A.   30 August 2015: Use your instinct here and ignore finding direct evidence. If you think hes cheating he probably is.... (read in full...)

I can't shake the dream I had about arguing with my girlfriend's father and then hitting her in the face

Q.   Last night I had a horrible dream that I was arguing with my girlfriend's father, and at the end of the argument I seem to remember hitting my girlfriend in the face (I don't know if it was intentional or accidental, but frightening nonetheless!). ...

A.   27 August 2015: Basic dream interpretation would say you have some pent up feelings and need to constructively release them regarding the ongoing frustrations with her father. My advice is to initiate a meeting between you the girl and her parents and sort this out ... (read in full...)

I've been in search of the right girl for years but haven't found her. What should I do?

Q.   I am looking for a younger girl to start a family with. I am in my mid thirties but rarely feel any chemistry with girls this age. Nor do I feel that it would be wise for a girl of 34 to start having children. I am an artist and a musician. Ive ...

A.   25 August 2015: Welcome to life. Lower your expectations and limit key qualities to look for. ... (read in full...)

I want to tell my fiance about my indiscretion, I just don't know how to do it

Q.   I am engaged to my lovely fiance for two years. He is everything I could possibly want and more. I love him so much, but, I almost ruined everything. I kissed another man on a night out while my fiance was on business. From my vague memory it ...

A.   21 August 2015: If you feel guilty tell him then apologize and say how you have and will continue to prevent a situation like that. Dont drink. It is a waste.... (read in full...)

The sex is bad and he mistreats me. Walk away?

Q.   So, I have been seeing this guy he is really great we had our Rockey moments, the only thing is he has a really small penis It is about 2-3 inches. Him and I had sex once but it was really bad he was embarrassed, that his penis kept slipping out of ...

A.   18 August 2015: Hes the abusive type. leave him and his little soldier.... (read in full...)

My girlfriend sat naked in front of guys we just met.

Q.   My girlfriend and I recently went to a lakehouse with one of her friends. Her friend brought her boyfriend and 2 of his guy friends. We had only met the boyfriend for lunch once and had never met the other two. We stayed there together for 2 ...

A.   18 August 2015: if youre going to involve booze in your activities accept any and all consequences of it including the need to take out the trash.... (read in full...)

Is it weird that the guys in this one family in my small town always stare at me?

Q.   Hi Agony Peoples. I'm just lookig for some insight. I work in a small town in a small business and there is this one family who always stare me out of it. They are all men and older than me. Some of them never married or had girlfriends because ...

A.   17 August 2015: Those men are dirty creepers. Do not hold any conversation with them. They are probably undressing you with their eyes and waiting for the right time to prey on you.... (read in full...)

Why does he seem to have so much rage?

Q.   Im in need of relationship help.... Heres the problem: Ive been with my guy for almost 3 years now. And just like any relationship there are arguments that happen. My guy has a problem with me "being real / speaking my mind" but that's just the type...

A.   17 August 2015: What is he? 15? Seems hes not wanting to put effort in and is allowing himself to be upset as an indirect way of saying 'im done and need space'. However when arguing choose your tone and words carefully as the other person may feel attacked. Even ... (read in full...)

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