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*anii-N-Dale agony aunt


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Heyyah Im Danielle Im 16 my birthdaii is on the 12th of julyy

And i have had many relationship ups and downs

and have had many exsperiences although im still young

I am a normaly chatty bubbley girl who has a great life half of the time

but i am single as i have just broke up with my boyfirend i like to try and give the best advise i can and i have reli gon threw alot so i can help most girls my age or younger

or if you just feel like talking making friends im here :)) xx

If Anyonee Has Facebook Or Msn Thats Great :)

12Next > [2 pages, 41 answers]

How can I get confidence to accept me as I am?

Q.   I met this boy on msn through one of my friends and I think he is absoloutely amazing. We've met up a couple of times and I swear I have fallen in love. It seems silly that someone could actually fall in love with someone i've only known for about 2 ...

A.   9 April 2010: If he didnt like youu, he wouldnt hang out with youu, weather you was totally ugly or completly beautiful he stil is meeting up with you :) And like Yarou said Looks dont matter because your personality will take care of your looks, dont worry hu... (read in full...)

My boyfriend is moving too fast for me.

Q.   Ok well, me and this boy were dating in february and we really liked eachother but then out of no where he broke up with me. We still talked 24/7. We even talked on the phone the night of the breakup. We just still cant get enough of eachother but ...

A.   9 April 2010: Youu are certainly not wrong hun, your right in fact you both need to be ready in a relationship for it to be ok to do more. You need to tell him as thats the only way he can know, and it may actually feel difficult to tell him but its better to d... (read in full...)

My friend is dating the guy that I liked first and I'm having a hard time dealing with it!

Q.   hi. ive liked this guy for a really long time, but within a couple of weeks of telling my bestfriend, she says she likes him too. Then, my bestfriend got his email and started talking to him alot on msn. she made us both promise that we would never ...

A.   9 April 2010: Im gunna say exactly what i think here, she seems a complete Bitch! She doesnt seem like A friend to me hun, It definatly seems as if shes using youu and definatky showing off that shes got him and youu havent, to be honest i would of confront... (read in full...)

16-17 year old girl likes 14-15 year old guy?

Q.   Right, I'm not sure if this is a typical occurance, but I haven't been able to find any questions or answers on this topic on here yet. Basically, I have a crush on a younger guy. I have been away for a week on an adventurous training trip, and you ...

A.   9 April 2010: Age is just a number well in most cases, and this isnt a really big deal i think its normal to be honest its only 2 years, and if youu both like each other then i believe youu should tell him and she were it goes. Its your choice no one elses so u... (read in full...)

She's mad because she thought I wrote it! Help!

Q.   Okay so at my study hall at school my friends we screwing around and writing stuff about a girl in that class that i liked. It said something bad about her and me, they told her. That didnt bother me much but now she thinks i wrote it and that im ...

A.   9 April 2010: Just simpley tell her that your not mad at all and that you do like her, im sure she will understand after you have told her :) Daniielle Xx... (read in full...)

Does true love exist?

Q.   how do you know when true love is true love? or does it even exist? please comment...

A.   4 April 2010: It suree does exsist and when youu exsperience it, it truely is amazingg :) Youu get butterflies all you wanna do is spend time with the person youu love, well thats how it starts. i feel love can deterioate and start to disapeer but thats the di... (read in full...)

I only want sex once with a girl then I want to move on!

Q.   I'm a guy. I don't really think I have a problem but I'm getting into a situation. My thing is I can only have sex with a girl once. After that, I'm not interested anymore and I just move on to the next one. This one girl that I did is no...

A.   4 April 2010: Listen to heartbroken in love, he talks sense!... (read in full...)

Can love be extented to multiple people at once?

Q.   Just a thought, I was wondering today, How many people can you actually be in love with at once, for example could you be in love with the person you married and also another person equally???...

A.   4 April 2010: This is a difficult question to be honest, i mean it depends on the person on how they feel, but i have found that youu cant love two people well you can but youu will always love one person more. I left someone i loved for someone i liked/lo... (read in full...)

How can I Deep Throat a boy without gagging?

Q.   Okey my problem isnt a really big one but a good answer will really help me in my situation. i want to give my boy friend the best blowjob ever and i kno this question has been asked alot but i need some tips on how to deep throat with out feeling ...

A.   5 November 2009: Great Advice Guys Well The Best Iv Got So Far Thankyou Well it isnt my first time, iv give blowjobs quite alot really and i dont seem to get it deeper my boyfriend is pretty big and its hard to take it in as i feel i wanna throw up and i dont no ... (read in full...)

I just found out my boyfriend cheated on me....

Q.   I just found out my boyfriend cheated on me, and I feel like going to his house right now and just wailing on him. I feel so hurt as I have been played for a fool for these last couple of weeks and everybody knew and didn't tell me!!! I feel so...

A.   13 July 2009: God i feel so awful when girls go through a boy cheating on them its so awful i know how you feel My ex boyfriend cheated on me and broke my heartbut i took him back as i loved him so much and he did it again so now were over and im with some1 wh... (read in full...)

Thinking about having sex for the first time and need advice!

Q.   ok will im 15 and im thinking really hard about havin sex for the first time but im really scarred that its ganna hurt and im not ganna know what to do please help me...

A.   13 July 2009: Heyyah Sweetie Really think About this ,, i mean do u really want this or is it because mabey you feel presured or want to be like every1 else Im 14 and have lost my V and i regret it although it was with my boyfriend i still think i should o... (read in full...)

I had sex with my boyfriend's best friend!

Q.   Heyyah Every1 I dont no what to do it was my party on sataday and me and my boyfriend had an arguement and 1 of his best friends jordan, told me to come up stairs so he could talk to me ( we were both drunk ) and he were telling me to talk to da...

A.   13 July 2009: SnowyWater can i say i came for advise not a lecture obviously i didnt want it to happen i love my boyfriend more than ever i am disgusted with my self and feel so dirty and im going to tell my boyfriend When i see him ,, It will never happen agai... (read in full...)

I had sex with my boyfriend's best friend!

Q.   Heyyah Every1 I dont no what to do it was my party on sataday and me and my boyfriend had an arguement and 1 of his best friends jordan, told me to come up stairs so he could talk to me ( we were both drunk ) and he were telling me to talk to da...

A.   13 July 2009: Thankyou x ilovebowsandcherries x U really understood and have helped me thanks sweetie xx... (read in full...)

I had sex with my boyfriend's best friend!

Q.   Heyyah Every1 I dont no what to do it was my party on sataday and me and my boyfriend had an arguement and 1 of his best friends jordan, told me to come up stairs so he could talk to me ( we were both drunk ) and he were telling me to talk to da...

A.   13 July 2009: I mean make sure it WONT happen again :)... (read in full...)

Should I keep our friendship or throw it away?

Q.   Well i'm a Fourteen Year old girl and i just got out of a 9 month RelationShip, i guess u can say i was in puppy Love, Apparently he's turning 17 and i We're Still friend's And talk but he Still has hard feeling's for me since I'm the one who ...

A.   13 July 2009: Aww im sorry sweetie that you had to go through the cheating its awful it really is. Long distance rarely works unless you make it work together if he has cheated on you it makes it worse. But it is up to you if you want to be friends with thi... (read in full...)

Two guys are chasing me for sex, what should I do?

Q.   Well i'm a 14 year old girl, and um Lately i've been gettin alot of attention from the guy's i'm a Virgin and Just got out of a long bad Relationship, I know 2 Guy's That like me right now but They mostly want to have sex, tHat's not the bad Part, ...

A.   13 July 2009: Aww Hunny we cant tell you to have sex with 1 of them we can give you advise but in the end u have to choose Your only 14 and a virgin ,, im 14 and has lost my virginity with my boyfriend who i have been with for 19 month but theese lads ... (read in full...)

I'm 14 and my 17 year old bf is always mad at me!

Q.   hi. i am 14 and my boyfriend is 17. we have been together for 11 monthsz now and almost a year. the thing is he always gets mad over little things and always thinks i am lying to him...he doesnt trust me at all. and this one time he got really ma...

A.   10 July 2009: U may love him but he is abusing u over the littlest things ,, you deserve bettah hunny i would say maybe give him a break for a while,, if he loves u as much as u love him he will come crawling back. -Danielle And Sophie x... (read in full...)

Should I tell my 11 year old cousin that I love her?

Q.   Hi i am an 18 year old boy and last week i met my cousin who is 11years old actually i met her for the very first time...we had nice time and became really very close.but i have fallen in love with her i am too much attracted to her. What shall i ...

A.   7 July 2009: Okey im not going to have ago here but your 7 years older than her she is 11 and probably not even started puberty You might be confusing theese feelings as a sexual atraction when infact it might not be you may jus love her in a strong way but m... (read in full...)

I'm 14 and he's in his 40's but I have really strong feelings for him...

Q.   Heyyah Everyone,, I need help i have started ti feel really strong for some 1 in there 40s since i have been talking to him i cant get him of my mind and i find him so amazing id love to just be with him. although he lives quite far away id love...

A.   7 July 2009: I sent the first message as i needed advise at the time and we are now friends i am going to tell him soon but im afraid he will stop talking to me as i dont want that to happen he knows my age and he has said i seem nice but my age is to youn... (read in full...)

Falling out of love is a possibility even if things seems fine?

Q.   Heyyah Everyone I was just wondering Can you fall out of love with your bf/gf if they have done nothing wrong because i was madly in love with my boyfriend dale and now i dont no i feel like i only want to be friends but we have split up befo...

A.   7 July 2009: It was defenitly love i never felt so strong it just seems that its changed latley and i dont feel as strong Ive been with him for only a year and was hoping it would last longer but i dont know my feelings have changed And i do sorta have my ... (read in full...)

This lump in my vagina is bleeding!

Q.   Ok, so this is a bit weird, i recently started to experience a little pain 'down there' so i decided to check it out. turns out theres a pea size lump just under my clit. im almost 100% sure it wasnt there before. its quite sensitive to touch an...

A.   6 July 2009: Heyyah Hunny I dont want to worry you but u really need to get this checked out, and i know you probably dont want to tell your mum but you really need to. Otherwise this could get worse although it might be nothing get it checked soon as possible... (read in full...)

I need someone to talk to

Q.   Hi... Is there anyone I can talk to about stuff? I'm a teenager, don't have many issues, but I do really need someone to talk to, because my family doesn't really care how I feel as long as I do well.. Thanks :)...

A.   29 June 2009: Add me sweetie im your age and i can talk to you about anything i have gone through alot im hear to listen and help message me whenever hunny xx Hope I can help chicc Love -Danielle xx... (read in full...)

Turned on by a video of women..what does that mean?

Q.   yeaterday my boyfriend and i were getting into it when he suggested we had sex while watching porn...i figured why not try something new so he opens up a video of a man and a woman doing it but for some reson i cant explain i wasnt turned on ...

A.   29 June 2009: I think your just curious, im bi sexual and only found out i was by actually interacting with another girl, i only got turned on by girl on girl porn too and found my self very curious, just go with this feeling and mabey ask your boyfirend if you ... (read in full...)

Sex in the woods to lose my virginity?

Q.   So me and this guy "Alex" have been talking all school year. We pass notes all the time and we always joked about having sex, especially because at my school, everyone think I get around. The truth is I'm a virgin. Well Alex asked me to go to a lake ...

A.   26 June 2009: This is your 1st time and your thinking about doing it in the woods i think your 1st time should be special and then as you get older then get more adventurous Really think about this hunny as it can be confusing Good Luck and listen to... (read in full...)

Sex music?

Q.   Me and my girl have got this list going of really good songs to have sex to...i was wondering if anybody can suggest anything else in the lines of rock, metal, or goth. Here's what we got (not all, but some): "Poison" by Alice Cooper "Cou...

A.   26 June 2009: Heyyah here are some suggestions which i have used before see what you think: All time low - Holly would you turn me on All time low - Dear Maria Count Me In Panic At The Disco - But Its Better If You Do There ar some pretty good suggest... (read in full...)

I've been having unprotected sex so could I be pregnant?

Q.   i have been having headaches back pain i`m really tired all the time when i smell some foods it makes me just wanna puke and other times i have been eating a whole lot also. i had unprotected sex about 2 and a half weeks ago do you think its a sign ...

A.   26 June 2009: Get a test as soon as possible!! Because theese are known as symtoms of pregnancy unprotected sex is a 50% chance your pregnant and you wont be sure untill you ave takin a test the sooner you take this the quicker it can be solved and id r... (read in full...)

I'm 14 and he's in his 40's but I have really strong feelings for him...

Q.   Heyyah Everyone,, I need help i have started ti feel really strong for some 1 in there 40s since i have been talking to him i cant get him of my mind and i find him so amazing id love to just be with him. although he lives quite far away id love...

A.   26 June 2009: Hes no pedophile i kno that cos he just treats me like a friend and has never said noting inopropiate he is so nice and wouldnt wanna meet me anyway because he nos my age But i really like him and if i told him i dont no how he would react but i... (read in full...)

34DD and breasts are still growing, when are they likely to stop?

Q.   Hi. This is kind of an odd dilemma, but please bear with me. I'm nearly 15 and 5 months, and I wear a 34DD bra. I think I've outgrown them already. What do I do after that? When will my breasts stop growing? I'm really getting sick of this! I...

A.   25 June 2009: You started puberty just before you were 12 and wont stop growing untill your 16 which isnt long off ,, I can understand that this can feel very uncomfortable and u may feel like your not gunna stop but u will eventually u just may be quite big ... (read in full...)

Ugly old man doesn't want to seriously commit to attractive younger woman

Q.   I am a young woman who is currently dating an old man. He is 24 yrs older than me. He is not very attractive at all, most of my associates find him kind of old and creepy. I chose to be with him because I thought I would at least find real love. ...

A.   23 June 2009: Heyyah Hunny You have got to decide if your happy with him and remember you have got to do whats right for the child on the way. He has been unfaithful to you in the past and doesnt seem to pay you with the respect you deserve. The relationship... (read in full...)

Was it rape or sex?

Q.   okay so i was a virgin...i started talking to this guy he was gorgeous..whe had known eachther for a while and decided to go out and we ended up in his room. at first just teasin the making out but then he started pulling my jeans and i dit want to ...

A.   23 June 2009: Yes if u didnt want this u should of said really because now u have lost ur virginity to a guy that doesnt even seem to care This must of been terrible for you although u let this happen Just calm down get some counciling You have been raped im... (read in full...)

I'm 13, Should I wait to have a child with my 17 year old boyfriend?

Q.   my boyfriend and i want to have a baby. we are both in our teens (im 13 he is 17) and unsure if we should wait??? please help...

A.   23 June 2009: I agree with FinMcCool and SincerlyYours They Both Talk Sence Take There Advise Hunny It will do u good xx... (read in full...)

I want to put a label on my sexuality

Q.   okay im a 16 year old girl in 10th grade and i know that i like guys but sometimes i get a feeling of attraction to girls and i just dont know if i am bisexual or really what sexuallity i have so i was wondering how you know if you are bisexual ...

A.   23 June 2009: Hey im bisexual and im not confused at all i knew when my friend hit on me and i kissed her back I really enjoyed it as i felt somthing which is hard to exsplain. Anyway ever since then ive been with boys and girls but what id advise you to do ... (read in full...)

How should I ask her out? She doesn't know I'm bi.

Q.   i want to have a relationship with my friend but she doesnt know im bi. how should i ask her out? (shes gay)...

A.   23 June 2009: Hunny The worst she can say is no And if shes gay and single then tell her your bi and go for itt Hope it goes well Sweetie Send Me A Message If U Need Further Help -Danielle xx... (read in full...)

Why does sex hurt the first time?

Q.   why does it hurt the first time you have sex? how do you know your ready? how do know when the right time is? how do you know he's ready, and not doing it to make you happy?...

A.   18 May 2009: Listen to livelife he has gave some really good advise so i would advise you to take in what he said and it should help you alot -Danielle xx... (read in full...)

Skipped almost two periods I pregnant?

Q.   Okey i really need help im 13 nearly 14 and i think im pregnant. the last couple of times me and my boyfirnd had sex we did not use protection as he pulled out before he came so i thought it would be okey but now im realy worried because i have ski...

A.   15 May 2009: Arrgh im so scared i need more advise please ?? Help Love Danielle xx... (read in full...)

We really like each other, but if his gf finds out..she'll kick my butt! Help!

Q.   im in love with this guy who is completely amazing..and he likes me back...but hes dating this other girl...and he said that if he wasn't dating her he'd be dating me...but i really want 2 date him and we are really close and all...but if his gf ...

A.   5 May 2009: Heyyah Hunny, I think that even if u wer dating him he wud do the same 2 u wat he is doin to his current gf now Most guys will do anything to get girls liking them so really i would try get over this guy before ur feelings get to deep You deser... (read in full...)

Mom made me choose between her and my boyfriend

Q.   Okey my question is kinda complicated i have been with my boyfriend for 4 weeks now but ever since i started going out with him my mum has changed and is always moody with me and does not trust me. she thinks im gonna have sex when i told her wen ...

A.   2 April 2009: Me and my boyfriend aint ready for sex at all yet and my mum dosent believe this me and my boyfriend are in love i have been in love with him for years but then we were just friends and now were together it is great and we are so close We are n... (read in full...)

Mom made me choose between her and my boyfriend

Q.   Okey my question is kinda complicated i have been with my boyfriend for 4 weeks now but ever since i started going out with him my mum has changed and is always moody with me and does not trust me. she thinks im gonna have sex when i told her wen ...

A.   1 April 2009: I think ill leave it its unhelpful and you dont no the full story i needed help thats why i posted the question And it may only been 4 weeks but we have been friends for years and i love him Thanx anyway i suppose x... (read in full...)

Am I fat?

Q.   hi i just wanted to know , im 5"4 tall and i weigh 165 pounds !! am i fat ?!!!!!!!...

A.   1 April 2009: You may be a little over weight but i bet your a stunnah and you are beautiful i think im fat and i tried to loose weight but most guys dont like skinny girls they like a bit of meat not just bones So dont worry hunny just make sure your healthy... (read in full...)

Mom made me choose between her and my boyfriend

Q.   Okey my question is kinda complicated i have been with my boyfriend for 4 weeks now but ever since i started going out with him my mum has changed and is always moody with me and does not trust me. she thinks im gonna have sex when i told her wen ...

A.   1 April 2009: Thank you so much Kellyxxx your advise really helped But eyeswideopen i am not being a drama queen i asked a question i needed help with which this site is for i didnt like your responce and satindesire thanx x... (read in full...)

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