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*oodDog agony aunt


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< Prev12 [2 pages, 50 answers]

Is my male friend living in hope?

Q.   At the beginning of the year I decided I need to widen my social circle and find friends who have children the same age as my daughter. Emailed a few people on Facebook that I went to school with and now back in touch with some old school ...

A.   8 August 2011: Well, he's just shown you his true colours by sending that message. Obviously only wanted to get to know you for his own reasons. His loss at the end of the day! Good to know that you are taking this in your stride. Hope you don't get anymore ... (read in full...)

Is my male friend living in hope?

Q.   At the beginning of the year I decided I need to widen my social circle and find friends who have children the same age as my daughter. Emailed a few people on Facebook that I went to school with and now back in touch with some old school ...

A.   6 August 2011: Well done for taking that first step and taking control of the situation. I'm sure it wasn't easy to do but as you've seen for yourself the results showed he maybe had other intentions with regards to being with you. The fact that he's deleted ... (read in full...)

Why cant I get the girl I want?

Q.   Why can't I get the girl I've been talking to for a while? I know I'm 13 but at the moment it feels like I'm not doing anything right in my social life, I feel like I'm a screw up. Lately I really liked this girl and I don't think she likes me I'm ...

A.   1 August 2011: Does she know you like her? Have you told her or made any hints to show you are interested? She might not even realise that you like her!! Why not try asking her if she would like to join you for a trip to the pictures, go to the park or a local ... (read in full...)

Havent had a date in 3 years! Any tips for me?

Q.   hi guys im hoping you can offer me some advice. i am 21 years old and havent had a date since i was 18. iv been pretty busy with college. but not just that i find it really hard to approach guys and not sure how to be flirty etc. for example if ...

A.   1 August 2011: I would say if you see someone you like, just be your natural self when you approach them and make some form of small talk at first. If it's at a concert then make some comment about the band / music, etc or if it's someone in college ask him what ... (read in full...)

I feel like at 31 I've totally made a mess of my life and there's no going back...

Q.   Dear aunts and uncles... How can I get my life back on track as I feel like just giving up. I am soon to be 31 and have nothing in my life and I look at my friends and I'm consumed with jealously as they have good jobs, places to live and or ...

A.   1 August 2011: I know whatever I say here won't change anything for you, but please don't write yourself off or be too hard on yourself. You are obviously at your lowest state here so the only way to go from here is to work your way back up. Have you thought ... (read in full...)

Everybody hates my hair!

Q.   I'm not really sure if this a a newsworthy question but I could use some advise. I'm, black, 21 and in college (living at home) and I live in Jamaica and I'm currently growing my hair but for some reason everybody wants me to cut it. In Jamaic...

A.   1 August 2011: Hey - I've got long hair and I get stick about it all the time!! "Why don't you get it cut? Why grow it long?" etc. I just laugh and tell them I do it for me and ask would I look better being like all the other blokes walking around with shaved h... (read in full...)

What's wrong with me? Am I weird for this?

Q.   What is wrong with me? am I weird? is it normal? My ex boyfriend and I broke up 6months and I've not been with anyone else since. I had a lot of guys come my way but they all wanted sex, but I can't have casual sex, I've got to be in lo...

A.   1 August 2011: Nothing weird about that. It's your body and you know what's right for you. Some people do stuff everyday - some people can go for weeks, months or longer without doing anything. If the bloke asked you to tell him something and he still doesn't ... (read in full...)

Feeling lonely

Q.   I seem doomed for always having a lonely life. I was brought up in childrens homes and when I did get married after a few years my husband ran off with another woman. I haev ahd boyfriends but no one wanmts commitment these days. I have amde ...

A.   31 July 2011: Hey - don't be too hard on yourself - 60 is the new 40 (or so I'm told!) Is there a local dance club or community group you could take part in? I know the Voluntary services near me are always greatful for any help they can receive and these ar... (read in full...)

Should I just let him pursue me instead?

Q.   Hi everyone. Can you tell me if a guy is interested in me if he does not reply to my email? I sent him an email asking him to get together with me but no reponse from him. It has been a week and I happened to run into him at the mall yesterday. ...

A.   31 July 2011: Give it a couple of days and if you still haven't heard anything take it that he's not going to get in touch. Then you can either try a casual e-mail like a quick 'How are you?' etc and leave it at that or forget him completely. He could of c... (read in full...)

I cried deleting my ex-girlfriend pictures

Q.   My girlfriend left me 8 months ago.Today, I deleted her all pictures from my computer. But while I pressing deleting button, I was feeling like killing her forever. Afterwards and even now I can't help crying. Anyone here has experienced the same ...

A.   31 July 2011: Yes - been there and done that a few times over the years. What you have done is bravely taken that first step to moving forward. Yes, it is hard and it's sickening to delete or destroy pictures that you've treasured all this time, but the fa... (read in full...)

How come she has a new guy in her life?

Q.   Me and my girlfriend of 4.5 years split up abaout 2 months ago. We have a 1 yr old son and we started working it out. Things were going good untell she started being mean. Then we didn't talk much for about a week and then I found out she was ...

A.   31 July 2011: I'd say give her some space for now and focus on getting on with your own life. Sometimes if you pull to much to get them back, you actually push them away. It might be that she's just using this other bloke on the rebound on splitting up with you... (read in full...)

Is my male friend living in hope?

Q.   At the beginning of the year I decided I need to widen my social circle and find friends who have children the same age as my daughter. Emailed a few people on Facebook that I went to school with and now back in touch with some old school ...

A.   31 July 2011: I've been in a similiar situation myself in the past - being friends with a girl I really liked and hoping there was more to it by reading between the lines rather than listening to what she was saying! I can only say that the best thing to do is... (read in full...)

What's going on with my relationship?!? any ideas anyone?

Q.   Right so i gotta ask something, ive used the site before but never for anything concrete like this. So me and my girlfriend of 4 months have been really happy together. Its been really really good. around a month ago she had to go on holiday, she ...

A.   31 July 2011: Sounds like she's been doing some thinking while on holiday. Are you sure things were okay between you before she left for her trip? Maye there was something on her mind which you didn't notice. It could be as your friends say and she's met some... (read in full...)

*oodDog's friends

These are mutual friends, so *oodDog has added them and they have added *oodDog!

AbigailBradbury agony auntAbigailBradbury
angelDlite agony auntangelDlite
aunt honesty agony auntaunt honesty
ayeshaH agony auntayeshaH
CindyCares agony auntCindyCares
DoubleM agony auntDoubleM
eyeswideopen agony aunteyeswideopen
k_c100 agony auntk_c100
katiekate agony auntkatiekate
Kirstyteenauntireland agony auntKirstyteenauntireland
StarryEyes101 agony auntStarryEyes101
Tisha-1 agony auntTisha-1

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