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*ndrew loves hali agony aunt

*ndrew loves hali

United States  (Male   XML/RSS

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*ndrew loves hali's profile:

lets see i like math, english, social studies, lunch, and i love sports. i ply basketball, football, and baseball. and im good at tennis even tho its not an official sport at our school. my school is pretty great. its fun. i like music. taylor swift is fuckin amazing. haha my gf makes me listen to her all the time. oh well id do anything for her :). i have two sisters that are 18 and 17. n mom and dad. i think of myself as very naive. and stupid at times.

im a freshmen and im 15 and i broke my arm. haha its so not my fault though. i told her not to push me but she did. grrr steph. oh well i thinks its pretty ba i broke my arm.

my relationship status is single. and im actually alright with it. oh and if you are only of my friends on here you gotta get a lyrics account. that place is awesome. just got to my url and go to the top and click sing up and add me as a friend if you want.

quote of the day "there is a child aboard"

123Next > [3 pages, 92 answers]

Cannot let go of my first love

Q.   i can not let go of my first love. we have been dating for 5 months, we loved each other a lot, but we broke up because she would not stop flirting with my friends, and i could not stop complaining. after a few weeks of separation i grew weak and ...

A.   28 May 2009: this is what i went through except we went out for 3 years. but were still together after a month break up. anyway you should stop talkin to her. i know its hard the first week but trust me it'll get easier. just member what shes done to you. its ... (read in full...)

What do I do when all my boyfriend wants to do is to have sex with me?

Q.   What do I do when all my boyfriend wants to do is to have sex with me?...

A.   25 May 2009: you should prbly break up with him and find and guy that actually respects you.... (read in full...)

Do we stay together and then break up in September?

Q.   okay I'm in a complicated situation. my gf and i recently got back together after about a month. we broke up mainly cause she was like in love with my cuousin and she always talked to him and about him. he wasnt at our school for the 2 semester ...

A.   24 May 2009: i cant break up with her. she has my heart. i just spent the whole day with her. nothin could beat this feeling. i will stay with her. and tell my cousin to leave her the heck alone.... (read in full...)

Do we stay together and then break up in September?

Q.   okay I'm in a complicated situation. my gf and i recently got back together after about a month. we broke up mainly cause she was like in love with my cuousin and she always talked to him and about him. he wasnt at our school for the 2 semester ...

A.   23 May 2009: you dont understand. she has cheated on me many times with my cousin well actually he always kisses her when im standing right there of course were guna break up when he comes back. he'll just do what he always does to me and other guys out there. ... (read in full...)

Getting to Second

Q.   I'm 13 and im having trouble getting to 2nd. every girl ive dated never wants to go that far. Do you have any tips on moving from 1st to 2nd?...

A.   13 May 2009: well if she doesnt want to then leave it at that damn. whats up with all these lil kids tryin to rush things. take it slow.... (read in full...)

So what's the big deal about viginity?

Q.   Okay so this really isn't a question. Truth is I don't see why people make such a big deal about sex and virginity. I don't find it such a big deal losing it. I mean I'm 16 I'm still a virgin and I believe that you know you should wait until you ...

A.   8 May 2009: i feel the same way and I'm 15. people make it seem like its the end of the universe or something. i think i would be more special if you waited till you're married or at least with someone you love.... (read in full...)

WHY is she still texting this guy??

Q.   Hey All: Well here's where I am at. My girlfriend and I have been together for a year and a half. She was in the UK for 4 months with school, and surprisingly, we made it through. Now, tons of fighting. Last night was particularly bad. Ab...

A.   7 May 2009: if i were you id dump her. first of all for what she said to that guy and i believe drinking is never an excuse and second she wouldnt be tallking to this guy again unless there was something there. good luck.... (read in full...)

How do I get over her?

Q.   okay me and my girlfriend broke up. we break up a lot but i wont work this time around. and we both know it. we went out for 3 years and we didn't have a great relationship. but there were times when it was good. we've had our ups and downs but ...

A.   7 May 2009: thanks plexi and i think i found that girl. now i just need to tell her. i guess it want hard getting over her because once you find someone new you forget all about it.... (read in full...)

He wants another baby but I am feeling overwhelmed with the first one!

Q.   I was 16 and my bf 17 when we decided that we would have a baby. It didnt take long for us to get pregnant. When I found out I was pregnant we moved into his parents basement apartment. I now have a 4 month old son,Kyron. He is my life and I love ...

A.   6 May 2009: if he says you dont love him just because you dont grant his every wish it doesnt sound like he loves you very much. he seems like a jerk to me.... (read in full...)

A simple question... How do you know if you are in love?

Q.   I have but one not so simple question. How do you know if you are in love?...

A.   6 May 2009: its easy to see. you just feel a way about that person you've never felt toward anyone, your willing to do anything for that person. idk you cant define love. or what it feels like or if you know your in love.... (read in full...)

I'm almost 16 and I think I'm ready for sex.

Q.   im 15 turning 16 and i really want to have sex. i really dont know what to do. i am very nervous. i think im ready for sex but i dont know how to do it. i dont really do anything physical with my boyfriend except make out with him. Im so confused. ...

A.   6 May 2009: I'm 15 and guna be turning 16 too and I'm no where near ready. i wanna wait till Ive found the one i wanna be with for the rest of my life :) and if you ready go ahead but use a condom and in my opinion i think you should wait but its your life so ... (read in full...)

Do guys date fat girls?

Q.   would guys date fat girls. because i am short and fat and i just can,t get boyfriend they want thin,tall,cheeky girls not like me...

A.   6 May 2009: well i dont care if your fat or skinny as long as you have a good personality, are fun to be around, and you can just be yourself thats all that really matters to me. but hey thats just me a lot of guys out there prbly disagree with me but oh well.... (read in full...)

How do I get over her?

Q.   okay me and my girlfriend broke up. we break up a lot but i wont work this time around. and we both know it. we went out for 3 years and we didn't have a great relationship. but there were times when it was good. we've had our ups and downs but ...

A.   6 May 2009: she didnt change for me because she said and i quote " if you loved me you wouldnt want me to change and just love me for who i am."... (read in full...)

Do condoms come in different sizes?

Q.   Me and my boyfriend have been together for 5 months now and we decided that we were ready for sex. My boyfriend went to put on the condomn but it wouldnt fit... Do condomn's come in different sizes? If so where can we find them?...

A.   3 May 2009: yeah they do.... (read in full...)

Guys with girlfriends, do you guys ever look/think about other girls besides the one your with?

Q.   This isn't a serious serious question but it's something I'm curious about. My boyfriend and I have been together for a while now and he never looks at girls, or anything like that but we watch tv shows, movies, etc. with girls in it but he says ...

A.   30 April 2009: a lot of guys say oh that girl is hott or whatever but when me and my gf were still goin out i was to busy watching her to notice anyone else.... (read in full...)

How compatible are we, judging by the signs?

Q.   I am a female pisces/aries cusp (34 years old) ,dating a male virgo/libra cusp (28 years old). How compatible are we? Because both our signs are on a cusp there is alot of conflicting information. I would appreciate any insight....

A.   28 April 2009: you cant tell compatibility by comparing zodiac signs.... (read in full...)

My family is against our relationship.

Q.   Hi, I'm 16 years old. I have a bf, he is 12. Some people think that it's wrong because I'm 4 years older, but I don't care because we love each other very much but the problem is that my whole family don't like him, so I can't come home to him and ...

A.   26 April 2009: i agree with ArmyMedic that is kinda a weird age difference i mean hes 12 and your 16 its kinda weird.... (read in full...)

He smelled awful!!!

Q.   Hi aunts, I really need some advice, I've been going out with a boy for a while and tonight for the first time we discovered a little more about each other and when he pulled down his boxers a horrible smell came, it was so ghastly that I wanted to ...

A.   23 April 2009: you should tell him about it and if things dont "smell better" then you should prbly dump him.... (read in full...)

I don't know what things would be like if we DID start dating again.

Q.   I dated this girl for a while, and I fell in love with her. She also fell in love with me, but she later dumped me because she hated how hurt I always was and she hated the pressure that my depression added to the relationship. It's been about tw...

A.   23 April 2009: if you really want her back and you know if both of you put effort into it and can make it work then go ahead but on the other hand you guys could break up again and then what would happen? its a 50% chance things will/ will not work out but isn't ... (read in full...)

I want to end this for good, but I can't.

Q.   I don't know what to do. I am 16 and totally in love with this boy. He abuses me. Hits me, as well as emotionally. He constantly puts me down and calls me names. We go to a vocational school so when we're on the bus, it's for an hour and a half at a ...

A.   22 April 2009: if he hits you how could you love him? fu**ed up. just leave him and im pretty sure you dont love him. and just dont talk to him im pretty sure he'll get the clue unless he's stupid.... (read in full...)

I like my ex girlfriend's friend!

Q.   hi well I'm 15 and i had a girlfriend and she was the love of my life but i guess we found to many things to fight about and it ended after 3 years. long time huh? well my friends are a really big help cause they know that i loved her with ...

A.   20 April 2009: um my bestfriend is a girl and i dont think Sedona would date a girl cause um thats not how she is. and i cant talk to Sedona its to had but if i have to i will.... (read in full...)

I know he doesn't like me but I want him to

Q.   ok so heres the deal.. i really really like this one dude.. and i know he doesnt like me.. so my question is how do i get him to like me? and i am too nervous and scared to go up to him and talk to him.. so wat should i do?? .....

A.   20 April 2009: you cant really make someone like you well you could but i dont think you should have to try and make a guy like you. do you? i think you should be with someone who likes you and you dont have to try to make him like you. but idk. just my advice.... (read in full...)

The adults on this site are so annoying!!!

Q.   God, can I just say. Adults on this site are so annoying. I am 13. I haven't asked any... I dunno, sex related questions personally. But looking at the responses for people who are 13 and having sex issues like that girl with the vibrator ect. You ...

A.   19 April 2009: their just tryin to help you thats all. i bet a lot of you adults out their have had kids in your teen or in college and are just tryin to help us teenages not make the same mistakes. and i wouldnt have sex until i know shes guna be the one i wanna ... (read in full...)

I hate my life right now and all I want to do is cry...

Q.   I currently hate my life. First my boyfriend of four years breaks up with me and I have to move back home, where my parents who are retired now and are always around. Then the transmission on my car breaks. I can't afford to fix it because my ...

A.   10 April 2009: well at points my life sucks ass but you have to take the good with the bad and always remember life goes on.... (read in full...)

He keeps a picture of his dead wife and we are in a relationship.

Q.   My boyfriend is 52 and I am 20. We have a newborn together but our relationship is unstable. Partly because I want us to live together, he lives on his own with his 2 sons one 26 and other 21. He said he told them that they had to leave when I was ...

A.   31 March 2009: dont freak out it must be hard for him i mean she died. dont end it cause of a picture and even if he still loves her its not like her can leave you for her.... (read in full...)

Advice needed. How do you get over an ex???

Q.   Hi everyone!!! I've got a question! When the guy you are absolutly IN LOVE with goes back to his shitty ex who always ends up breaking his heart after he tells you that he's falling for you too... what do you do to get over it?...

A.   29 March 2009: i didnt go back to her. and i am falling for you. i think i love you. and im sorry.... (read in full...)

Should I tell him why I'm mad?

Q.   Recently i found out that this bo at m high school liked me. i wasnt really intrested in him at first, but friends conviced me to give hima chance. Just befor the march break we started talking and i decided to give him my number. we texted and talk...

A.   23 March 2009: tell him i hate when people do that cause then there is no way you can make things better unless you know what you did. good luck... (read in full...)

I found my boyfriend and his ex in bed together today!!!

Q.   My boyfriend of 2 months (that I was really starting to fall for) cheated on me with his ex girlfriend. They are friends and have been since they broke up. I found them in bed together today. He said they went out and got really drunk, so drunk ...

A.   23 March 2009: Okay first this guy sounds like a dick and just because he was drunk doesn't mean it's an excuse and why was he drinking with HER? and if he can't give up talking to her to have you it doesn't seem like he wants you but if you really love him then ... (read in full...)

If she is 7 months older is that a big difference ???

Q.   hi .. she is 7 months older than me .. is that a problem ???? ..i like her very much and i think she likes me too ... ...

A.   21 March 2009: no its only 7 months the girl i like is 3 years older than me. now thats a lot... (read in full...)

Is the age difference too much here?

Q.   Hi, I'm 15 well 14 but going be 15 in a couple of months or so. Anyway I really like this girl, her name is Bethand, she's my best friend's sister but he wouldn't care if we went out. A lot of other people would: my ex would start rumours about ...

A.   20 March 2009: she said she likes me too um whatever your name is yay but were not guna go out for a lil while she just wants to be friends first and see where it goes from there and im really mature for my age and if i wanted i could skip a grade but i dont wanna ... (read in full...)

Is the age difference too much here?

Q.   Hi, I'm 15 well 14 but going be 15 in a couple of months or so. Anyway I really like this girl, her name is Bethand, she's my best friend's sister but he wouldn't care if we went out. A lot of other people would: my ex would start rumours about ...

A.   20 March 2009: my bad her name is Beth and shes amazazing... (read in full...)

My fault she's pregnant...

Q.   I recently found out my bf of 1 year has gotten another girl pregnant while seeing me. The child is 2 months old, I do not know what to do, he said that he was drunk. My bf is 15 and I am 14. This is my fault, I said that I wouldn't have sex with...

A.   18 March 2009: It's not your fault at all and being drunk isn't and excuse... EVER!... (read in full...)

What exactly is it that girls look for in a guy?

Q.   Hi, I'm 15 and I was wondering what do most girls look for in a guy??? So this is mainly for girls but guys can answer too I guess and I'm not asking this so I can get a girl but I just want to know....

A.   18 March 2009: okay girls individually what do you look for in a guy?... (read in full...)

Is my ex doing this to make me jealous?

Q.   hi im 15 my gf (ex) broke up um about a week or so ago and im tryin to not be sad and i guess im kinda doin okay now. anyway we broke up cause well i dont really know i guess cause of her drinkin and smokin habits and mainly cause she is startin to ...

A.   18 March 2009: it doesnt bother me at all and she kept doin it at school today.... (read in full...)


Q.   Should you let things you have done with other guys when you thought you were in love make you feel guilty when you're with the person you really love?...

A.   18 March 2009: no you should learn from your past live in the present, and plan for the future... (read in full...)

What do you think? Did I do the right thing?

Q.   Hi there, I just broke up wit my boyfriend yesterday and needed to know if I did the right thing or if I just over reacted. Me and my ex dated for a year which in that year I cheated on him twice but later on told him bout it, and he forgave me. We ...

A.   18 March 2009: you did the right thing so dont go and blame yourself. you didnt over react. the heart shouldnt be played around with like that.... (read in full...)

How do you get over someone you love?

Q.   how do you get over someone you love? she was my first love and its hard cause i think about her all the time and all the memories we had and theres been alot cause we were together for 2 years. im not trying to forget her or trying to stop thinking ...

A.   16 March 2009: well the problem is i see her everyday and we dont talk but shes a very LOUD person and i hate hearing her voice it makes me remember what we had.... (read in full...)

The mind or the heart - which one would you choose?

Q.   The mind teases the heart! My question is what do you think about the concept of The heart teasing the mind? I think this happens but is probably an illusion and really we should listen to our heart because that is the essence of our true feeli...

A.   15 March 2009: i think an equal balance... (read in full...)

My best friend's girl is cheating on him. What should I do?

Q.   My best friends girl is cheating on him. I heard it around town for a while now but didnt believe it until I seen it myself. He is madly in love with her, should I tell him?...

A.   15 March 2009: you should tell him. even though it will break his heart its better to hear it from someone close to him insted of some person who he doesnt even know.... (read in full...)

Do guys mind/like if a girl sends them a long letter regarding feelings?

Q.   Basically I really want to send a guy who is currently in a different country, an email explaining how I feel about it, in depth. I know a letter is far more personal but I just wanted to send an email, but I don't want him to be put off??? Even ...

A.   14 March 2009: i would write a letter cause it seems more from the heart and a email is just like not.... (read in full...)

How do you get over someone you love?

Q.   how do you get over someone you love? she was my first love and its hard cause i think about her all the time and all the memories we had and theres been alot cause we were together for 2 years. im not trying to forget her or trying to stop thinking ...

A.   13 March 2009: gosh now she wants to be friends!!! help????... (read in full...)

How do you get over someone you love?

Q.   how do you get over someone you love? she was my first love and its hard cause i think about her all the time and all the memories we had and theres been alot cause we were together for 2 years. im not trying to forget her or trying to stop thinking ...

A.   13 March 2009: babygurl#1 i did tell her that she said " i can do what i want and im sick of you wanting to change me all the time i am who i am and this conversation is over and so are we goodbye" so it wasnt the best idea ive had.... (read in full...)

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