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Is the age difference too much here?

Tagged as: Age differences, Friends, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (19 March 2009) 4 Answers - (Newest, 20 March 2009)
A male United States age 30-35, *ndrew loves hali writes:

Hi, I'm 15 well 14 but going be 15 in a couple of months or so. Anyway I really like this girl, her name is Bethand, she's my best friend's sister but he wouldn't care if we went out. A lot of other people would: my ex would start rumours about her, my parents wouldn't like it cause she's a lot older than me and a bunch more, anyway see she's 17 and I'm 14 but not for long and she's a senior and I'm a freshmen. I know her and stuff but never really talked to her till today. I was sitting in the study hall (which is in the choir room I don't know why though) and she was practicing for this singing thing on Saturday and we could watch if we wanted and I did. She was amazingly awesome. After I told her she did good and we just kept talking but she's really shy so I talked most of the time. I walked her to all of her classs which was only 4 till the day ended and I really really really like her. How do I know if she likes me too?? and is it too much of an age difference???

View related questions: best friend, my ex, shy

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A female reader, iSmil3y United States +, writes (20 March 2009):

I don't agree with the first answer at all. It's only a 2-3 year age difference. I don't see why you guys couldn't date. I'm 13 and my boyfriend is 15. That's about the same thing. You're just younger and she's the older one. Nothing bad. But when she turns 18, your parents have to approve of the relationship or it's illegal. I think it is a good idea to be friends and see where it goes from there but like I said, age doesn't really matter unless its like a 5-10 year age difference but in your case, not a big deal. Good luck!

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A male reader, andrew loves hali United States +, writes (20 March 2009):

andrew loves hali is verified as being by the original poster of the question

andrew loves hali agony auntshe said she likes me too um whatever your name is yay but were not guna go out for a lil while she just wants to be friends first and see where it goes from there and im really mature for my age and if i wanted i could skip a grade but i dont wanna so im just taking sophmores classes for english science and math.

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A male reader, andrew loves hali United States +, writes (20 March 2009):

andrew loves hali is verified as being by the original poster of the question

andrew loves hali agony auntmy bad her name is Beth and shes amazazing

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A female reader, mimisoph3 United States +, writes (20 March 2009):

mimisoph3 agony aunti think she just might see u as "cute" nothing dateable cuz ur 14! shes 17 good luck wit that :)

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