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The adults on this site are so annoying!!!

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Question - (18 April 2009) 41 Answers - (Newest, 29 April 2009)
A female United Kingdom age 30-35, anonymous writes:

God, can I just say. Adults on this site are so annoying. I am 13. I haven't asked any... I dunno, sex related questions personally. But looking at the responses for people who are 13 and having sex issues like that girl with the vibrator ect. You are not living in this generation like we are. Now it's normal to pull (French kiss) in year seven/ eight, aged 11, 12, 13. It's pretty normal to be fingered ect at the age of 12, 13, 14 and sex? Normal to have sex at 14, 15, 16. We aren't too young, and you saying that doesn't help, what's done is done, deal with it, you're on this site to ask for help, help, look for advice. Not to criticise! Look. Just face the facts, and try to help. It makes life so much better for everyone! :S

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A female reader, eyeswideopen United States +, writes (29 April 2009):

eyeswideopen agony aunt"Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it." Santayana (the man not the group hee hee) History is what we older aunts have and it's very hard not to try and stuff it down these young kids' throats because we truly HAVE BEEN THERE. I don't sugar-coat my answers and advice, the kids can take it or leave it...but you can bet they read it.

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A female reader, pebble United Kingdom +, writes (29 April 2009):

pebble agony auntThe only people who complain about it being the educational system's fault are the parents who couldn't be a*sed to teach the kids themselves and expected teachers to do the job for them.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (27 April 2009):

Excuse me too - I always thought the educational system was in place to teach the three 'R's, surely any other kind of education rests with parents rather than schoolteachers who for the most part don't have the experience of actually bringing up children themselves? Discipline also starts at home in much the same way. That's what good parenting is all about.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (26 April 2009):

excuse me, but if there is someone to blame about the high pregnancy rate is the UK and the USA its no one less than the educational system.

they are the ones that do not enforce Educational classes and promote safe sex enough.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (25 April 2009):

Yes, I know - adults can be such a pain! We may not be living in your generation but we were young once and remember only too well some of the things we did which we later regretted, and I don't just mean things of a sexual nature. I remember listening to advice from adults and not taking a blind bit of notice then regretting it later. Top of the list must be 'don't smoke cigarettes - you'll get hooked and won't be able to give them up'. How I wish I'd taken notice of that little bit of advice. I could have bought myself a house with what I've spent on them over the last 50 years or so.

You say you're not too young to experiment with the opposite sex. I hate to have to put you straight, but the fact is you ARE too young. Kids often state that they're mature for their age on this site. They may think so, but us adults know otherwise. Sure, they may look older with all the make-up and sexy looking gear but underneath all that they're still kids with an awful lot to learn about life. We thought we knew everything at your age too and thought the same way as you do about adults. That's one fact of life that never changes no matter what generation you come from.

We made mistakes in life and learned from most of them. Now try to put yourself in the shoes of an adult - if you could prevent some kid from having to deal with a boatload of grief by showing them how to avoid that grief, would you tell it how it is or would you tell them to go ahead and do what they like because you didn't give a damn what they did with their life, and because whatever they did it wouldn't affect you?

I do feel sorry for the youth of today, there's so much pressure from advertising propaganda and kids magazines, not to mention peer pressure to grow up long before they're ready to do so, and before they have a chance to enjoy all the innocent things in life that kids SHOULD be doing in their early teens or younger.

I try not to be annoying in any answers I give, and unless it's something that really strikes a chord with me, is the reason I avoid answering questions from kids because they tend not to listen anyway and think they know better than I do. You go ahead and make all the mistakes you like, and when you're older you'll be able to offer your advice to your kids and see how annoying they can be when they think they know better!

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A female reader, pebble United Kingdom +, writes (25 April 2009):

pebble agony auntIt's good to hear that there are still some young people out there that know they do not need to be having at 13, 14, 15 years old. It's far too much hassle at that age!! I mean, I got seriously stressed from just coursework alone, I can't imagine what it would have been like if I have to worry about being pregnant aswell.


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A female reader, iLuvMusic14 United States +, writes (24 April 2009):

iLuvMusic14 agony auntI DON'T think kids my age( 14) should be having sex. But I know alot of kids my age that are. But my friends and I do not. They are just messing up there lives.

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A female reader, pebble United Kingdom +, writes (24 April 2009):

pebble agony auntIf they don't know what a penis is for then they would not be on here asking if they could be pregnant at all would they? I too did not know what a blowjob was when I was 13, and that was only 7 years ago!! Times have changed VERY quickly.

They know exactly what they're doing and they know that having sex at 13 is wrong but that's probably why they do it, because they're still little girls, little CHILDREN.

Someone needs to judge them and tell them that what they are doing is wrong or they will spend the rest of their lives thinking it's ok to behave that way. Having child after child after child with several different men because they still cannot be bothered to use a condom. No qualifications, no money, no partner, no life.

It's young people that create the high teenage pregnancy rate that the UK and USA both have. It's young people that create the disgustingly high STI rate that they both have also. You are the naive one if you think we should sugarcoat answers just to make them feel better. Then we can stand back and watch our country fall to pieces because of lack of good parenting or even basic common sense. We have the chance to make even a tiny change here and it's totally worth it.

People need to tell it like it is, and the kids need to listen, for once in their lives and stop thinking they know everything.

Sadly, not many 13 year old are that naive these days.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (24 April 2009):

You knwo whats annoying?

this whole conevrsation.

can i just hang again in your midns the point of this site:

ITS TO HELP not create a war!

younger ones come to the older ones for advice and help. they want an insight, not a judegemnt. Look, all please.

some may not have had the sex education that others did. some may have not learned what a penis is for, and some probably dont know what a sperm looks like under a microscope. so when they ask us if sperm in your mouth can get you pregnant, please, dont be harsh mean are discriminating. simply answer the question. Your opinion (unless asked) is not important to them. they want options, not a trial. if they ask, answer! when i was thirteen I did not know what a blowjob was. and i did not realise the full concept of sperm . so I would have probably thought that sperm coudl get me pregant. regardless of where it was ok? we have all been naive once, so lets not judege please? younger ones and older ones.

no one here is right. we are all entitled to our own opinion, yes. but lest be constructive and not destructive please.

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A female reader, eyeswideopen United States +, writes (22 April 2009):

eyeswideopen agony auntYou know what really is annoying, 13 year olds engaging in sexual activities then coming on here and asking if they can get pregnant from sperm in their that's annoying!

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A female reader, chazx United Kingdom +, writes (22 April 2009):

chazx agony auntI have to answer this lol.

I am nearly 19 years old and i became sexually active about 3 years ago when i was 16 BUT i have only had one sexual partner my fiance that i have been with 3 years, hes a bit older than me so has more experience and we took it slow at the first and now both know what each other likes.

I have a 10 month old daughter who i love to bits (i didnt have her to dress her up like a doll and if you are that poster thats ferking discussing) shes my world.

my younger sister is 14 and i would kick the guys ass that tried to do anything to my sister with or without her consent till shes 16 and over (legal age uk).

I also have a 16 year old brother and a 21 year old sister and they are both not sexually active yet.

I agree you find a 12-13 year old girl with a child and i bet you she will say she wishes she had waited.

I'm not the oldest person on here and im not the youngest either.

i have been threw alot in my life more than you as a CHILD could imagine and even at nearly 19 its hard with a baby.

I dont wish i had waited but i think if i had her any earlier i wouldnt have coped.

Your post/thread discusts me you immature CHILD!!!

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (20 April 2009):

This post makes me quite angry! It’s so ungrateful!

People offer advice for free out of the goodness of their hearts; collectively contribute to a whole site dedicated for this, and she has the audacity to complain that she finds the aunts/ uncles annoying??

Why?? -She hasn't even asked a question herself! Why ever does it annoy her that some people are freely trying to help other people than herself??

I can only imagine that she feels especially frustrated at her own naivety and lack of life experience to the extent that she resents others from sharing theirs?

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A reader, anonymous, writes (20 April 2009):

what a great post. makes you think as a reality check. the emotive replies show how its struck a cord.

my first thought on your post was wow! i didn't know that - we all had to wait until it was legal in our respective countries (- I did try and encourage my parents to move to Sweden but they weren't having any of it) so really glad you guys are ahead of us. We all behaved like Angels I am sure....:)

Sex is nothing new, the ages you talk about are also nothing new. We have all been there and either got the tshirt, up the duff or clap to prove it.

We advise the best we can for a given question. The poster is right - we do judge and we are all bias based on our experiences. But those experiences give us the wisdom to answer the questions.

When it comes to under age sex its difficult - the law which we have to advise is 16 in the UK. If they are underage and shagging then we can't stop them here with words - just tell them how to be safer and that they are illegal.

My own view is you have done all these things so young then what do you do afterwards? great you had shagged 1000 boys by the time you are 16. so what? What about later in life when you have no new things to try? when the person you love says well actually you have been with too many girls for me to trust you.

Don't rush into it that's my advice - the human body is beautiful, savour every second of it, not eat it like its junk food. Don't rush to be old because of peer pressure that's crazy. Live, Love Eat and Laugh.


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A reader, anonymous, writes (20 April 2009):

No, it isn't normal for 13 year olds to be sexually active. If that is considered the new normal then the new normal is wrong.

Of course I realize that teenagers have sexual feelings, and there is nothing wrong with you having a boyfriend to go on dates with or even kiss. That said, you shouldn't be having sex at such a young age. Sex exposes you to the risk of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.

The age of consent exists for a reason, it is the age at which most people are ready for sex. I don't mean just physically mature enough, but mentally mature enough too. You might believe that you are, but judging by your post I would say not. Adults don't invent rules just to spoil your fun, they invent rules designed to keep vulnerable young people safe from the consequences of inappropriate actions.

You may not like what we have to say, but you should listen. Sex is supposed to be an expression of love between two people who love each other, not something you do 'because everyone else is'. You're too young for all of this yet, there is no need to rush into these things.

Please think about what I've said here. Also not all of the adults here are of your parents generation. I am only 26 and some posters here are younger than me.

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A female reader, pebble United Kingdom +, writes (20 April 2009):

pebble agony auntI think the poster is a little out of her depth now... lol.

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A female reader, SirenaBlusera Mexico +, writes (20 April 2009):

SirenaBlusera agony auntAre you the poster who thought it would be fun to have a baby so you could dress it up and show it off to your friends?

What the h***??

Please tell me that's a joke.

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A female reader, eyeswideopen United States +, writes (20 April 2009):

eyeswideopen agony auntAre you the poster who thought it would be fun to have a baby so you could dress it up and show it off to your friends?

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A female reader, SirenaBlusera Mexico +, writes (20 April 2009):

SirenaBlusera agony auntJust because many teenagers are sexually active, doesn't make it right. If it's wrong, it going to be wrong whether anyone does it or not. Sometimes you hear answers that you don't want to hear, but I am sure that your parents have told you things that you don't want to hear. Sometimes when people try to help, they have to be sincere in order to do that.

I'm not going to tell a 16-year-old poster that it's all right to be sexually active. Anytime you're sexually active, you could potentially get pregnant. Who is ready for that? Perhaps you have the urge, but no one is prepared to raise a kid at 14, 15, or 16.

There are other consequences.

One day you may want to marry and if you've already had all this sex, what's left to look forward to?

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (19 April 2009):

Hi Everyone. Just a few candid comments from me. i tend to be one of the harsh critics of posters here. Why, because it is called life. Both teenagers and us adults mess up, big time, but we want someone to hold our hands and lie to us and say its ok.

Well it is not, we need to account for our actions and realise that actions have consequences. I would rather be direct, harsh than lie and win some favour. What would you rather have - honest constructive feedback even though it is harsh or me guiding you to make a bigger mess than you already have.

As for the teenagers, thanks for posting, yes a lot of questions are about sex, but i would rather you got the proper answers from the aunts here than some false prophet. the aunts genuinely care about the posters. I can also say that perhaps with all the info posted here the teenagers may just make better adults than us. At least they are educated about sex and the other issues.

I read what some adult post and it is really, really sad that they behave and live their lives in spite of the valuable insight given. Some adult posters also just want to attack us for giving them advice they obviously not happy about.

I am so concerned about the posts regarding teacher /student sexual relationships. Now that is a can of worms I would like to open. I am shocked at what I read and I am sure other are too.

This is way out of hand and seems like the authorities/ school governing bodies are useless. (Generalizing here - Male teachers seem to be getting their sexual needs satisfied by children.

The government should not only be investigating paedos outside but inside the schools.Shocking, shocking, shocking – the very people entrusted to keep the kids out of harms ways are actually enjoying the sexual favours from kids.

These are the actual paedo but we don’t or just can’t stop these teachers. So many have “raped” young girls and gotten away with their crimes. And the kids call it LOVE. )

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A reader, anonymous, writes (19 April 2009):

Well wouldn't you be shocked that in a few years time it might be the norm to start having sex when you're eleven....there need to be some limits

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (19 April 2009):

I'm 16 and I haven't done any of the stuff you mentioned up there and I still feel I'm too young.

People are always going to have different opinions and they have a right to say what they feel....Having said that, they should say whatever they want in a way that will not be too offensive for the young person or hurt their feelings. People could also come onto this site for consolation because they feel worried or insecure.

I think the best thing is for people to be considerate...but not dimish their own opinions xx

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A male reader, ArmyMedic United Kingdom +, writes (19 April 2009):

ArmyMedic agony auntI think you have decided to have a rant about something on this site and have bitten off more than you chew. It's nice to see other people of your age group taking a much more mature attitude than you have towards our advise.

Just because you and your friends think it's ok to act "grown up" doesn't make it the norm, and I think you should look at the replies to your post and take heed from your peers, just because your mates are doing something doesn't make it normal or right, so maybe you should be less of a sheep and have a bit of self respect!

This might come as a shock to you, but we were all teenagers once and it wasn't that long ago.

I'm sure you meant well by your post, but it did come across as "you can't tell me what to do, you're not my real mum!"

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A reader, anonymous, writes (19 April 2009):

This is verified as being by the original poster of the question

I'm not saying they should have sex or anything. I'm saying that the people on here critsise them and make them feel bad. What they did has been done, it's nitgonna help by saying YOU ARE TOO YOUNG GO PLAY WITH DOLLS NOT TOYS. they already HAVE so just help from the pointthey are at, not the point they can't be at!

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A female reader, pebble United Kingdom +, writes (19 April 2009):

pebble agony auntSex equals pregnancy. If it's normal for a 14 year old to have sex these days, is it normal and ok for a 14 year old to be a mother?

Do you say it's ok for a penniless, 14 year old single mother with no job or qualifications to bring up a child? Because poster, you just sound like you are condoning all these problems. And it's people with opinions and views like yours that have put our country in the sorry state that it is in right now.

The only person who's job is secure in the UK is Jeremy Kyle.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (19 April 2009):

I think you've been brainwashed into thinking it's the norm. Just because everyone else is doing it, or appears to be doing it, doesn't make it normal. . .

I'm not sexually active yet and i'm quite glad now because most of my friends regret who to and what age they lost it at!

And I don't wanna live with that regret like most people seem to be doing these days. (i'm 17). I think the advice on here is great and it may not always be what you want to hear but it's the advice that will be best for you in the long run.

They're telling you because they are older and uglier (lol) and usually know better because they have experience and don't want to do anything you might regret when you're their age.

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A male reader, andrew loves hali United States +, writes (19 April 2009):

andrew loves hali agony aunttheir just tryin to help you thats all. i bet a lot of you adults out their have had kids in your teen or in college and are just tryin to help us teenages not make the same mistakes. and i wouldnt have sex until i know shes guna be the one i wanna be with for the rest of my life and im 15 and i havent found that girl yet well i did have her but after 3 long years we broke up . i miss you.

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A female reader, kissxmexagainx United States +, writes (19 April 2009):

kissxmexagainx agony auntbut sweetheart.. it's NOT normal. yes, a lot of kids do it, but more don't. It's illegal for a reason. I don't think people should be so harsh on young girls && boys on this site, but they're usually right. I try to be a little kinder with my responses, but the thing is, they are just trying to help you. When you [&& other kids] get older you'll regret the mistakes you've made.

by the way, I lost my virginity at 13. I wish I waited until I was at least 17.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (19 April 2009):


To a certain extent I agree with teh poster. dults in this site tend to judge and give answers like "why did you do that, ur just a child" period. which is very annoying. Agreed;

But also, I agree iwth some responses, this generation is "screwed" as one said. We are having kids of the age of 13 pregnant and what we mean by "your are a child" is that you are not even legal to work and sustain your baby, be a boy or girl.

But that is the way the cookie crumbles you know, people will always have a different opinion towards a situation. yes, we should all be tolerant and respect eachothers views, but never insut them. what the 'adults' want is the best for the younger ones. they want to repait this dameged generation and they are right to do so, or else god knows what migt happn you know?

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A reader, anonymous, writes (19 April 2009):

Ok everyone on here has given you there honest opinion. You say adults are annoying because they give advice to children having sex. Take a look at how many young girls your age come on here and ask please help what should i do i'm pregnant. I'm not saying they are wrong, thats what i would do if it were me because these adults on here are going to give them good advice about what they should do. Some of them can't go to mom at home so they go to the closest thing to mom and that is these adults on here. I have a suggestion if you think they are annoying by being truthful please find a site to go to that is more age appropriate for you. and yes i do think your to young to have sex at 13 years old. at 11 12 13 years old kids today can barely read or count let alone having a child they can't take care of. I agree with the last poster Lisa go to a parenting class for girls your age and ask them what there advice would be. They will most likely tell you i should have waited to have sex because they are not able to be a mother. Mothers go thru hell to raise kids. These adults have experience that will lead you the right way if people would actually listen. I have been given advice from them and you know what i greatly appreciate it. My generation is very close to yours. and i really don't think there any different. i graduated high school with a girl who had a baby at 11 years old. I have heard her say many times i wish i had listened to my mother.You will be an adult one day and you will see what they are talking about. I wish you all the best in your life. Adults on here are full of wisdom that you and others your age need to hear. Hearing lies will lead you down a long road of misery.

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A female reader, princess_sweety United States +, writes (19 April 2009):

hi out there. i just wanted to say to all the PREteens, young teens and teens out there (10-18, yes even 18) sex is NOT something to be taken lightly.

Sex is a huge comitment and anyform be it with toys, fingering,or sexual intercourse. When someone is considering becoming sexually active they should, in fact they need to seek the advice from an adult. Adults have lived life, and although many adolesnts think they have not faced the issuses teens are facing today, they are wrong.

It should be no suprise that adults would tell 11-13 year olds(and even older then that) to abstain from sex. Young minds are not fully devloped and do not have the maturity needed when involed in a sexual relationship.

Their body is not ready for the experience. I know that in moder days young girls are devloping at a younger age(i had my first period in the 4th grade) it does not mean they can endure the emotional stride sex takes on a person. and really once a person starts having sex they are saying they are ready to bring a child into the world. because not all protection works 100% of the time.

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A male reader, Passthrough United States +, writes (19 April 2009):

Passthrough agony aunt@OP: Make WHAT better for everyone? Underage sex? I may not be speaking for everybody, but one should be at least near an adult to even consider sex, if one is to do it correctly and safely.

It's those people who dont think like an adult who do adult things that make life worse for themselves, others, and sometimes people who dont even exist yet (babies, precisely).

Would you allow a child to weild a gun? Would you allow a child to handle the national economy? Dangerous chemicals? Sex? Not only do all those require some training to be handled correctly, when they aren\t handled correctly people's lives can be destroyed.

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A female reader, xXxLisaxXx United Kingdom +, writes (19 April 2009):

Why are you people below even bothering to answer?? Its pathetic! To even say it is ok for a 14 year old to have sex. Does this CHILD know the internal damage that is caused because the CHILD is not developed properly and sex rips the internal tissue and cannot be repaired! That is for a girl. Has the poster of this ever thought why it is illegal? Adults are not trying to be patronising they have experience and made these mistakes and it is only advice you dont have to follow it even though it woul be in your best interest 2. I mean Im only 18 and yeahh I will listen to adults around me.

I think it's time you grow up love and try listening to people around you because believe it or not, they do want to help and oh yeah do me a favour go find a teenager who is between 13-16 and has a kid or more. Ask her if she regrets having a child so young... See what she says. They won't regret the child but regret how young they are. Also don't say you would use protection because the majority of your age group (not all) are too stubborn to listen to what adults have to say like you have just demonstrated and not to mention you don't even know how to use it properly. Sorry but I had to be honest like you said adults annoy you think what children do to adults.

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A male reader, blazee United Kingdom +, writes (19 April 2009):

blazee agony aunthey:) im 15 so i am from your generation by the way. Anyway im just saying people come on here asking for advice, they know there going to get adults responding to them, otherwise they could just ask there mates at school. The kids on here need help, and they found what they wanted. Really you havnt asked any questions. Now if we got somebody who had asked a question complaining that might be a bit diffrent, but they all seem to be happy when they follow up. seems your defending people that dont need to be defended, and that your condeming answers which where appreciated by the people who asked them you really shouldnt condem people who are just trying to help out people from our generation init.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (19 April 2009):

Ok, I am going to sound like one of those "annoying" adults here. It is often difficult enough for adults like me - I am 25 - to deal with most of the time, and we have mostly had far more experience and made lots of mistakes along the way. I am only too aware that I still have lots to learn about life and love, and I am not stupid enough to think I know it all. Children of 11, 12, 13 are not emotionally mature enough to handle adult relationships. They have not lived, they are still growing, and should not be even contemplating some of the things we are asked about. It is not normal for 11 yr olds to be using vibrators or being fingered or considering having sex! Their bodies are still growing, they are not fully matured inside. A lot of 11,12,13 yr old girls are probably not even having periods yet, which means that they are not sexually mature.

I agree with the other two posters - most kids will say they have done these sexual things just to be cool, to have lots of friends, and not be picked on because they are “different”. I very much doubt that the numbers are actually as high as we think in some cases.

Pre-teenage and teenage children think they know it all. They think they are adults, but all they are doing is playing at being "grown up". They are not prepared for the reality. Games can go terribly wrong if you are not prepared for the consequences, and that is why the law says it is ILLEGAL to have sex under the age of 16. This isnt because the "annoying adults" want to spoil your fun, but because we want to protect you from making mistakes which could ruin your life. Emotional hurt can have lifelong repercussions.

As the adults we have to do the right thing, and that is advise AGAINST sex before the age of consent. We have a duty to protect and care for our children, and if that means telling them things they do not want to hear, then that is what we have to do.

I'm sorry, but when you grow up, you will realise that.

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A female reader, AskEve United Kingdom +, writes (19 April 2009):

AskEve agony auntWhat do we as adults have that you as kids don't? Life experience and wisdom! When you're older you'll know exactly what that means. Kids bodies are still growing and developing at 11, 12, 13 etc, their hormones and emotions are also all over the place, they experience overwhelming feelings as they grow older that they've never felt before and don't know how to react/cope with them and this is why they ask someone older WITH more experience in life for advice.

Think yourself very lucky that you have adults on Dear Cupid who are willing to give their FREE time to advise and help the young ones of today. They don't need to do that you know...


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A male reader, The Gentle Man United Kingdom +, writes (18 April 2009):

The Gentle Man agony auntWe are responsible adults, sometimes we need to divulge other information that you don't want to hear. While we try and help and be direct we have a conscience, and to ease that conscience sometimes we need to share extra wisdom.

Children do not have the life experience, forsight and maturity that adults have. This new generation of young person just seems to be spawning children left right and center. So we are only trying to help in the long run.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (18 April 2009):

I am 15 and I have to say it is NOT (definitely NOT) normal for young teens or preteens to have sex. I understand that everyone has a right to choose, but having sex at a young age may potentially ruin one's life forever.

Afterall it's your choice whether or not you want to do it. It is also people's right to express their thoughts. The adults here are just giving you their opinions, you can choose to or not to follow it.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (18 April 2009):

Yes your right! adults should tell kids to have sex, because the teenage pregnancy rate in the UK isn't high enough?? right?

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A reader, anonymous, writes (18 April 2009):

The adults on this website are not annoying, they are only trying to help. If you ask for advice that's exactly what you're going to get. If you want someone to pat you on the back for having sex at 13 then go somewhere else.

It's advice, and it's not always what you want to hear.

We've have more experience than you teens and we are only trying to help you so you can avoid some of the regrets and dissappointments we suffered.

All the best.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (18 April 2009):

Um Im 15 and still think this generation is screwed up.

It's not when you grew up or how u grew up it's how u look at it and no it's not critizing i mean IT IS stupid for little kids to be having sex and maybe telling u that um it's stupid and u shouldn't be having sex idk it might make something in ur brain react and let u know that ur stupid and u shouldn't be having sex so young. It doesn't matter if ur 13 or 30.

Don't spread ur legs and don't ask stupid questions if u don't want an honest response.

You aren't too young? Sweetie those ppl have 30 years of mistakes behind them maybe they just don't want you to screw up as bad as they did.

Don't critizise if ur doing the same thing.

Bon Chance Dear.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (18 April 2009):

it may be classed as "normal" in this day and age to be fingered as you say and have sexual relations at age 13/14 ... but why is it classed as "normal" because mst of your friends say they do it?

one of the main reasons young girls do those type of things is because of peer pressure... because of people saying it is normal for a 13 yr old girl to be sexual active...

and also.. most 13 / 14 yr olds who say they are doing all of these things.. arnt actually doin it. they say it to try and fir it.. because the generation feels so much about growing up to quickly.

remember though.. it is illegal. until you are 16. and participating in illigal acts isnt normal

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