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What do I do when all my boyfriend wants to do is to have sex with me?

Tagged as: Big Questions, Dating, Sex<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (25 May 2009) 7 Answers - (Newest, 27 May 2009)
A female United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:

What do I do when all my boyfriend wants to do is to have sex with me?

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A female reader, iSmil3y United States +, writes (27 May 2009):

There's two choices here. Either, talk to him about it and let him know that you don't want sex all the time and you'd like to spend time with him and do other things other than have sex. Choice two, if he doesn't understand and gets mad when you talk to him, then break up with him because if he doesn't listen then chances are, he's using you for a place to put his dick. You're young so you'll find someone else who's better than that.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (25 May 2009):

At your age it's something of a novelty. When the novelty wears off a little he'll start to think of other activities that you might both enjoy. When that happens you'll know you're at the start of something better and more meaningful than a purely sexual relationship.

In the meantime, it's YOUR body he wants to play with, so let him play with it as often as YOU feel comfortable with, and no more. If you feel the need for a spot of nookie, put him on the spot and tell him that you need it NOW. No point being bashful about this sort of thing.

Basically, he's a normal teenager and you're a hot piece of crumpet in his opinion. Take it as a compliment.

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A male reader, rocknroll United States +, writes (25 May 2009):

Tell him it is the full package or nothing.

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A female reader, OMG_Manda Mexico +, writes (25 May 2009):

OMG_Manda agony auntyou brake up and move on and wait until someone comes along that values u enough to respect ur descion not to have sex. Someone will come along trust me.


Good luck and stay safe

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A male reader, andrew loves hali United States +, writes (25 May 2009):

andrew loves hali agony auntyou should prbly break up with him and find and guy that actually respects you.

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A male reader, StudentOfLife Canada +, writes (25 May 2009):

StudentOfLife agony auntIf it's too much for you, you may want to talk to him about it. He might be in a relationship with you for the wrong reasons.

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A female reader, aphexinfinite United Kingdom +, writes (25 May 2009):

aphexinfinite agony auntthen obviously thats all they want and nothing more serious. your still young so have fun doing the things you want and not what they want if they are willing to be with you then it wont matter about sex. good luck aphex xx

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