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Girls, what is your own preference with regard to your own pubic hair? Full bush, trimmed, landing strip or completely bald?

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Question - (8 January 2014) 18 Answers - (Newest, 9 January 2014)
A female United States age 51-59, anonymous writes:

Dear Moderator,

I went through the questions. Most are what about what the other sex likes but I can't find one where the women answered for themselves. I shave myself smooth because I like it that way myself (not because my man requested it). Just wondering what other women think.

Gals, we've heard from the guys what they like us to do with our bush but what is your own preference with regard to your own pubic hair? Full bush, trimmed, landing strip, or completely bald. Personally, I keep myself bald. I love it that way and will never go back to having hair. I don't care what the trends are or what a guy's preference is. Even if the bush makes a "comeback", mine won't! Bald is the bomb! :-)

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (9 January 2014):

I love being completely smooth. I actually get quite turned when shaving my pussy (when I do it or my husband does it for me). I always masturbate following every fresh shave. My husband loves that everything is visible (my big pussy lips, clit, etc.) and none of it is hidden behind hair. Yes, indeed, bald is the bomb!

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A female reader, So_Very_Confused United States +, writes (9 January 2014):

So_Very_Confused agony auntI did not elaborate that my smooth and hairless is only accomplished with full waxing. And I have to say it hurts worse to do my face than my nether regions...

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A female reader, Anonymous 123 Italy +, writes (9 January 2014):

Anonymous 123 agony auntI used to shave myself completely bare but my fiance is one of those rare men on the planet who loves a full bush and he's forbidden me from shaving.. lol!! And I too love the natural look now

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (9 January 2014):

I would prefer shaving if it wasn't for ingrown hairs that itch like crazy.

As it is, I have my full carpet for months. And I'm not too fussed about it.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (9 January 2014):

i think it's all to do with age and location. I'm 21 from the UK and i change a lot. I used to like a full bush (shave edges if i was wearing swimming costume) and my ex never complained either. Then i went through a stage of shaving it all, but it always itched horribly. Mostly now though i just trim it short, but sometimes i'll get bored and shave it all off or on occasion let it grow. i think over in the US you're a lot more concerned about hair down there than we all are over here :) I also really really hate it when guys shave!

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (8 January 2014):

I am also completely bare down there. I just feel cleaner and my partner prefers it. I have been bare since I was sexually active and I don't know if it because I am relatively young (23) but all of my sexual partners have preferred bald.

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A female reader, WhenCowsAttack United States +, writes (8 January 2014):

I'm very hairy. VERY. Doesn't matter if I shave or Nair or wax, my thick dark hair makes it obvious. I get painful ingrown hairs, itching, etc. Crazy to maintain. So, I hate shaving even though I did it for years due to societal standards.

Elated to have finally (at 42) met the love of my life, who, at our first sexual encounter begged me to "Please, grow some hair on that"! I've been happily au naturel ever since.

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A female reader, YouWish United States +, writes (8 January 2014):

YouWish agony auntI have to clarify, it wasn't awful because I didn't like how it looked, but because my skin was sensitive and I felt awful. I didn't mean to offend anyone!

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (8 January 2014):

I love being bald too! I've kept myself smooth for about 13 years now. I, too, will never go back to having a bush of any kind. I hate pubic hair. I LOVE being bald. I think a bald coochie is really sexy (hubby does too). It's neater and cleaner (I never have to clean up pubes lying around...yuck!). When my mom or sisters are visiting, I always find pubes in the bathroom. HATE THAT! The whole "I don't want to look like a little girl" thing is confusing to me. A grown woman with no pubic hair doesn't look anything like a little girl! Women have hips and curves; little girls do not. I've never seen a little girl with DDD boobs before. Also, a woman's coochie and a little prepubescent girl's coochie look nothing alike. A woman's labia are much bigger etc. I can assure you, I look nothing like a little girl. I also find my bald coochie is a lot more sensitive during sex or masturbation too. Smooth silky skin is so nice to touch.

Upkeep is minimal. It takes a couple of minutes extra to shave your beaver. I also exfoliate with table salt and I've never had any problems with ingrown hairs.

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A female reader, YouWish United States +, writes (8 January 2014):

YouWish agony auntNeatly close trimmed here. I've shaved a couple of times and not only was it awful, but my husband hated it and said he "felt like a pedophile"...heh. Funny, because he indulges in porn occasionally, so maybe he equates that as well.

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A female reader, So_Very_Confused United States +, writes (8 January 2014):

So_Very_Confused agony auntmy preference is smooth and hairless.

but I have very little hair left now at my age (yes girls it will get to be less and less as you age) and now that it's GRAY I don't want to see it.

after all carpet and drapes should match and if they don't go with hardwood....

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (8 January 2014):

bald, definitely. Feels nicer to me when I'm 'getting to know myself'

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (8 January 2014):

I trim mine close and depilate the bikini line.

I don't like being completely hairless as I don't like looking like a little girl.

I have skin that's very sensitive to shaving too and I get ingrowing hairs and even abcesses if I shave regularly. It's painful and the rash looks worse than having a bush! So I don't think it's worth the effort.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (8 January 2014):

Trimmed and short. It's a lot of work to maintain and it gets very time consuming. I wish there was an easier way. I do it for myself, but also for my boyfriend.

I shutter at the idea of being shaved completely. I get terrible visuals of sex and young girls and any man finding that sexy or attractive, so personally I would never do it.

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A female reader, Honeypie United States +, writes (8 January 2014):

Honeypie agony auntTrimmed landing strip. Personally, I think bare is for prepubescent girls and porn stars - but whatever floats your boat really.

I have shaved fully for a while but the stubble were too annoying.

I'm European, so body hair is not a big deal. And no, I haven't asked what my husband prefers.

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A female reader, llifton United States +, writes (8 January 2014):

llifton agony aunti hate the term with a passion, but i most certainly prefer "bald." yuck.

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A female reader, like I see it United States +, writes (8 January 2014):

like I see it agony auntI've actually never consulted a partner about what he prefers down there (just like I never ask them to groom themselves a certain way for me).

Like you, I go bare because it's my own preference :)

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A female reader, sugarplum786 South Africa +, writes (8 January 2014):

sugarplum786 agony auntI prefer bald as I feel its clean and hygienic. I am also very comfortable with bald.

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