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*gonyAuntBlondiee agony aunt


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Why didnt I bleed when I lost my virginity?

Q.   Is it normal if a girl loses her virginity and doesn't bleed and if she hasn't used tampons got fingered rode horses or played any sports of any kind?...

A.   9 July 2010: Don't worry, this is completely normal. Many girls don't bleed at all. Some people's hymen "break" when they first have sex, some don't, it differs from person to person. It's nothing to worry about :)... (read in full...)

I am only 24 and have 5 young children, should I abort the child I am currently pregnant with?

Q.   i am pregnant but i already have 5 young children and im only young. I thought about an abortion but dont think i can do it, what should i do my man isnt much help ...

A.   9 July 2010: Don't make a decision you may regret for the rest of your life. Yes children are hard work and expensive, and it's so tough doing it without much help - but could you really live with yourself knowing you had killed your own baby?... (read in full...)

Why risk the chance of pregnancy?

Q.   If man know when their are cumming, why is it that their still will cum inside? (Especially when they are avioding getting her pergnant)....

A.   3 September 2009: In the heat of a passionate moment men don't want to withdraw the just want to live the moment and enjoy the orgasm. Maybe in other words some guys are just selfish? Haha! If you ask because this relates to you and your partner I think trust an... (read in full...)

Why did she set me up with him if she liked him?

Q.   Soo basically my best friend since 5th grade set me up with this guy a few months ago right after a long serious relationship I had. We both had a thing for e/o lasted a bit didnt actually go out. But after a couple days we decided to be friends ...

A.   3 September 2009: :D No problem! Good luck :) AgonyAuntBlondiee x... (read in full...)

I love him, but its not the right time

Q.   So I've been talking to this guy for about seven months and I completely love him and he loves me, but I can't handle it anymore. I love him so much and I don't want to hurt him, but how do I tell him right now just us the right time. ...

A.   2 September 2009: You have to tell him how you feel. Explain to him that you really like him but it can't work right now. You want to give it your best shot at love and right now you are not at a stage where you can commit to give it all you've got 100% and really ... (read in full...)

Wife goes bi to straight... now I'm lost.

Q.   I am married. and yet i find myself wondering about other woman. I have these fantasies i guess you could call them, and my wife isnt able to make them happen. She doesnt fit the act. What should i do? Before we got married, we talked of having a ...

A.   2 September 2009: I think that your wife's sexual orientation is her own choice and you should love her no matter what. In reply to the last part, i REALLY don't mean to be rude but you should have thought about that before you put a ring on her finger, there is ... (read in full...)

I feel so ugly, how can I look better?

Q.   Gah... how should I start this off... (I'm not so good at writing these haha...) well... Pretty much starting two years ago, I have been feeling ugly. Not only that, but I know I have gained a lot of weight and it shows, which makes me even ug...

A.   2 September 2009: Honey, no one is ugly, ever. We all look different and unique but that doesn't mean anyone is more stunning or uglier than anyone else because who are we to judge other prople? What gives us the right to say someone is not pretty because of their ... (read in full...)

Why did she set me up with him if she liked him?

Q.   Soo basically my best friend since 5th grade set me up with this guy a few months ago right after a long serious relationship I had. We both had a thing for e/o lasted a bit didnt actually go out. But after a couple days we decided to be friends ...

A.   2 September 2009: When I was younger I used to do the exact same thing. If I was attracted to a guy a lot I used to try set my friends up with him. I think its a psychological thing. I probably did it because I was shy and didn't want the guy to know I liked him... (read in full...)

Why would I rather have a bad guy and try to change him, then have a good guy that doesn't have to be changed?

Q.   How come after every relationship ends, I say I want a good guy. I want a guy that will finally treat me good, with the respect I know I deserve but how come when a guy like that comes around, then I don't want to take the chance? Why w...

A.   2 September 2009: I have the exact same problem! There came a stage in my life where I had to pick between two guys; One was the most trustworthy, sweet, kind and caring guy I've ever met the other was a rough, drug user, party animal, care free bad guy. Needless ... (read in full...)

I had an abortion because we decided we were not ready for another baby, but now he has changed his mind and wants to try again!

Q.   Heres my story i have a daughter shes 7months after her i made the mistake and got pregnant again me and my bf decided we wernt ready for another baby so i got an abortion, but now my bf wants another baby! i dont understand i just had that abortion ...

A.   2 September 2009: The decision to take a child into this World is not one to be taken lightly. Do NOT even consider trying if YOUR heart is not in it and you still don't feel ready, whether your boyfriend wants a child or not. I also saw a documentary abou... (read in full...)

Should I wait to go out with him until he's completely over her?

Q.   What I want advice on is whether I should go out with this boy. He is so sweet and kind and gorgeous. He's not the type to go flirting with everyone but he has been flirting with me a lot. All his and my friends noticed and said that we should go ...

A.   2 September 2009: I think you need to ask him if he is truly completely over her, and then if he says no, tell him to wait and to ask you again when he is. Because you don't want to just replace the old one. You have to know that you are the only girl on his mind. ... (read in full...)

I called my crush, but then panicked and hung up only 30 seconds into the call! Help!

Q.   So, i called my crush for the first time, got her number yesterday, she picked up, i said "just wanted to know if the science teacher had any homework, i cant find any papers from him but im pretty sure he had some sort of homework that he gave ...

A.   2 September 2009: How about apologising for hanging up and just say you felt really nervous coz you hadn't called her before and sort of like her (this is an option if you feel ready to tell her how you feel). Or if you don't feel ready for that you could make up an ... (read in full...)

My boyfriend is romantic and seductive... except for the way he rams his tongue down my throat!

Q.   My boyfriend is very romantic and seductive. He makes me feel so hot, but once we kiss he always wants to french right away and as soon as my lips part he jams his tongue down my throat so hard it chokes and gags me, and even makes my throat hurt ...

A.   2 September 2009: You could try saying to him 'lets try it this way' and start of very gently guiding him. And then encourage him to do it the way you like it for example say "it feels really good when you do it gently so i can get in your mouth too, i like it like ... (read in full...)

He's a sweetie but can always be a dick..and I want him back!

Q.   alright, me and this guy have been dating for about 9 months, i recently broke up with him about 2 weeks ago. he was a major sweetie but could be a dick when he has his moments i guess you could say. i broke up with him because my friend always ...

A.   2 September 2009: You are welcome and good luck :) AgonyAuntBlondiee x... (read in full...)

Rejected because she 'doesn't do' commitment!

Q.   I have harboured feelings for a girl for over a year and a half and after finally finding enough courage to ask her out, I was rejected because she 'doesn't do commitment.' I'm not angry with her or anything because we've been best friends for two ...

A.   1 September 2009: You have to accept what she's said. You could ask her is there any way she may consider a relationship with you in the future? But don't pressurise her just tell her it would help you know where you stand. At least she has been honest and made... (read in full...)

Everyone expects us to marry, but I can't stand sex with him anymore!

Q.   i have been dating this guy for 15 years, everbody is expecting us to get married, my problem is sex is no longer pleasurable with him, i cant even bear him touching me and am thinking of how to make sex pleasurable....

A.   1 September 2009: Firstly, it shouldn't matter that other people expect you to get married if he doesn't make you happy then don't worry about what other people think. It is your life. Secondly, how can you make the sex pleasurable if you find it unbearab... (read in full...)

How can I find out who this guy is start talking to him? It felt like love at first sight!

Q.   I don't know if it's love at first sight(or lust at first sight) but I can't get a guy out of my head since I've seen him. I'm always thinking about him. AND he's really not the type of guy i'm normally interested in. he looks scary, dark and even ...

A.   1 September 2009: Okay I personally am a bit of a synic on the whole love at first sight, I think what you are experiencing is lust at first sight. On a more optimistic note, lust at first site can blossom into a love. I think you should talk to him definetley. ... (read in full...)

Husband hit me while drunk and I no longer love/respect him

Q.   I have been married for 18 years, the marriage has always been alittle rocky but for the most part ok. A few months ago when my husband was drunk he hit me in the mouth. He has since stopped drinking and is rather very nice but I no longer love or ...

A.   1 September 2009: In my honest opinion I think your safest bet is to walk away. He hit you. If he's done it once and watched you stand by him he could think he could get away with it again. Understandably you now find it difficult to trust, love and respect your... (read in full...)

Is it a one night stand if you've know the person for awhile?

Q.   Do you consider it a one-night-stand with someone if you've known them for a while. I've always thought a real one night stand is when you meet someone at a bar, club or party for the first time and sleep with them that night. If you've known a ...

A.   1 September 2009: I would not consider it a one night stand, no. I've often asked myself the same question however. Hope this helps :) AgonyAuntBlondiee x... (read in full...)

He's a sweetie but can always be a dick..and I want him back!

Q.   alright, me and this guy have been dating for about 9 months, i recently broke up with him about 2 weeks ago. he was a major sweetie but could be a dick when he has his moments i guess you could say. i broke up with him because my friend always ...

A.   1 September 2009: You need to learn to be more independent. You left your boyfriend because you were so heavily influenced by what other people thought and said, but it is you alone who has to deal with the consequences. Try to listen to your heart before you take ... (read in full...)

Is my best friend REALLY okay with me dating her cousin?

Q.   My 'best friend' and i had a fight a few weeks back, and it was about a sweet 16th party that she wanted to throw with me,(as in a joint party)which never went ahead because neither of us told our parents. The other thing she was mad at me about was ...

A.   1 September 2009: The only person who can really answer this question is your friend. It's really important that you sit down and have a proper chat about what is going on. You need to ask her why is she behaving the way she is. Explain that you are worried about ... (read in full...)

I still like him even though he dumped me

Q.   I'm really conflicted. I had a relationship with a cousin several months ago,(and don't say gross or w/e, I'm adopted), anyway and I never really got over it. I still like him but he has a girlfriend now that I was dumped for. I don't know what to ...

A.   1 September 2009: I know its very cliched to say "but only time will heal the pain". Many of us have been in your shoes, remained in love when the object of our affection did not return the feelings. It's hard but we have lived to tell the tale. Try spending more ... (read in full...)

Girls, do you make eye contact with guys you are not interested in?

Q.   like when you pass some one in a store or at a beach walk also if some one you thought was say ugly or creepy and he started to look you in the eyes would you make eye contact untill he looks away or would you quickly look away first well that's all...

A.   1 September 2009: Personally, I have two types of eye contact/smile expressions. If I am not interested, I will smile politely and look away and not look back unless necessary. There is no point in leading a guy on if you are not interested. To give them false ho... (read in full...)

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