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*avid Lewis agony aunt

*avid Lewis

United Kingdom  (Male   XML/RSS

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I am just me. I am 30 and live in Liverpool, England.

I feel I can help others with my advice as I have sweated blood and guts to pull through all of the problems I have had in my life. I am the true voice of experience. lol

Been there, done that, T-shirt is in the wash because of the blood and guts.

1234567891011Next > [12 pages, 454 answers]

I'm so scared I won't find love again...

Q.   im really unhappy - i had to break up with my partner after two years because i couldnt cope with him hurting me anymore. He's cheated, lied, not answered my phone calls, made me feel fat and ugly, ignored me and all other horrible stuff you can do ...

A.   8 February 2007: Don't be fooled into thinking your last relationship was love. You can't find love again, because you havent found it yet. You will know what love is when you do find it. I think you almost loved that guy, but he never loved you. Without resp... (read in full...)

Are inter-racial relationships a bad thing?

Q.   I am white and i have a black boyfriend is there ANYTHING wrong with that? ...

A.   8 February 2007: No, they are not a bad thing. But, there are many prejudiced people about who seem to make it their business to try to interfere. The main problem I see is the fact of your age. There would be may people in your school who would seem determin... (read in full...)

How can I tell if my virgin boyfriend is ready?

Q.   Hi. I'm a 15 year old girl. My boyfriend is 17. I've known him since I was 2 months old, and we fell in love when we were just little kids. We've been going steady for about 2 months now, and I feel that I'm completely ready to lose my virginity to ...

A.   5 February 2007: How can you tell when he is ready? Until you are on some form of contraception, you are not ready yourself. Also, if you are both sure you will eventually be married, wait until you are both of legal age. Why risk jeapordising what you already have... (read in full...)

My gf loves giving me BJ's but I don't want her to do that. How do I tell her?

Q.   hi there I'm a guy n my gf loves to have oral sex.......she just looks for the right time and tells me to pull my pants down......i tell her that i don't like it but still she wants to lick my penis....i feel ticklish and i fear if she bites it....

A.   3 February 2007: I sort of know how you feel. One of my exes used to kiss my stomach, but then she started to blow and bite. It used to tickle like fuck and I started to hate it. Now I tense up whenever somebody even puts their mouth close to my stomach. My last ex ... (read in full...)

My ex is going to show the girl he likes - the same girl who hates me - a humiliating video of me! I feel used and empty.

Q.   My ex from over a year ago but thing still happen with us. Before he didnt want to speek 2 me but me, him and his friend went in his house and he was calling me as usuall and then smeared water on my face and it made me bang my head and I ran in his ...

A.   2 February 2007: Well if he does show the video to anyone, then he is pathetic and a huge waste of space. Let him go with this other girl. If she finds the video humourous, then she is just as pathetic, so they are well suited. Don't lose sleep over a disgrace of a... (read in full...)

I had a terrible cramp and discovered I was covered in blood! I'm not on my period!! Help!!

Q.   Ok I'm freaked out about this!! Last Monday morning I was walking from the car to work when I suddenly got this terrible cramp in my stomach, when I got to work I went to the ladies where I discovered that my jeans and under clothes were cov...

A.   2 February 2007: It sounds like it could have been a miscarriage. You really do need to get checked by a doctor as soon as possible. As the other aunts said, we are not experts, so only a specialist can give you the correct diagnosis.... (read in full...)

He's a selfish kind of lover in bed. I told him this and he said he'd try harder. But now nothing has changed. What can I do?

Q.   me and my bf were talking about how we enjoyed the sex we had. He said everything was fine and he couldn't think of anything he'd perfer me to do. I told him as nicely as I could that he was selfish when it came to doing me. Which it ture, after he ...

A.   1 February 2007: Withdrawing the blowjobs is a sure way of getting what you want......FULL STOP... (read in full...)

I'm having 'pre-threesome-nerves!' I'm scared he might enjoy it too much!

Q.   hi there this may sound extreme to some of you but i want some practical advise. me and my partner are planning a threesome with another male and i want my partner who is also male to be fully envolved which he wants to be and this is his first time ...

A.   31 January 2007: I must say, I fully agree with the other aunts on this one. I was in a solid relationship for many years and she wanted to invite another female into the mix. They were best friends and discussed fantasies one night while they were out toge... (read in full...)

I'm 25, male and I've fallen for a 15 year old female online! Do I go for it?

Q.   Hey there i'm not regular to this site but hope someone might like to give me advice. . . . . . I'm a 25 year old man, i do not have a job as I quit a few months back and I'm a writer. . . I drink most nights a week and live with my parents....

A.   30 January 2007: Well 25 year old male / Female anon I really dont think your reputation with younger girls is something you should deliberately enhance. I feel you are treading VERY dangerous ground here. Gossip can be a really bad thing, so getting yourself invo... (read in full...)

What perfume turns a guy on?

Q.   What perfume turns a man on? I love cotton candy would guys like that? I have a new date and don't know what perfume guys really like. I heard it's better to go w/out, something about pheromones or something. Any ideas guys? ...

A.   30 January 2007: Kenzo Flower gets me every time ;) I think I am addicted to that smell... (read in full...)

He hasn't been acting the same towards me, there someone else?

Q.   me and this boy have the same feelings for each other but just lately he has not been acting the same. is there some one else?...

A.   30 January 2007: Not necessarily. It could be a number of things. He could be unsure of your feelings. He could think he loves you. He may think YOU have someone else. I think you should explain to him how you feel. Maybe then, you can work through any issues y... (read in full...)

I have a boyfriend but I'm thinking of meeting up with this guy online who promises to give me 'wild sex.' Is this a good idea, or not?

Q.   Dear Cupid- Here is the problem: I've been dating my boyfriend for over a year, and I love him very much, but our sex life is a little boring. We usually have sex in the bedroom in the same position. I'm very sexual and I like to try new things in ...

A.   28 January 2007: Friend of a friend huh? Serial killer, Dr Harold Shipman was a friend of my uncle. He wasn't dangerous was he?? So what happens after you have had your wild sex with this other guy? Where does that leave your boyfriend? This guy promises you wild... (read in full...)

I give good advice, so why are my ratings bad?

Q.   Dear agony aunts, I am feeling a bit down at the moment. Why? Because like you I am an agony aunt but unfortunately my ratings have been going down and it makes me feel well (excuse my French)…“sh***y.” I don’t think I give bad advice so I don’t ...

A.   26 January 2007: Some people just don't like to hear the truth. Some will ask something and be told that they are in the wrong for whatever reason. The person does not agree and may rate poorly. I like to rate purely based on unbiased answers, but there have been... (read in full...)

Can I learn to deepthroat?

Q.   my boyfriend says that the only time a girl is good at giving head is when she can deep throat. how do you do that? he's fairly large in the trouser department. 8 inches. so i'm guessing it wont be easy but i want him to enjoy it so i gotta learn ...

A.   26 January 2007: Well your boyfriend is wrong, very wrong. Its the only way he gets pleasure from it? Here is what you should do. Tell him you don't want to deepthroat and just refuse to give him BJs. Tell him he doesnt enjoy it and you are obviously not good enou... (read in full...)

Has anyone ever had an out of body experience?

Q.   i know this has nothing to do with love..but Has anyone had an out of the body expierenced??...

A.   24 January 2007: I remember back when I was 14. I was staying at a friends house when I first had one of these. I opened my eyes and could see myself lying on the bed. It was like I was a different person looking upon the world. It was the strangest thing that had ... (read in full...)

How comes no one has replied to my question? What's goin on?

Q.   Hi. Last week I posted few questions on the website’s other option of “just post my question without registering”. By now I still have not receive any reply. Again here are my questions. Whether registered or not and when posting questions, can ...

A.   18 January 2007: Hi there, Stina is right. Andrew (site guy) and myself both answered it.... (read in full...)

My guy on the side makes me feel special even though he only wants to have sex with me in the car. What should I do?

Q.   I am having a affiar with a 26 year old man. He has a girlfriend and two kids. I have a bf of 3 years i luv him to bits, but he doesnt make me feel special any more and the 26 year old does. Even tho he is just wantin sex i still enjoy being with...

A.   18 January 2007: Can you define special? How does sex in a car make you feel special? Have you stopped to think what this would do to your boyfriend (who you love so much) if he ever found out? The last little bit of your post, "he tells me he like me". Is that wha... (read in full...)

Confused, scared and alone... lied to a bunch of friends that I was no longer a virgin when I am!

Q.   Recently I lied to a bunch of my friends about being a virgin. I know its childish and inmature of me to do, but when I was confronted with the question flashes of rejection from every girl I've ever liked dating back into gradeschool flashed in ...

A.   16 January 2007: I think the key to finding somebody is to stop looking. When you are looking for love, you are blind to instinct and genuine attraction. Keep being yourself and seek self improvement. You are only young. Let time take its course and that special one ... (read in full...)

Guys...I need oral sex tips!

Q.   Hi there, I have a question I’m hoping the guys and girls of this site might be able to help me with. First off let me say that I am 17 years old and my girlfriend is soon to turn 18. Me and my girlfriend have been dating for nearly a year (our ...

A.   14 January 2007: Start by gently kissing her, then move slowly down. Touch her very gently 'down there' and use slow very light licking movements. Kiss all around and keep using the tongue. Start to suck the clitoris, also use your tongue to rub the clitoris side to ... (read in full...)

Do all women want a 'bad boy?"

Q.   A question for the ladies. Is there actually some sort of infatuation (hope i spelled that right) with "The Bad Boy"? I am 28, and I feel I am a pretty decent guy. Although almost every relationship I've had the woman seems to get bored or find so...

A.   14 January 2007: When I was in my teens, I was as bad as you could get. Involved in gangs, guns, you name it, I was there. The type of girls then were looking to be with somebody who was respected, feared and had a reputation. These girls were sluts though. I had ... (read in full...)

Questions about DearCupid

Q.   Hi. When posting questions, are readers allowed to write over a page or more? Or is there a total limit? And could readers request for their questions to not be displayed on the website? or in others words, be dealt privately by allowing their ...

A.   13 January 2007: Hi As far as I am aware, there is no limit to the size of the post you can write. The questions you write show up for the moderators to approve to the site, or reject completely. There is no in-between. You can always just paste your question... (read in full...)

I'm not ready for motherhood! Should I have an abortion or keep this baby?

Q.   Hey there! I am about less than 2 months pregnant. I am devastated. I'm only 17 and this was obviously very unplanned. I wish I could turn back time and change the fact that I had unprotected sex. I'm stuck in the middle wondering if I should have ...

A.   13 January 2007: Aww hunny, I really do feel for you. This really is a decision only you can make. There are many other factors in this though. Have you spoke to your parents? Are you still with the baby's father? This baby is much more than just your kid. The baby ... (read in full...)

I think we're perfect together but she's put us "on a break"... do I wait for her?

Q.   Hi thanks in avance for reading. my question is about "time apart". the girl im with wants time apart so she can "figure out things because she in confused, but not confused about me" - whatever that means. weve been together a year and ive treated ...

A.   12 January 2007: Mate, I have been in your situation. I know what it is like to wait in the hope that things will all seem perfect once more. You cannot change her feelings, no matter how much you believe you can. I realise that she is your first love, but I feel ... (read in full...)

He can get an erection, but can't ejaculate. Any thoughts?

Q.   My boyfriend is able to get an erection but cannot seem to ejaculate. We are in the early part of a relationship and have not yet sex yet but have been doing a lot of foreplay. As you can imagine this is causing a lot of tension. Any thoughts on why ...

A.   9 January 2007: Hi there. I feel that this problem is more psychological than physical. It seems like he is stopping himself from letting go. Its like when you need a wee, but someone is watching you or standing next to you. Although you are desperate and NEED to g... (read in full...)

I'm 19 and never had sex! I want it so what do I have to do?

Q.   Ok here's the deal I'm nearly 19 and I've still never had sex with a guy or even had oral. I know loads of you are gonna give me rubbish bout not popping my cherry with anyone and how special it is and how normal I am but no offence I really don't ...

A.   7 January 2007: Well if you are willing to go with just anybody, then your self respect isnt very high. How can anyone else respect you if you dont respect yourself. You are not going to find a serious relationship with that attitude. The only thing you will find ... (read in full...)

I'm worried to sleep with my boyfriend because I'm worried about how my labia minora's look!!

Q.   I need your advice, im 17 and thinking about sleeping with my bf for the first time. the problem is im really embarressed as i have large labia minora's that hang down outside the lips of my vagina. Im really insecure about them and i dont know what ...

A.   5 January 2007: You don't have anything to be ashamed about hun. He won't notice anything about it anyway. When we are self conscious about something, that is the only thing we see when we look in the mirror and feel ugly because of it. You feel that they are ... (read in full...)

We cry all the time b/c we live 60 miles away and rarely see each other. Any advice?

Q.   i have a girlfriend that i have not seen in almost a year, we talk a lot over the phone and have done since we last saw each other, the reason i have not seen her in nearly a year is ecause she lives 60 miles away, we love each other very much but ...

A.   3 January 2007: 60 miles? I wish I'd only had 60 miles between my ex in my last relationship. We had 300 miles between us. I managed to get to see her every month. One month, I got there every weekend. 60 miles is nothing. Out of curiosity, where are you both from... (read in full...)

When my fiance and I tried our relationship again, she acted distant and cold, so we've split again. Can love really turn to hate?

Q.   I recently split with my fiancee as she was unfaithful. After making the decision to take her back, she changed her ways completely for the worse. She acts totally unbelievable and uncaring. She would tell me she was in love with me more than ever, ...

A.   2 January 2007: Thanks Manya, that means a lot. Me and Ellie are just good friends at the moment. I kissed her, but was overwhelmed by guilt. I felt like I was the one cheating on my ex. My ex and I have been talking, but the more we talk, the more I know we ... (read in full...)

SITE NEWS: Happy Xmas to everyone, from DearCupid!

Q.   It has been a busy year here at DearCupid! We celebrated our 2nd birthday in November and had our 20,000th question and 70,000th answer published... Thanks to everyone who contributes to the site: Those who ask questions, those who answer, and ...

A.   31 December 2006: Well whilst you are busy with that Pete, happy new year everyone.... (read in full...)

I like my son's 17 year old gf! How do I deal with this situation?

Q.   My names *Andrew I have a son, hes 19 years old. Im 36, yes I was young when he was born. Hes been dating this girl, *Ashley for six months now. Shes 17 but will be 18 in a few months. They like each other alot but im sure theyre not in love. ...

A.   31 December 2006: Ask yourself one question. Are you willing to lose your son? Then you have your answer. I strongly suggest you act on it.... (read in full...)

I am 14, and showing no signs of puberty. What should I do?

Q.   im 14 years old and show no sign of puberty. what should i do...

A.   29 December 2006: Dont worry yourself mate. It will happen soon enough. I started when I was about 11, so was well developed before other guys my age had even started. Just let nature take its cause and enjoy it while it lasts.... (read in full...)

How many BJ's on average, is average?

Q.   How many blow jobs does the average man get per week ? ...

A.   27 December 2006: Well I am an average man. I get sod all. I think however many it was, it still would not be enough. They are very morish?... (read in full...)

Can anybody tell me what the max they can bicep curl is with one arm?

Q.   hi can anybody tell me what the max they can bicep curl is with one arm. i can do 18Kgs with my right arm and i am 17 years old is this ok? also what a bout tricep extensions cos i can do 8 Kgs with the right arm?...

A.   25 December 2006: It totally depends on the reps and on the individual. I used to curl 25kgs in 7 reps of 15, followed by 2 reps of 10 at 30kgs. One thing to remember though, if you have the correct technique, you only need to use half the weight. Diet and tech... (read in full...)

My boyfriend says he doesn't need sex!

Q.   My boyfriend says he doesn't need sex, could that be true? He says he's getting old and his body doesn't function right, does anyone have a clue whats really going on? ...

A.   22 December 2006: I dont NEED sex. I like it, but I would be happy to be in a relationship without. I love being kissed, cuddled and reassured that I am loved. Love is ALL you need.... (read in full...)

Can a Teenage guy get an erection just from hugging a girl ?

Q.   hi. could teenage boys get an erection even from a girl hugging them? ...

A.   21 December 2006: Yes. Teenage boys can get an erection just even thinking about a girl hugging them. Ah, they were the days. In seriousness though, yes. This would generally increase the odds if they were kissing at the same time as hugging. The closeness and comf... (read in full...)

SITE NEWS: Happy Xmas to everyone, from DearCupid!

Q.   It has been a busy year here at DearCupid! We celebrated our 2nd birthday in November and had our 20,000th question and 70,000th answer published... Thanks to everyone who contributes to the site: Those who ask questions, those who answer, and ...

A.   21 December 2006: Merry Christmas everyone. Hope you all have a wonderful time and stay sensible when drunk. I expect many questions over new year. Dear Cupid....I was really drunk over new year and...........?? :)Oh the possibilities... (read in full...)

Im 34 and have never had a boyfriend, what the hell am I doing wrong!!!?

Q.   I'm 34 and have never had a boyfriend. I have a very good full-time job, a lucrative business on the side, spend a lot on my clothes, hair and appearance, have interesting hobbies, read newspapers and books, go to the gym and generally take care of ...

A.   20 December 2006: I would agree with the others. Your lifestyle could inadvertantly make guys think you would be out of their league, in a sort of, "well why would she go on a date with me?" kind of way. Guys may see you and see that you are single, but probably by ... (read in full...)

When my fiance and I tried our relationship again, she acted distant and cold, so we've split again. Can love really turn to hate?

Q.   I recently split with my fiancee as she was unfaithful. After making the decision to take her back, she changed her ways completely for the worse. She acts totally unbelievable and uncaring. She would tell me she was in love with me more than ever, ...

A.   18 December 2006: Just a quick update, a close friend of mine has been supporting me through my break up. We are really close now and she is hinting at a relationship now. I realise I can be happy again thanks to Ellie. We are going to just take things slowly for the ... (read in full...)

How do I ask Mom if I can go on the pill?

Q.   i recently had unprotected sex with my long term boyfriend and had to take the morinig after pill. i want to go on the pill and i am 16 but i dont know how to ask mam or how she will react. any ideas? x x x...

A.   17 December 2006: I think her reaction will be one of utmost respect for you. She will be pleased that you have shown the maturity and responsibility. I am sure she has an idea that you are sexually active anyway, so put both of your minds at rest and get on the ... (read in full...)

I was going to date her but my feelings have changed. How do I tell her this?

Q.   I just want a girl to know that i was gonna ask her for relationship although the feelings are no more now..!!! Anybody could suggest something?...

A.   17 December 2006: Not quite sure what to advise on this one, but don't play games. There is no reason for you to tell her. What would you say to her? I used to fancy you and was going to ask you on a date, but now I don't have any feelings for you, so I wont ask... (read in full...)

When my fiance and I tried our relationship again, she acted distant and cold, so we've split again. Can love really turn to hate?

Q.   I recently split with my fiancee as she was unfaithful. After making the decision to take her back, she changed her ways completely for the worse. She acts totally unbelievable and uncaring. She would tell me she was in love with me more than ever, ...

A.   13 December 2006: Thanks again Sally and Manya. I have been thinking about how I feel about her and realise that love and hate are basically the same thing. The feelings can often overwhelm you, make you happy and sad at the same time, can fill your heart with utmo... (read in full...)

When my fiance and I tried our relationship again, she acted distant and cold, so we've split again. Can love really turn to hate?

Q.   I recently split with my fiancee as she was unfaithful. After making the decision to take her back, she changed her ways completely for the worse. She acts totally unbelievable and uncaring. She would tell me she was in love with me more than ever, ...

A.   12 December 2006: Thanks Sally. I have already finished with her. I finished it after she hung up 3 times. She was on the phone last night again, begging and crying. I think she assumed I would take her back, no matter what, just as TELLULAH said. She realises now ... (read in full...)

When my fiance and I tried our relationship again, she acted distant and cold, so we've split again. Can love really turn to hate?

Q.   I recently split with my fiancee as she was unfaithful. After making the decision to take her back, she changed her ways completely for the worse. She acts totally unbelievable and uncaring. She would tell me she was in love with me more than ever, ...

A.   11 December 2006: Thank you very much :)... (read in full...)

When my fiance and I tried our relationship again, she acted distant and cold, so we've split again. Can love really turn to hate?

Q.   I recently split with my fiancee as she was unfaithful. After making the decision to take her back, she changed her ways completely for the worse. She acts totally unbelievable and uncaring. She would tell me she was in love with me more than ever, ...

A.   11 December 2006: I should also add that, She begged me to take her back last night, which I eventually did. She then changed in the space of 5 minutes. I phoned her this morning, but she hung up 3 times 'accidentally' yet still insists that she wants to be with me ... (read in full...)

*avid Lewis's friends

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