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Spain  (Female   XML/RSS

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It's a big risk financially to finish my degree, will it be worth it?

Q.   I'd just like some "life advice" please aunties. I have just finished my second year at Uni, and am due to start my third in September. However, I have lost interest in a large part my course (it wasn't really what I was expecting) and d...


Could he just want me for sex or does he want a relationship?

Q.   Okay, so there is this guy... I've known him for a long time, we just recently started hanging out more though. I have hung out with him a couple of times in the past couple weeks, i really like him. hes really sweet, and he seems like the kind ...


My first love broke my heart but I continue to have sex with him! How do I let go?

Q.   Back in December my first love broke my heart. I didn't want to date for a long time. But, I met this boy in school and automatically fell for him. We only dated for little over a month but were together every waking second. Once we broke up we ...


Miserable with my husband, should I have an affair?

Q.   I am thinking of having an affair out of frustration and low self-esteem. My husband and I have not had any sexual encounters for eight years because he feels I am too aggressive and direct in general. He views me as a huge source of pressure and ...

A.   2 August 2008: If having and affair would help you to think if you want to go on without sex and divorce then you should absolutely have it ... (read in full...)

My girl's past experiences make it hard for her to trust me. what can I do?

Q.   My gf has a very bad past experience. She caught her x cheat on her and suffered a great pain. Since we started our relationship, that bad experience still stayed around her. She said she will not be able to stand if another guy cheat on her. ...

A.   2 August 2008: Think if you have the will and the strenth to wait and help or just let her go and look after yourself good luck... (read in full...)

We broke up over me not getting naked on webcam! Did I do the right thing?

Q.   Ok, so i met this reaaaaaally cute guy on the net, he is a one-of-a-kind boy, he even says he believes in true love and happily ever after, and we have like a week talking everyday like 5-8 hours about everything, i really like him, and he says that ...

A.   2 August 2008: absolutely well done darling I think a person who imposes his feelings of obliguing others to do their will in any situation are misstreaters and he could have posted you on the nat or blacmailed you for not doing other things he may think of, relax ... (read in full...)

Why does my boyfriend's brother hate me?

Q.   I can really say that this is a relationship question. My relationship is perfect, but I'm a pretty quiet person if I don't know someone. When my boyfriends brother comes over with his girlfriend I never say much more then Hi, How are you? sometimes ...

A.   2 August 2008: I think he is a variable mood guy or adeolescent do not feel down because of his ups and downs, you can bee cool to him all time like smile and show friendly attitude or just relax and do it when you please as he does forget about it and enjoy... (read in full...)

Catastrophic phone sex. Does she hate me? Have I messed up?

Q.   I have just come off the phone with my girlfriend after an unsuccessful phone sex session. I feel really bad as she was really horny and I didn’t know what to say as I’ve never had phone sex before. (or real sex for that matter) When I said ...

A.   2 August 2008:  Maybe she just was going to please herself another way or soomething I would phone and act naturally and just talk about it if she insisted if you want to have a go just try and if not just tell her you prefer face to face sex I think it is noth... (read in full...)

How will he react if I stop having sex with him?

Q.   I really like this guy who basically just used me for sex. I wanted to date him but he saw our relationship as "friends with benefits" He said he cared about me and I think he kinda did, he just didnt want a relationship. He did boyfriend stuff with ...

A.   27 July 2008: Hi darling I agree with Lotus move on and try to meet new people and be happy... (read in full...)

Should I go back to ex that cheated?

Q.   My ex boyfriend of 2 years cheated on my with his ex of 8 years to whom he had a child and a mortgage with. It wasn't just a one off wither, every time he told me he was going to see his daughter, he was in fact sleeping with her. He even went on ...

A.   4 July 2008: I think he is not a nice person, he has lied to you before and nothing seems to show he has changed his behaviour, it was easy for her to get him to sleep together for a night and as you dropped him he moved back to her, you cannot always be there ... (read in full...)

Is it safe to have sex if you are taking anti-biotics?

Q.   Hey guys! I never asked my doctor the last time i went.. I just wana know if is it safe to have sex if you are taking anti-biotics? Won't it affect your partner's health or your's in any way? Your reply will be very much appreciated....

A.   24 June 2008: Apart from passing him the flue the problem can be bigger as antibiotics inhibite the effectiveness of the pill so be careful to use a condm of something too just in case love and peace from Spain... (read in full...)

I didn't have sex and now he ignores me.

Q.   I had a go with a boy in my course but did't have sex as I told him I only have it on a relationship basis and would prefer to know him better and so on, he told me to phone him and we agreed to date a week later but to muy surprise he look the ...

A.   12 May 2008: I seriously appreciate your good advice, at 1st I thought there was something wrong about me but thanks to your help I feel ok about what I did and can move on, I will not talk about it to anyone who wants to mess around and if they cannot accept ... (read in full...)

Can we cure my brother of his addiction to pastel-jacketed family saga novels?

Q.   I'm embarrassed to say that my 39 year old brother has started to love reading family saga series - I find this pretty funny. I don't think I'd associate that type of fiction a male tends to read in his spare time. Ever since my family visited my ...

A.   13 March 2008: I used to read all those books when I was a teen then they all suddenly looked to me as the same one all the time but for Jane Austen's when taking my English Studies Degree I understood that people should only read whar they really really want ... (read in full...)

He broke up but he will not explain why until he considers I am ready to know! Should I give him a b-day present?

Q.   well this guy told me that he liked me during the Christmas holidays last year, we got to the same college , but we broke up after a week. i still dont know why he broke up with me, he wont say it because he said that hes going to tell me when im ...

A.   24 February 2008: I think u should focus on yourself and making presents to you ok? forget about it he's just a little kid and u behave like a proper woman It is him who is not preapared for real life love... (read in full...)

Any ideas how I can forget about this or at least feel ok??

Q.   I slept with a colleague from work a night but didn't properly had sex as I explained him I'd rather know him better for such and he said it was ok so we did sort of getting off a bit and so on. He told me to phone him to have sex if I felt lik...

A.   23 February 2008: Thanks to you all , I started talking normally and friendly to the guy and it went ok though I did not ask him out or anything like that I just don't feel ok for that as I'm still a bit depressed about the fact of not being going out and his first ... (read in full...)

Any ideas how I can forget about this or at least feel ok??

Q.   I slept with a colleague from work a night but didn't properly had sex as I explained him I'd rather know him better for such and he said it was ok so we did sort of getting off a bit and so on. He told me to phone him to have sex if I felt lik...

A.   17 February 2008:  The Guy is 36 and I'm 28. I know it is weird I keep thinking such a thing but I notice strange reactions in 2 or 3 people as not asking me for lunch when he's around and go with him and so on, I neither like him trying to be nice to the people ... (read in full...)

What is the best way to get a girls number??

Q.   I'm 15 and i like this girl thats sits next to me in Spanish class. I talk to her a little more every time i see her. So i want to get her number but i don't really know how. What is the best and easiest way to get a girls number? ...

A.   13 January 2008: Tell her you'll have to go to thr dentist or something so that you're about to miss a class and would be very grateful to get her notes and invite her to a coffee near the copy shop or something like you needing some online help with your Spanish ... (read in full...)

Why did I not get a response??

Q.   This guy gave me all the signs that he really liked me. I think he was going to ask me out, but I froze and acted distant. To make it right, I called him at work and asked for his e-mail. He gave me it, and checked it immediately while I was on...

A.   13 January 2008: I think u should phone him and ask him for a drink and not acting distant this time good luck... (read in full...)

Does the fact that my cd made her cry mean my ex isn't over me??

Q.   My ex broke up with me about a month and a half ago. She's been with someone else for about 3 weeks and last night I gave her a compilation cd i made. I asked her if she'd listened and she txt back and said some of the songs made her cry. Do...

A.   13 January 2008: Yes I think she is not over you and if you're interested you should talk it over about your split and try to solve it good luck... (read in full...)

If I get back with my ex how could I deal with facing his family again??

Q.   Just before New Year I came back from holiday and I had just, so I thought - finished my period. The evening I first saw my boyfriend after I came back, we tried to have sex but I managed to get blood all over his red sheets. His family were at ...

A.   13 January 2008: I think there is nothing to be ashamed of, They do not even need to know it was u who slept in there so.... And if they get to know it it is something normal which could have happened to anyone. It is not your house so if he told you not to clean it ... (read in full...)

During the Christmas party, I ended being intimate with a co-worker and I suggested to know each other better; the next day he acted indifferent. Should I make the first step?

Q.   Last weekend I went to my work's Chistmas lunch dinner and clubing night and ended up sleeping with a guy I know from work but not very much, we got off but didn't properly had sex as I didn't feel comfy about not knowing him enough and told him so, ...

A.   4 January 2008: Hi Again Thanks for your nice advice, I've decided to move on and forget about it I don't feel like thinking it over again and again, and he didn't do anything up to now so I feel it's better to let it go. Anyway what made me feel awful was that... (read in full...)

How can I find time to work, study AND meet new men?

Q.   I am working all day and try to study for government exams at night like 3 or 4 hours a day and to study a bit more at weekends, I go out with some friends my age but I have no crush on any of the guys nor them on me, my best 3 girl mates are ...

A.   25 November 2007: Good morning aunts Thanks for your helpful advice I think It's true I'm not ready to value sombody properly right now and have to relax, that going out sometime with people my situation will help having fun and so on, the thing about the job is... (read in full...)

She said she could not come to lunch with me today but offered to meet up next week. Is she trying to avoid me?

Q.   hi. today i asked my crush if she wanted to go for lunch. she said that she couldnt today but offered to meet up next week. We get on well together andwork together in our practical groups and i'll walk her home. do you think that she is tryi...

A.   23 November 2007: Maybe she likes u but prefers to know u better b4 compromise or going further, have fun go out without pressuring her and see what happens if u don't get a relationship maybe u will get a friend u know have fun... (read in full...)

I love her so I do not want her to regret taking this step! - as I am going away for 2 yrs to school. She is willing to have her first time with me.

Q.   im 17 my gf is 14 weve been together for 7 months and she wants me to take her virginity but im going off to school in august of 2008 for at least 2 years but our love is true. please help i love her so much but i dont want any regrets ...

A.   23 November 2007: I think she's too young u should try to keep in touch and see what happens meanwhile u can meet a girl or maybe u will found a true and serious relationship moreover a 1st experience at 14 may not be as nice as u may imagine as it is hard even when ... (read in full...)

I haven't had a period yet. Is this because I masturbate?

Q.   plz someone i need help badley! ok here is 12yrs old and i masterbate... all my friends a skwl hav startd there p.m.t (periods) and i havent yet. is there n e chance that i will never start my periods because i masterbate??? i...

A.   14 October 2007: There's nothing to do between masturbation and period, it doesn't alter the menstrution cycle and it is not bas unless it becomes an obsession that gets you to cut down on social contacts with friends and to loose interest in activities. Relax... (read in full...)

Getting mixed signals from my online bloke

Q.   I met a bloke on the net who seemed nice and we had 4 dates in about 1 year of talking online, the 1st 10 monts ago and the last 3 in the last 3 months, he told me he doesn't want a girlfriend but that he is really interested in going out with me ...

A.   6 October 2007: Thanks for your help I was real good to have an opinion, I did not get off with him nor had sex I am quite traditional as regards bed matters.However I respect others doing what they want or please I think you are both right thinking he's tr... (read in full...)

Stop me!

Q.   Help! someone talk some sense into me! Its 2am in the morning, i feel lonely and need a hug.Ive hurt my back ,so didnt go clubbing.I'm tempted to phone my ex-boyfriend and ask him round for a cuddle. This is a bad idea as in the past he abuses t...

A.   16 September 2007: well dear I think u should join a gym or any sort of club or studies that get u entertained and that help u iintereacting with other people in apositive way so that u value yourself enough and get happy dear, I also suggest working on your family ... (read in full...)

My ex said my guy friends would be jealous if I danced with him and kept on teasing me. I think HE was jealous?

Q.   I was at a bar with some male friends I ran into my ex-bf and his friends so I had to say "hi" to him. We don't really contact each other unless we run into each other. We are not that close. After saying "hi" to him, I then danced with my m...

A.   16 September 2007: Well most of my friends are boys and I think he(ex) was not happy seeing u with so many nice guys taking care of and watching that u are ok and happy got him jealous, In think he would like to have u back somehow or at least longing for him, If He ... (read in full...)

He sent her a picture of his penis!

Q.   There's this site that should be left un-named where you can sell items and a whole bunch of other things are on this site including a personals section.... well I was looking through my boyfriends email box earlier since he's always doing it to me ...

A.   16 September 2007: Well dear I think he's not playing too fair with you and that u could talk having a conversation however I feel his will to accuse u of being like he is while pretending he's doing nothig wrong is not a good thing honey, u have to htink about what's ... (read in full...)

Fantasy or Nightmare?

Q.   I care very much for my girlfriend and I trust her. When we go out with friends, she often finds it fun to make out with her girl friends, especially when she has been drinking. Maybe I am crazy because for many people this would be their fantasy ...

A.   16 September 2007: I agree Sugarbuns maybe she thinks u like it or at least find it sexy ot whatever so that u should have a talk if u disapprove of her actions when drinking, maybe these girls are just doing the idiot pretending they're funny but definitely if u feel ... (read in full...)

We have unprotected sex. Could i be pregnant?

Q.   I think i'm pregnant. Well me and my boyfriend have been together for a month and a few weeks. Anyway we started having unprotective sex last month and my period came on and last month and after my period went off everything was messed up now that...

A.   25 August 2007: yes you probably are... (read in full...)

Should we try to get this guy out of our gang? He seems to be taking over.

Q.   There is a guy in our gang who gets very agressive when people in the group have different views or do not feel like following his ideas for doing little things like where to have a drink or so, he is also very likely to gossip about the rest when ...

A.   25 August 2007: I think you're right I definitelly decided to forget about it all I just don't care anymore but I'll take it in account thanks a lot, if you need to chat anytime just send me a message love... (read in full...)

My girlfriend got mad at me and had sex with somebody she has known a long time... and doesn't see it as a big deal!

Q.   Ya, my girlfriend got mad at me and had sex with somebody she has known a long time and considers her brother. Even before that i was jealous of her closeness with him. She adores him but i don't think he wants an intimate relationship with her. ...

A.   19 August 2007: I do not think she is behaving in a considerate way, you need time withour this guy around, she shoud feel the like you do in the same situation so that she could understand, maybe u should consider meeting other people or havig a serious ... (read in full...)

Could the second unprotected intercourse cause me to be pregnant even though it was during a period?

Q.   I had unprotected sex and then went and got the morning after pill, and I was due for a period two weeks later and came on that period during more unprotected sex, could the second unprotected intercourse cause me to be pregnant even though it was ...

A.   15 August 2007: Sure, u better go for the day after unless to be a mum fulfills your expectations andgets u happy love... (read in full...)

16 and looking to loose weight. How do I do it?

Q.   hey all. im a 16 year old girl and i weigh 101 kg. i really need to lose weight. i want to lose weight fast but not gain it again. anybody got some advice for me? i want to do this for myself. i cant stand being fat anymore. i want to dress sexy. ...

A.   15 August 2007: Just 3 things: 1.Practice sports or walk a lot a day. 2. Do not eat too much. 3.Go out and have fun It's done ;) ... (read in full...)

Got asked out (in Tesco), got embarrased and told him I had a boyfriend, which I don't... now I regret it!

Q.   I was shopping in Tesco last week and was asked out by a lad.He was so polite and friendly but Im such a very shy person that I got embarrassed instantly and told him I had a boyfriend(even though I dont).Now I regret it so much and wish I had taken ...

A.   5 August 2007: go back to tesco sometime and have a look or maybe ask a cashier or a nice old lady in the archade or something if she's seen him around then go ahead for a coffee or something ;O c'on... (read in full...)

Should I try to be friends with him or let it pass?

Q.   Hi, I am 24 and have been married for nearly a year. I love my husband to bits and we are hoping soon to start a family but... there is a bloke who works in a shop on the next street who I walk past nearly everyday (I have to for work) and we always ...

A.   5 August 2007: I think it is cool u can have a new friend, u r not blind an can notice he's cute and friendly but that's all, it's nice to have friends and to be happy about being good lloking and sociable go on and be friends I think this can help u share and ... (read in full...)

My dad has terrible rage issues

Q.   My dad has a very bad temper he an my mum had gone through many crisis over the years to solve this problem up and it has work because of her patience and Christian will to have a close family. Lately my dad aged 70 has gone back to his complai...

A.   2 July 2007: yes I'm doing so but promised my mother to hold on a bit and do it in a calm way, I have my ganny's house empty mear work so I'll move there in a month or so before saving up a bit more to get a morgage loan or rent a nearby house to work, I've just ... (read in full...)

Is it safe to ejaculate more than once in a single condom?

Q.   I practice safe sex but I am unsure if it is a good idea to ejaculate more than once in a single condom. That would increase the chance of breakage if I were to do that, right? Thank you for your advice....

A.   1 July 2007: If you place one on top of another condom there are more possibilities of them breaking... (read in full...)

My fiance treats his sister the same as he treats me! I doubt anyone would be able to tell who he is actually in a relationship with!!

Q.   My fiancee has a very close relationship with his sister if we are all together no one would be able to tell who is the sister and who is the girlfriend. I get very jealous as eveything he does with me he does with her and 9 out of 10 times when we ...

A.   27 June 2007: I think u're a bit jealous but just to check ask some friends to tell u if u think this behaviour they have is normal I have an older brother and we do not do the things he does with his girl u know, it's nothing to do but we're not very closed to ... (read in full...)

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