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*ellyxxx agony aunt


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hi, i'm kelly.

i live in England.

i love helping people with problems,i am good at it as i am a rational person.

i hope my advice helps you and is useful.


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Life is too short for...

This question has 13 answers by readers of DearCupid.ORG.
Newest answer was posted

8 March 2009: I've realised something which has taken me around 18 years to figure out...I'm writing this article as theremay be some people out there who still haven't figured this out! 'Life is too short' is the best expression ever, it can help you to make des...

1234567891011Next > [24 pages, 925 answers]

Would you consider me a slut?

Q.   i've slept with 13 people, i'm 17, does this make me a slut?...

A.   26 April 2010: Yes, it does make you a slut.... (read in full...)

Can you ever get over a guy who stole your first kiss?

Q.   Up until recently I brokeup with my ex. We were only together when I moved away from his city to go uni so we actually never got to go on a proper date while being a pair since i broke it off cuz i couldn't handle missing him so much and neither ...

A.   26 April 2010: Your first kiss isn't that much of a big deal, most peoples first kiss is a dare, or a drunken thing. Get over it and move on, so what if you enjoyed it? Its ok to enjoy it! ... (read in full...)

This dream make me scared to sleep

Q.   Hey, So all I need is some advice or interpretations on this. I've been having this same dream for the past few nights that I keep waking up crying from. So it starts like this... I'm in a black room all alone and I have this feeling of complete ...

A.   21 April 2010: Ultimately this is just a dream, everyone has scary dream sometimes, just ignore it! ... (read in full...)

Why am I so shy in front of his family?

Q.   I have been with my man for a year, I'm 18 years old and he is 24. We love each other more than anything in this world and get on great, we spend all our time together and hardly ever argue. Thing is I have met his mum loads of times now since we ...

A.   31 March 2010: I was the same with my boyfriends family... It just takes time really. After 3 years I'm like part of his family now, however I still get a bit nervous/shy around them occasionally... You just have to take steps to get over this, for example, when ... (read in full...)

Driving test worries...

Q.   I have my 3rd driving test on wedsnesday and am feeling so stressed as usual. My other 2 tests I failed on 1 major but other than that had 4 minors...grr.... I'm just finding that my driving is getting worse, I had a driving lesson this morning ...

A.   13 March 2010: Oh gish! I know exactly what you mean! I passed on my 5th time. Its the luck of the day, there's nothing you can do. I took loads of kalms tablets and that seemed to work for me. I doubled up doses (however I don't recommend this incase it affects ... (read in full...)

Smelly problem!

Q.   So I'm with this guy and I really like him. I've been with him for 5 months but recently he has started asking me to do stuff with him. I don't mind as I feel ready I'm just really nervous about doing anything as it will be my first time (for ...

A.   13 March 2010: The doctor doesn't always have to look down there. Sometimes if you give a good enough description of symptoms they will prescribe something relevant and do it through trial and error.x... (read in full...)

Smelly problem!

Q.   So I'm with this guy and I really like him. I've been with him for 5 months but recently he has started asking me to do stuff with him. I don't mind as I feel ready I'm just really nervous about doing anything as it will be my first time (for ...

A.   16 February 2010: This sounds like bacterial vaginosis, however I'm not a doctor, I just work in a pharmacy... Go to a doctor and see what the actual problem is. If its itchy then it could be thrush. Whatever the problem is, I'm sure its not too serious, but you will ... (read in full...)

What should I wear on our second date?

Q.   I am going on a second date and trying to decide what to wear..when we first met after e-mailing on a dating site..i wore my black jeans that i like, and this top that shows cleavage with a black sweater and boots this time i was thinking of wear...

A.   14 February 2010: Black and red seems a bit desperate, maybe wear a different colour top... And maybe wear some opaque tights and boots with the skirt so that you don't look like a bit of a hooker,lol... I hope your date goes really well for you! :-) x... (read in full...)

Could this be my first period, at 14?

Q.   Okay so my mom didint start her period till she was 16. so today I started bleeding like dark brown and it was In my underwear? I'm only 14 never had sex what's going on? PlZ help? ...

A.   16 January 2010: Sounds like it could should tell your mum! She can advise you better than anyone on here because you will be able to discuss things properly with her. If you feel like you can't deal with that then you will need to get sanitary products ... (read in full...)

What are your thoughts on unassisted home births?

Q.   I am pregnant and tempted to have an unassisted pregnancy/birth ... I've never liked doctors or hospitals and I'm very much a control freak and a free living hippy all in one. :) I trust my body and i don't want someone to take away my control, ...

A.   9 January 2010: You are going to be in control of the birth at all times, if you have a midwife and doctors involved. The only time you won't be in control is if the baby is in danger! If It were me giving birth then I would find a good hospital/midwife and set up ... (read in full...)

Pregnant, not ready for a child but cannot have an abortion either

Q.   Help me!!!!! Idk what to do. I skipped my period last month so I took a pregnancy test yesterday and it came back positive I'm gonna get myself two other test just to make sure its not wrong but I'm so scared. I'm only 20 and me and my fiancee arnt ...

A.   9 September 2009: Hey, my mum had me when she was 19 and although there were certain things she missed out on at the time that she was pregnant she made up for it after I was born...she has qualifications, we live in a lovely home, she is still married to my ... (read in full...)

I had an abortion but fell pregnant again shortly after, is there a chance I could have miscarried?

Q.   i had an abortion about five months ago it was noting i ever thought i would do anyways i was feeling confident that i would be able to cope with it but it is so hard even harder when i found out my boyfriends sister is pregnant and during the nine ...

A.   7 September 2009: See a doctor! And next time use condoms or another form of contraception! ... (read in full...)

Does this seem like an overreaction?

Q.   Okay, so here's the deal. Around late June, my girlfriend asked me to hold onto a piece of sheet music for her because she didn't want to lose it. She would ask for it a few times to practice, seeing as how her choir class would be performing the s...

A.   21 July 2009: You should have told her to look after the sheet of music herself! What a weirdo! You're better without her! X... (read in full...)

He's planned to get his wisdom teeth out just before our holiday

Q.   It seems like my boyfriend of three years just doesn't care when things are planned out. He and I are planning to take a romantic weekend trip to a nearby city. Today he went to the dentist to make an appointment to have his wisdom teeth taken out. ...

A.   21 July 2009: This is totally irrational, his dental hygiene has to come first before a romantic weekend! You could even be his nurse! X... (read in full...)

I want to renew my wedding vows to my husband, but he disagrees! What can I do?

Q.   My husband and I have been married a little over three years. About 8 months ago, we hit a really bad patch and seperated for about 6 months. Now we are together and working things out and things have been going really well. There is a point of...

A.   20 July 2009: Well you can't change his mind, and personally I'm with your husband on this one. You have already taken vows! Renewal cermonies are for people who just want to make abit more of a fuss. If you're that set of doing it then sort the ceremony out ... (read in full...)

15 and curious....

Q.   Hello. I'm 15 and Curious. i have 2 flaps of skin either side of my vagina, and i dont know what they are.. they don't cause me any pain or anything, i just don't know what they are.. should i be worried? they have been they for a while (last few ...

A.   20 July 2009: The skin is probably the labia, so don't worry about it. And the discharge is normal too, the only time you should be worried about discharge is if it is a funny colour or causig you to itch. X... (read in full...)

No sex on my wedding night!

Q.   I am writing this a day after getting married. We had a really special day and we retired to our room about 1am. My wife looked amazing and I couldn't wait to consumate the marriage. Unfortunately despite my advances she simply was not interest...

A.   20 July 2009: Yes, you're being very unfair with your wife! She would have been through a lot that day, more than you think so its no wonder that she's tired! And your daughter was in the room! That's abit sick in the head, so she may have felt uncomfortable with ... (read in full...)

I have a burning sensation in my vagina! It interferes with my life...

Q.   ever since i was like 12 years old i used to get this burning uncomfortable sensation in my vagina , not insede i guess i dont know where just my vagina , it stopped happening for a while but now it comes and goes , it just comes out of the nowhere ...

A.   18 July 2009: you should see a doctor!... (read in full...)

We made a promise to tell each other if anything happened, but I don't want to say anything!

Q. i dated this guy for year and we have this plan that we're going to be together again [we broke up because i moved]. we said that while we're not together we're gonna have fun and all we're both in college and so we're going to have fun...

A.   11 July 2009: I wouldn't bother telling him! He doesn't have to know. It wasn't important to you, you didn't even kiss them back. Just leave this and move on! X ... (read in full...)

How do I give myself a Beauty Makeover?

Q.   Hi i dunno if dis is a valid question but could i get tips on how to get good skin-lik totally pimple free n glowin?? n also my hair is neither curly nor straight-its wavy n quite frizzy! how do i make it look sleek n shiny without makin it look ...

A.   10 July 2009: Hi, I'm a hairdresser and beautician. If you'd like to personal msg me then feel free! Xx... (read in full...)

What if teachers had crushes on their students?

Q.   Hello, all! I'm looking to hear from any teachers (female/male) out there or anyone.... Anyway... I've noticed that there are countless posts on this website of students declaring their love for teachers. What about if it was the other way ro...

A.   10 July 2009: As f anyone is going to admit to being a teacher and having a crush on a pupil! They could get fired from their job and it could be investigated and lead to being put on the sex offenders register! ... (read in full...)

Why does it hurt when he fingers me?

Q.   It never really feels good when my boyfriend fingers me, it feels great when he rubs/plays with my clit but no feelings but pain with the fingering, (pain cuz i'm really tight). Is something wrong with me?...

A.   10 July 2009: Well it says that you're 13-15 so I'm guessing its because you're both inexperienced! He's probably going to fast and too deep! You're probably tight and you may not be lubricated properly! Have a chat with him and tell him to slow down! Maybe use ... (read in full...)

Why don't I want to have sex with either women or men?

Q.   I have no real desire to have sex with a woman or a man. The only thing that gets me aroused is my own stomach and some other young men's stomachs who are just the right amount overweight. I just masturbate to myself. No other part of a body, man ...

A.   10 July 2009: Some people are just asexual and have no desire, you're one of them. You may change your mind in the future but if you don't then you're not unusual, there are many other people like you. X... (read in full...)

My breasts are different sizes by about a cup, what can I do?

Q.   Ever since I was about 16, my breasts have been different sizes. Now that I'm 19, they're still different. I'd say it's a good cup size difference, so it's obvious when I'm naked. Luckily, you can't really tell when I have a shirt on, although my ...

A.   10 July 2009: I'm sure that you're boyfriend would understand if you have a chat with him about it, I know it could be embarrassing to talk about but once you have the discussion you'll feel great. My boobs are tiny and so I was embarrassed to take my top off, I ... (read in full...)

3 weeks of antibiotics and no improvement

Q.   Hi. I'm currently on antibiotics for acne treatment and i've heard that having been given too much antibiotics in your life may results to your body being resistant to them. So i was wonderin if is it possible for my current treatment to work for me ...

A.   8 July 2009: Go and see a doctor! ... (read in full...)

Estranged from my child, how do I make it hurt less?

Q.   I would like to address the painful side of Mothers Day! I know for a fact I am not the only one out there feeling sad this day! I am referring to Mothers who are astranged from their children. It hurts! We gave birth to these people! We did t...

A.   8 July 2009: That's amazing! I'm really glad for you and I hope everythig goes well. Xxx ... (read in full...)

The bleeding is bad...What is going on here?

Q.   he made it bleed bad about three month ago with his fingers. it bled bad. now today he he didnt barely go in with his fingers and blood came gushing out. whats the problem?...

A.   7 July 2009: You NEED to see a doctor asap! X... (read in full...)

I called her a random celebrity name while having sex!

Q.   I was making love with my fiance and by mistake I call her an random celebrity name. She got really upset, then angry she threw her engagement ring at me then she went her friend's. I called her friend (my fiance wouldn`t pick up) and ask her to ...

A.   6 July 2009: I don't blame her! I would have done far worse than just gone to my friends! She's an idiot if she goes back with you! And you're a total idiot for calling her someone elses name! How can you expect help from this site when you have done something ... (read in full...)

I called her a random celebrity name while having sex!

Q.   I was making love with my fiance and by mistake I call her an random celebrity name. She got really upset, then angry she threw her engagement ring at me then she went her friend's. I called her friend (my fiance wouldn`t pick up) and ask her to ...

A.   6 July 2009: I don't blame her! I would have done far worse than just gone to my friends! She's an idiot if she goes back with you! And you're a total idiot for calling her someone elses name! How can you expect help from this site when you have done something ... (read in full...)

He says I've cheated because "it doesn't fit right anymore"!

Q.   I have a sex question. Me and my boyfriend have been together 6 years, he is the only person I've ever slept with- about 6 months ago when he have sex my vagina started making a "farting" noise- used to it would only do this in doggie style. For ...

A.   5 July 2009: Someone who has cheated previously on another partner is automatically insecure about in in other relationships which they care about as they know how easy it is to do! They know the mind set of a cheater, however they don't know that not all ... (read in full...)

How can I get my boyfriend to miss me?

Q.   I love my boyfriend very much. He also loves me. Actually he is a rude guy but very cute. He is my life and everything. We started our relation in 2007. So its 2 years that we are with each other. At the beginning he used to call me and talk to me ...

A.   4 July 2009: I'm going through something similar, you both need time apart! Keep busy and distract yourself. I know its hard but try not to txt and phone him! Eventually he will come closer to you when you distabce yourself!x ... (read in full...)

Brother molested me

Q.   when i was 5 years old my parents went out for a couple of hours so my oldest brother who is 14 was baby sitting me and my 6 year old brother, we were all in my parents room watching tv and my oldest brother told my younger brother to go down stairs ...

A.   4 July 2009: Yes you can get him arrested, tell the police and you will make a statement and they'll take care of it! They could also arrange counselling for you and family members, you just have to ask about it! X... (read in full...)

He says I've cheated because "it doesn't fit right anymore"!

Q.   I have a sex question. Me and my boyfriend have been together 6 years, he is the only person I've ever slept with- about 6 months ago when he have sex my vagina started making a "farting" noise- used to it would only do this in doggie style. For ...

A.   4 July 2009: When havong sex doggy style air can get trapped in the vagina, its called queefing (I think) and this is probably what made you feel bigger to him, the vagina was just full of air. When he enters you and thrusts the air can be expelled and make this ... (read in full...)

If I am having all these feeling and doubts should I still go though with the wedding?

Q.   I have been with my girlfriend for seven years and we are to get married in 2 months. I started dating her 1 year after my ex-girlfriend. Me and the ex had a terrible break up of course cheating was involved. The relationship ended and for the most ...

A.   3 July 2009: Don't even think about calling the wedding off or post poning it! Your fiance will never forgive you and you'll lose the best thing in your life! Just try and stop thinking of your CHEATING LYING EX girlfriend!! She is an ex for a reason so get over ... (read in full...)

Why do I make this sound during sex?

Q.   My vagina has been making this queefing(fart) sound and im just wondering if this is caused because my vagina is loose? The sound is very embarassing and i hate it. My boyfriend said that my vagina is the tightest vagina that he has ever had and i ...

A.   3 July 2009: A vaginal fart is caused by trapped air so to make sure it doesn't happen you have to think about how your boyfriend enters you, if your pelvis is high in the air its likely to trap more air than if he enters you missionary style. X... (read in full...)

During sex all I do is think about the size

Q.   Hi! k i'll try keep this short. I was with my ex for six years and we split b34 xmas. I dated and slept with two of the guys, its was nice but they didn't last long! Anyway, i've met a guy recently, and he's different to anyone i've been out with, ...

A.   2 July 2009: Its normal for a woman to not orgasm all of the time. You need to talk with your boyfriend and explain that you're feeling a bit of pain and he needs to slow down! X... (read in full...)

Our parents are going out, now people are saying I'm dating my 'sister', what do I do?

Q.   Right here goes, I've been with my girlfriend for 6 months now and we introduced our parents about 2 months ago and they are both single... About a week ago they both told us that they are together!! I don;t know how to explain it but i...

A.   2 July 2009: Its fine, my boyfriends mum and step dad are technically step brother and sister as their parents are now married. There's no blodd relation so you're fine! Just try to ignore your friends! X... (read in full...)

Family drama....

Q.   My mother in-law wants to move in should i let her it not just her its her grandaughter to because my boyfriends brother is in the army and his mother is watching his child until next year when he comes home we already have 2 kids and 1 on the way ...

A.   2 July 2009: Don't let her move in, things would get too complicated and you should be enjoying time with your family(kids and partner) not her too. Sure, visits and stayovers are fine but she is a mother herself and in most households there is only room for one ... (read in full...)

I KNOW he's had oral with another guy! If I ask him and he denies it I'll be gutted.

Q.   My boyfriend borrowed my laptop, when I got it back I found he has been watching gay and Bi porn. He also left facebook chat open and there it was right in front of me.... a conversation with an old male friend which stated they had had oral sex in ...

A.   1 July 2009: Its his past and he's obviously embarrassed! Just leave the issue alone and build up more evidence against him! Did you print the convo out? X... (read in full...)

I feel guilty I lied to him but I'm probably never going to see him again...

Q.   I have a bit of a problem... last year me and my friend were 15 and we went on holiday to spain, in the resort the drinking age was 16. We met some lads who said they would take us out drinking. After they asked our age my friend said 16, so we just ...

A.   1 July 2009: You have started a lie so you may aswell just go along with it, its not a big deal. X... (read in full...)

Family drama....

Q.   My mother in-law wants to move in should i let her it not just her its her grandaughter to because my boyfriends brother is in the army and his mother is watching his child until next year when he comes home we already have 2 kids and 1 on the way ...

A.   1 July 2009: Then just have a chat with her or your partner and explain that its not what you want. Just explain that you already have kids and you don't want the pressure of another one too. What does your partner want? I doubt that when your mother in law is ... (read in full...)

Estranged from my child, how do I make it hurt less?

Q.   I would like to address the painful side of Mothers Day! I know for a fact I am not the only one out there feeling sad this day! I am referring to Mothers who are astranged from their children. It hurts! We gave birth to these people! We did t...

A.   10 May 2009: You can't! Its something that you can't really change, the change has got to be made on her part. Sorry. Xxx... (read in full...)

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