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Is 12 years too much?

Tagged as: Age differences, Dating, Family, Forbidden love<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (27 June 2010) 9 Answers - (Newest, 30 June 2010)
A age 36-40, anonymous writes:

Hey, I'm 22 and worrying about the age gap between my boyfriend and I. He's twelve years older than me and we've been friends since I was nineteen - I met him at 'work' if you can call it that (I play pro sport) - and we've been together for a year and a half and everything is quite literally perfect.

Except I haven't told my mum.

I was wondering if anyone thinks twelve years is too big an age gap and how I can explain it to my mum - don't have a dad so only half the effort is going to be needed :P - since I'm really quite worried!!

There's pretty much nothing that can be faulted about him - apart from his bathroom manners . . . - but he's ever so kind and very laid back, apart from when he's on court.

Any advice? Please!!

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A female reader, Dazed'n confused Lebanon +, writes (30 June 2010):

A long long time ago people got married with an age gap of 10 years + at many times, between a man and a woman 12 is more than ok. My boyfriend and I have a 14 year old gap and all those who know us think we're the perfect couple. Besides, women always tend to be more mature than men ;) lol so don't worry all that much about it and just enjoy the ride. Cheers

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A reader, anonymous, writes (27 June 2010):

I am also in a relationship with a big age gap. I think if it's right for you enjoy it. As for telling your mum, pick the right moment and talk to her. As for 12 years being too much, no, I don't think so.

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A female reader, .C. United Kingdom +, writes (27 June 2010):

No 12 years is perfectly fine!,,, if you are in love nothing should matter or come inbetween you two :)

I realy hope you two are happy together and shouldnt worrie what people think about you !... if your feelings are true nothing should bother you :)

i hope i helped


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A female reader, LilPixie United Kingdom +, writes (27 June 2010):

LilPixie agony auntPersonally I don't think there is anything wrong with your age gap.

It might take your mum some time to get used to the age gap, depending what she thinks about them. But I'm sure that she'll be fine with it if you give her some time.

There is 13 years between my mum and her boyfriend. Me and my boyfriend have a 3 and a half year age gap and people think that's a lot. (I'm 18 and he is 21).

If you're happy with your boyfriend, don't let what other people think or say bother you.

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A female reader, Sincerely Yours United States +, writes (27 June 2010):

Sincerely Yours agony auntYour age gap doesn't phase me a bit. I'm glad for you that you've found someone you like so much, so hopefuly your mum would be the same way. You will hurt her feelings more deeply the longer you go on not telling her, though.

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A female reader, Wise Woman of the Forest United Kingdom +, writes (27 June 2010):

Wise Woman of the Forest agony auntAs Ebony Blossom says, at your age you're old enough to make your own decisions and if you are happy with him, who's to say that he's not right for you. I'm sure your mother would be content to see you happy with a man and if not, so what? If you're truly happy, don't let it be an issue. (:

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A female reader, janniepeg Canada +, writes (27 June 2010):

janniepeg agony auntHave your boyfriend treat your mom to dinner. My boyfriend is also 12 years older than I am. He's also very kind and laid back. He saw my mom the first time when he took us out to have Vietnamese food. They liked each other right away. I don't know how open minded your mom is. Also my mom had me when she was 32. If your mom had you at 18, then of course your boyfriend would seem old. The most important thing is that you two are happy. You should be sharing your news with confidence and joy, not embarrassment and reservations. You would notice that the gap would feel less for the next 20 years.

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A male reader, carloslt Ireland +, writes (27 June 2010):

you should care about yourself, if you love him, you should be with him whatever your mother says or other people think..

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A female reader, EbonyBlossom United Kingdom +, writes (27 June 2010):

EbonyBlossom agony auntNot at your age. Maybe if you were 16 and he was 28, but you're an adult and have been for some time. There are plenty of couples with the same age gap. The only thing you have to remember is that you're gonna live longer than him, and there may be youthful things you want to do that he isn't into anymore so as long as he's ok with you doing them, then there's no problem =]

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