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How can I incorporate a heart shaped candle into gifts for my man?

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Question - (16 February 2013) 3 Answers - (Newest, 17 February 2013)
A female Spain age 30-35, anonymous writes:

My boyfriend´s birthday and our anniversary are coming up next week. Because of time and money issues, we decided to celebrate his birthday, our anniversary and also valentines the same day.

I´m here to ask for advice on the gifts, I have already bought him something I think he would like. But I would like to make something else for him, which brings me to this, I have a lovely heart-shaped candle I want to incorporate, but I´m not sure how to do that. I´m here to ask for ideas, what can I create that incorporates that candle?

Thank you very much for your help!! 3

View related questions: anniversary, money

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (17 February 2013):

Hi Abella!! Thank you!! Right now I'm reading the links you gave me, it's a lot, so i'll update about it when I'm finished reading.

But now I have a different question... I know he loves handmade gifts, letters, drawings, and even stuffed toys (well, in this case it cas a cat instead of a bear), and he has told me how he prefers something like that over a bought gift. And thats why I got the idea when I saw the candle.

Do you think the candle idea is too girly or too cheesy?? Should I stick to the original present I had??

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A female reader, Abella United States +, writes (16 February 2013):

Abella agony auntIf you feel he would really love and use a candle then perhaps personalize it with a photo of the two of you incorporated on to the candle? or a photo of a favorite place that the two of you have visited.

here are some ideas below on how to personalize a candle.

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A female reader, Abella United States +, writes (16 February 2013):

Abella agony auntGuys love things they need rather than things girls love that they think will demonstrate their loves.

A guy may say, Oooh a stuffed toy bear, aw thanks darling and inwardsly roll their eyes.

I think a heart shaped candle might make you feel good but is it something that he would really appreciate?

Incorporated into the various responses below are some wonderful examples of inexpensive presents that are given from the heart, but may be memorable enough for the guy to feel delighted to receive the item.

Here are some examples below:

Valentine’s Day.

- this question from SweetiePie received 205 answers. Very Impressive. And a lot of ideas within the article.

And this one was from Anonymous and received 57 answers

and another Anonymous one with 76 answers.

a Male anonymous poster wrote this question above.

and another male anonymous wrote this one for Creative ideas for presents – he received seven replies

Confuddled545 a teen male wrote the poem so I suspect he is a romantic man – he received 7 replies

while a girl AlaMich88 posed an interesting question and received nine answers

And an anonymous female poster asked for advice in January 2013 – so she was certainly planning in advance and was not leaving things until the last minute

I hope the above helps you identify something that will really resonate with your guy.

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