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Do We Have a Distorted Sense of What Love Really Is?

This question has 2 answers by readers of DearCupid.ORG.
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1 June 2011: So I just wanted to say something about some of the myths and sayings about love and relationships that we hear all the time. Things like: - you'll know it when you feel it - when it's right, it's easy - you have to kiss a lot of frogs to f...

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I feel I need revenge on him!

Q.   Hey guys i just got heart broken and im happy that im moving on but i still cant understand y he would leave me FOR HIS FEMALE FRIEND when i was there for him , I PUT UP WITH LOT HIS CRAP AND LIES ! SOMETIMES I FEEL K NEXT MIN IM HURT! I need ...

A.   27 August 2010: Revenge is definitely not a good idea for many of the reasons people have already said. It could lead to legal repercussions. And you want to look back at yourself and be able to say that you're proud of how you acted. He screwed up. You'll b... (read in full...)

How do you make up after a fight when you still think the other person is wrong?

Q.   I'm stuck in a horrible horrible place. I am on the verge of tears -- again, just having to right this out. I've been with my boyfriend for 8 months TODAY! Should be exciting.. but it's not, because we've been in a not so good place for a couple ...

A.   27 August 2010: I agree with OhGetReal that at least part of this is your age. He's immature and selfish? He's young. And lots of people are like that and it takes time to mature in dealing with relationships. It takes a fair amount of screwing up before you figure ... (read in full...)

Would you tell your current partner about your ex from another race?

Q.   Hi, Just wanted to throw this out there to you guys/gals. If one of yr ex's was from a different race/relgion/country/culture..and your current partner asked you about him/her...would you tell them?..Would you tell them if you were now marrie...

A.   27 August 2010: Definitely tell them if they ask. It's true that honesty hurts and they might not like the answer you give. They might get mad or upset. And it might not be pleasant for you to deal with that. But always honesty first. Because if they find out you ... (read in full...)

Am I an idiot?

Q.   All right, here goes... [before I begin, let me say...excuse my novel. ;]] I've actually been debating doing something like this for the last month or so. This isn't exactly something I want to discuss with the people around me who know both ...

A.   27 August 2010: Definitely don't think you're an idiot. And I think it probably will be hard. But at least he told you himself. I know people that have cheated and not told their partners. And that makes a big difference. Sure it's still a betrayal, but it could be ... (read in full...)

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