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My best friend's bf wants to date me! Does he mean it or not?

Tagged as: Cheating, Dating, Friends, Three is a crowd, Trust issues<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (14 July 2009) 5 Answers - (Newest, 15 July 2009)
A female Canada age 30-35, anonymous writes:

okay, so my bestfriend is going out with one of my close guy friends that i've known for about 3 years. I never thought I had feelings for him, but these past days we've been talking on the phone alot about everything, mostly our relationships and hook ups, and for some reason i'm starting to have feelings for him and I feel horrible because my bestfriend is crazy for him. I just told myself to get over it but then one night we were talking on the phone while he was at a party, drunk, and he kept asking me if i want to go out with him while I was talking about how I dont really like the guy i've been seeing these past days, and around the end he asked if i wanted to kiss him, and i anwsered 'no shut up' playfully. After he told he does and I just told him 'stop your with my best friend' but he just sighed and changed the subject.

He called me the next day and doesnt remember anything but still said he was sorry if he said stupid things. So did he mean it or not, Im extremly confused!

View related questions: best friend, drunk

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A reader, anonymous, writes (15 July 2009):

This is verified as being by the original poster of the question

it matters because I want to tell my best friend, but i don't want to tell her something false.

Also hes 16 , he was drinking illegally.

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A female reader, pinktopaz United States +, writes (15 July 2009):

The reason why your question wasn't answered is because we don't know if he meant it. We are not him. And we ALL basically answered with "who cares" because you shouldn't care if he meant it. If you want nothing to do with him, then what does it matter if he meant it or not?

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A reader, anonymous, writes (15 July 2009):

This is verified as being by the original poster of the question

Yea I know all that already, I still stand for what I said that im going to get over it cause I would never do that to her. Thing is that he has already cheated on his past gf and I just want to find out if he learned his leason or not, So basicly its all just part of everything i wanted to do, My best friend was going to find out anyway. But question is still not answered, did he mean it?

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A female reader, pinktopaz United States +, writes (15 July 2009):

Who cares if he meant it or not? He's dating your best friend and it would be jacked up if you did go out with him or kiss him. There are certain rules you need to follow with you friends, such as: don't hook up with your friend's guy and don't hook up with your friend's guy after they break up. I believe in karma, so if you and he do that to your friend, he'll do it to you too. Get over it.

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A female reader, Kissable.Lips Canada +, writes (15 July 2009):

Kissable.Lips agony auntI don't think its right to go after your best friends boyfriend, you'd be crossing a line there that might destroy your friendship or at the very least any trust she has in you. The question shouldn't be did he mean it? but rather what am I willing to put on the line for this guy?

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