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I like a coworker but she is taken and her boyfriend could be abusive. What's my next step?

Tagged as: Forbidden love, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (22 December 2013) 5 Answers - (Newest, 23 December 2013)
A male United Kingdom age 41-50, anonymous writes:

to cut a long story short, shes Polish came over here with her boyfriend 4 years ago

3 years ago she started at my work not long after she started we got on really well spending time together etc, it came to the point were we had to do something about it,

but she decided to try and relight the spark with her boyfriend, which was strange to me as a friend of mine saw her boyfriend hitting her and had her in a head lock after giving her a lift home from work

i had noticed marks on her arm and neck before when i asked her about the marks i got a different story about them to what see told my friend

it was hard for me as i had grown feelings for her, but i understood why she tried to make it work as they have the same friends over here etc

then she lost a lot of wieght, at this point we were not talking, i suppose she just cut me out to get on with her life, witch was very hard seeing her most days at work. as i could tell she does like me would allways catch her looking over etc

3 years later i have not really got over her i really did like her alot a female co worker asked me 'what the hell happend you two used to get on so well we used to call her youre shadow' so i told her the story. this co worker said am gona tell her you just got a girlfriend and see how she acts

next thing ya know shes walking past all the time trying to get my attention being loud with other people etc

just lately we have started talking again i have told her i still like her and allways have done,she didnt say alot but was in a really good mood after

i have broke up from work for christmas and have been thinking about her alot i know its wrong to chase somebody thats taken but i do really really like her just dont know what to do next for the best

thank you for taking the time to read this

View related questions: at work, broke up, christmas, co-worker, spark

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (23 December 2013):

ok so i may have wasted my time but why when we thinks i have girl friend would she act like this

i find it hard to move on from this

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A female reader, Aunty BimBim Australia +, writes (23 December 2013):

Aunty BimBim agony auntIts got nothing to do with nice guys finishing last, a saying which, in my opinion, is a crock anyway.

It has to do with the fact you have been sitting around for three years waiting for something that isn't going to happen. If she wanted to be with you she would move heaven and earth to be with you.

So, have you thought about how much time you will give it, another 6 months? Twelve months ..... another three years, how about five years, or ten?

While you are being drawn into her attention seeking looks and actions you are letting your life pass you by .....

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A female reader, Atsweet1 United States +, writes (22 December 2013):

Atsweet1 agony auntDont even get deep into it. The reason cause you don't want it to play out her with her significant other. Its just best you be a friend dont try to pry you way in or take her she has to be ready and leave him freely on her own accord.

The best I would suggest is dont expect a future with her she is with someone, committed and you in the mix its considered breaking up a happy home. I was in a situation like this all I could do was be a friend Im not into breaking up happy or sad homes. Its hard when you with someone unhappy then end up meeting someone that makes you happy its like a good magic trick that went bad. In time its likely you and the other person should likely be together but its not the right time apparently. Dont wait for her but be a friend nor not a relationship home wrecker.

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (22 December 2013):

i know, ive waited 3 years for her so looks like ill give it more time its so hard when you really like someone, even harder when you know they like you aswell, would like to be with her one day and treat her right, but nice guys seem to finish last am afraid

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A female reader, Ciar Canada +, writes (22 December 2013):

Ciar agony auntYou do nothing. Even if she were suddenly single tomorrow, she'd need time on her own to regroup before plunging into another relationship.

It's not your place to rescue her. She has to change her circumstances when she's ready.

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