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I don't know if I can believe him after I heard he'd made a bet that he could make me fall in love with him in 6 months!

Tagged as: Dating, Troubled relationships, Trust issues<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (7 March 2012) 4 Answers - (Newest, 7 March 2012)
A female India age 30-35, anonymous writes:

i became friends wih a guy on phone who was one of my friend's acquaintance. he told me that he's commited but i dont know how but i started liking him. he's flirty and often says i love you to me and i always took it as a friend. later he told me that he's having trouble in his relationship and wants to break up with his gf.after some time i realised that i really like him and confessed to him to which he said that he needed time and during the same phonecall told me that he had a bet with my friend that he'll make me fall in love with him in 6 months. this hurt me very much and i stopped taking his calls or rplying to his txts. my friend says that there was no such bet and she also told that he is very sorry for all that. but i'm still not able to bring myself to that situation again. he continues to txt me saying sorry but i dont reply. should i give him a chance?

View related questions: flirt, I love you

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A female reader, Ciar Canada +, writes (7 March 2012):

Ciar agony auntYou gave him a chance and look what he did with it. No need to give him another. Bet or no bet, he has a girlfriend, yet he's been flirty with you. That alone says a lot.

Write him off and forget about him. If he's that sorry, he'll treat his girlfriend and the next woman much better.

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A female reader, So_Very_Confused United States +, writes (7 March 2012):

So_Very_Confused agony auntI wouldn't give him a chance...

he's trying too hard

he has a gf and even if he DIDN'T make the bet, he's trying to make you not be able to resist him.

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A female reader, Honeypie United States +, writes (7 March 2012):

Honeypie agony auntNope. let this one go. He already has a GF. I think the bet may or may not be true, but it was his "excuse" to get YOU to dump him, because he doesn't have the good decency to do so himself.

Ignore his texts and calls. Move on and in the future, if a guy has a GF, back away. Or you will get hurt.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (7 March 2012):

I wouldn't give him another chance if I were you.

Keep in mind that he was flirting with you while he had a gf. If you date him, he'll probably flirt (and maybe cheat) with another girl.

Then he made a bet on you. Why would he be sorry for something he hadn't done or even mention it in the first place? Also you might want to have a think about your 'friend's' part in this.

He sounds like a player or at the very least someone who is way too immature for a serious relationship. So no, don't give him another chance.

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