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How can I get a girl? I need a girlfriend!

Tagged as: Friends, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (2 August 2007) 9 Answers - (Newest, 3 August 2007)
A male United Kingdom age 30-35, *annyp writes:

Hi, my name is Daniel, I am 16 and live with my parents in Aberdeen, Scotland. I have no success with girls and it's just not happening for me. I have never had a girl friend, always rejection. I need a girl to love because I feel its my duty get one. I don't mean to sound weird but I'm not very popular and even though girls are kool to me on msn I'm hopless in real please help me

View related questions: live with my parents, msn

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A reader, anonymous, writes (3 August 2007):

It is not a duty to get a woman, girls are not possesions. Your only 16, it's no big deal, I didn't have a proper boyfriend til I was 17 and I met him through a friend of a friend.

At some point, someone will come along. But til then you've got your entire life to live. Go out there and have fun, it'll happen in due time.

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A female reader, edsbabygirl United States +, writes (3 August 2007):

edsbabygirl agony auntYou see, I am not a beautiful, skinny girl. I am 5'6 130 lbs brown eyes brown hair and acne. I have a boyfriend everytime i lose one. Because I am confident that people will like me for who I am !

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A male reader, GreenTea United States +, writes (3 August 2007):

well let me tell you a little about yourself.

I'm blessed. My family has money. I'm good looking, girls find me "sexy", I have an IQ of 137, and have a great personality. Girls like me.

When a girl doesent like you...You need to look at it as "she is missing out."

Talk to me if you want!


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A female reader, hugs2muchgal United States +, writes (2 August 2007):

hugs2muchgal agony auntHi Daniel, you're only 16, so the fact that you haven't had a girlfriend yet isn't that big a deal. I'm 16 as well and most of my guy and girlfriends have never dated, some are happy about it, others aren't but that doesn't mean any of them are pathetic. They (and you) have just not met the right people.

Maybe the girls in your highschool are too immature for you or maybe you're the kind of guy who will blossom in a few years. If this is the case I am sure by the time you get to college, you'll find a girl who will not only gladly date you, but that you'll fancy as well.

Having a significant other isn't the end all be all of the world, though I admit it can be nice. Just try to be courteous to everyone, keep your hygiene good, and keep yourself immersed in activites and I'm sure a girlfriend will follow.

If you want to ask anymore questions I'll be happy to help you.

Best of Luck


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A female reader, aphexinfinite United Kingdom +, writes (2 August 2007):

aphexinfinite agony aunthey their daniel i live in the north east meet a girl you need to go out their and meet them go out with friends mix with them go to hobbies or clubs and if youre still at school isnt youre duty to be with a woman you feel the need to be shown affection from women and to be in a relationship..if you wanna talk more message me xx A

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A male reader, Andy00 United Kingdom +, writes (2 August 2007):

Andy00 agony auntYou sound just like I used to my friend. Trust me, things will happen for you soon enough, probably when you least suspect it. Take things as they come, and trust me when I say: Relationships are not something you should try to rush into.

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A male reader, Andy00 United Kingdom +, writes (2 August 2007):

Andy00 agony auntYou sound just like I used to my friend. Trust me, things will happen for you soon enough, probably when you least suspect it. Take things as they come, and trust me when I say: Relationships are not something you should try to rush into.

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A female reader, eyeswideopen United States +, writes (2 August 2007):

eyeswideopen agony auntRelax Daniel, your only DUTY is look after your self. If you want to meet girls you will need to go places where they are. When school starts up get active with the student activities, join a couple clubs. Do you have a church youth group, if so join it. You will make some great friends and have fun at the same time. Be friendly, polite, and easy going and the girls will notice you I promise. But you have to be out there and visible, not home brooding in your room. Enjoy your teenage years, they fly by so fast, too fast. Good luck, Buddy.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (2 August 2007):

give your self time (a watched pot wont boil ) remember that saying because it goes for you wont have one intill you stop looking so hard okay so just give it time and that in all only time will tell you and watcch who in deed starts to come in your life

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