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His female friend is really nasty to me since our breakup!

Tagged as: Breaking up, Friends, The ex-factor, Three is a crowd, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (9 April 2012) 3 Answers - (Newest, 9 April 2012)
A female United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:

My ex and I had a bad breakup and I know I hurt him. One of his buddies must have asked him about the breakup and he vented to her. Now she is going around trash talking me and has said some really mean things about me even to my face. I've tried to ignore her and brush it off but now there are rumors and some of the things and names she's called me Really hurt my feelings. What do I do? I'm even starting to feel anger towards my ex for talking and being friends with this girl.

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A female reader, Honeypie United States +, writes (9 April 2012):

Honeypie agony auntIt's pretty common for people to talk about a break up with friends and of course during a break up or right after emotions run high, so some times things get a little "elaborated". As in.. someone gets made out to be the bad guy.

Ignore her, there isn't much else you can do. Sooner or later there will be some new drama for her to join in.

She is just standing up for her friend.

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A female reader, So_Very_Confused United States +, writes (9 April 2012):

So_Very_Confused agony auntIgnore all of them. there is nothing you can do.

living well is the best revenge... although it upsets you you can't let them know... put yourself above all of it.

trash talking the ex is part and parcel of dating and breaking up...

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A reader, anonymous, writes (9 April 2012):

There's nothing you can do. This is a consequence of your bad break up and hurting him. All she's doing is trying to be a good friend to him. You just have to deal with it and ignore the rumours because your friends won't care. But just understand OP that when you hurt a person it has consequences, most people don't take that lying down.

You wouldn't be too happy if someone broke your friends heart would you? You'd feel compelled to do something to protect that friend too wouldn't you? Maybe not in the way she's doing it, and it's not right for her to do those things but she's trying to hurt you in the way that you hurt him and it's working. Just get over it OP, this is what friends of the people you hurt do, it may not be right but it's just what they do. I've torn to pieces many a man and woman who has hurt friends of mine.

You can feel as much anger as you want, he had to talk to someone about what happened and he's not in control of what she does with that info. Move on and let it go. Just remember when you hurt people it always comes back to bite you on the ass. Treat people well and with respect and this kind of thing doesn't happen because you give them nothing to work with.

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