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He says he likes me and wants to date me, but keeps getting back together with his ex instead!

Tagged as: Dating, The ex-factor, Three is a crowd, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (22 July 2008) 2 Answers - (Newest, 22 July 2008)
A female South Africa age 30-35, *hicky writes:

i like this guy but there have been problems and things that have come in the way, he was datin this girl for months then they broke up and he said i liked him as number 2 , then i was number 1 but after this he got back with his ex then they broke up again a few days later and he told people he was going to ask me out then a few days later he gets back with his ex again and right now they still together. he tells me he changed his mind because of a facebook status of mine saying - i dont know anymore. but this wasnt about him , now he knows that he still wants a chance with me eve though he not single. how do i deal?

View related questions: broke up, facebook, his ex

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A female reader, duskyrowe United Kingdom +, writes (22 July 2008):

duskyrowe agony auntDon't put up with it, kick his sorry ass to the kerb.

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A female reader, bemused Canada +, writes (22 July 2008):

bemused agony auntHi hun

You deal with it be matching his behaviour. This guy is not making you a priority right now so I see no reason why you should keep extending yourself to him. He could be playing you and using this girl as a leverage point or maybe there relationship is kind of rocky and he is trying to work things though and he likes the idea of you in the case things do not work out.

If I were you, I would pull back a bit and keep busy with your life and friends. Stop wondering what he is doing or not doing. He may break up with this girl to be with you but then could go back again.

It is summer...plenty of guys looking for girlfriends...maybe shift your interest elsewhere....

Good luck hun

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