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Why is he always nice, if he doesn't want to hang out with me?!

Tagged as: Dating, Friends, Teenage, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (9 April 2009) 1 Answers - (Newest, 9 April 2009)
A female Ireland age 30-35, *rincessSmithee writes:

This guy i like, who i speak to online like everyday (we text too). We speak for hours sometimes, and we obviously enjoy speaking to each other.

We've been to the cinema before and he came to my house party last week, we ended up kissing and he fingered me and we was cuddling all night and all morning. ( all pretty usual in England, we don't have that 1st base, 2nd base thing).

Basically im sick of him blowing hot and cold, sometimes hes all into me and being flirty, and the next he seems more friendly.

For example, i asked him if he wants to hang out last night online and he gave me a 'maybe next week' answer. then went all quiet on me, but 5 minutes before he was being all lovely and making me laugh.

and i don't even think its one of those things where hes got 7 girls on the go. Because hes dead nice and the amount he talks to me you wouldn't think he had time to talk to them too.

I just want him to hang out with me , but it feels like i have to beg, im not too pushy either but if i didnt ask i know he wouldnt. Why does he always speak to me and be so nice, if he doesnt want to hang out with me?!

i like him so much, i propa care about him :(

View related questions: first base, flirt, kissing, second base, text

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A female reader, Honeypie United States +, writes (9 April 2009):

Honeypie agony auntHave you tried to "play" hard to get for a little while? I normally don't encourage "games", but in my experience men likes the chase.

Also he might not have 7 other girls, but maybe a girlfriend?

I'd honestly back of and see what he does.

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