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To call/write or not to call/write

Tagged as: Dating, Friends, Long distance<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (11 April 2009) 3 Answers - (Newest, 11 April 2009)
A female Italy age 41-50, *ariaVittora writes:


I feel to old to be asking a question like this, but here goes...

On Wednesday evening I was at an exhibition opening in my home city (in Italy), I have recently broken up with my boyfriend and this particular evening I was finally feeling relaxed and good about myself again and this evidently shone through because a very interesting and attractive young man began talking to me and continued to do so for the whole evening.

It was not his exhibition but is one of the artists represented by this gallery and we talked a lot about art and the priorities of young people who enter into this field today (I am a university professor in this same field), and we got on really well and it was a really stimulating conversation.

Many friends of mine were at the opening and at the end many of us went to the house of a mutual friend who lives near the gallery to eat, I invited him to come along but he couldn't as he already had an arrangement with his parents (he is currently living in another city, so he was staying with his parents while in town). He was most anxious to give me one of his catalogues and to exchange emails and phone numbers and said "we'll see each other soon".

Yesterday morning I sent him a text message just to make contact, tell him that I had looked at his catalogue and that I thought his work was interesting and he has still not replied. I don't wish to sound paranoid or obsessive but I don't know if he even received my message - sometimes they do go astray.

I am not in the market for a new boyfriend just this week, but he was a really fascinating guy and I would like to get to know him better.

Should I send an email or a follow-up text to see if he got my message? I should I just wait elegantly?

Any advice would be gratefully received!

Thanks -

View related questions: his ex, text, university

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A female reader, MariaVittora Italy +, writes (11 April 2009):

MariaVittora is verified as being by the original poster of the question

Thanks for your thoughts - two very different points of view, but both valid in their own ways.

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A female reader, sarcy24 United Kingdom +, writes (11 April 2009):

sarcy24 agony auntPersonally I would leave it for a few days. This man will find a way of contacting you if he is interested. True texts often are not received and phones go flat but I would still not contact him. I am a great believer in the old fashioned view of the man chasing the woman and I know you just want him as a friend and nothing more but I would still leave it.

I have been in similar situations and invariably if the man is really interested he will track you down. If the worse comes to the worse I'd leave it a month which sort of shows you are not too keen then e-mail to say that you found his catalogue again and was going through it and how great his work was etc etc and you thought you would contact him to let him know, which demonstrates an interest but no desperation on your behalf.

I have also been the opposite way round when I have texted or e-mailed the man and neither times they responded or did so with little interest so that sort of put me off going down that route again.

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A male reader, ArmyMedic United Kingdom +, writes (11 April 2009):

ArmyMedic agony auntI think you should back the text message up with an e-mail, if he still fails to reply, well then I think it would be best to leave it at that.

The fact that he has given you his catalogue, e-mail address and phone number does suggest to me that he wants to talk to you again.

Remember that phones do get lost and their batteries die, so sending an e-mail doesn't seem to pushy at all.

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