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Since my last question, things have gotten worse! Please help me!

Tagged as: Breaking up, Dating, Family, Health, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (24 September 2007) 2 Answers - (Newest, 24 September 2007)
A male United Kingdom age 30-35, anonymous writes:

The situation has just got a whole lot worse!! Hi some of you may rememeber me i wrote this question about 2 days ago, heres the link:

anyway read that for more info, basically her cousin died and i wanted to know what i could do to help(the stuff was mentioned in there) I also mentioned in there that she was the love of my life which was true its just one of us in the group said to me when we were on our own "do you know when you are gonna tell her?"in other words when am i gonna tell her i love her now all this has happened. I said "well i can't exactly do it now can i" Well guess what she heard! And now wants to know what i was gonna tell her(which was how i felt) I told her that it can wait until shes feeling better but shes so paranoid now tht its something bad even though i've said it isn't. One reason she thinks this is cuz i won't tell her now so she thinks i'm waiting till shes got through the grieving so i can tell her "the thing"(which she now thinks is something bad-e.g:shes gonna loose me) and shes not it just seems to be going through her head. Both our other 2 mates in the group know how she feels about me infact because when i wa away visiting a relative in the holidays she was upset because she missed me and as much as she want to be with me she daren't tell me, one of them told me she'd said this and we have always been so close infact ud think we were a couple. I don't wanna lie to her but although i know she feels the same way as i do to her i don't want to give her naything else to deal with. I love her with all my heart but i owe her that much to be straight with her. I'm not afraid she'll say no because if she doesn't i'll respect that but shes 10 times as worse now thinking the worst and i want to put her mind at rest and tell her, at least if she knows she may feel she can talk to me more and fell like she can come to me when she needs me alot more. Right? Please take the time to read my other post but put answers on here please because i really really need your help, for her sake more than mine.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (24 September 2007):

Hi there,

This one to me is easy for you to solve, if it is what you are comfortable doing!

She is vulnerable at the moment with her emotions, if she thinks you had something you do not want to share with her she will of course feel it is something bad. Originally I thought you were a couple, but it sounds like your not but very close?

If you know she is keen on you, and you say she is the love of your life. then that is awesome and a good thing for her to know, particularly now. Tell her word for word what you have shared with us and you may find all your concerns vanish!

Tell her how you feel but you were scared to let her know this, at this time in her life, cause you don't want to put any pressure on her. This may well be what she has been wanting to hear but if not at least she still knows you are there for her in this tough time.

Something special happens to a girl/woman when someone she cares about tells them they love them to bits! But it has to be real! What does your heart want to say to her?

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A male reader, Tommy7 United States +, writes (24 September 2007):

Tell her the truth and why you were waiting.

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