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Shall I go back or get on with my life?

Tagged as: Breaking up, Family, Marriage problems, Three is a crowd, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (29 March 2008) 2 Answers - (Newest, 29 March 2008)
A female United Kingdom age 51-59, anonymous writes:


I left my husband 2 years ago and moved into rented accomodation were i still live.

He spent a lot of his spare time in the pub. My weekend became very predictable. I have three children who all live with me.

He still lives in the matrimonal home, which is currently being sold.

He met a new partner just 4 months after i left, who soon moved in with him. He has broke with her several times and came crying to me.

During this time I have started dating a man who is very loving, kind and good with the kids they all like him.

In January my husband's girlfriend left him for another man and he came crying to me, he wanted me back and told me how much he still loved me, that he wouldn't drink so much etc, etc, I believed him and considered going back, but not give any promises, maybe go out together now and again see how things went

Last weekend my husband took his ex girlfriend out for a drink, and i have been told that they were all over each other. Leaving nothing to the imagination

However, i still think about my ex!!! I hate it when the children spend time with him i wish i was there,

I have messed my new guy about through all this time which is unfair, i am not sure yet if i am right going out with him.

Help i don't know what to do

View related questions: ex girlfriend, his ex, moved in, my ex

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A female reader, hlskitten United Kingdom +, writes (29 March 2008):

hlskitten agony auntHi

I dont think its fair on the new guy no. Also its not fair on you. Your ex doesn't sound like he knows what he wants and i bet you will find he will be back n forth between the 2 of you from now on.

I wouldn't wanna be with someone that frequents the pub all the time, i have been, and ended it. Needing to drink everynight? No thanks.

Its a shame because your new guy sounds great.

Your ex sounds like a high risk gamble.

I wouldn't be prepared to take it personally. But its easy for me to say i know!

C xxxx

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A female reader, Laura1318 Malaysia +, writes (29 March 2008):

Laura1318 agony auntI think you need to stay single for a period of time until you are clear of what you want out of life.

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