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My work environment is now so unhappy. No one is talking to me at work. What have others experienced in the same situation please?

Tagged as: Friends, Troubled relationships, Trust issues<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (26 January 2011) 4 Answers - (Newest, 28 January 2011)
A female United States age 51-59, *hiShisAdvice writes:

I put in my two weeks notice at work.

Now no one is speaking to me!

Can any one tell me about their last two weeks at work? Any other "what did you do the last 2 weeks of working at a former job"? I am having a tough time please advise...

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A female reader, ShiShisAdvice United States +, writes (28 January 2011):

ShiShisAdvice is verified as being by the original poster of the question

ShiShisAdvice agony auntAnonymous Jan 27th THANK YOU! Your words I will clip to my desk when they start to say hurtful things. I cannot have children, so NOW they are talking "baby talk" which is fine, but they are really pouring it on, and talking about their ability to have more (I am just past child bearing and they are aware of my struggle to conceive). My big bosses did not even acknowledge my resignation letter, and you better believe they loaded me up with work. I AM completing all of my tasks because that is just how I was raised. I hate that my immediate supervisor must have put a buzz in their ear in a negative light. Toxic environment for sure. Just one more week left.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (27 January 2011):

Hi there,

Sorry to hear you're going through this. I assume you're leaving the job because it's no longer a positive and healthy environment? If so - good for you!!

I've worked in so many jobs. I don't believe in staying in a company where others feel they have the right to deflate your self esteem and treat you like crap. I refuse to stay in a toxic environment like that and therefore, because I've always worked in office work.. I've had about 10 jobs in 10 years.

Sometimes I've worked out my notice and grinned and bared the no-talking phase (which inevitably happens because you piss them off by leaving because others have to pick up the workload), or I've just walked out at the end of the way if it's been REALLY bad.

My advice is, please don't take it to heart. It's not a reflection of you as a worker. Unfortunately there's just lots of crazy people out there with deep insecurities who vent their negative feelings onto others to survive.

All the best of luck.

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A female reader, birdynumnums Canada +, writes (27 January 2011):

birdynumnums agony auntWell, Firstly, I'm sorry that your co-workers are reacting this way.

It's up to YOU to rise above this behavior and set an example. YOU were the person who handed in her notice, so you know that the next two weeks are the only two weeks that you have to tolerate this petty behavior from them - RISE ABOVE IT. Leave with your head up and don't burn bridges. Be a class act.

Good Luck!

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A male reader, dirtball United States +, writes (26 January 2011):

dirtball agony auntI made sure I collected all of my things as well as a few *cough* souvenirs. Then spent the rest of the time doing the bare minimum to get by. I wanted to leave on a good note, but once that notice went in, I pretty much checked out.

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