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My wife wants a boob job... why does she think I don't find her attractive

Tagged as: Marriage problems<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (10 November 2008) 10 Answers - (Newest, 12 November 2008)
A age 41-50, anonymous writes:

My wife wants a boob job because she doesn't think I don't find her attractive not sure where she got that idea. I told she doesn't need one and being a drama queen. I admit do look at other women and I do flirt with other women at work (she caught me a few times). Why does she think I don't find her attractive?

View related questions: at work, flirt

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A female reader, shna Ireland +, writes (12 November 2008):

shna agony auntit could also be that your wife just has low confidence and self esteem levels she might have add problems with the way she felt about her brests a long time ago and you havent exactly helped the situation by flirting with colluges etc this probably jusy made your wife more insecure just let her know you love her and that you know she is perfect the way she is cause every woman is thats all the advice i can really give you

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A female reader, helpjayne United Kingdom +, writes (12 November 2008):

helpjayne agony auntIt's pretty obvious she looks at them and thinks she's not good enough. Maybe her boob job is to grab your attention which is quite sad really, pay more attention to your wife and make her feel sexy and appreciated as a woman.

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A female reader, SirenaBlusera Mexico +, writes (12 November 2008):

SirenaBlusera agony auntDo you tell her that you find her attractive?

Hmm I'm not trying to be mean, but imagine how she's feeling. If YOU caught her flirting with male co-workers, how would YOU feel?

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A female reader, pepper27 United Kingdom +, writes (11 November 2008):

pepper27 agony auntHi Hunny

She probably sees you looking at all these women and maybe the majority of them appear to have bigger breasts so she may think its what you prefer...She may just need a confidence boost..You could give her this by talking her out and treating her to a special weekend and showing her you love the way she looks...Why do you think all these models and actresses have boob jobs ( not all b4 I get hate mail) Its today's society, Women know it can make them feel more confident and other men will look, It gives women a boost these days...My 34 bs are staying that way, At least men have no option but to look at my face :) TAKE CARE HUNNY LOVE MANDY XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

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A female reader, Shona--x United Kingdom +, writes (11 November 2008):

To be honest, It's probably nothing to do with what you think it's about. If she has a small chest then she probably doesn't feel comfortable with her body.

You should talk to her and make sure she knows you think she's beautiful! If she still wants it she probably just wants a good confident booster!

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A female reader, Fiona xxx United Kingdom +, writes (10 November 2008):

Fiona xxx agony auntDoes she have low self-confidence? I am often of the view that cosmetic surgery has its places but it's often for those who don't have real health worries to focus on. There are many people not fit to work, or have to go in for operations... I would say breast implants are warranted if she's really flat chested, and I can see how she would feel self-conscious about that. Otherwise it would to feel more sexy. As others say more sexy for who??


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A female reader, eyeswideopen United States +, writes (10 November 2008):

eyeswideopen agony auntMaybe she wants this done so she will get more attention from OTHER men.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (10 November 2008):

Mainly because you look at other woman, and also she may not be happy with her own appearance and may compare herself to other women.

Maybe try cut down on flirting with other women and flirt with her more, let her know you love her.

I hope this small amount of advise is enough!

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (10 November 2008):

Because you flirt with other women and look at other women... duh. Try being a bit more faithful and attentive. Flirting isn't innocent you know.

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A male reader, Danielepew Mexico +, writes (10 November 2008):

Danielepew agony auntWell, because you look at other boobs and flirt with other women :-).

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