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I'm 15 and when I orgasm a lot of semen (too much) comes out.This never used to happen before. What's going on?

Tagged as: Big Questions, Sex, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (17 January 2007) 13 Answers - (Newest, 6 January 2008)
A male , *gga writes:

hey, well me and my girlfriend have been together for 7 months (im 15 shes 14). We lost our virginities to each other a couple of weeks ago. The problem was that i came really quickly, i had this problem at the beginning of the relationship when she masturbated me and then again when she gave me oral sex, how ever, although i came quickly when doing oral, i thought i had gotten over the problem.

So deciding i should do something about the problem i began doing Kegel Exercises during the day (at school and whatever ) to help me take longer to come because neither of us are enjoying sex. (She doesnt know i've been doing this by the way). However now when she is masturbating me and i get pre-cum there is alot more of it and also there seems to be alot more proper cum in it because there is a greater volume, its whiter than normal pre-cum 9only very slightly) and is stickier.

Why is this? Because i lost my virginity (that would seem like a stupid explanation ) or because i've been doing these exercises "tensing" (so to speak) that area? And how can i get back to having just small amounts of normal pre-cum? because it bothers me when it happens and kills my want to do anything and i don't think she really likes it either.

View related questions: lost my virginity, oral sex, orgasm, semen

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (6 January 2008):

You are both too young! Wait, Wait, Wait! You can't even drive and you are having sex? seriously, I have 3 sons and we talk openly about sex and this is not the time for you. Stop before you wind up with a baby on the way. You will be thankful you stopped.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (29 September 2007):

welp. firstly it is illegal in the states for anyone under 16 to have sex. consent or not. (most states), but anywhoo.

hmmm, I dunno, I don't see what the problem is, just more cum to slatter on her toosh! lol but be sure to use some sort of bc method buddy!

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A reader, anonymous, writes (19 January 2007):

May I say Pon, that is just simply fantastic... [raises eyebrow] 8)

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A male reader, Ponungalungb United States +, writes (19 January 2007):

Ponungalungb agony auntI read about a guy whose wife used his penis as a pacifier and sucked on it all the time. She even went to bed at night with it in her mouth. It got to the point where the guy was oozing cum all of the time. The doctor told him to keep his wife away from it, until it had a chance to get back to normal. . . which took a few months.

You might just need to give it some rest.

Good luck!

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A female reader, appygal81 United States +, writes (19 January 2007):

appygal81 agony aunthmmm well my Bf has a lot of precum, the more i play with it the more oozes out (it is however not white). He has more somedays than varies. i find it to be beneficial, not a mood killer, its a natural lubricant, and it makes things easier. my advice would be to go to a clinic and talk to a specialist. i am not sure how many reproductive specialists you will find on here.

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A male reader, ogga +, writes (18 January 2007):

ogga is verified as being by the original poster of the question

okay my problems seeems to have been misunderstood lol. The problem is with my pre-cum it has more cum in it. which isnt very good seeing as precum just happens so i dont even know its happening. We use condoms and there is a clinic near by incase for emergency contraception. but my precum has increased in volume not the amount of cum i get when i orgasm just the pre-cum and its kind of a mood killer lol

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A male reader, Ponungalungb United States +, writes (18 January 2007):

Ponungalungb agony auntAu contraire, Appygal, that's the reason it IS ILLEGAL in the U.S. They are both UNDER the legal age of consent in every state in the U.S. It is 16 in some, 17 and 18 in others.

But they may live in Timbuktu, and they may not have age of consent laws there. LOL.

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A female reader, appygal81 United States +, writes (18 January 2007):

appygal81 agony auntFirst and foremost, what you are doing IS NOT ILLEGAL, yes you may be under age, but you are both under the age of 18. Now for the semen part of your question, yes it is normal for a younger person to produce more semen. as for it lasting a very short time, sometimes masturbation on your part, (maybe even daily) can increase your sexual stamina. cordelia had good advice as well. take your time with your GF, take your time with sex, lots of foreplay and really enjoy the intimate moment with her....dont rush it, make her feel you want her for her, not just for the sex, if things seem to be rushed, she may get that feeling. seeming since she is so young, you dont want to turn her away from sex. it may take both of you to get through this predicament, but as long as you are both willing, it should come out alright in the end.

the old saying goes....*sex can wait, masturbate*


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A female reader, melschatbox United States +, writes (18 January 2007):

melschatbox agony auntOkay..way tooo young to lose your virginity..(but, I'm not here to judge) Young males often ejaculate quickly and sometimes in copious amounts. The reason she is not enjoying it is b/c it takes practice to make it any good and she's 14! There is a lot of stigmas related to sex and enjoying it as a young female. DO NOT GET her pregant. Be smart..and USE a condom EVERY SINGLE time!

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A male reader, maxsteel86 United Kingdom +, writes (18 January 2007):

maxsteel86 agony auntDont worry about it. There really isn't a set amount of semen thats 'normal'. So long as its not as much as pee!!:-P Since you're producing a lot of semen though (and sperm I assume) be more careful and definitely use protection.

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A male reader, Ponungalungb United States +, writes (18 January 2007):

Ponungalungb agony auntYou should be worried less about how much cum you're producing and more worried about what kind of birth control you are using, unless you plan on being a 15 year old father, with a 14 year old mother for a girlfriend.

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (17 January 2007):

i have to say i was never aware theres such a thing as ''too much cum''. feel blessed your a fertile guy, while your young it happens. when you get older itll thin out so i wouldnt worry to much lol

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A female reader, Cordelia +, writes (17 January 2007):

Cordelia agony auntHey there believe it or not, that may not be the reason she isnt enjoying much. Shes too young to experience this kinda thing, and before you think im moaning im not coz i lost my virginity at 15 also, i think it may just be that your tense and uptight trying to make her enjoy it more. Taje it slowly, and do a lot of foreplay first (touching andd stroking) nothign to eager, i find if we go slower its better, also when you do you'll feel alot better and theres probably nothing abnormal about your semen!! hope ive helped in someway if you need any more advie just email me, ill be glad to help



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