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I love my girlfriend, but fancy her sister, what should I do about it ?

Tagged as: Cheating, Dating, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (15 June 2006) 7 Answers - (Newest, 28 September 2006)
A male , anonymous writes:

I fancy my girlfriend's sister but i still love my girlfriend what should i do about my feelings?

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (28 September 2006):

go for it only live once.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (15 June 2006):

I don't think you truly love your girlfriend. I think you're confusing your feelings of obligated attachment with that of love. Many people fall into those sort of emotions - just because you're together with someone intimately, doesn't necessarily mean you love that person.

Ultimately, you choose what you want, even if it hurts someone.

For those who may get riled up about what I just said, please note that this kid doesn't seem like his mentality and persona is solid enough to realize what love really is. Better to break hearts now and filter out the wants and nots than to find that out later in life.

In other words, it's called "Trial & Error" - aka "dating".

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A female reader, bonym United Kingdom +, writes (15 June 2006):

bonym agony auntIf you truly love your girlfriend then dont allow lust to take up any room in this relationship. You may fancy this girl my friend but is it worth risking a relationship for the sake of lust? NO. xXx

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A female reader, chirpychicken United Kingdom +, writes (15 June 2006):

chirpychicken agony auntStop right will only hurt your girlfriend and probably split up their family as well.

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A female reader, xxxsoulsistaxxx United Kingdom +, writes (15 June 2006):

xxxsoulsistaxxx agony auntAbsolutely nothing which involves her sister!!! I know you feel like going off with the sister is the right thing to do and it may feel like it is but trust me, it will only cause pain and upset for everyone involved.

Mates and relatives of the one you're with are an absolute no-no, even when you've split with your partner. It's the unwritten rule!! Imagine if your girlfriend left you for your mate or brother? How would you feel? Trust me, no one will come out on top here.

Not only will problems be caused for you, the sisters might start arguing too and you don't want to be in the middle of something like that! If you don't want to be with your girlfriend anymore, finish it, but do not under any circumstances go near her sister, now or ever.

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A male reader, Dazzerg United Kingdom +, writes (15 June 2006):

Dazzerg agony auntI think you need to realise that your feelings for your gfs sister seem to be purely lust and that what you have with your gf isnt worth throwing away for that. Just imagine the pain you could cause your gf if you did anything at all.

Rather than forget them totally though try and refocus them. Plan a special night for you and your gf, spoil her rotten; demonstrate how much you feel, make it fun and rekindle the love you two share. Hope that helps.

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A male reader, Dr T Ireland +, writes (15 June 2006):

Get a grip...if 'fancy' her but you 'love' your girlfriend. Do you know what a devastativing blow it would be to the woman you love if something were to happy between her partner and her sister? My advice: forget about it.

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